The ``ska-tango-base`` helm chart is an application chart which defines the basic TANGO ecosystem in kubernetes.
In specific it defines the following k8s services:
- tangodb: it is a mysql database used to store configuration data used at startup of a device server (more information can be found `here <>`__.
- tangodb: it is a mysql database used to store configuration data used at startup of a device server (more information can be found `here <>`__. If the ``global.operator`` is true then this won't be generated in favour of a databaseds resource type. More information available `here <>`_
- databaseds: it is a device server providing configuration information to all other components of the system as well as a runtime catalog of the components/devices (more information can be found `here <>`__.
- itango: it is an interactive Tango client (more information can be found `here <>`__.
- vnc: it is a debian environment with x11 server and vnc/novnc installed on it.
@@ -25,12 +25,14 @@ The ``ska-tango-util`` helm chart is a library chart which helps other applicati
In specific it defines the following helm named template:
- configuration (deprecated): it creates a k8s service account, a role and role binding for waiting the configuration job to be done and a job for the `dsconfig <>`_ application to apply a configuration json file set into the values file;
- deviceserver (deprecated): it creates a k8s service and a k8s statefulset for a instance of a device server;
- multidevice-config: it creates a ConfigMap which contains the generated `dsconfig <>`_ json configuration file, the boostrap script for the `dsconfig <>`_ application and a python script for multi class device server startup;
- multidevice-job: it creates a job for the `dsconfig <>`_ application to apply a configuration json file set into the values file;
- multidevice-sacc-role: it creates a k8s service account, a role and role binding for waiting the configuration job to be done;
- multidevice-svc: it creates a k8s service and a k8s statefulset for a device server tag specified in the values file.
- multidevice-config: it creates a ConfigMap which contains the generated `dsconfig <>`_ json configuration file, the boostrap script for the `dsconfig <>`_ application and a python script for multi class device server startup; if the ``global.operator`` is true then this won't be generated. More information available `here <>`_;
- multidevice-job: it creates a job for the `dsconfig <>`_ application to apply a configuration json file set into the values file; if the ``global.operator`` is true then this won't be generated. More information available `here <>`_;
- multidevice-sacc-role: it creates a k8s service account, a role and role binding for waiting the configuration job to be done; if the ``global.operator`` is true then this won't be generated. More information available `here <>`_;
- multidevice-svc: it creates a k8s service and a k8s statefulset for a device server tag specified in the values file. If the ``global.operator`` is true then this won't be generated in favour of a DeviceServer k8s type. More information available `here <>`_
- deviceserver-pvc: it optionally creates a volume for the deviceserver when it contains the dictionary `volume`. The subkeys are `name`, `mountPath` and `storage`. See example below.
- operator: it creates a k8s DeviceServer type of k8s resources.
With the introduction of the `SKA TANGO Operator k8s controller <>`_ the library is also able to generate DeviceServer type of resources. This can be activate by setting the parameter ``global.operator``.