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Add script for fixing Gaussian position angle in existing skymodels

Merged Tammo Jan Dijkema requested to merge gausspa2 into master
1 unresolved thread
+ 86
#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Compute the absolute Gaussian position angle for a skymodel file"""
from astropy.table import Table
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from astropy.coordinates import Angle
import astropy.units as u
from lsmtool import tableio # Registers makesourcedb reader and writer with astropy.tables
from numpy import sin, cos, arctan2
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def compute_absolute_orientation(
relative_orientation, ra_source, dec_source, ra_center, dec_center
"""Compute the absolute position angle from a relative one, where the relative one was created from an image with center ra_center, dec_center.
relative_orientation (astropy Quantity): position angle with respect to Norh in the image
ra_center (astropy Quantity): right ascension of the center of the image from which the relative position angle was deduced
dec_center (astropy Quantity): declination of the center of the image from which the relative position angle was deduced
ra_diff = ra_source - ra_center
dl_ddec = -sin(dec_source) * sin(ra_diff)
dm_ddec = cos(dec_source) * cos(dec_center) + sin(dec_source) * sin(dec_center) * cos(ra_diff)
angle_towards_ncp = arctan2(dl_ddec, dm_ddec)
return relative_orientation - angle_towards_ncp
def add_absolute_orientation(skymodel_filename_in, skymodel_filename_out, ra_center, dec_center):
"""Add absolute position for all gaussian sources"""
skymodel_table =, format="makesourcedb")
orientation_is_absolute_column_present = "OrientationIsAbsolute" in skymodel_table.columns
if "Orientation" not in skymodel_table.columns:
raise RuntimeError("No Orientation column present in " + skymodel_filename_in)
if not orientation_is_absolute_column_present:
skymodel_table["OrientationIsAbsolute"] = False
for row in skymodel_table:
if row["Type"] == "GAUSSIAN":
if row["OrientationIsAbsolute"]:
print("Orientation is already absolute, skipping")
absolute_orientation = compute_absolute_orientation(
row["Orientation"] * u.deg,
row["Ra"] * u.deg,
row["Dec"] * u.deg,
row["Orientation"] =
row["OrientationIsAbsolute"] = True
skymodel_table.write(skymodel_filename_out, format="makesourcedb")
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = ArgumentParser(description="Add absolute Gaussian position angle to a skymodel file")
parser.add_argument("skymodelfile", help="Skymodel file")
"ra_center", help="Right ascension of center, e.g. '32.2deg' or '3h35m23.2'", type=str
"dec_center", help="Declination of center, e.g. '12.5deg' or '5d35m17.8'", type=str
"-o", "--output", help="Output filename (default: derived from input filename)", type=str
args = parser.parse_args()
skymodel_filename_out = args.output
if skymodel_filename_out is None:
if args.skymodelfile.endswith(".skymodel") or args.skymodelfile.endswith(".txt"):
    • I'm not sure what happens here when args.skymodelfile doesn't end with ".skymodel" or ".txt" -- unless I missed something, I guess it will try to overwrite the input and will complain that the file exists? If so, perhaps it would be good to add an else clause to handle such a case.

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filename_parts = args.skymodelfile.rsplit(".")
skymodel_filename_out = filename_parts[0] + "_absolute_orientation." + filename_parts[1]
skymodel_filename_out = filename + ".absolute_orientation"
if args.ra_center.count(':') == 2: # Handle casacore format in e.g. msoverview output
args.ra_center = args.ra_center.replace(":", "h", 1).replace(":", "m", 1)
if args.dec_center.count(".") == 3:
args.dec_center = args.dec_center.replace(".", "d", 1).replace(".", "m", 1)
ra_center = Angle(args.ra_center)
dec_center = Angle(args.dec_center)
add_absolute_orientation(args.skymodelfile, skymodel_filename_out, ra_center, dec_center)"Saved corrected skymodel to " + skymodel_filename_out)