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Show workspecs to everyone

Robbie Luijben requested to merge SDC-846/show-workspecs-created-by-others into main

Everyone sees all work specifications now. On row level, the option to edit/delete is only enabled if current user created it (or is admin/staff).

Disabled on row level:


Disables on detail view:


Implementation notes:

  • In domain driven fashion, the actual logic for determining whether a user can perform an action (edit, delete, submit) lives in the model
  • Right now, the check for view and submit always yields true. This fine-grained control over the actions (view, edit/delete, submit) allows for easy future changes if needed (and was easy to add)
  • Rendering in templates uses template tags (which in turn call the model functions)
  • Access to the actual endpoints uses mixins (which in turn call the model functions)
  • Rest API endpoints for submitting/deleting use the model functions now
  • Authentication was added to workspecification endpoints
Edited by Robbie Luijben

Merge request reports