@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ A comprehensive explanation of the baseline selection syntax can be found `here`
- ``max_dppp_threads``: number of threads per process for DP3 (default: 10)
- ``memoryperc``: maximum of memory used for aoflagger in raw_flagging mode in percent (default: 20)
- ``aoflag_reorder``: will reorder the measurement set before running aoflagger
- ``aoflag_reorder``: make aoflagger reorder the measurement set before running the detection. This prevents that aoflagger will use its memory reading mode, which is faster but uses more memory (see the `AOFlagger manual`_`)
**Parameters you may want to adjust**
@@ -296,3 +296,4 @@ A comprehensive explanation of the baseline selection syntax can be found `here`
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ A comprehensive explanation of the baseline selection syntax can be found `here`
- ``max_dppp_threads``: number of threads per process for DP3 (default: 10)
- ``memoryperc``: maximum of memory used for aoflagger in raw_flagging mode in percent (default: 20)
- ``aoflag_reorder``: will reorder the measurement set before running aoflagger
- ``aoflag_reorder``: make aoflagger reorder the measurement set before running the detection. This prevents that aoflagger will use its memory reading mode, which is faster but uses more memory (see the `AOFlagger manual`_`)
*Skymodel directory*
@@ -345,3 +345,4 @@ If your **LBA** data has **not** been demixed before you may still want to keep