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Reinder Kraaij's avatar
Merge branch 'TMSS-2948-Front-End-Only-P2' into 'master'
Reinder Kraaij authored
Resolve TMSS-2948 "Front end only p2" - Fixes the Green Time Line

Closes TMSS-2948

See merge request !1362
LOFAR (LOw Frequency ARray) Software Repository - README

The LOFAR repository contains some of the software packages to operate
the LOFAR radio telescope and process its measurement output.

LOFAR is operated by ASTRON, the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy.
For more information, see and

Source code is available at

Repository web interface:

Top-level LOFAR Project Content (incomplete summary)

CEP/			CEntral Processing software
CEP/Calibration/	Calibration: BBS, antenna and station responses
CEP/DP3/		Pre-processing: flagging, demixing, averag., calibration
CEP/Imager/		Imager
CEP/LAPS/		LOFAR Automated Processing System:
                          Image processing on the cluster/grid/archive
CEP/Pipeline/		Self-calibration / imaging pipeline
CEP/PyBDSM/		Source finder
CMake/			CMake configuration & build helper scripts
CMake/variants/		compiler- and hostname-specific build configurations
CMakeLists.txt		Top-level CMake configuration & build script
COPYING			License text
Docker/			Docker container templates and build scripts
INSTALL			Build and installation instructions
LCS/			LOFAR Common Software: frequently used LOFAR libraries
LCS/LofarStMan/		LOFAR Storage Manager for casacore MeasurementSets
LCU/			Local Controller Unit: station software tools
LTA/			Long-Term Archive: archive ingest tools
MAC/			Monitoring and Control software, static metadata
MAC/Deployment/data/StaticMetaData/ Static metadata: names, positions, delays...
README			This file
SAS/			Submission And Scheduling
SubSystems/		Build targets for deployment and some integration tests

NB: COBALT (The real-time central processor of LOFAR) has been moved to a
dedicated repository at

Contact Information

For questions about LOFAR software installation, usage, or bug reports, please
contact the ASTRON Radio Observatory software group via:

	softwaresupport AT astron DOT nl

For questions about observing with LOFAR or your data product, please contact
the ASTRON Radio Observatory "Science Operations & Support" group via:

	sos AT astron DOT nl