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Verified Commit 6d8db988 authored by John Swinbank's avatar John Swinbank
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Merge branch 'u/swinbank/escape-d5.3' into trunk

parents 3f41b22b 7663638f
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1 merge request!29Changes used for ESCAPE D5.3
author = {{Oosterloo}, T. and {van Leeuwen}, J. and {Van Cappellen}, W. and {Kruithof}, G. and {Jackson}, C.},
title = "{Apertif; the next stage}",
booktitle = {Westerbork Telescope 50th Anniversary},
year = 2018,
volume = {361},
month = sep,
eid = {16},
pages = {16},
adsurl = {},
adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
% General ASTRON documents
title = "Grant Agreement Number 824064 --- {ESCAPE}",
institution = "European Commission Directorate-General Research \& Innovation",
year = 2018,
month = 11,
day = 6
author = {Meyer-Zhao (ASTRON), Zheng and
Grange (ASTRON), Yan and
van Haarlem (ASTRON), Michiel and
Groep (Nikhef), David and
Bolton (SKAO), Rosie and
Dickinson (Open University), Hugh and
Sánchez-Expósito (IAA-CSIC), Susana and
Ramón Rodón (IAA-CSIC), José},
title = "D5.1: Preliminary Report on Requirements for {ESFRI} Science Analysis Use Cases",
institution = "{ESCAPE}",
year = 2019,
month = 7,
day = 30,
version = 1.1,
url = {}
author = {Meyer-Zhao (ASTRON), Zheng and
Grange (ASTRON), Yan and
van Haarlem (ASTRON), Michiel and
Szomoru (Nikhef), Arpad and
Voutsinas (UEDIN), Stelios and
Taffoni (INAF), Giuliano and
Sánchez-Expósito (IAA-CSIC), Susana and
Chanial (EGO), Pierre and
Dickinson (Open University), Hugh and
Matthias (CTAO), Füßling},
title = "D5.2: Detailed Project Plan",
institution = "{ESCAPE}",
year = 2019,
month = 10,
day = 31,
version = 1.0,
url = {}
author = {European Commission Expert Group on FAIR Data},
title = "Turning {FAIR} into Reality",
institution = "{E}uropean {C}ommission",
url = {}
......@@ -39,3 +39,14 @@ archivePrefix = {arXiv},
adsurl = {},
adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
author = {{Ochsenbein}, Francois and {Taylor}, Mark and {Donaldson}, Tom and {Williams}, Roy and {Davenhall}, Clive and {Demleitner}, Markus and {Durand}, Daniel and {Fernique}, Pierre and {Giaretta}, David and {Hanisch}, Robert and {McGlynn}, Tom and {Szalay}, Alex and {Wicenec}, Andreas},
title = "{VOTable Format Definition Version 1.4}",
howpublished = {IVOA Recommendation 21 October 2019},
year = 2019,
month = oct,
pages = {1021},
adsurl = {},
adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
\newacronym{AAAI}{AAAI}{Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting Infrastructure}
\newacronym{ALTA}{ALTA}{\Acrshort{Apertif} Long Term Archive}
description={\acrshort{Apertif} Long Term Archive}%
]{ALTA}{ALTA}{Apertif Long Term Archive}
\newacronym{ANTARES}{ANTARES}{Astronomy with a Neutrino Telescope and Abyss environmental RESearch}
\newacronym{AO}{A\&O}{Astronomy and Operations}
\newacronym{API}{API}{Application Programming Interface}
\newacronym{ASCL}{ASCL}{Astrophysics Source Code Library}
\newacronym{Apertif}{Apertif}{APERture Tile In Focus}
