* RadioHDL with GIT (LOFAR2.0) * RadioHDL with SVN (APERTIF/ARTS) * RadioHDL issues * ARGS * GIT workflow * SVN * SDP HW tests (SDPTR, upe_gear, tcpdump) * Confluence * Polarion * LaTeX * Markdown * Vi * Remote access * Remote access using step * Regression test * License server * Screen to run a terminal session without ssh connection * Quartus Qsys IP files in GIT * Quartus version * Linux * ICT diensten * Python * Jupyter * Graphana * Zenodo DOI * Install OpenSCAD * Drawio ******************************************************************************* * RadioHDL with GIT ******************************************************************************* # Setup vendor specific environment variables in .bashrc * bashrc defines root directories that contain one or more versions of tool installations - define MENTOR_DIR : modelsim installations - define ALTERA_DIR : altera installations - define MODELSIM_ALTERA_LIBS_DIR : compiled modelsim simulation libraries for altera components - LM_LICENSE_FILE=<our_license@our_compagny> # Setup RadioHDL development environment for hdl/. The hdl/libraries, hdl/boards and hdl/applications are # developed simultaneously and therefor in one git hdl/ repository > cd git alias initsdp='cd $HOMEDATA/git/hdl;. ./init_hdl.sh;cd ../upe_gear;. ./init_upe.sh;cd ../sdptr;. ./init_sdptr.sh;cd ..' > cd ~/git/hdl > . ./init_hdl.sh * init_hdl.sh defines: - RADIOHDL_WORK directory for where the source code resides - RADIOHDL_BUILD_DIR directory for where the targets will be build - HDL_IOFILE_SIM_DIR=${RADIOHDL_BUILD_DIR}/sim for simulating with Modelsim using file IO * init_hdl.sh copies git user_components.ipx into Altera dir's - cp ${RADIOHDL_WORK}/hdl_user_components.ipx $altera_dir/ip/altera/user_components.ipx * init_hdl.sh automatically also sources ../radiohdl/init_radiohdl.sh if necessary * init_hdl.sh automatically also sources ../args/init_args.sh if necessary source also radiohdl tools . ../radiohdl/init_radiohdl.sh * init_radiohdl.sh defines: - RADIOHDL_GEAR directory of where the init_radiohdl.sh is located - RADIOHDL_BUILD_DIR = ${RADIOHDL_BUILD_DIR}/build if not already defined - RADIOHDL_CONFIG = ${RADIOHDL_GEAR}/config if not already defined * init_radiohdl.sh extends: - PATH with ${RADIOHDL_GEAR}/core ${RADIOHDL_GEAR}/quartus ${RADIOHDL_GEAR}/modelsim - PYTHONPATH with ${RADIOHDL_GEAR}/core ${RADIOHDL_GEAR}/components > compile_altera_simlibs unb1 # creates build/unb1/hdl_libraries_ip_stratixiv.txt # creates build/quartus/<tool version> simulation models that need to be moved # manually to $MODELSIM_ALTERA_LIBS_DIR/<tool version> > generate_ip_libs unb1 # creates build/unb1/qmegawiz/ # creates build/unb1/quartus_sh --> empty dir, why is it there? > quartus_config unb1 # creates build/unb1/quartus/<hdllib libraries> for synthesis # creates build/unb1/quartus/technology_select_pkg.vhd > modelsim_config unb1 # creates build/unb1/modelsim/<hdllib libraries> for simulation # creates build/unb1/modelsim/modelsim_project_files.txt for Modelsim commands.do # creates build/unb1/modelsim/technology_select_pkg.vhd > run_qsys unb1 unb1_minimal_qsys # creates QSYS block in build/unb1/quartus/unb1_minimal_qsys > run_qcomp unb1 unb1_minimal_qsys # creates > run_modelsim unb1 & Questasim had Exit code 5 = "Cannot create/open/find/read/write a design library" during tb simulation load --> fixed by "sudo chmod a+w -R modelsim_altera_libs/18.0". > run_quartus unb1 & # Run command line synthesis for dts quartus_config unb2c run_qsys_pro unb2c lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full; gen_rom_mmap.py --avalon -d lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station -r lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full; run_reg unb2c lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full; run_qcomp unb2c lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full --clk=CLK; run_rbf unb2c lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full # Run command line synthesis for sdp-arts quartus_config unb2b run_qsys_pro unb2b lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg gen_rom_mmap.py --avalon -d lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station -r lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg run_reg unb2b lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg run_qcomp unb2b lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg --clk=CLK run_rbf unb2b lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg > quartus_config unb2b; run_qsys_pro unb2b lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg; gen_rom_mmap.py --avalon -d lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station -r lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg; run_reg