make_summary issue at end of LINC_calibrator
I am getting a crash at the end of LINC-calibrator in make_summary (after the cal_solutions file has been created) and have an updated pull of LINC from the end of September. The full log is on but the bit around the crash site is
[1;30mWARNING[0m [33m[job summary] exited with status: 1[0m [1;30mERROR[0m [31m[job summary] Job error: ("Error collecting output for parameter 'summary_file': ../../../LINC/steps/summary.cwl:137:7: Did not find output file with glob pattern: '['*.json']'.", {})[0m [1;30mWARNING[0m [33m[job summary] completed permanentFail[0m [1;30mERROR[0m [31m[step summary] Output is missing expected field file:///share/nas/njj/LINC/workflows/linc_calibrator/ion.cwl#ion/summary/summary_file[0m [1;30mERROR[0m [31m[step summary] Output is missing expected field file:///share/nas/njj/LINC/workflows/linc_calibrator/ion.cwl#ion/summary/logfile[0m [1;30mWARNING[0m [33m[step summary] completed permanentFail[0m