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LOFAR (LOw Frequency ARray) Software Repository - INSTALL

Installation instructions for LOFAR software.

Supported Systems

- Linux      (most in use at ASTRON are Ubuntu, CentOS, and SUSE Linux Enterprise)
- Mac OS X   (reasonably recent should work, also with LLVM/Clang)
Install using a Docker image / script
To create a Docker image with Ubuntu or CentOS and LOFAR Offline processing tools, see:
For a(nother) Docker image, see the next section.

Install from Ubuntu Packages (or a Docker image / script)

To install LOFAR Offline processing tools (and many more radio astro packages)
the easy way for Ubuntu LTS 16.04, see:
Dependencies for Manual Build from Source
Please first try to install as many dependencies as possible using your OS
package manager. For almost all cases, you also need the development packages
('pkgname-dev' for Debian/Ubuntu, or 'pkgname-devel' for CentOS/Fedora).
For Debian/Ubuntu (likely incomplete list, but goes a long way):
	apt-get install subversion cmake make g++ gfortran python-dev python-numpy
	apt-get install libboost-dev libblitz0-dev libfftw3-dev libcfitsio3-dev libxml2-dev liblog4cplus-dev
	apt-get install libpng12-dev                         # or latest version; for AOFlagger
	apt-get install libreadline-dev libpqxx-dev doxygen python-coverage  # optional
        apt-get install libarmadillo-dev                     # optional, for DPPP_DDECal
	apt-get install libunittest++-dev                    # optional, for tests that use UnitTest++
	apt-get install python-xmlrunner                     # for some CEP/Pipeline/ tests
	apt-get install python-pygresql python-psycopg2 python-mysql.connector  # python mysql and postgresql interfaces
	apt-get install python-mock python-django            # for some SAS/ tests
	apt-get install postgresql                           # optional, for some SAS/OTDB_Services/ tests
	apt-get install libhdf5-dev                          # optional, required by casacore-dev from the KERN-2 suite.
For CentOS/Fedora (likely incomplete list, but goes a long way):
	yum install subversion cmake make gcc python-devel numpy
	yum install boost-devel fftw-devel cfitsio-devel libxml2-devel libpng-devel
	yum install readline-devel libpqxx-devel doxygen python-coverage  # optional
        yum install armadillo-devel                          # optional, for DPPP_DDECal
	yum install PyGreSQL python-psycopg2 mysql-connector-python  # python mysql and postgresql interfaces
	yum install python2-mock python-django               # for some SAS/ tests
	yum install postgresql                               # optional, for some SAS/OTDB_Services/ tests
	RPMs for these 3 known to work on CentOS 7 can be found at
	- blitz, blitz-devel: available on some distros, but not on e.g. CentOS 7.
	  If required for your build, but not in your repo, take the two RPMs from CentOS 6 (or build from source).
	- log4cplus: idem as blitz (LOFAR log4cxx support is dodgy).
	- unittest++, unitest++-devel (optional): idem, but can take two RPMs from Fedora 22 (or build from source).

	- python-xmlrunner: pip install xmlrunner  # possibly with: --target=/your/path/libdir/pythonversion/site-packages
NOTE (any OS): For manual builds, the most prominent dependencies you may need to install are:

	python-casacore ('pyrap'):
	IERS/measures tables: (auto-updated weekly),
	                               also see
	    which may need: Debian/Ubuntu: libgsl-dev libgtkmm-[2.4|3.0]-dev libsigc++-2.0-dev
	                    CentOS/Fedora: gsl-devel gtkmm[24|30]-devel libsigc++20-devel
	PyBDSF (blob detector & source finder):

	python-monetdb (if using GSM inside the LOFAR network): pip install python-monetdb  # possibly with: --target=/your/path/libdir/pythonversion/site-packages

Instructions for Manual Build from Source

- SVN checkout build and configuration scripts of a tagged release x.y.z (or the
  trunk) from into e.g. $HOME/src/LOFAR-x.y.z/
	LOFAR_RELEASE=LOFAR-Release-x.y.z  # set to used release version
	svn checkout --depth=files "$LOFAR_RELEASE" "$HOME/src/$LOFAR_RELEASE"
	svn update --depth=infinity "$HOME/src/$LOFAR_RELEASE/CMake"
- Auto-checkout and install the usual offline data reduction (imaging) packages
  into e.g. $HOME/local/$LOFAR_RELEASE/
  (Only ends succesfully once CMake can find all required dependencies.)

	mkdir -p $HOME/build/$LOFAR_RELEASE/gnu_opt  # last directory must be {gnu|clang}[cxx11]_{debug|opt}
	cd $HOME/build/$LOFAR_RELEASE/gnu_opt
	make -j 4
	make -j 4 install  # with sufficient privileges
  All tests should pass, however, a few packages (not selected above) require
  GPU hardware or a database to pass all tests.
- You may want to add the installation path bin/ to your PATH by sourcing the lofarinit script:
	source "$HOME/local/$LOFAR_RELEASE/"  # for Bourne-like shells, or
	source "$HOME/local/$LOFAR_RELEASE/lofarinit.csh" # for C-like shells