Specify in output where metadata does not match
Created by: maaijke
I have 2 AARTFAAC MS with slightly diffrerent times (subsecond difference). I tried to copy the data for every column containing time information in the MS, however I still get the exception that the metadata differs.
In DPPP MultiMSReader.cc we hit this exception:
if (!(near(itsStartTime, rdinfo.startTime()) &&
near(itsLastTime, itsReaders[i]->lastTime()) &&
near(itsTimeInterval, rdinfo.timeInterval()) &&
itsNrCorr == rdinfo.ncorr() &&
itsNrBl == rdinfo.nbaselines() &&
itsFullResNChanAvg == itsReaders[i]->nchanAvgFullRes() &&
itsFullResNTimeAvg == itsReaders[i]->ntimeAvgFullRes() &&
getInfo().antennaSet() == rdinfo.antennaSet() &&
allEQ (getInfo().getAnt1(), rdinfo.getAnt1()) &&
allEQ (getInfo().getAnt2(), rdinfo.getAnt2())))
throw Exception(
"Meta data of MS " + itsMSNames[i]
+ " differs from " + itsMSNames[itsFirst]);
Could it be separated such that the exact mismatch is clear?