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Merge branch 'ST-1502-add-cluster-domain' into 'master'
Matteo Di Carlo authored
ST-1502 fix cluster domain

See merge request ska-telescope/ska-tango-images!187

TANGO Docker containers

This project defines a set of Docker images and Charts files that are useful for TANGO control system development. See the documentation in the 'docs' folder for build and usage instructions.

Deprecation alerts

As of release 0.3.23 tango-panic images will no longer be maintained as these don't support python3.

Docker hierarchy and release tagging

When updating Dockerfiles, and especially the tags in the .release files, it is useful to know the hierarchy. All downstream images must have the release tags updated.

The release tags should match the underlying dependencies used where possible.

  • ubuntu:22.04
    • tango-dependencies/Dockerfile:FROM ubuntu:22.04 as buildenv
    • tango-dependencies/Dockerfile:FROM ubuntu:22.04
      • tango-java/Dockerfile:FROM {nexus}/tango-dependencies
        • tango-jive/Dockerfile:FROM {nexus}/tango-java
        • tango-pogo/Dockerfile:FROM {nexus}/tango-java
        • tango-rest/Dockerfile:FROM {nexus}/tango-dependencies as buildenv
        • tango-rest/Dockerfile:FROM {nexus}/tango-java
        • tango-vnc/Dockerfile:FROM {nexus}/tango-java
      • tango-cpp/Dockerfile:FROM {nexus}/tango-dependencies as buildenv
      • tango-cpp/Dockerfile:FROM ubuntu:22.04
        • tango-libtango/Dockerfile:FROM {nexus}/tango-cpp
          • tango-admin/Dockerfile:FROM {nexus}/tango-libtango
          • tango-test/Dockerfile:FROM {nexus}/tango-libtango
          • tango-databaseds/Dockerfile:FROM {nexus}/tango-libtango
        • pytango-builder/Dockerfile:FROM {nexus}/tango-cpp
          • pytango-runtime/Dockerfile:FROM {nexus}/pytango-builder as buildenv
          • pytango-runtime/Dockerfile:FROM {nexus}/tango-cpp
            • tango-dsconfig/Dockerfile:FROM {nexus}/pytango-builder as buildenv
            • tango-dsconfig/Dockerfile:FROM {nexus}/pytango-runtime
            • tango-itango/Dockerfile:FROM {nexus}/pytango-builder as buildenv
            • tango-itango/Dockerfile:FROM {nexus}/pytango-runtime
            • tango-pytango/Dockerfile:FROM {nexus}/pytango-builder as buildenv
            • tango-pytango/Dockerfile:FROM {nexus}/pytango-runtime
  • mariadb
    • tango-db/Dockerfile:FROM mariadb:10

If the Docker image tags change, then the related charts should also be updated:

  • In the charts folder, update all the values.yaml files to use the new tags.
  • If any of the values.yaml files changed, the corresponding Chart.yaml file must have the version field incremented. Similarly for any dependent Chart.yaml files. The appVersion field gets updated as well, if was in sync with the version field.


There is a make target provided that is a guide that steps you through the process of making a release. This will run the various sub-targets in the right sequence to ensure a complete release is done for OCI images and Helm Charts.


make make-a-release

The following is a sample flow of the guided release process:

This is a guild to creating a release of ska-tango-images, including OCI Images and Helm Charts.
 You  🔥MUST🔥 first have merged your Merge Request!!!
The steps are:
 * git checkout master && git pull
 * Select and bump OCI Image .release's
 * bump project .release  AND update Helm Chart release  AND the tango-util version dependency in tango-base
 * Commit .release and ANY outstanding changes, and set project git tag
 * Push changes and tag

 ✋ The current git status (outstanding) is:
 On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean
Do you wish to continue (you will be prompted at each step) [N/y]: y
❗ OK - lets build a release ...

Step 1: >> git checkout master && git pull
switching from branch: master to master
Do you wish to continue (you will be prompted at each step) [N/y]: y
 OK - ✨ lets switch to master and pull ...
Already on 'master'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
Already up-to-date.

Step 2: Select and bump OCI Image .release's
 Tell me which of the following OCI_IMAGES_TO_PUBLISH list to bump patch release for: ska-tango-images-tango-dependencies ska-tango-images-tango-dependencies ska-tango-images-tango-db ska-tango-images-tango-cpp ska-tango-images-tango-cpp ska-tango-images-tango-java ska-tango-images-tango-java ska-tango-images-tango-rest ska-tango-images-pytango-builder ska-tango-images-pytango-builder ska-tango-images-tango-pogo ska-tango-images-tango-libtango ska-tango-images-tango-jive ska-tango-images-pytango-runtime ska-tango-images-pytango-runtime ska-tango-images-tango-admin ska-tango-images-tango-databaseds ska-tango-images-tango-test ska-tango-images-tango-dsconfig ska-tango-images-tango-itango ska-tango-images-tango-vnc ska-tango-images-tango-pytango 
Enter list here: ska-tango-images-tango-dependencies ska-tango-images-tango-dependencies

