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import subprocess
import logging
import cPickle as pickle
import time
import sys
import os
import os.path
import tempfile
import shutil
import threading
import multiprocessing
from random import random
from collections import deque

def humanreadablesize(num, suffix='B'):
  """ converts the given size (number) to a human readable string in powers of 1024"""
    for unit in ['','K','M','G','T','P','E','Z']:
      if abs(num) < 1024.0:
        return "%3.1f%s%s" % (num, unit, suffix)
      num /= 1024.0
    return "%.1f%s%s" % (num, 'Y', suffix)
  except TypeError:
    return str(num)

logging.basicConfig(filename='get_srm2_'+ time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%HH%M") + '.log', level=logging.DEBUG, format="%(asctime)-15s %(levelname)s %(message)s")
logger =logging.getLogger()

class FileInfo:
  '''Simple struct to hold filename and size'''
  def __init__(self, filename, size):
    filename : string
    size : int
    self.filename = filename
    self.size = size

  def __str__(self):
    return self.filename + " " + humanreadablesize(self.size)

class Location:
  '''A Location is a directory at a storage site which can be queried with getResult()'''
  def __init__(self, srmurl, directory):
    srmurl : string
      the srm url of the storage site. for example: srm://
    directory : int
      a directory at the storage site. for example: /pnfs/
    self.srmurl = srmurl = directory

  def path(self):
    '''returns the full path srmurl + directory'''
    return self.srmurl +

  def isRoot(self):
    '''is this a root directory?'''
    return == '/'

  def parentDir(self):
    '''returns parent directory path'''
    if self.isRoot():
      return '/'
    stripped ='/')
    ridx = stripped.rindex('/')
    if ridx == 0:
      return '/'
    return stripped[:ridx]

  def parentLocation(self):
    '''returns a Location object for the parent directory'''
    return Location(self.srmurl, self.parentDir())

  def __str__(self):
    '''returns the full path'''
    return self.path()

  def getResult(self, offset=0):
    '''Returns LocationResult with the subdirectries and files in at this location'''
    foundFiles = []
    foundDirectories = []"Scanning %s", self.path())

    #the core command: do an srmls call and parse the results
    #srmls can only yield max 900 items in a result, hence we can recurse for the next 900 by using the offset
    cmd = ["bash", "-c", "source %s;srmls -count=900 -offset=%d %s%s" % ('/globalhome/ingest/service/bin/', offset, self.srmurl,]
    #logger.debug(' '.join(cmd))
    p       = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=open('/dev/null'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
    logs    = p.communicate()
    lines   = logs[0].split('\n')
    #logger.debug('Shell command for %s exited with code %s' % (self.path(), p.returncode))

    #parse logs from succesfull command
    if p.returncode == 0 and len(lines) > 1 and not "FAILURE" in lines[1]:
      for line in lines:
        items = line.strip().split()
        if len(items) < 2:
          if line: #otherwise it's just an empty trailing items
            logger.error("Line shorter than expected: %s" % line)
        if items[1] == ( + '/') or  items[1] == #skip current directory

        #append found directories as new Locations (for later queries)
        if items[1][-1] == '/' or (int(items[0]) < 1): #Directory, size=0 for Target/StoRM, but no trailing slash
          foundDirectories.append(Location(self.srmurl, items[1]))
          #append found files
            foundFiles.append(FileInfo(items[1], int(items[0])))

    #recurse and ask for more files if we hit the 900 line limit
    if len(lines) >= 900:
      logger.debug('There are more than 900 lines in the results')
      extraResult = self.getResult(offset + 900)
      logger.debug('extraResult %s' % str(extraResult))
      foundDirectories += extraResult.subDirectories
      foundFiles += extraResult.files

    return LocationResult(self, foundDirectories, foundFiles)

class LocationResult:
  '''Holds the query result for a Location: a list of subDirectories and/or a list of files'''
  def __init__(self, location, subDirectories = None, files = None):
    location : Location
      For which location this result was generated. (i.e. it is the parent of the subdirectories)

    subDirectories : [Location]
      A list of subdirectories

    files : [FileInfo]
      A list of files in this location
    self.location = location
    self.subDirectories = subDirectories if subDirectories else []
    self.files = files if files else []

  def __str__(self):
    return "LocationResult: path=%s #subdirs=%d #files=%d totalFileSizeOfDir=%s" % (self.location.path(), self.nrOfSubDirs(), self.nrOfFiles(), humanreadablesize(self.totalFileSizeOfDir()))

  def nrOfSubDirs(self):
    return len(self.subDirectories)

  def nrOfFiles(self):
    return len(self.files)

  def totalFileSizeOfDir(self):
    return sum([fileinfo.size for fileinfo in self.files])

