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astron.cls 9.55 KiB
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% Inspired by:
\ProvidesClass{astron}[ASTRON document class]

John Swinbank's avatar
John Swinbank committed
% Handle various document types, adding appropriate warning messages.
% Document type is specified as a class option; if none is specified, we use "undefined".

          This technical note expresses the opinions of the authors on the date of writing.\\
          It is not binding on the SDC Program, and may not accurately reflect future developments.

  \renewcommand{\docType}{Tech. Note}

          This document proposes a change to the technical baseline of the SDC Program.\\
          It is not binding on the Program until approved by a change control process.


          This document is part of the technical baseline of the SDC Program.\\
          It is binding on the activities of the Program.\\
          It may only be modified through a formal change control process.


John Swinbank's avatar
John Swinbank committed

\RequirePackage[pdfborder={0 0 0}]{hyperref}
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John Swinbank committed
John Swinbank's avatar
John Swinbank committed
John Swinbank's avatar
John Swinbank committed

% Set up “clever” references.
% Use lower-case-p for pages references.
% Abbreviations for appendix when not at the start of a sentence
John Swinbank's avatar
John Swinbank committed
John Swinbank's avatar
John Swinbank committed
% Use § for section references, except at the beginning of sentences.
\crefmultiformat{section}{\S\S#2#1#3}{ \&~#2#1#3}{, #2#1#3}{ \&~#2#1#3}
\Crefrangeformat{section}{Sections~#3#1#4 to~#5#2#6}
\Crefmultiformat{section}{Sections~#2#1#3}{ and~#2#1#3}{, #2#1#3}{ and~#2#1#3}
% Set up glossaries
% Don't expand these acronyms in the text.

% Link to document repositories for appropriate e-prints in the bibliography
  Doc handle\addcolon\space
% Standard bibliography files included in this package
John Swinbank's avatar
John Swinbank committed
John Swinbank's avatar
John Swinbank committed
John Swinbank's avatar
John Swinbank committed
% No need for a fancy font for the URL

John Swinbank's avatar
John Swinbank committed

\newcommand{\docTitle}{Set the document title with \texttt{\textbackslash{}setDocTitle}}

\newcommand{\docNumber}{Set the document number with \texttt{\textbackslash{}setDocNumber}}

\newcommand{\docRevision}{Set the document revision with \texttt{\textbackslash{}setDocRevision}}

\newcommand{\docDate}{Set the document date with \texttt{\textbackslash{}setDocDate}}

\newcommand{\docProgram}{Set the document program with \texttt{\textbackslash{}setDocProgram}}

% Document history
\providecommand{\addChangeRecord}[3]{ #1 & #2 & #3 \tabularnewline \hline}
... & ... & ... \tabularnewline \hline

  \section*{Document History}
    \textbf{Revision} & \textbf{Date} & \textbf{Description} \tabularnewline

% Define authors, approvers, etc for the front page
\providecommand{\addPerson}[3]{ #1 & #2 & #3 \tabularnewline}

... & ... & ... \tabularnewline

... & ... & ... \tabularnewline

... & ... & ... \tabularnewline

... & ... & ... \tabularnewline

    \cline{2-3} \cline{3-3}
    \multicolumn{1}{c|}{} &
    \textbf{\footnotesize{}Organisatie / Organization} &
    \textbf{\footnotesize{}Datum / Date} \tabularnewline
    \textbf{\footnotesize{}Auteur(s) / Author(s):\vspace{0.2cm}} & & \tabularnewline
    \textbf{\footnotesize{}Controle / Checked:\vspace{0.2cm}} & & \tabularnewline
    \textbf{\footnotesize{}Goedkeuring / Approval:\vspace{0.2cm}} & & \tabularnewline
    \textbf{\footnotesize{}Autorisatie / Authorization:} & & \tabularnewline
    \textbf{\footnotesize{}Handtekening / Signature:\vspace{1cm}} & & \tabularnewline

% Define headers and footers
\lfoot{\thepage \hspace{1pt} / \pageref{LastPage}}
 Doc. Nr.: & \docNumber{}\tabularnewline
 Rev.: & \docRevision{}\tabularnewline
 Date: & \docDate{}\tabularnewline
John Swinbank's avatar
John Swinbank committed
 Doc. Type: & \docType{}\tabularnewline


% Construct the title page, history, etc.
John Swinbank's avatar
John Swinbank committed

John Swinbank's avatar
John Swinbank committed
% This position was determined by trial and error; a bit unsatisfying.

% Add the copyright notice towards the bottom of the page.
\begin{textblock*}{1\textwidth}(\sideMargin, \copyrightBoxPosition)
            {\textcopyright{} ASTRON \vcsFirstYear.\\}
            {\textcopyright{} ASTRON \vcsFirstYear--\vcsLastYear.\\}
John Swinbank's avatar
John Swinbank committed
          All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is\\
          prohibited without written consent of the copyright owner.
John Swinbank's avatar
John Swinbank committed
% We generate the author table once (but don't print it) to measure its height,
% then use that to position the textblock* which ultimately contains the table.
% Note the measured height is (approximately) half the full height.
John Swinbank's avatar
John Swinbank committed



John Swinbank's avatar
John Swinbank committed
