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Commit 189a438c authored by Emmy Escott's avatar Emmy Escott
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postprocessing script for widefield

parent 009df68b
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1 merge request!79Draft: postprocessing script for widefield
Pipeline #107175 failed
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Feb 3 11:15:16 2025
@author: pwcc62
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy import units as u
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import argparse
import os
##example input below
##python3 --crossmatch_fits "/home/pwcc62/AGN_outflows/Bootes_nonAGN/bootes_final_cross_match_catalogue-v1.0.fits"
#--source_fits "test_source_catalouge.fits" --ra1 "optRA" --ra2 "RA_bdsf" --dec1 "optDec" --dec2 "DEC_bdsf" --error 5
#DR1 ='/home/pwcc62/AGN_outflows/Bootes_FITS/bootes_optIR_catalogue_full.fits')
#source_cat ='/home/pwcc62/Bootes/test_source_catalog.fits')
def astrometry(crossmatch_fits, source_fits, ra1, ra2, dec1, dec2, error):
Script to determine the astrometry off set between e.g lotss and another image
cmd1 = 'stilts tskymatch2 in1="{}" in2="{}" out=source_matches.fits ra1={} dec1={} ra2={} dec2={} error={} join=1and2'.format(crossmatch_fits, source_fits, ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2, error)
#cmd1 = 'stilts tskymatch2 in1=\"/home/pwcc62/AGN_outflows/Bootes_nonAGN/bootes_final_cross_match_catalogue-v1.0.fits\" in2="test_source_catalouge.fits" out=source_matches.fits ra1=optRA dec1=optDEC ra2=RA_bdsf dec2=DEC_bdsf error=1 join=1and2'
with open('','w') as f:
matches ="source_matches.fits") ## want RA_bdsf as this is from source_catalouge
bdsf_ra = matches['{}'.format(ra2)]
bdsf_dec = matches['{}'.format(dec2)]
opt_ra = matches['{}'.format(ra1)]
opt_dec = matches['{}'.format(dec1)]
ra_offset = (opt_ra - bdsf_ra) * u.deg
dec_offset = (opt_dec - bdsf_dec) * u.deg
ra_off_arcsec =
dec_off_arcsec =
ra_off = Table()
ra_off['ra_offset'] = ra_off_arcsec
dec_off = Table()
dec_off['dec_offset'] = dec_off_arcsec
ra_off.write('ra_offset.csv', format='csv', overwrite=True)
dec_off.write('dec_offset.csv', format='csv', overwrite=True)
new_cmap =,1,255))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 10))
grd = plt.GridSpec(4, 4, hspace=0.2, wspace=0.2)
ax = fig.add_subplot(grd[1:, :-1]) #main plot
lax = fig.add_subplot(grd[1:, -1], sharey=ax) #left plot
bax = fig.add_subplot(grd[0, :-1], sharex=ax) #top plot
#fig = plt.figure()
ax.scatter(ra_off_arcsec, dec_off_arcsec, color=new_cmap[50], alpha=0.4, marker='*')
lax.hist(dec_off_arcsec, orientation='horizontal', color=new_cmap[50], alpha=0.4)
bax.hist(ra_off_arcsec, color=new_cmap[50], alpha=0.4)
return ra_off, dec_off
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Find Astrometry offset to 6" image')
parser.add_argument('--crossmatch_fits', type=str, help='6" catalouge with flux values')
parser.add_argument('--source_fits', type=str, help='source_catalouge from pyBDSF')
parser.add_argument('--ra1', type=str, help='column name of ra from crossmatch catalouge')
parser.add_argument('--ra2', type=str, help='column name of ra from pyBDSF catalouge')
parser.add_argument('--dec1', type=str, help='column name of dec from crossmatch catalouge')
parser.add_argument('--dec2', type=str, help='column name of dec from pyBDSF catalouge')
parser.add_argument('--error', type=str, help='Error for source location for crossmatching', default=5)
return parser.parse_args()
def main():
Main function
args = parse_args()
astrometry(args.crossmatch_fits, args.source_fits, args.ra1, args.ra2, args.dec1, args.dec2, args.error)
