The LOFAR Initial Calibration pipeline
LINC is a pipeline to correct for various instrumental and ionospheric effects in both LOFAR HBA and LOFAR LBA observations. It will prepare your data so that you will be able to use any direction-dependent calibration software, like Rapthor, factor, or killMS.
It includes:
- removal of clock offsets between core and remote stations (using clock-TEC separation)
- correction of the polarization alignment between XX and YY
- robust time-independent bandpass correction
- ionospheric RM corrections with RMextract
- removal of the element beam
- advanced flagging and removal of bad data
- mitigation of broad-band RFI and bad stations
- direction-independent phase correction of the target, using a global sky model from TGSS ADR or the new Global Sky Model GSM
- detailled diagnostics
The full documentation can be found at the LINC webpage.
WARNING: Although calibrator models are at Scaife & Heald flux density scale, this is only in terms of integrated flux density using the full bandwidth. In-band spectral indices may not be accurate. Calibrators which are not yet fixed to the Scaife & Heald flux density scale for international station work are: 3C147 and 3C380.
Software requirements
- DP3 (v6.0 or later)
- LoSoTo (v2.4 or later)
- LSMTool (v1.5.1 or later)
- EveryBeam (v0.5.3 or later)
- Sagecal (v0.8.1 or later)
- RMextract (v0.4.4 or later)
- AOFlagger (v3.4 or later)
- WSClean (v3.4 or later)
- IDG (v1.2.0 or later)
- LofarStMan
- Dysco (v1.3 or later)
- casacore
- Python3 (including matplotlib, scipy, astropy)
- cwltool (3.1.20231207110929 or later) toil-cwl-runner (6.0.0 or later)
Detailled installation instructions for LINC are available at the LINC documentation.
It is recommended to use Docker or Singularity (version 3.1 or later) for the use of software containers. NOTE: Due to a bug Debian/Ubuntu packages of Singularity version 3.9.9 will not run with LINC.
To download and install the repository run the following commands:
git clone linc --depth 1
cd linc
pip3 install --upgrade $PWD
Running LINC
Instructions how to setup and run LINC are also available at the LINC documentation.
Directory structure
LINC contains the following sub-directories:
- Docker: contains the Dockerfile for creating the Docker image which contains all necessary software packages
- docs: contains the documentation for LINC
- rfistrategies: strategies for statistical RFI mitigation using AOFlagger
- scripts: scripts that the pipeline calls to process data, generate plots, etc.
- skymodels: skymodels that are used by the pipeline (e.g. for demixing or calibrating the calibrator)
- solutions: template solutions for the use of non-supported calibrator sources
- steps: steps of the pipeline described in the Common Workflow Language (CWL)
- test_jobs: descriptions for running continouos integration (CI)
- workflows: pipeline workflow desriptions in the Common Workflow Language (CWL)
LINC and its scripts were developed by:
- Alexander Drabent
- David Rafferty
- Mattia Mancini
- Marcel Loose
- Andreas Horneffer
- Francesco de Gasperin
- Marco Iacobelli
- Emanuela Orru
- Björn Adebahr
- Martin Hardcastle
- George Heald
- Soumyajit Mandal
- Carole Roskowinski
- Jose Sabater Montes
- Timothy Shimwell
- Sarrvesh Sridhar
- Reinout van Weeren
- Wendy Williams

This work was supported by the BMBF Verbundforschung under the grant 05A20STA.
The LINC procedure is described in this paper:
- de Gasperin, F.; Dijkema, T. J.; Drabent, A.; Mevius, M.; Rafferty, van Weeren, R., et al. 2019, A&A, 662, A5