Fanna Lautenbach authoredFanna Lautenbach authored
- LDV Specification
- Documentation (Confluence)
- Collaborate
- Local update
- Run migration
- Local Development Environment
- Start developing
- Django Application
- Test Environment
- Production Environment
- Configuration
- admin user
- Build & Deploy
- Manual steps (add them somewhere)
- Usage
- Add a work specification
- Troubleshooting
LDV Specification
LDV Specification Application. For filling ATDB-LDV with processing tasks for LOFAR data
Documentation (Confluence)
The plan: https://support.astron.nl/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=84215267
deployment diagram of the current situation (in production)
your branch
add your functionality
test your functionality locally
intoyour branch
before creating a MR -
merge with
deploy in test, and test it
deploy in production, and test it
Local update
After a colleague has made changes, then locally:
> git pull
> pip install -r requirements\dev.txt
> python manage.py migrate --settings=ldvspec.settings.dev
Run migration
docker exec -ti ldv-specification python manage.py migrate --settings ldvspec.settings.docker_sdc
Local Development Environment
Start developing
- Copy the
, rename it toldvspec.env
and fill in the variables. The variables should match thelocal.py
settings which are coherent with thedocker-compose-local.yml
setup. - Run the docker build for the base image of the Dockerfile
docker build -f Dockerfile.base -t git.astron.nl:5000/astron-sdc/ldv-specification/base:latest .
- Run the docker-compose build for the local environment from folder
(Note: the path from which you build the docker-compose matters here!)docker-compose -f ./docker/docker-compose-local.yml build
- Run
docker-compose -f docker-compose-local.yml up -d
with the following compose file to spin up a new Postgres container, celery worker and rabbitMQ. - Run the following python commands to start developing
- migrate
python manage.py migrate --settings=ldvspec.settings.local
- create a superuser
python manage.py createsuperuser --settings=ldvspec.settings.local
Or use the following to create it without any user interaction (admin, admin)
DJANGO_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD=admin python ldvspec/manage.py createsuperuser --username admin --email no-reply@example.com --noinput --settings=ldvspec.settings.local
- Run the server
python manage.py runserver --settings=ldvspec.settings.local
- migrate
- You can use the following fixture to fill the database with complete example data
python manage.py loaddata fixtures/fixture_16122022.json --settings=ldvspec.settings.local
Django Application
clone the repo
open the project in Pycharm
create a venv (File -> Settings -> Project -> Project Interpreter -> (click cog) -> add)
pip install -r requirements\dev.txt
check and/or change the database connection in settings/dev/py. In this example it connects to a database server on 'raspiastro', you have to change that to the server where you run your Postgres Docker container (localhost?)
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
'USER': 'postgres',
'PASSWORD': 'secret',
'NAME': 'ldv-spec-db',
'HOST': 'raspiastro',
'PORT': '5433',
> python manage.py migrate --settings=ldvspec.settings.dev
> python manage.py createsuperuser --settings=ldvspec.settings.dev
> python manage.py runserver --settings=ldvspec.settings.dev
# In another terminal (for background tasks):
> celery -A ldvspec worker -l INFO
# Note: for windows you might need to add the `--pool=solo` parameter
Test Environment
Production Environment
See ~/shared/ldvspec.env
for database credentials and where to find ATDB-LDV
NOTE: currently a postgres database in a Docker container is also used in production. This will change to a database on the sdc-db machine.
admin user
- admin:admin
Build & Deploy
The CI/CD pipeline creates 2 Docker containers:
- ldv-specification : The Django application
- ldv-spec-postgres : The Postgres database
The database can also be accessed externally:
- host : sdc-dev.astron.nl / sdc.astron.nl
- port : 12000
- database: ldv-spec-db
Manual steps (add them somewhere)
Log into the ldv-specification container. (using the portainer GUI or with the docker exec)
> cd /src
> python manage.py migrate --settings=ldvspec.settings.docker_sdc
> python manage.py createsuperuser --settings=ldvspec.settings.docker_sdc
See also:
Add a work specification
With this url you can specify work
This is an example of structure of the LOFAR data in the ldv-spec-db
Which also shows which fields can be used to filter on.
GET /ldvspec/api/v1/data/
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept
"count": 10010,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 3155,
"obs_id": "102092",
"oid_source": "SAS",
"dataproduct_source": "LOFAR LTA",
"dataproduct_type": "Correlator data",
"project": "LC0_043",
"activity": "Raw Observation",
"surl": "srm://lofar-srm.fz-juelich.de:8443/pnfs/fz-juelich.de/data/lofar/ops/projects/lc0_043/102092/L102092_SAP000_SB261_uv.MS_8d9ea7c0.tar",
"filesize": 1477939200,
"dysco_compression": "False",
"location": "Juelich"
Enter the filter in json format in the
fields, for example{"obs_id": 102092, "dysco_compression": true}
Choose valid workflow, for example
(see the worklows endpoint in the ATDB API for an overview of valid workflows: https://sdc.astron.nl:5554/atdb/workflows/) -
After clicking 'POST', the response should look like this.
HTTP 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept
"id": 2,
"created_on": "2022-08-15T07:07:39.479546Z",
"filters": {
"obs_id": 102092,
"dysco_compression": true
"inputs": null,
"selected_workflow": "imaging_compress_pipeline_v02",
"related_tasks": null,
"is_ready": false,
"is_defined": false,
"async_task_result": "99622e7b-71f0-4f05-826d-23c13846642d",
"created_by": 1,
"processing_site": null
The workspecification endpoint now shows an overview of specified work, which is ready to be sent to ATDB-LDV:
Q: OperationalError at /ldvspec/api/v1/workspecification/ [WinError 10061] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
A: make sure that you have a connection to a celery broker (RabbitMQ) when running the application in development mode.
Example on Windows machine:
SET CELERY_BROKER_URL=amqp://guest@raspiastro:5672
python manage.py runserver --settings=ldvspec.settings.dev