Review and repair the VO query pages
The VO query pages need a detailed review of all the issues and a plan for fixing them.
Example issues:
Remove hard coded limits from VO queries
The VO query page mixes up the general IVOA registry with four specific protocols (TAP, SIA, SSA, and SCS).
- "Query this dataset" button should be "Query the registry"
- "Query this dataset" button should be "Query [TAP|SIA|SSA|SCS] services"
The description for the 'VO registry' is wrong - it describes the TAP protocol.
The 'documentation' link for the 'VO registry' actually points ot a registry instance.
The title for SSA says 'Table Access Protocol (SSA)'
The text for SSA has way too much detail.
Selecting [Query this dataset] for the 'VO registry'. Using the default keyword 'apertif' we get 1 TAP service at Astron. If we change the keyword to '2mass' we get 6 TAP services, including GAVO.
Select [x] 'GAVO DC TAP' and [Query selected VO Resources]
The table metadata reveals details of the JSON structure which are not relevant to the science user.
The first element shows the service URL and the number of 'keys'. => 30 keys
The URL is not useful to a science user, we should display the service name 'GAV TAP service'
The text '30 keys' should be '30 catalogs'
The number '30' is truncated, the GAV data center has 110 catalogs.
The metadata tree reveals details of the raw JSON response
gaia: 3 keys
fields: 27 keys
source_id 4 keys
should be displayed as
gaia: 3 tables
27 columns
The default query is:
SELECT TOP 100 * from ivoa.obscore WHERE obs_collection='apertif-dr1' and dataproduct_subtype='continuum'
This instance happens to have 'ivoa.obscore', but the obs_collection and dataproduct_subtype are not relevant.
Changing to a simpler query
SELECT TOP 100 * from ivoa.obscore
Select first two items from first page
Select second page Get the same set of results as the first page
Check the contents of our shopping basket Source (archive) listed as 'vo_reg' when it should be the GAVO data center. The record is just an array of values, no metadata. Not even the original column names.
Once we have looked at our shopping basket, we can't get back to the query results. The [back] button goes back to the start of the VO reg query sequence, with default search terms.
Change the query to only select four columns
SELECT TOP 100 obs_id, s_ra, s_dec, facility_name, preview from ivoa.obscore
Select 3rd and 4th rows Check the contents of our shopping basket The record is just an array of values, no metadata. Not even the original column names.
"Calar Alto 3.5m telescope",
Change the query to select different columns
SELECT TOP 100 s_fov, s_region from ivoa.obscore
KeyError: "Got KeyError when attempting to get a value for field `thumbnail` on serializer
`CreateAndRunQuerySerializer`.\nThe serializer field might be named incorrectly and not match
any attribute or key on the `dict` instance.\nOriginal exception text was: 'thumbnail'."
Seems that a thumbnail (preview) column is required or the parser fails.
Back to the first page of VO query, and select 'Simple Image Access (SIA)'
[Query this dataset] jumps to IVOA query page, with ServiceType set to 'TAP: Tables' not 'SIA: Images'
Manually select 'SIA: Images'and change keyword to '2mass'. Results show 9 rows
Select the first row '2MASS All-Sky Atlas Image Service' and [Query selected service]
- Metadata query fails to complete
- Page fails to load ...