unb2b lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg; run_qcomp unb2b lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg --clk=CLK; run_rbf unb2b lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg ******************************************************************************* * RadioHDL with SVN ******************************************************************************* echo "Uniboard trunk is selected" export SVN=${HOME}/svnroot/UniBoard_FP7 #Setup RadioHDL environment for UniBoard2 and and new Uniboard1 applications . ${SVN}/RadioHDL/trunk/tools/setup_radiohdl.sh # Support old UniBoard environment (including Aarfaac and Paasar) . ${SVN}/RadioHDL/trunk/tools/setup_unb.sh ******************************************************************************* * RadioHDL issues ******************************************************************************* 1) may 2020 PD quartus_config.py unb2b failed Error : Unavailable library ip_arria10_e1sg_altera_jesd204_180 at 'hdl_lib_uses_sim' key is not disclosed at 'hdl_lib_disclose_library_clause_names' key in library ['ip_arria10_fractional_pll_clk200', 'ip_arria10_fractional_pll_clk125', 'ip_arria10_e3sge3_fractional_pll_clk200', 'ip_arria10_e3sge3_fractional_pll_clk125', 'ip_arria10_e1sg_fractional_pll_clk200', 'ip_arria10_e1sg_fractional_pll_clk125', 'ip_arria10_e2sg_fractional_pll_clk200', 'ip_arria10_e2sg_fractional_pll_clk125'] Temporary fix commented line 4,5 in: https://git.astron.nl/desp/hdl/-/blob/L2SDP-36/libraries/technology/ip_arria10_e1sg/jesd204b/hdllib.cfg ******************************************************************************* * ARGS ******************************************************************************* Alternative: SystemRDL ? 1) Synthesis flow cd ~/git/hdl . ./init_hdl.sh compile_altera_simlibs unb2b generate_altera_simlibs unb2b sudo mv $RADIOHDL_WORK/build/quartus/18.0 /home/software/modelsim_altera_libs run_qsys_pro unb2b unb2b_minimal # Overwrite rom_system_info with mmap, using -a to have base addresses from QSYS gen_rom_mmap.py --fpga unb2b_minimal --avalon run_reg unb2b unb2b_minimal run_qcomp unb2b unb2b_minimal run_rbf unb2b unb2b_minimal 2) Create mmap gen_rom_mmap.py --fpga unb2b_minimal # using ARGS base addresses # result in build/unb2b/args/unb2b_minimal/c 3) Create document gen_doc.py --fpga unb2b_minimal # result in build/unb2b/args/unb2b_minimal/doc/ ******************************************************************************* * GIT references ******************************************************************************* https://ohshitgit.com/ difftool ? mergetool ? * Pro Git book by Scott Chacon: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2 * YouTube : David Mahler part 1,2,3 Part 1: # After GIT install git version git config --global http://user.name "EricKooistra" git config --global http://user.email "erkooi@gmail.com" git config --list touch .gitignore # create .gitignore if it does not already exist .gitignore # file with working tree dirs and files to ignore, must also be commited # To start a repo cd ~/git git init # start new repo at this dir, creates .git/ git clone # get and start with existing repo git clone git@git.astron.nl:desp/args.git git clone git@git.astron.nl:desp/sampy.git git status # what is in stage area and what is modified git status -uno # skip unversioned files Three areas: * working tree # local directory tree | git add v * staging area (index) | v git commit * history # .git repository with entire commit graph # To use a repo git add <dir>/<file> # add to stage area, set for commit. Cannot add empty dir, need empty file in it git add . # add all new and modified to stageing area git diff # diff between file in working tree and staging area git diff --staged # diff between file in staging area and history git difftool -t meld # GUI frontend for git diff, with --no-prompt to avoid Y/n prompt request to launch meld git difftool -t meld --no-prompt # e.g. define alias gitmeld git rm <filename> # remove file from working tree and stage the delete git checkout -- <filename> # revert a working tree change git reset # clear stage area git reset HEAD <filename> # revert staged change git log -- <filename> # show history of file git checkout <version hash> -- s2 # retrieve file from history into staged area and working tree Part 2: git commit -m "" # commit what is in stage area git commit -a -m "" # add to stage area and commit what is in stage area alias graph="git log --all --decorate --oneline --graph" git branch <branch name> # creat branch git branch # show branches git checkout <branch name> # change working tree and stage area to branch git checkout master git