Ruud Overeem authored
Uses 'forcedQuitTimer' for guaranteed stop 5 econds after stoptime is reached. Implemented begin of quality criteria.
Ruud Overeem authoredUses 'forcedQuitTimer' for guaranteed stop 5 econds after stoptime is reached. Implemented begin of quality criteria.
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ObservationControl.h 4.56 KiB
//# ObservationControl.h: Interface between MAC and SAS.
//# Copyright (C) 2002-2004
//# ASTRON (Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy)
//# P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, seg@astron.nl
//# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
//# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
//# (at your option) any later version.
//# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//# GNU General Public License for more details.
//# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
//# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
//# $Id$
#ifndef ObservationControl_H
#define ObservationControl_H
//# Includes
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
//# GCF Includes
#include <GCF/PAL/GCF_MyPropertySet.h>
#include <GCF/TM/GCF_Port.h>
#include <GCF/TM/GCF_ITCPort.h>
#include <GCF/TM/GCF_TimerPort.h>
#include <GCF/TM/GCF_Task.h>
#include <GCF/TM/GCF_Event.h>
//# local includes
#include <APL/APLCommon/PropertySetAnswerHandlerInterface.h>
#include <APL/APLCommon/PropertySetAnswer.h>
#include <APL/APLCommon/APLCommonExceptions.h>
#include <APL/APLCommon/Controller_Protocol.ph>
#include <APL/APLCommon/APL_Defines.h>
#include <APL/APLCommon/ChildControl.h>
#include <APL/APLCommon/ParentControl.h>
#include <APL/APLCommon/CTState.h>
//# Common Includes
#include <Common/lofar_string.h>
#include <Common/lofar_vector.h>
#include <Common/LofarLogger.h>
#include <Common/lofar_datetime.h>
//# ACC Includes
#include <APS/ParameterSet.h>
// forward declaration
namespace LOFAR {
namespace MainCU {
using GCF::TM::GCFTimerPort;
using GCF::TM::GCFITCPort;
using GCF::TM::GCFPort;
using GCF::TM::GCFEvent;
using GCF::TM::GCFPortInterface;
using GCF::TM::GCFTask;
using APLCommon::ChildControl;
using APLCommon::ParentControl;
using APLCommon::CTState;
class ObservationControl : public GCFTask,
explicit ObservationControl(const string& cntlrName);
// PropertySetAnswerHandlerInterface method
virtual void handlePropertySetAnswer(GCFEvent& answer);
// During this state the top DP LOFAR_ObsSW_<observation> is created
GCFEvent::TResult initial_state (GCFEvent& e,
GCFPortInterface& p);
// During this state all connections with the other programs are made.
GCFEvent::TResult starting_state (GCFEvent& e,
GCFPortInterface& p);
// Normal control mode.
GCFEvent::TResult active_state (GCFEvent& e,
GCFPortInterface& p);
// Terminating mode.
GCFEvent::TResult finishing_state(GCFEvent& e,
GCFPortInterface& p);
// Interrupt handler for switching to finishing_state when exiting program.
static void sigintHandler (int signum);
void finish ();
// avoid defaultconstruction and copying
ObservationControl(const ObservationControl&);
ObservationControl& operator=(const ObservationControl&);
void setState(CTState::CTstateNr newState);
void setObservationTimers();
void doHeartBeatTask();
void _connectedHandler(GCFPortInterface& port);
void _disconnectedHandler(GCFPortInterface& port);
typedef boost::shared_ptr<GCF::PAL::GCFMyPropertySet> GCFMyPropertySetPtr;
// typedef GCF::PAL::GCFMyPropertySet* GCFMyPropertySetPtr;
APLCommon::PropertySetAnswer itsPropertySetAnswer;
GCFMyPropertySetPtr itsPropertySet;
GCFMyPropertySetPtr itsBootPS;
// pointer to child control task
ChildControl* itsChildControl;
GCFITCPort* itsChildPort;
// pointer to parent control task
ParentControl* itsParentControl;
GCFITCPort* itsParentPort;
GCFTimerPort* itsTimerPort;
CTState::CTstateNr itsState;
uint32 itsNrControllers;
uint32 itsBusyControllers;
uint16 itsChildResult;
uint16 itsQuitReason;
// timers for the several stages.
uint32 itsClaimTimer;
uint32 itsPrepareTimer;
uint32 itsStartTimer;
uint32 itsStopTimer;
uint32 itsForcedQuitTimer;
uint32 itsHeartBeatTimer;
// ParameterSet variables
string itsTreePrefix;
uint32 itsInstanceNr;
uint32 itsHeartBeatItv;
uint32 itsClaimPeriod;
uint32 itsPreparePeriod;
ptime itsStartTime;
ptime itsStopTime;