Provide development workflow for Jupyter notebooks in IDA systems
Currently, the user can access a Jupyter notebook provided either through OSSR or hard-coded in the ESAP configuration and deploy it on an analysis service (e.g. JIVE or SKAO BinderHub).
It should be possible for the user to develop and save their own notebooks. In particular, they should be able to:
- Create a new notebook from scratch, and save it for their personal future use.
- Edit a notebook retrieved from the OSSR, and save it for their personal future use.
For bonus points it may also be possible to publish the {new,modified} notebook through the OSSR, but:
- This is not required for successful completion of this ticket, and
- Users should not be required to publish to the OSSR in order to save their notebook.
Possible implementations might include:
- Providing an easy workflow for users to save their notebooks to Git{Hub,Lab}.
- Providing a way to store notebooks to the Data Lake (see also #72 (closed)).