if __name__ == '__main__':
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Feb 3 15:12:32 2025
@author: pwcc62
from astropy.table import Table
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import argparse
def flux_scale(fitsfile, lotss_flux, image_flux):
Script to determine the flux scaling required between lotss and an input image
matches =
flux_6 = matches['{}'.format(lotss_flux)] ##Total_flux_1
bdsf_flux = matches['{}'.format(image_flux)] ##_2
flux_scale = bdsf_flux/flux_6
scale = Table()
scale['flux_scale'] = flux_scale
scale.write('flux_scale.csv', format='csv', overwrite=True)
plt.scatter(bdsf_flux, flux_6, color='purple', marker='o')
plt.xlabel('1.2" flux')
plt.ylabel('6" flux')
return flux_scale
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Find flux scaling between 6" and pyBDSF image')
parser.add_argument('--fitsfile', type=str, help='source_catalouge from pyBDSF with both image and 6" flux values')
parser.add_argument('--lotss_flux', type=str, help='column name of total flux from 6" catalouge')
parser.add_argument('--image_flux', type=str, help='column name of total flux from pyBDSF catalouge')
return parser.parse_args()
def main():
Main function
args = parse_args()
flux_scale(args.fitsfile, args.lotss_flux, args.image_flux)
if __name__ == '__main__':
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Feb 3 09:47:43 2025
@author: pwcc62
import bdsf
import argparse
from astropy.table import Table
def source_finder(input_image, rmsbox, thresh_isl, thresh_pix):
Script to create source catalouge for an imput fits image
prefix = input_image.split('/')[-1].replace('.fits','')
img = bdsf.process_image(input_image, thresh_isl=thresh_isl, thresh_pix=thresh_pix, rms_box=(int(rmsbox),int(rmsbox)), rms_box_bright=(int(rmsbox/3),int(rmsbox/3)))
img.write_catalog(clobber=True, outfile='source_catalouge.fits', format='fits', catalog_type='srl')
img ='source_catalouge.fits')
img_ra = img['RA']
img['RA'] = (img_ra + 360) % 360
img['RA'].name = 'RA_bdsf'
img['DEC'].name = 'DEC_bdsf'
img.write('source_catalouge.fits', overwrite=True, format='fits')
return img
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Source Finding with pyBDSF')
parser.add_argument('--rmsbox', type=float, help='rms box pybdsf', default=120)
parser.add_argument('--thresh_isl', type=float, help='sigma threshold for island detections with pybdsf', default=5)
parser.add_argument('--thresh_pix', type=float, help='sigma threshold for pixel with pybdsf', default=5)
parser.add_argument('--input_image', help='input image for source finding')
return parser.parse_args()
def main():
Main function
args = parse_args()
source_finder(args.input_image, args.rmsbox, args.thresh_isl, args.thresh_pix)
if __name__ == '__main__':
class: CommandLineTool
cwlVersion: v1.2
id: astrometry
doc: Script to determine astrometry offset between known positions e.g LoTSS and widefield VLBI image
- /home/pwcc62/Bootes/postprocessing/
- id: crossmatch_fits
type: File
doc: Fits file containing positions of sources to crossmatch with new image
position: 0
prefix: '--crossmatch_fits'
- id: source_fits
type: File
doc: Fits file containing positions of source from image created using widefield mode
position: 1
prefix: '--source_fits'
- id: ra1
type: string
doc: Column name of RA from crossmatch catalouge
position: 2
prefix: '--ra1'
- id: ra2
type: string
doc: Column name of RA from source catalouge
position: 3
prefix: '--ra2'
- id: dec1
type: string
doc: Column name of Dec from crossmatch catalouge
position: 4
prefix: '--dec1'
- id: dec2
type: string
doc: Column name of Dec from source catalouge
position: 5
prefix: '--dec2'
- id: error
type: float?
