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Resolve L2SS-218 "Move existing tooling to bootstrap dir"

Merged Resolve L2SS-218 "Move existing tooling to bootstrap dir"
All threads resolved!
Merged Thomas Juerges requested to merge L2SS-218-move_existing_tooling_to_bootstrap_dir into master
All threads resolved!
1 file
+ 10
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  • 1f2b26ef
    L2SS-218 Following Jan David's advice to just use sub-shells instead of pushd/popd · 1f2b26ef
    Thomas Juerges authored
+ 152
#! /usr/bin/env bash -e
if [ ! -d ${HOME_DIR}/bootstrap ]; then
# HOME_DIR/bootstrap needs to exist for this script to work.
echo -e "$(basename ${0}):\n\nERROR\n\tCannot run this script because the \"bootstrap\" cannot be found!\n\n"
exit 1
# Save for the moment when tango will be cloned.
trap ' exit ${?} ' ABRT EXIT HUP INT TERM QUIT ERR
function pull_images()
(cd ${HOME_DIR}/docker-compose && make pull)
function build_lofar_images()
(cd ${HOME_DIR}/docker-compose && make build)
function move_tango_dir_out_of_the_way()
function remove_images()
${HOME_DIR}/bootstrap/sbin/ YES_DELETE_ALL
function pull_tango()
git clone ${HOME_DIR}
# Now remove the old tango dir.
rm -rf ${OLD_HOME_DIR}
function clean_images()
# This can return a non-0 return code if the system
# has already been shut down.
# Therefore disable Bash's exit on error flag
set +e
(cd ${HOME_DIR}/docker-compose && make clean)
# And enable it again.
set -e
function start_minimal_tango()
(cd ${HOME_DIR}/docker-compose
make minimal
# There is an issue with the dsconfig container that it every
# other time just exits without telling why.
# Therefore start dsconfig, then wait for 10s to allow it
# to die and just start it again.
# Don't they say that the second time is always a charm?
make start dsconfig
echo -e "\tWaiting for dsconfig to settle down..."
sleep 10
echo -e "\tDone.\n\tStarting dsconfig again."
make start dsconfig)
function configure_tango_db()
# This somehow returns with a non-0 return code, make Bash happy.
${HOME_DIR}/sbin/ ${HOME_DIR}/CDB/LOFAR_ConfigDb.json || true
function configure_elk()
(cd ${HOME_DIR}/docker-compose && make start elk-configure-host)
function start_support_images()
(cd ${HOME_DIR}/docker-compose && make start elk
make start jupyter)
function start_lofar_images()
(cd ${HOME_DIR}/docker-compose
make start device-pcc
make start device-sdp)
# Clean out the Docker volumes.
echo "-> Stopping Docker images and cleaning cleaning up their volumes..."
echo -e "\tDone.\n"
# Move the tango repo dir out of the way.
echo "-> Moving the tango directory ${HOME_DIR} out of the way..."
echo -e "\tDone.\n"
# Now pull the repo.
echo "-> Cloning tango's master branch to ${HOME_DIR}..."
echo -e "\tDone.\n"
# Now clean out the docker images.
echo "-> Deleting all Docker images from this host..."
echo -e "\tDone.\n"
# Pull SKA's Docker images.
echo "-> Installing latest SKA Docker images on this host..."
echo -e "\tDone.\n"
# Build all of the LOFAR Docker images.
echo "-> Building LOFAR2.0 Docker images..."
echo -e "\tDone.\n"
# Now start the basic Tango system, including dsconfig.
echo "-> Staring up a minimal Tango session..."
echo -e "\tDone.\n"
# Load LOFAR's TangoDB.
echo "-> Configuring the Tango DB for LOFAR2.0..."
echo -e "\tDone.\n"
# Now configure the ELK container.
echo "-> Configuring the ELK container for this host..."
echo -e "\tDone.\n"
# Here I start ELK & Jupyter.
echo "-> Start LOFAR2.0 support containers (ELK, Jupyter, etc.)..."
echo -e "\tDone.\n"
# And finally start all the LOFAR images.
echo "-> Start LOFAR2.0 containers..."
echo -e "\tDone.\n"
# Now the system should be ready to use.
# For instance the cold start script could now be executed.
echo -e "-> LOFAR2.0 system rebuild was successful.\n\n"