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RAP-840 Add Read the Docs

Merged Mick Veldhuis requested to merge rap-840-add-docs into main
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@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ User-defined parameters
* ``demix_skymodel``: the skymodel used by the demixing algorithm (default: ``Ateam.skymodel``).
* ``demix_sources``: the list of sources to demix, e.g., ``[CasA, CygA]``. Note that these sources have to be present in the provided skymodel. (default: ``[]``.)
* ``demix_baselines``: select the baselines used to demix (default: ``[CR]S*&"``).
* ``demix_baselines``: select the baselines used to demix (default: ``[CR]S*&``).
* ``demix_ignoretarget``: set this parameter to false if you want to project the target away, if set to true the target will be ignored (default: ``false``).
* ``demix_lbfgs_robustdof``: the degrees of freedom of the LBFGS solver noise model (default: ``200``).
* ``demix_lbfgs_historysize``: the history size the LBFGS solver uses to approximate the inverse Hessian (default: ``10``).