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Commit 1081406e authored by Auke Klazema's avatar Auke Klazema
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SW-598: Add username, password, port options to

parent 62f4acde
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#!/usr/bin/env python
#coding: iso-8859-15
#import sys,pgdb
# coding: iso-8859-15
import sys
from copy import deepcopy
from math import *
#from numpy import *
from numarray import *
from math import pi, radians, cos, sin, sqrt
from numpy import array
import pgdb
import getpass
from optparse import OptionParser
INTRO = """
Conversion between ETRS89 and ITRS2000 coordinates based on
Memo : Specifications for reference frame fixing in the analysis of a
EUREF GPS campaign
......@@ -19,15 +20,17 @@ Conversion between ETRS89 and ITRS2000 coordinates based on
In this utility I use the translational coefficients obtained by method "A" in
section 4 and the rotational coefficients in section 5, both for the 2000 (00)
reference frame.
def print_help():
print "Usage: calc_coordinates <stationname> <objecttype> date"
print " <objecttype>: LBA|HBA|marker"
print " <date> : yyyy.yy e.g. 2008.75 for Oct 1st 2008"
def subtract(a,b):
return [x-y for x,y in zip(a,b)]
def subtract(a, b):
return [x-y for x, y in zip(a, b)]
def rad_from_mas(mas):
......@@ -38,69 +41,69 @@ def rad_from_mas(mas):
return pi*mas/3.6e+6/180.0
def solve(M,y):
def solve(m, y):
solve Mx=y. The algorithm is Gauss-Jordan elimination
without pivoting, which is allowed in this case as M is
dominated by the diagonal.
dominated by the diagonal.
dim = len(y)
A = deepcopy(M)
sol = deepcopy(y)
if (len(A) != len(A[0])) or len(A[0]) != len(y):
dim = len(y)
a = deepcopy(m)
sol = deepcopy(y)
if (len(a) != len(a[0])) or len(a[0]) != len(y):
raise 'Incompatible dimensions'
for row in range(dim):
scale = 1/float(A[row][row])
A[row] = [x*scale for x in A[row]]
sol[row] = scale*float(sol[row])
scale = 1/float(a[row][row])
a[row] = [x*scale for x in a[row]]
sol[row] = scale*float(sol[row])
for ix in range(dim):
if ix != row:
factor = float(A[ix][row])
A[ix] = subtract( A[ix], [factor*float(x) for x in A[row]])
A[ix][row] = 0.0
sol[ix] -= factor*float(sol[row])
factor = float(a[ix][row])
a[ix] = subtract(a[ix], [factor*float(x) for x in a[row]])
a[ix][row] = 0.0
sol[ix] -= factor*float(sol[row])
return sol
def convert(XEtrs, date_years):
def convert(xetrs, date_years):
Solve equation:
/X\Etrs /T0\ = [[ 1 , -R2*dt, R1*dt] /X\Itrs2000
|Y| - |T1| [ R2*dt , 1 , -R0*dt] |Y|
\Z/ \T2/ [ -R1*dt , R0*dt , 1]] \Z/
T00 = [0.054, 0.051, -0.048] # meters
Rdot00 = [rad_from_mas(mas) for mas in [0.081, 0.490, -0.792]] # mas
dt = date_years-1989.0
Matrix = [[ 1 , -Rdot00[2]*dt, Rdot00[1]*dt],
[ Rdot00[2]*dt, 1 , -Rdot00[0]*dt],
[-Rdot00[1]*dt, Rdot00[0]*dt , 1]]
XShifted = subtract(XEtrs,T00)
return solve(Matrix, XShifted)
t00 = [0.054, 0.051, -0.048] # meters
rdot00 = [rad_from_mas(mas) for mas in [0.081, 0.490, -0.792]] # mas
dt = date_years-1989.0
matrix = [[1, -rdot00[2]*dt, rdot00[1]*dt],
[rdot00[2]*dt, 1, -rdot00[0]*dt],
[-rdot00[1]*dt, rdot00[0]*dt, 1]]
xshifted = subtract(xetrs, t00)
return solve(matrix, xshifted)
def latlonhgt2XYZ(lat, lon, height):
def latlonhgt2xyz(lat, lon, height):
Convert the latitude,longitude,height arguments to a X,Y,Z triple
The arguments must be in degrees and meters.