merge <branch name> # Fast forward merge of branch name to master if there is a direct path # by moving master to branch name, this is when there have been no updates # on the master branch since the branch was created. # Three way merge combine the differences of the branch and the master # compared to their common version, this can lead to merge conflicts if # changes on both branches occur at same parts of a file. git branch --merged # show branches that have been merged to master git branch -r git branch -a # show all local and remote branches git branch -d <branch name> # remove branch git checkout <commit hash> # detached HEAD because it points to a version not a branch git branch <branch name> # start a branch from the commit hash, HEAD is attached again # Stash area to store working tree git stash save "comment" # store working tree and stage area to get a clean git stash list # show all stashes git stash apply <label> # restore stash git stash apply # restore last stash Part 3: Remote repositories (Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket, ...) create repo on Github http://README.md # md = mark down git clone <url:.../<repo name>.git> # get copy from url cd <repo name> git config --local http://user.name "EricKooistra" git config --local http://user.email "erkooi@gmail.com" git remote # origin git remote -v # full url # To align with remote repo # update from remote git status # shows also origin/master, but not live git fetch origin git status # shows also origin/master, now with latest remote git merge origin/master git pull # get latest from remote repo, combines fetch and merge # upload to remote git push git push origin master # put local repo to remote repo # On Github fork is a copy of the a repo in Github to get a repo on your account git clone <url of fork> # get copy of fork repo, will be origin git remote add upstream <url of original repo on Github> # will be upstream git fetch upstream git status # commit local change on branch # git push origin <branch name> # push to my fork repo on Github # pull request on Github # delete branch and fetch npstream if the pull request was accepted git remote remove <remote name> # remove a remote repo ******************************************************************************* * GIT workflow and review process using Gitlab ******************************************************************************* https://ohshitgit.com/ We identify two persons in this process: - the coder - the reviewer * Jira ticket defines the work to be done, e.g. L2SDP-26 * Coder works on branch with Jira ticket number as branch name git checkout master # start on up to date master branch git pull git branch L2SDP-26 # creat branch using Jira ticket number git branch # show branches git checkout L2SDP-26 # change working tree and stage area to branch * Work on branch using git add, commit and push * Manually run regression test to test the changes (for Casacore SW the merge request makes github automatically issue a regression test in the cloud, for FW we need to run the relevant testbenches manually. It is not necessary to rerun the entire FW regression test, it is sufficient to only run the regression test for the HDL libraries that were modified and the HDL libraries that could be impacted by the modification) * Push the branch to the central repository at gitlab git push -u origin L2SDP-26 # first time to declare the branch at the remote * Coder does merge request to reviewer using the central Gitlab GUI * gitlab will warn if the branch will lead to a merge conflict, the coder then first has to fix the merge conflict by merging the master to the branch: The merge can use merging or rebasing, Ger typically uses merging. On local machine the coder resolves the merge conflict: git checkout master git pull git checkout L2SDP-26 git merge master git status # to see merge conflicts, edit file to solve merge conflict git add file git commit git push * In gitlab do merge request to reviewer * Reviewer reviews the code per line or in general comments in gitlab GUI, so reviewer does not need to pull the branch locally and also does not need to rerun the regression test. * Use 'Open in Web IDE' button in gitlab GUI to see max about 10 changes, use 'Changes' menu on same page to see all changes. Green is new file, orange is change file, + is new lines - is removed lines. * Coder does updates on branch until both coder and reviewer are ok, they are notified by gitlab * When review is done then the reviewer does the merge. * The merge automatically deletes the branch (if selected to do so in gitlab) locally the coder manually needs to delete the branch: git branch git checkout master git