#our lock for safe guarding locations and results
#which will be queried in parallel
lock = threading.Lock()

class ResultGetterThread(threading.Thread):
  '''Helper class to query Locations asynchronously for results.
  Gets the result for the first Location in the locations deque and appends it to the results deque
  Appends the subdirectory Locations at the end of the locations deque for later processing'''
  def __init__(self, locations, results):
    locations : deque([Location])

    results : deque([LocationResult])
    self.daemon = True
    self.locations = locations
    self.results = results

  def run(self):
    '''A single location is pop\'ed from the locations deque and the results are queried.
    Resulting subdirectories are appended to the locations deque'''
      with lock:
        location = self.locations.popleft()

      #get results... long blocking
      result = location.getResult()

      with lock:
        for subdir in result.subDirectories:

    except IndexError:
    except Exception as e:

class LocationResultTreeNode:
  '''Helper class to order results in a tree structure,
  so we can get totals (files and sizes) of the whole (or part of) the tree.'''
  def __init__(self, locationResult, parent=None, children=None):
    locationResult : LocationResult
      the locationResult for this tree node

    parent : LocationResultTreeNode
      the parent LocationResultTreeNode of this tree node

    children : [LocationResultTreeNode]
      the children LocationResultTreeNode's of this tree node
    self.locationResult = locationResult
    self.parent = parent
    self.children = children if children else []

  def __str__(self):
    return "LocationResultTreeNode: loc=%s total #files=%d in total #subDirs=%d with a total size of %s" % (self.locationResult.location.path(), self.totalNrOfFilesInDirAndSubDirs(), self.totalNrOfSubDirs(), humanreadablesize(self.totalFileSizeOfDirAndSubDirs()))

  def totalNrOfFilesInDirAndSubDirs(self):
    '''returns the total number of files in this dir and the all subdirs of the tree'''
    return self.locationResult.nrOfFiles() + sum([child.totalNrOfFilesInDirAndSubDirs() for child in self.children])

  def totalNrOfSubDirs(self):
    '''returns the total number of subdirs in this dir and the all subdirs of the tree'''
    return self.locationResult.nrOfSubDirs() + sum([child.totalNrOfSubDirs() for child in self.children])

  def totalFileSizeOfDirAndSubDirs(self):
    '''returns the total filesize in this dir and the all subdirs of the tree'''
    return self.locationResult.totalFileSizeOfDir() + sum([child.totalFileSizeOfDirAndSubDirs() for child in self.children])

  def treeString(self, level = 0, maxLevel = sys.maxint):
    '''returns a string tree representation of this node and its subtree
    uses recursion to indent each sublevel.
    can be limited to maxLevel levels deep'''
    return "> {path} #files={numFiles} fileSizeOfDir={fileSize} #filesInTree={numFilesInTree} fileSizeOfTree={fileSizeOfTree}{tree}".format(
      path = self.locationResult.location.path(),
      numFiles = self.locationResult.nrOfFiles(),
      fileSize = humanreadablesize(self.locationResult.totalFileSizeOfDir()),
      numFilesInTree = self.totalNrOfFilesInDirAndSubDirs(),
      fileSizeOfTree = humanreadablesize(self.totalFileSizeOfDirAndSubDirs()),
      tree = '\n' + '\n'.join([(level+1)*'  ' + child.treeString(level+1, maxLevel) for child in self.children]) if self.children and level < maxLevel else "")

def readPickle(path):
  '''read and return the pickled (locations,results) tuple from a file'''
  with open(path, 'rb') as pickleFile:
    return pickle.load(pickleFile)

def writePickle(path, locations,results):
  ''' Write the locations and results to a file.
  can be used for intermediate storage in case the script is interrupted or killed
  path : string
    name of the file in which to save the pickled data

  locations : deque([Location])
    the deque of Location which still need to be queried

  results : deque([c])
    the deque of LocationResults which we already found
    #since pickling can take a long time
    #and the program can be interupted while pickling
    #write pickle to tmp file and move it to the given path later
    tmpfile = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "srm.pickle")
    with open(tmpfile , 'wb') as pickleFile:
        pickle.dump((locations,results), pickleFile, 2)

    if not os.path.isabs(path):
      path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), path)

    #move tmpfile to given path, but make intermediate backup
    if os.path.exists(path):
      shutil.move(path, path + ".old")

    #actual move
    shutil.move(tmpfile, path)

    #remove intermediate backup
    if os.path.exists(path + ".old"):
      os.remove(path + ".old")

  except Exception as e:

def main(argv):
  '''the main function scanning all locations and gathering the results'''

  #results are stored in a deque which is thread safe
  results = deque()

  #the big dict containing per site a deque of Locations which need to be scanned
  #the deque's in this dict are filled and emptied using parrellel running ResultGetterThreads
  locations = { 'target' : deque( [  Location("srm://", "/lofar/ops/disk") ] ) ,
                'nikhef' : deque( [  Location("srm://", "/dpm/") ] ),
                'sara' : deque( [  Location("srm://", "/pnfs/"),
                                Location("srm://", "/pnfs/"),
                                Location("srm://", "/pnfs/"),
                                Location("srm://", "/pnfs/"),
                                Location("srm://", "/pnfs/") ] ),
                'juelich' : deque( [  Location("srm://", "/pnfs/") ] ) }

