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Embedded User Guide

Robbie Luijben requested to merge SDC-965/user-guide into master

In scope of this MR, the same embedded documentation approach for ldvspec was introduced:

  • Docusaurus is used to generate a static documentation website based on markdown files
  • The Dockerfile for StageIT is updated to generate this site and copy it into the Django static folder
  • The docker compose is updated with some redirect rules to make the documentation page (which is a Single Page Application) work.

As for the contents, this was mostly limited to user facing functionality and not made too technical. I tried to be concise and use only a few screenshots (they tend to go out of date). The user guide on Confluence now also points to the embedded user guide.

Some backlinks to the user guide were added, i.e.:


Edited by Robbie Luijben

Merge request reports