 You provided: ska-tango-images-tango-dependencies ska-tango-images-tango-dependencies
Do you wish to continue (you will be prompted at each step) [N/y]: y
 OK - ✨ bumping patch .release files ...
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/piers/git/public/ska-telescope/ska-tango-images'
make bump-patch-release RELEASE_CONTEXT_DIR=images/ska-tango-images-tango-dependencies;  make bump-patch-release RELEASE_CONTEXT_DIR=images/ska-tango-images-tango-dependencies;
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/piers/git/public/ska-telescope/ska-tango-images'
set-release: 9.3.7
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/piers/git/public/ska-telescope/ska-tango-images'
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/piers/git/public/ska-telescope/ska-tango-images'
set-release: 0.2.4
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/piers/git/public/ska-telescope/ska-tango-images'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/piers/git/public/ska-telescope/ska-tango-images'

Step 3: Bump project .release AND update Helm Chart release
Do you wish to continue (you will be prompted at each step) [N/y]: y
 OK - ✨ bumping patch on project .release file and updating Helm Charts ...
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/piers/git/public/ska-telescope/ska-tango-images'
set-release: 0.2.28
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/piers/git/public/ska-telescope/ska-tango-images'
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/piers/git/public/ska-telescope/ska-tango-images'
helm-set-release: 0.2.28
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/piers/git/public/ska-telescope/ska-tango-images'

 ✋ The updated git status (outstanding) is:
 On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
 modified:   .release
 modified:   charts/ska-tango-base/Chart.yaml
 modified:   charts/ska-tango-util/Chart.yaml
 modified:   images/ska-tango-images-tango-dependencies/.release
 modified:   images/ska-tango-images-tango-dependencies/.release

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

 ✋ The git diff is:
 diff --git a/.release b/.release
index 6158cb3..f96ae41 100644
--- a/.release
+++ b/.release
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/charts/ska-tango-base/Chart.yaml b/charts/ska-tango-base/Chart.yaml
index 723d143..56a22e6 100644
--- a/charts/ska-tango-base/Chart.yaml
+++ b/charts/ska-tango-base/Chart.yaml
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 apiVersion: v2
-appVersion: "1.0"
+appVersion: 0.2.28
 description: A Helm chart for deploying the TANGO base system on Kubernetes
 name: ska-tango-base
-version: 0.2.25
+version: 0.2.28
 - name: ska-tango-util
-  version: 0.2.14
+  version: 0.2.28
   repository: file://../ska-tango-util

diff --git a/charts/ska-tango-util/Chart.yaml b/charts/ska-tango-util/Chart.yaml
index e41b291..81892f7 100644
--- a/charts/ska-tango-util/Chart.yaml
+++ b/charts/ska-tango-util/Chart.yaml
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ apiVersion: v2
 description: A Helm chart library of utilities for TANGO deployents
 name: ska-tango-util
 type: library
-appVersion: 0.2.14
-version: 0.2.14
+appVersion: 0.2.28
+version: 0.2.28
 - name: Matteo Di Carlo
diff --git a/images/ska-tango-images-tango-dependencies/.release b/images/ska-tango-images-tango-dependencies/.release
index aad0434..7b0cabe 100644
--- a/images/ska-tango-images-tango-dependencies/.release
+++ b/images/ska-tango-images-tango-dependencies/.release
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/images/ska-tango-images-tango-dependencies/.release b/images/ska-tango-images-tango-dependencies/.release
index e35fea8..d893a90 100644
--- a/images/ska-tango-images-tango-dependencies/.release
+++ b/images/ska-tango-images-tango-dependencies/.release
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@

Step 4: Commit .release and ANY outstanding changes, and set project git tag
Do you wish to continue (you will be prompted at each step) [N/y]: y
 OK - ✨ doing commit and tag ...
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/piers/git/public/ska-telescope/ska-tango-images'
git says you have the following outstanding changes:
  M .release
 M charts/ska-tango-base/Chart.yaml
 M charts/ska-tango-util/Chart.yaml
 M images/ska-tango-images-tango-dependencies/.release
 M images/ska-tango-images-tango-dependencies/.release
Do you wish to continue (will commit outstanding changes) [N/y]: y
OK - commiting changes...
[master c647c4f] bumped version to 0.2.28
 5 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/piers/git/public/ska-telescope/ska-tango-images'

Step 5: Push changes and tag
Do you wish to continue (you will be prompted at each step) [N/y]: y
 OK - ✨ doing push ...
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/piers/git/public/ska-telescope/ska-tango-images'
Enumerating objects: 25, done.
Counting objects: 100% (25/25), done.
Delta compression using up to 12 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (10/10), done.
Writing objects: 100% (13/13), 1.81 KiB | 462.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 13 (delta 6), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
   bf3ebe5..c647c4f  master -> master
Enumerating objects: 1, done.
Counting objects: 100% (1/1), done.
Writing objects: 100% (1/1), 152 bytes | 152.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 1 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
 * [new tag]         0.2.28 -> 0.2.28
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/piers/git/public/ska-telescope/ska-tango-images'
🌟 All done! 🌟

Bumping umbrella charts version to the make-a-release version

The make make-a-release utility doesn't update the umbrella charts to the needed versions. As such, the charts/ska-tango-umbrella/Chart.yaml file, should be manually bumped to the new version.

In order to do this, update the version for the ska-tango-base and ska-tango-util under dependencies and push to master:

- name: ska-tango-base
  version: {NEW_VERSION}
  repository: ...
  condition: ...
- name: ska-tango-util
  version: {NEW_VERSION}
  repository: ...

Developer Notes

Testing image builds locally

Create a file {.MY_ENV_FILE} with the needed environment variables in the format of:


Then run the following command to build an image:

cat .MY_ENV_FILE | xargs printf -- '--build-arg %s\n' | xargs docker build -t MY_TAG .