Ramesh Kumar authoredRamesh Kumar authored
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show.error.details.js 3.50 KiB
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import UIConstants from './utils/ui.constants';
import { Toast } from 'primereact/toast';
export class ShowErrorDetails extends Component {
constructor(props) {
buttonLabel: 'Show Details',
showDetails: false,
errTooltip: 'Click here to show error details',
showDetailsCSS: 'none'
this.showHideErrorDetails = this.showHideErrorDetails.bind(this);
this.copyErrorDetailsToClipboard = this.copyErrorDetailsToClipboard.bind(this);
* Show/Hide the Error details
showHideErrorDetails() {
if(this.state.buttonLabel === 'Show Details') {
this.setState({buttonLabel: 'Hide Details', errTooltip: 'Click here to hide error details', showDetailsCSS: 'inline'});
} else {
this.setState({buttonLabel: 'Show Details', showDetails: true, errTooltip: 'Click here to show error details', showDetailsCSS: 'none'})
* Copy the error details to clipboard
async copyErrorDetailsToClipboard() {
try {
const queryOpts = { name: 'clipboard-write', allowWithoutGesture: true };
await navigator.permissions.query(queryOpts);
await navigator.clipboard.writeText(this.props.response.request.response);
this.growl.show({severity: 'success', summary: '', detail: 'Error details copied to clipboard'});
} catch(error) {
const elem = document.createElement('textarea');
elem.value = this.props.response.request.response;
} catch (error) {
this.growl.show({severity: 'error', summary: 'Warning', detail: 'Unable to copy the data to clipboard'});
render() {
const httpStatusMsg = UIConstants.httpStatusMessages[this.props.response.status];
const data = httpStatusMsg? httpStatusMsg.detail: '';
var message = '['+this.props.response.status+'] '+JSON.stringify(this.props.response.statusText)+ ' ['+data+']';
return (
<Toast ref={(ref) => this.growl =ref}/>
<div className="show_error_hide" >
<button className="p-link" onClick={this.showHideErrorDetails}
title={this.state.errTooltip} style={{color: '#1e71d9', fontSize: "14px"}}>{this.state.buttonLabel}</button>
<button className="p-link" onClick={this.copyErrorDetailsToClipboard} tooltip="Copy the error details to clipboard"
style={{marginLeft: '1em', color: '#1e71d9'}}>
<i className='fas fa-copy'></i></button>
<div style={{display : this.state.showDetailsCSS}} >
<p style={{fontWeight: 'bold'}}> Error Details:</p>
<div id="showError" className="show_error_details" >
export default ShowErrorDetails;