doc: Error for crossmatching region
default: 5
position: 6
prefix: '--error'
- id: astrometry_plot
type: File
doc: Plot to probe the astrometry offsets between crossmatch catalouge and image catalouge
glob: astrometry_offset.png
- id: ra_offset
type: File
doc: Table containing the RA offsets between the crossmatch catalouge and image catalouge
glob: ra_offset.csv
- id: dec_offset
type: File
doc: Table containing the Dec offsets between the crossmatch catalouge and image catalouge
glob: dec_offset.csv
- id: match_submission
type: File
doc: Bash script used to creat matched catalouge
- id: source_matches
type: File
doc: Table containing the crossmatched catalouge containing both crossmatch and source positions
glob: source_matches.fits
class: CommandLineTool
cwlVersion: v1.2
id: flux_scaling
doc: Script to probe flux scaling required between 6" flux density and input image flux
- /home/pwcc62/Bootes/postprocessing/
- id: fitsfile
type: File
doc: Fits file containing flux measurements for VLBI image which require flux scaling
position: 0
prefix: '--fitsfile'
- id: lotss_flux
type: string
doc: Column name of total flux from LoTSS
position: 1
prefix: '--lotss_flux'
- id: image_flux
type: string
doc: Column name of total flux from image catalouge which requires flux scaling
position: 2
prefix: '--image_flux'
- id: flux_scale_plot
type: File
doc: Plot to probe the flux scaling between the lotss and VLBI image
glob: flux_scaling.png
- id: flux_scale
type: File
doc: Table containing flux scaling values (input/6")
glob: flux_scale.csv
class: CommandLineTool
cwlVersion: v1.2
id: source_finding
doc: Generates a source catalouge of input image using pyBDSF
- /home/pwcc62/Bootes/postprocessing/
- id: input_image
type: File
doc: fits image to create catalouge from
position: 0
prefix: '--input_image'
- id: rmsbox
type: float?
doc: Size in pixels of noise area for pyBDSF
default: 120
position: 1
prefix: '--rmsbox'
- id: thresh_isl
type: float?
doc: Sigma threshold for island detections with pyBDSF
default: 5
position: 2
prefix: '--thresh_isl'
- id: thresh_pix
type: float?
doc: Sigma threshold for pixel detections with pyBDSF
default: 5
position: 3
prefix: '--thresh_pix'
- id: catalouge
type: File
doc: source catalouge
glob: source_catalouge.fits
cwlVersion: v1.2
class: Workflow
id: Post-Processing
label: Post Processing
doc: |
This runs the post-processing step required to adjust wide-field images to comply with LoTSS fields. A catalouge will be generated using pyBDSF, astrometry offset will be analysed as well as the flux scaling require by comparing the image with 6".
- id: input_image
type: File
doc: The input image to produce catalouge
- id: rmsbox
type: float?
default: 120
doc: rmsbox for pyBDSF
- id: thresh_isl
type: float?
default: 5
doc: Sigma threshold for island detections with pyBDSF
- id: thresh_pix
type: float?
default: 5
doc: Sigma threshold for pixels with pyBDSF
- id: crossmatch_fits
type: File
doc: The catalouge to base astrometry of sources
- id: source_fits
type: File
doc: The catalouge created from the image astromerty needs to be corrected for
- id: ra1
type: string
doc: Column name of RA from crossmatch catalouge
- id: ra2
type: string
doc: Column name of RA from pyBDSF catalouge which needs correcting
- id: dec1
type: string
doc: Column name of Dec from crossmatch catalouge
- id: dec2
type: string
doc: Column name of Dec from pyBDSF catalouge which needs correcting
- id: error
type: float?
default: 5
doc: Error for source location in pyBDSF
- id: fitsfile
type: File
doc: Source catalouge with both image and 6" flux values
- id: lotss_flux
type: string
doc: Column name of total flux from 6" catalouge
- id: image_flux
type: string
doc: Column anme of total flux from image catalouge
- id: source_finding
label: Source Finder
- id: input_image
source: input_image
- id: rmsbox
source: rmsbox
- id: thresh_isl
source: thresh_isl
- id: thresh_pix
source: thresh_pix
- id: catalouge
run: source_finding.cwl
- id: astrometry
label: astrometry
- id: crossmatch_fits
source: crossmatch_fits
- id: source_fits
source: source_finding/catalouge
- id: ra1
source: ra1
- id: ra2
source: ra2
- id: dec1
source: dec1
- id: dec2
source: dec2
- id: error
source: error
- id: ra_offset
- id: dec_offset
- id: astrometry_plot
- id: match_submission
- id: source_matches
run: astrometry.cwl
- id: flux_scaling
label: Flux Scaling
- id: fitsfile
source: astrometry/source_matches
- id: lotss_flux
source: lotss_flux
- id: image_flux
source: image_flux
- id: flux_scale
- id: flux_scale_plot
run: flux_scaling.cwl
- id: source_finding_out
type: File
outputSource: source_finding/catalouge
- id: astrometry_out
type: File[]
- astrometry/ra_offset
- astrometry/dec_offset
- astrometry/astrometry_plot
- astrometry/match_submission
- astrometry/source_matches
- id: flux_scaling_out
type: File[]
- flux_scaling/flux_scale
- flux_scaling/flux_scale_plot
- class: MultipleInputFeatureRequirement
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