Jorrit Schaap authoredJorrit Schaap authored
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tbb_freeze.py 4.65 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Stop TBB recording on a bunch of stations
import argparse
import time
import subprocess
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from lofar.mac.tbb.tbb_config import lcurun_command, tbb_command
from lofar.mac.tbb.tbb_util import split_stations_by_boardnumber
from lofar.common.lcu_utils import execute_in_parallel_over_stations, translate_user_station_string_into_station_list
from lofar.common.subprocess_utils import wrap_composite_command
def freeze_tbb(stations, dm, timesec, timensec):
:param stations: comma-separated list of stations
:param dm: dispersion measure as float
:param timesec: stop time in seconds (int)
:param timensec: stop time offset in nanoseconds (int)
stations = translate_user_station_string_into_station_list(stations)
logger.info('Freezing TBB boards for stations: %s', ', '.join(stations))
if dm is not None:
logger.info('DM %s provided, performing timed stop on individual boards' % dm)
# determine number of tbb boards per station:
stationlists = split_stations_by_boardnumber(stations)
# batch handle all stations with same number of boards through lcurun
for num_boards in list(stationlists.keys()):
stations_with_num_boards = stationlists[num_boards]
logger.info('Handling stations with %s boards: %s', num_boards, stations_with_num_boards)
station_str = ','.join(stationlists[num_boards])
relay = lcurun_command + [station_str]
slicenr = int(timensec // (5 * 1024)) # -> 5.12 microseconds per slice
# string magic to create single cmdline ';' seperated tbbctl commands to set the dispersion measure and the stoptime
set_dm_cmd = " ; ".join(['%s --dispmeas=%s,%s' % (tbb_command, board, dm) for board in range(num_boards)])
set_stoptime_cmd = " ; ".join(['%s --stoptimed=%s,%s,%s' % (tbb_command, board, timesec, slicenr) for board in range(num_boards)])
# apply all commands for each station
for cmd in [set_dm_cmd, set_stoptime_cmd]:
quoted_cmd = wrap_composite_command(cmd)
execute_in_parallel_over_stations(quoted_cmd, stations_with_num_boards, timeout=60, max_parallel=10)
# Note: Sander says it is still required to tbbctl --stop in subbands mode, although ICD seems to suggest otherwise,
# so we will issue that irrespective of mode in the following.
# Note: This is not even close to nanosecond precision, but this is ridiculous outside the driver/firmware anyway...
# If we really have to be better than this, we could port the sleepuntil.sh that is apparently floating around
# lcuhead to the stations and chain it into the command, so that we are not delayed by lcurun/ssh.
# wait for timestamp, then stop all boards on all stations.
timestamp = float("%d.%09d" % (timesec, timensec))
if dm is not None:
timestamp += 0.32 * dm
sleeptime = timestamp - time.time()
if sleeptime > 0:
logger.info('Waiting %s seconds before stopping TBB boards' % sleeptime)
cmd = [tbb_command, '--stop']
execute_in_parallel_over_stations(cmd, stations, timeout=60, max_parallel=10)
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("This script will freeze TBB boards on a bunch of stations.")
parser.add_argument('-s', '--stations', dest='stations', help="comma-separated list of station LCUs (e.g. cs030c,cs031c; also accepts lcurun aliases like 'today', 'nl', ...)", default='today')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--dm', dest='dm', help="dispersion measure as float", type=float)
parser.add_argument('-t', '--stoptime-seconds', dest='timesec', type=int, help="Freeze time since epoch in seconds")
parser.add_argument('-n', '--stoptime-nanoseconds', dest='timensec', type=int, help="Freeze time offset in nanoseconds", default=0)
args = parser.parse_args()
if not args.timesec:
logger.info('No timestamp provided, using current time instead.')
stoptime = time.time()
timesec_str, timensec_str = ("%.9f" % stoptime).split('.')
args.timesec = int(timesec_str)
args.timensec = int(timensec_str)
if args.dm is None:
logger.error("No dm provided")
return args
def main():
args = parse_args()
freeze_tbb(args.stations, args.dm, args.timesec, args.timensec)
if __name__ == '__main__':