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  • astron-sdc/docs/astron-texmf
  • grange/astron-texmf
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\RequirePackage[pdfborder={0 0 0}]{hyperref}
% Must be after hyperref
% Set up “clever” references.
% Use lower-case-p for pages references.
% Abbreviations for appendix when not at the start of a sentence
% Use § for section references, except at the beginning of sentences.
\crefmultiformat{section}{\S\S#2#1#3}{ \&~#2#1#3}{, #2#1#3}{ \&~#2#1#3}
\crefrangemultiformat{section}{\S\S#3#1#4--#5#2#6}{ \&~#3#1#4--#5#2#6}{, #3#1#4--#5#2#6}{ \&~#3#1#4--#5#2#6}
\Crefrangeformat{section}{Sections~#3#1#4 to~#5#2#6}
\Crefmultiformat{section}{Sections~#2#1#3}{ and~#2#1#3}{, #2#1#3}{ and~#2#1#3}
\Crefrangemultiformat{section}{Sections~#3#1#4--#5#2#6}{ and~#3#1#4--#5#2#6}{, #3#1#4--#5#2#6}{ and~#3#1#4--#5#2#6}
% Set up glossaries
% Don't expand these acronyms in the text.
% Link to document repositories for appropriate e-prints in the bibliography
Doc handle\addcolon\space
% Standard bibliography files included in this package
% No need for a fancy font for the URL
\newcommand{\docTitle}{Set the document title with \texttt{\textbackslash{}setDocTitle}}
\newcommand{\docNumber}{Set the document number with \texttt{\textbackslash{}setDocNumber}}
\newcommand{\docDate}{Set the document date with \texttt{\textbackslash{}setDocDate}}
% Document history
\providecommand{\addChangeRecord}[3]{ #1 & #2 & #3 \tabularnewline \hline}
... & ... & ... \tabularnewline \hline
\textbf{Revision} & \textbf{Date} & \textbf{Description} \tabularnewline

260 KiB


140 KiB

\ProvidesClass{escape}[ESCAPE document class]
% Basic project details
% These refer to ESCAPE, but in principle we could reuse the document class for some other project.
\newcommand{\projectTitle}{European Science Cluster of Astronomy \& Particle physics ESFRI research Infrastructures}
\newcommand{\projectInstrument}{Research and Innovation Action (RIA)}
\newcommand{\projectTopic}{Connecting ESFRI infrastructures through Cluster projects (INFRA-EOSC-4-2018)}
\newcommand{\projectDuration}{42 Months}
\newcommand{\disclaimer}{\projectAcronym{} -- \projectTitle{} has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Grant Agreement n° \grantAgreement{}.}
\newcommand{\changeRecordName}{Versioning and contribution history}
% Other document metadata
% Must be set by the user
\newcommand{\workPackage}{Set the work package with \texttt{\textbackslash{}setWorkPackage}}
\newcommand{\leadAuthor}{Set the document author with \texttt{\textbackslash{}setLeadAuthor}}
\newcommand{\otherAuthors}{Set the contributing authors with \texttt{\textbackslash{}setOtherAuthors}}
\newcommand{\dueDate}{Set the due date with \texttt{\textbackslash{}setDueDate}}
\newcommand{\dueMonth}{Set the due month with \texttt{\textbackslash{}setDueMonth}}
% Page layout for this document type
% Document options set the “dissemination levels”
% Default font for ESCAPE documents is Calibri
% But if we can't find it (e.g. in CI), fall back to Arial (if available)
% Attempt to cache the results of the font check; it is very slow
% Define headers and footers
\docNumber{} -- \docTitle{}}
Project No & \grantAgreement{}\tabularnewline
Date & \docDate{}\tabularnewline
\includegraphics[width=1cm]{flag-eu}\hspace{0.3cm} &
\parbox[][1.3cm][t]{14.2cm}{\raggedright{\disclaimer{}}} &
\parbox[][1.2cm][t]{0.5cm}{\thepage} &
% Create the title page
% Vertical positions throughout were "eyeballed" — they work ok for a document
% with a title which spans two lines, but will probably break otherwise.
Project Title & \projectTitle{}\tabularnewline
Project Acronym & \projectAcronym{}\tabularnewline
Grant Agreement No & \grantAgreement{}\tabularnewline
Instrument & \projectInstrument{}\tabularnewline
Topic & \projectTopic{}\tabularnewline
Start Date of Project & \projectStart{}\tabularnewline
Duration of Project & \projectDuration{}\tabularnewline
Project Website & \projectWeb{}\tabularnewline
\LARGE\textbf{\docNumber{} -- \docTitle{}}
Work Package & \workPackage{}\tabularnewline
Lead Author (Org) & \leadAuthor{}\tabularnewline
\raggedright{Contributing Author(s) (Org)} & \otherAuthors{}\tabularnewline
Due Date & \dueDate{} (\dueMonth{}) \tabularnewline
Date & \docDate{} \tabularnewline
Version & \vcsRevision{} \tabularnewline
\multicolumn{3}{l}{Dissemination Level}\tabularnewline
\fbox{\pu{}} & PU: & Public\tabularnewline
\fbox{\pp{}} & PP: & Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission)\tabularnewline
\fbox{\re{}} & RE: & Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission)\tabularnewline
\fbox{\co{}} & CO: & Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission)\tabularnewline
\begin{textblock*}{1\textwidth}(\sideMargin, 25.5cm)

1.81 KiB


38.4 KiB

This diff is collapsed.