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PADRE-7: OneApplyCal support for reading from DPBuffer

Duncan Kampert requested to merge padre-7-oneapplycal into master

Added the possibility for OneApplyCal to read from buffer instead of from file. The only step currently supporting this feature is DDECal. DDECal buffer-writing can be turned on with 'ddecal.storebuffer=true'.

Added itsSolutions member of DPBuffer, which stores the solution for previous steps when the storebuffer flag is set. The itsSolutions are read by the OneApplyCal step if the H5Parm name is empty. If itsSolutions is empty while OneApplyCal is called, we throw a runtime error telling the user they did not store a solution before getting to this step.

Changed test to reflect the new DDECal step overview output.

Edited by Duncan Kampert

Merge request reports