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Added steps for phase shifting to delay calibrator.

Matthijs van der Wild requested to merge dp3-phaseup into master

This MR provides the steps necessary for the pipeline to shift the phase centre to the delay calibrator. It takes as its input:

  • the output measurement sets from the AOflagging step and
  • the file best_delay_calibrators.csv determined by steps/download_cats.cwl in the workflow/setup.cwl phase of the pipeline. The latter is parsed by scripts/ in steps/prep_delay.cwl, which returns the coordinates in a format necessary for use in DP3. The phase shifting, averaging, and adding of the core stations is done in the subsequent steps/dp3_phaseup.cwl.

The output measurement sets from steps/dp3_phaseup.cwl are passed along to the rest of the pipeline, which is still to be implemented.

Merge request reports
