\addChangeRecord{0.2}{2020-12-22}{Minor updates to address comments received}
\addChangeRecord{0.1}{2020-11-16}{Internal draft circulated for comments}
\addPerson{John D. Swinbank}{ASTRON}{\vcsDate}
\addPerson{Jasper Annyas}{ASTRON}{}
\newacronym{AO}{A\&O}{Astronomy and Operations}
@@ -51,7 +50,7 @@ Ultimately, it will be proposed as part of the \gls{SDC} Program Management Plan
The \gls{SDC} will be developed and operated in a complex, matrixed management structure.
Broadly, the \gls{SDC} Program will coordinate the efforts of teams drawn from competence and focus groups across ASTRON --- primarily, but not exclusively, the \gls{SD} and \gls{SBe} competence groups within the \gls{IS} division --- to deliver software releases to the \gls{SDCO} group within the \gls{AO} division.
\gls{SDCO} is, in turn, responsible for deploying and operating this functionality to provide services to end users \footnote{At time of writing, the procedures for releasing and deploying software in the context of the \gls{SDC} have not been finalized. Refer to \autocite{SDC-005} for further discussion.}.
\gls{SDCO} is, in turn, responsible for deploying and operating this functionality to provide services to end users \footnote{At time of writing, the procedures for releasing and deploying software in the context of the \gls{SDC} have not been finalized. Refer to \autocite{SDC-007} for further discussion.}.
While the detailed roles, responsibilities, authorities, and accountabilities of the various groups described above and their management structure is still being defined at time of writing, it is clear that we will adopt an \emph{agile}, and --- likely --- \emph{sprint}-based approach to this work.
That is, we expect the development teams working under the aegis of the \gls{SDC} Program to plan their work as a series of short increments, each no more than a small number of weeks, each of which results in releasable product.