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Commit e939aa0a authored by Ruud Beukema's avatar Ruud Beukema
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Task #10948: merged specific trunk revisions into task branch

parent f47f860f
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// \ingroup DP3
// \defgroup DPPP DPPP (Default Pre-Processing Pipeline)
// This package contains classes and programs to do the pre-processing
// of the visibility data. Currently it consists of various flaggers
// and some classes for other features.
// NDPPP is the new program to do flagging and averaging of
// visibility data in a MeasurementSet. It can also do demixing (i.e.,
// subtraction of the A-team sources) and station summation.
// It is easily extendible with new classes for new features.
// @{
// \defgroup NDPPP NDPPP (new version)
// @}
// \ingroup DP3
// \defgroup SPWCombine Spectral Window Combine.
// SPWCombines takes takes all Spectral windows in the input
// measurementset(s), and writes their data as a single Spectral Window
// into the output Measurementset.
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