  #for each site we want one or more ResultGetterThreads
  #so make a dict with a list per site based on the locations
  getters = dict([(k,[]) for k,v in locations.items()])

  #some helper functions
  def numLocationsInQueues():
    '''returns the total number of locations in the queues'''
    return sum([len(v) for v in locations.values()])

  def totalNumGetters():
    '''returns the total number of parallel running ResultGetterThreads'''
    return sum([len(v) for v in getters.values()])

  #parse arguments for given pickle file
  if len(argv) == 1:
    #if a pickle file name was supplied, try to read it
    #and use the contents as locations and getters dicts/queues
    outputFile = argv[0]

    if os.path.exists(outputFile):'Trying to load srm data from %s' % outputFile)
      #overwrite initial locations and results with stored results from file
      (locations, results) = readPickle(outputFile)
      ["%s: %d locations in queue" % (k,len(v))) for k,v in locations.items()]'Total: %d locations in queue and %d results gathered' % (numLocationsInQueues(), len(results)))'Loaded srm data from %s' % outputFile)
      writePickle(outputFile, locations, results)
    #else make a default pickle file name and store inital locations and results
    outputFile = "srm_data_"+ time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + ".pickle"
    writePickle(outputFile, locations, results)

  #only enter main loop if there is anything to process
  if numLocationsInQueues() > 0:
    #keep track when last pickle was done
    lastPickleTimeStamp = time.time()

    #the main loop
    #loop over the locations and spawn ResultGetterThreads to get the results parallel
    #use load balancing over the different sites and with respect to queue lengths
    #do not overload this host system
    while numLocationsInQueues() > 0 or totalNumGetters() > 0:

      #get rid of old finished ResultGetterThreads
      finishedGetters = dict([(site, [getter for getter in getterList if not getter.isAlive()]) for site,getterList in getters.items()])
      for site,finishedGetterList in finishedGetters.items():
        for finishedGetter in finishedGetterList:

      #save intermediate data to pickle every thirty minutes
      if time.time() - lastPickleTimeStamp > 1800:
        with lock:
          writePickle(outputFile, locations, results)
        lastPickleTimeStamp = time.time()

      #spawn new ResultGetterThreads
      #do not overload this host system
      while numLocationsInQueues() > 0 and (totalNumGetters() <= 4 or
                                            (os.getloadavg()[0] < 3*multiprocessing.cpu_count() and
                                            totalNumGetters() < 2*multiprocessing.cpu_count())):

        #in order to pick random locationqueue from all sites....
        #gather 'stats' per site
        #construct a weight based on these stats
        siteStats = {}
        for site in locations:
          numGetters = len(getters[site])
          locationQueueLength = len(locations[site])
          weight = float(locationQueueLength) / float(20 * (numGetters + 1))
          if numGetters == 0 and locationQueueLength > 0:
            weight = 1e6 #make getterless sites extra important, so each site keeps flowing
          siteStats[site] = {'#get': numGetters, '#queue': locationQueueLength, 'weight' : weight }

        totalWeight = sum([stat['weight'] for stat in siteStats.values()])

        if len(results) % 10 == 0:
          logger.debug("siteStats:\n%s" % str('\n'.join([str((k,v)) for k,v in siteStats.items()])))

        #now pick a random site using the weights
        site = None
        cumul = 0.0
        r = random()
        for s,stat in siteStats.items():
          ratio = stat['weight']/totalWeight
          cumul += ratio

          if r <= cumul:
            site = s

        if not site:

        #make and start a new ResultGetterThread the location deque of the chosen site
        newGetter = ResultGetterThread(locations[site], results)

        #small sleep between starting multiple getters

      #sleep before main loop next iteration
      #to wait for some results
      #and some getters to finis

    #all locations were processed
    #write final pickle
    writePickle(outputFile, locations, results)

  #process results into tree structure
  #first make a helper lookup dict with an empy tree node for each result location
  loc2res = {}
  for r in results:
    loc2res[r.location.path()] = LocationResultTreeNode(r)

  #then try to link each tree node to it's parent and child nodes using the helper dict loc2res
  for r in results:
    treeNode = loc2res[r.location.path()]

    parentLocationPath = r.location.parentLocation().path()

    if parentLocationPath in loc2res:
      parentTreeNode = loc2res[parentLocationPath]
      treeNode.parent = parentTreeNode

    for subDirLocation in r.subDirectories:
      if subDirLocation.path() in loc2res:
        subDirTreeNode = loc2res[subDirLocation.path()]

  #filter the root tree nodes
  rootTreeNodes = [x for x in loc2res.values() if not x.parent]

  #and finally log the resuling tree info for each root tree node.'---------------------------')'----------RESULTS----------\n' +
              '\n\n'.join([x.treeString(maxLevel = 1) for x in rootTreeNodes]))

if __name__ == "__main__":