description={Connecting \acrshort{ESFRI} Projects to \acrshort{EOSC} through \acrshort{VO} framework}%
]{CEVO}{CEVO}{Connecting ESFRI Projects to EOSC through VO framework}
\newacronym{CPU}{CPU}{Central Processing Unit}
\newacronym{CWL}{CWL}{Common Workflow Language}
\newacronym{CTA}{CTA}{Cherenkov Telescope Array}
\newacronym{DIOS}{DIOS}{Data Infrastructure for Open Science}
\newacronym{DOI}{DOI}{Digital Object Identifier}
\newacronym{DUPLLO}{DUPLLO}{Digital Upgrade for Premier \Acrshort{LOFAR} Low-band Observing}
description={Digital Upgrade for Premier \acrshort{LOFAR} Low-band Observing}%
]{DUPLLO}{DUPLLO}{Digital Upgrade for Premier LOFAR Low-band Observing}
\newacronym{ECO}{ECO}{Engagement and COmmunication}
\newacronym{EC}{EC}{European Commission}
\newacronym{EGI-ACE}{EGI-ACE}{EGI Advanced Computing for \Acrshort{EOSC}}
\newacronym{EOSC}{EOSC}{European Open Science Cloud}
description={EGI Advanced Computing for \acrshort{EOSC}}%
]{EGI-ACE}{EGI-ACE}{EGI Advanced Computing for EOSC}
\newacronym{ERIC}{ERIC}{European Research Infrastructure Consortium}
]{EOSC}{EOSC}{European Open Science Cloud}
\newacronym{EGO}{EGO}{European Gravitational Observatory}
\newacronym{EPO}{EPO}{Education and Public Outreach}
\newacronym{ESAP}{ESAP}{\Acrshort{ESFRI} Science Analysis Platform}
description={\acrshort{ESFRI} Science Analysis Platform}%
]{ESAP}{ESAP}{ESFRI Science Analysis Platform}
\newacronym{ESCAPE}{ESCAPE}{European Science Cluster of Astronomy \& Particle physics \Acrshort{ESFRI} research infrastructures}
\newacronym{ESFRI}{ESFRI}{European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures}
\newacronym{ESO}{ESO}{European Southern Observatory}
\newacronym{EST}{EST}{European Solar Telescope}
\newacronym{FAIR}{FAIR}{Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable}
\newacronym{FAIR-ESFRI}{FAIR}{Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research}
\newacronym{FPGA}{FPGA}{Field Programmable Gate Array}
\newacronym{FTE}{FTE}{Full Time Equivalent}
\newacronym{FTP}{FTP}{File Transfer Protocol}
\newacronym{FuSE}{FuSE}{Fundamental Sciences E-infrastructure}
\newacronym{GPU}{GPU}{Graphics Processing Unit}
\newacronym{GUI}{GUI}{Graphical User Interface}
\newacronym{HBA}{HBA}{High-Band Antenna}
description={High-Luminosity \acrshort{LHC}}%
]{HL-LHC}{HL-LHC}{High-Luminosity LHC}
\newacronym{HPC}{HPC}{High-Performance Computing}
\newacronym{HTC}{HTC}{High-Throughput Computing}
\newacronym{HTTP}{HTTP}{Hypertext Transfer Protocol}
\newacronym{IAM}{IAM}{Identity and Access Management}
\newacronym{ICA}{ICA}{Internal Cooperation Agreement}
\newacronym{ILT}{ILT}{International \Acrshort{LOFAR} Telescope}
\newacronym{IDA}{IDA}{Interactive Data Analysis}
description={International \acrshort{LOFAR} Telescope}%
]{ILT}{ILT}{International LOFAR Telescope}
\newacronym{IS}{I\&S}{Innovation and Systems}
\newacronym{IVOA}{IVOA}{International Virtual Observatory Alliance}
description={Joint Institute for \acrshort{VLBI} \acrshort{ERIC}}%
]{JIVE}{JIVE}{Joint Institute for VLBI ERIC}
\newacronym{JSON}{JSON}{JavaScript Object Notation}