# wgs84 ellips constants
wgs84a = 6378137.0
wgs84a = 6378137.0
wgs84df = 298.25722356
wgs84b = (1.0-(1.0/wgs84df))*wgs84a
e2 = 1.0-((wgs84b*wgs84b)/(wgs84a*wgs84a))
wgs84b = (1.0-(1.0/wgs84df))*wgs84a
e2 = 1.0 - ((wgs84b*wgs84b)/(wgs84a*wgs84a))
latrad = radians(lat)
lonrad = radians(lon)
N = wgs84a / sqrt(1.0-(e2 * pow(sin(latrad),2)))
X = (N+height) * cos(latrad) * cos(lonrad)
Y = (N+height) * cos(latrad) * sin(lonrad)
Z = (N*(1-e2) + height) * sin(latrad)
n = wgs84a / sqrt(1.0-(e2 * pow(sin(latrad), 2)))
x = (n+height) * cos(latrad) * cos(lonrad)
y = (n+height) * cos(latrad) * sin(lonrad)
z = (n*(1-e2) + height) * sin(latrad)
return ( X, Y, Z )
return (x, y, z)
def I89toI2005(XEtrs89, date_years):
def i89toi2005(xetrs89, date_years):
Convert the given Etrs89 coordinates to I2005 coordinates for the given date
......@@ -112,61 +115,102 @@ def I89toI2005(XEtrs89, date_years):
# ITRF89 2.97 4.75 -7.39 5.85 0.00 0.00 -0.18 1988.0 6
# (rates 0.00 -0.06 -0.14 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02)
T2005to2000 = array([ 0.1, -0.8 , -5.8 ]) # ITRS2005 to ITRS2000
T2000to1989 = array([ 2.97, 4.75, -7.39 ]) # ITRS2000 to ITRS89 = ETRS89
Tdot2005 = array([ -0.2, 0.1, -1.8 ]) # shift per year for I2005
S2005to2000 = 0.4
S2000to1989 = 5.85
Sdot2005 = 0.08
R2005to2000 = array([ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ])
R2000to1989 = array([ 0.0, 0.0, -0.18 ])
Rdot2005 = array([ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ])
Tfixed = T2005to2000 + T2000to1989
Rfixed = R2005to2000 + R2000to1989
Sfixed = S2005to2000 + S2000to1989
Ttot = (Tfixed + (Tdot2005 * (date_years - 2005.0))) / 100.0 # meters
Rtot = rad_from_mas(Rfixed + (Rdot2005 * (date_years - 2005.0))) # rad
Stot = (Sfixed + (Sdot2005 * (date_years - 2005.0))) / 1.0e9
print "Ttot:", Ttot
print "Rtot:", Rtot
print "Stot:", Stot
Matrix = array([[ 1, Rtot[2], -Rtot[1]],
[ -Rtot[2], 1, Rtot[0]],
[ Rtot[1], -Rtot[0], 1]])
Xnow = Ttot + (1 + Stot) * Matrix * XEtrs89
return (Xnow[0][0], Xnow[1][1], Xnow[2][2])
t2005to2000 = array([0.1, -0.8, -5.8]) # ITRS2005 to ITRS2000
t2000to1989 = array([2.97, 4.75, -7.39]) # ITRS2000 to ITRS89 = ETRS89
tdot2005 = array([-0.2, 0.1, -1.8]) # shift per year for I2005
s2005to2000 = 0.4
s2000to1989 = 5.85
sdot2005 = 0.08
r2005to2000 = array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
r2000to1989 = array([0.0, 0.0, -0.18])
rdot2005 = array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
tfixed = t2005to2000 + t2000to1989
rfixed = r2005to2000 + r2000to1989
sfixed = s2005to2000 + s2000to1989
ttot = (tfixed + (tdot2005 * (date_years - 2005.0))) / 100.0 # meters
rtot = rad_from_mas(rfixed + (rdot2005 * (date_years - 2005.0))) # rad
stot = (sfixed + (sdot2005 * (date_years - 2005.0))) / 1.0e9
print "Ttot:", ttot
print "Rtot:", rtot
print "Stot:", stot
matrix = array([[1, rtot[2], -rtot[1]],
[-rtot[2], 1, rtot[0]],
[rtot[1], -rtot[0], 1]])
xnow = ttot + (1 + stot) * matrix * xetrs89
return (xnow[0][0], xnow[1][1], xnow[2][2])
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
parser = OptionParser("""Usage: %prog <stationname> <objecttype> date
<objecttype>: LBA|HBA|marker
<date> : yyyy.yy e.g. 2008.75 for Oct 1st 2008""")
parser.add_option("-D", "--database",
help="Name of StationCoordinates database to use")
parser.add_option("-H", "--host",
help="Hostname of StationCoordinates database")
parser.add_option("-P", "--port",
help="Port of StationCoordinates database")
parser.add_option("-U", "--user",
help="Username of StationCoordinates database")
(X, Y, Z) = latlonhgt2XYZ(52.9129392, 6.8690294, 54.1)
# parse arguments
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
dbName = options.dbName
dbHost = options.dbHost
dbPort = options.dbPort
dbUser = options.dbUser
dbPassword = getpass.getpass()
host = "{}:{}".format(dbHost, dbPort)
if len(args) != 3:
(X, Y, Z) = latlonhgt2xyz(52.9129392, 6.8690294, 54.1)
print X, Y, Z
(Xn, Yn, Zn) = I89toI2005([X, Y, Z], 2007.775342466)
(Xn, Yn, Zn) = i89toi2005([X, Y, Z], 2007.775342466)
print Xn, Yn, Zn
date_years = float(sys.argv[3])
db = pgdb.connect(user="postgres", host="dop50", database="coordtest")
date_years = float(sys.args[2])
db = pgdb.connect(user=dbUser, host=host, database=dbName, password=dbPassword)
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("select * from get_ref_objects(%s, %s)", (sys.argv[1],sys.argv[2]))
cursor.execute("select * from get_ref_objects(%s, %s)", (args[0], args[1]))
while (1):
record = cursor.fetchone()
if record == None:
if record is None:
XEtrs = [float(record[3]),
XItrs2000 = convert(XEtrs, date_years)
print record[2],' ',XItrs2000[0],' ', XItrs2000[1],' ', XItrs2000[2]
print record[2], ' ', XItrs2000[0], ' ', XItrs2000[1], ' ', XItrs2000[2]
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