\newacronym{KSP}{KSP}{Key Science Project}
\newacronym{LBA}{LBA}{Low-Band Antenna}
\newacronym{LDV}{LDV}{\Acrshort{LOFAR} Data Valorisation}
description={\Acrshort{LOFAR} Data Valorisation}%
]{LDV}{LDV}{LOFAR Data Valorisation}
\newacronym{LHC}{LHC}{Large Hadron Collider}
\newacronym{LOFAR}{LOFAR}{LOw Frequency ARray}
\newacronym{LSST}{LSST}{Legacy Survey of Space and Time}
\newacronym{LTA}{LTA}{Long Term Archive}
\newacronym{LUC}{LUC}{\Acrshort{LOFAR} Users Committee}
description={\acrshort{LOFAR} Users Committee}%
]{LUC}{LUC}{\Acrshort{LOFAR} Users Committee}
\newacronym{MIND}{MIND}{Management, Innovation, Networking, and Dissemination}
\newacronym{MT}{MT}{Management Team}
\newacronym{NWO}{NWO}{Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek}
\newacronym{ORP}{ORP}{OPTICON--RadioNet Pilot}
\newacronym{OSSR}{OSSR}{Open-source scientific Software and Service Repository}
\newacronym{PID}{PID}{Persistent Identifier}
\newacronym{PMT}{PMT}{Product Management Team}
\newacronym{QA}{QA}{Quality Assessment}
\newacronym{QoS}{QoS}{Quality of Service}
\newacronym{RDMA}{RDMA}{Remote Direct Memory Access}
\newacronym{REST}{REST}{Representational State Transfer}
\newacronym{SAFe}{SAFe}{Scaled Agile Framework}
\newacronym{SAMP}{SAMP}{Simple Application Messaging Protocol}
\newacronym{SBe}{SBe}{Smart Backend}
\newacronym{SDCO}{SDCO}{\Acrshort{SDC} Operations}
\newacronym{SDCP}{SDCP}{\Acrshort{SDC} Program}
description={\acrshort{SDC} Operations}%
]{SDCO}{SDCO}{SDC Operations}
description={\acrshort{SDC} Program}%
]{SDCP}{SDCP}{SDC Program}
\newacronym{SDC}{SDC}{Science Data Centre}
\newacronym{SDF-PPE}{SDF-PPE}{Science Delivery Framework: Production Pipeline Enhancement}
\newacronym{SDF}{SDF}{Science Delivery Framework}
\newacronym{SD}{SD}{Software Delivery}
\newacronym{SKAO}{SKAO}{\Acrshort{SKA} Observatory}
\newacronym{SKARC}{SKARC}{\Acrshort{SKA} Regional Centre}
description={\acrshort{SKA} Observatory}%
]{SKAO}{SKAO}{SKA Observatory}
description={\acrshort{SKA} Regional Centre}%
]{SKARC}{SKARC}{SKA Regional Centre}
\newacronym{SKA}{SKA}{Square Kilometre Array}
\newacronym{SRCSC}{SRCSC}{\Acrshort{SKA} Regional Centres Steering Committee}
\newacronym{SRC}{SRC}{\Acrshort{SKA} Regional Centre}
\newacronym{SQL}{SQL}{Structured Query Language}
description={\acrshort{SKA} Regional Centres Steering Committee}%
]{SRCSC}{SRCSC}{SKA Regional Centres Steering Committee}
description={\acrshort{SKA} Regional Centre}%
]{SRC}{SRC}{SKA Regional Centre}
\newacronym{SRDP}{SRDP}{Science-Ready Data Product}
\newacronym{SSH}{SSH}{Secure Shell}
\newacronym{TMSS}{TMSS}{Telescope Manager Specification System}
......@@ -61,3 +139,4 @@
\newacronym{TPU}{TPU}{Tensor Processing Unit}
\newacronym{VM}{VM}{Virtual Machine}
\newacronym{VO}{VO}{Virtual Observatory}
\newacronym{VLBI}{VLBI}{Very Long Baseline Interferometry}
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% Use lower-case-p for pages references.
% Abbreviations for appendix when not at the start of a sentence
% Use § for section references, except at the beginning of sentences.
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