status git branch -d L2SDP-26 git status * Use Jira tag in commit message to have link between GIT and Jira. The link was made via Settings/Intergations/Jira Note: * In github a merge request is called a pull request * Default a pull pulls the master. Typically it is not necessary to pull a branch because the reviewer does not need to compile and run the code and because typically only one coder works on a branch. We hebben nog geen regel over sub-branches wel of niet. Als er geen duidelijk voordeel is dan zou ik alleen vanaf de master branchen, omdat je de branches dan onafhankelijk houdt van elkaar en alle branches dan dezelfde referentie hebben. Voordat je een merge request van je branch naar een bovenliggende branch doet, moet je eerst die bovenliggende branch mergen naar je branch. ******************************************************************************* * SVN: ******************************************************************************* svn -diff --diff-cmd='meld' [filepath] -r [revision] ******************************************************************************* * Confluence: ******************************************************************************* - space tools menu links onder om secties the ordenen. - space tools menu, content tools, custom export to PDF --> to export multiple pages to PDF and to preserve th ASTRON logo in the export I notice that in a Confluence document from Gijs that if I try to do a comment on a text that contains capital charcters it fails, and if I try to place the comment on text with only small characters it accepts the comment. Strange, but for me it is an ok workaround. Sometimes in a Confluence document in edit mode all Figures have collapsed into small narrow icons. I can recover them by selecting the Figure icon and then choosing the expand button in the bar on top or below the Figure. Weird, but for me it is an ok workaround, ******************************************************************************* * SDP HW tests (SDPTR, upe_gear, tcpdump): ******************************************************************************* Remote access using step: > mystep then: > ping dop386.astron.nl > ping (= dop386) > ssh -X dop386.astron.nl > ssh -X kooistra@ # dop386 from ASTROM > ssh -J bastion.astron.nl kooistra@ # dop386 from home 1) gitlab Zorg er voor dat je de GIT repositories hebt op dop386 ( 10 git clone https://git.astron.nl/lofar2.0/sdptr 12 git clone https://git.astron.nl/desp/hdl 13 git clone https://git.astron.nl/desp/radiohdl 14 git clone https://git.astron.nl/desp/args 15 git clone https://git.astron.nl/desp/upe_gear 37 initsdp scp ~/.gitconfig kooistra@dop386:/home/kooistra # for default git user name and user email 2) upe_gear a) register map uitlezen: util_unb2.py --unb2 16:19 --pn2 0:3 --seq REGMAP 25 util_system_info.py --unb2 16:19 --pn2 0:3 -n 99 35 more reginfo/register_info.py b) PPS count: util_ppsh.py --unb2 16:19 --pn2 0:3 -n 1 c) unb2b_minimal laden: util_epcs.py --unb2 16:19 --pn2 0:3 -n 9 d) cd ~/git/hdl/applications/lofar2/images e) image uitpakken: tar -xvzf lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg-r241070441.tar.gz f) image flashen: util_epcs.py --unb2 16:19 --pn2 0:3 -n 4 -s ./lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg-r241070441.rbf g) User image laden: util_epcs.py --unb2 16:19 --pn2 0:3 -n 8 3) SDPTR RPi4: host port 4840 for DTS-lab port 4842 for sdp-arts --ip dop386 --mac dop386 for statistics destination 50 stat_stream_xst.py --host --port 4842 -h 51 stat_stream_xst.py --host --port 4842 --headers 52 stat_stream_xst.py --host --port 4842 --headers --stream ON 57 stat_stream_xst.py --host --port 4842 --setup --ip dop386 --mac dop386 43 sdp_rw.py --host --port 4842 -l 44 sdp_rw.py --host --port 4842 -l pps 45 sdp_rw.py --host --port 4842 -r pps_capture_cnt 114 sdp_rw.py --host --port 4842 -r sdp_config_first_fpga_nr 116 sdp_rw.py --host --port 4842 -r sdp_config_nof_fpgas 92 sdp_rw.py --host --port 4842 -w fpga_mask [True]*16 93 sdp_rw.py --host --port 4842 -r fpga_mask 99 sdp_rw.py --host --port 4842 -r global_node_index 80 sdp_rw.py --host --port 4842 -r scrap 81 sdp_rw.py --host --port 4842 -w scrap [1]*16 82 sdp_rw.py --host --port 4842 -w scrap [1]*8192 83 sdp_rw.py --host --port 4842 -r scrap 72 sdp_rw.py --host --port 4842 -w processing_enable [False]*16 73 sdp_rw.py --host --port 4842 -r processing_enable 66 vi test/py/base/statistics_stream_packet.py 58 sdp_rw.py --host --port 4842 -r xst_offload_hdr_eth_destination_mac 59 sdp_rw.py --host --port 4842 -r xst_offload_hdr_eth_destination_ip 64 sdp_rw.py --host --port 4842 -r xst_integration_interval 71 sdp_rw.py --host --port 4842 -r signal_input_bsn 4) tcpdump > ifconfig # to find ethernet port > sudo tcpdump -vvXXSnelfi enp5s0 port 5001 # for UDP only > sudo tcpdump -vvXXSnelfi enp5s0 port 5001 > tcpdump.txt (> is new file, >> is append) ******************************************************************************* * Polarion: ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* * LaTeX ******************************************************************************* - \sigma \sqrt{} - 4.15 \cdot 10^{15} - M = \left[ {begin{array}{cc} 1 & 2 & 3 & 4\\ 5 & 6 & 7 & 8\\ \end{array} } \right] ******************************************************************************* * Markdown ******************************************************************************* https://git.astron.nl/desp/args/-/blob/master/Markdown/readme_markdown.txt Official guide: https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax https://www.markdownguide.org/basic-syntax/ ******************************************************************************* * vi ******************************************************************************* "Replaced Windows LFCR by Linux LF to avoid ^R at end of line in vi. Removed trailing spaces." - in gvim replace \r --> nothing - in uex save new file as Linux, save as, menu edit/preferences/line end :w save :w .... save as :wq save+quit :q! quit without save x delete character dd delete line i insert text escape /.... search n next k bcksp | h <--- ---> l | j ******************************************************************************* * Remote access ******************************************************************************* * RDP: Instead of Remote Desktop (RDP) use Remmina. It may be necessary to use: > ssh -t -L 5900:localhost:5900 -C dop466 'x11vnc -localhost -display :0' en daarna: > remmina & Note: Windows NTSERVER65 has IP: * Login using ssh keys: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-configure-ssh-key-based-authentication-on-a-linux-server * For ssh access from home without manual hop via the kooistra@portal.astron.nl, put this in $HOME/.ssh/config: Host * #User kooistra ServerAliveInterval 60 ServerAliveCountMax 30 TCPKeepAlive yes ForwardAgent yes ForwardX11 yes ForwardX11Trusted yes Port 22 Protocol 2 Compression yes Host astron User kooistra HostName portal.astron.nl Host dop386 User kooistra ProxyCommand ssh -q -A astron netcat 22 Host dop428 User hiemstra ProxyCommand ssh -q -A astron netcat 22 Host dop421 User hiemstra ProxyCommand ssh -q -A astron netcat 22 Host dop36 User hiemstra ProxyCommand ssh -q -A astron netcat 22 Host dop421 User hiemstra ProxyCommand ssh -q -A astron netcat ******************************************************************************* * Remote access using step: ******************************************************************************* * Old way: Remote access to regression test machine dop349: ssh -X kooistra@portal.astron.nl # New way: Ipv via portal.astron.nl nu via bastion.astron.nl ( mbv step client # zie: https://support.astron.nl/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?spaceKey=IN&title=SSH+access+to+the+ASTRON+network /home/kooistra/.ssh/config /home/kooistra/.step/ssh/config /home/kooistra/.step/ssh/known_hosts ssh -J bastion.astron.nl kooistra@ # = dop386 ssh -J bastion.astron.nl regtest@dop349.astron.nl You won't be asked for a (bastion) password. The certificate you've just generated will last for twelve hours. Once it's elapsed, the only step from the above you need to perform again is $ step ssh login kooistra@astron.nl --provisioner "keycloak" alias mystep='step ssh login kooistra@astron.nl --provisioner "keycloak"' Whereupon you'll be good for another twelve hours. The above command is a great candidate for a shell alias. ******************************************************************************* * Regression test ******************************************************************************* Remote access using step: > mystep then: > ping dop349.astron.nl --> responses within ~20 ms > ping --> --> responses within ~20 ms, ip dop349 = > ssh -X regtest@dop349.astron.nl # On dop349 crontab -l # shows scheduled cron jobs crontab -e # edit schedule tail -n 1000 unb2b_modelsim_regression_test_vhdl_cron.log ******************************************************************************* * License server ******************************************************************************* export LM_LICENSE_FILE=1800@license4.astron.nl:1717@license5.astron.nl ping # = ping license4.astron.nl ping # = ping license5.astron.nl ******************************************************************************* * Screen to run a terminal session without ssh connection ******************************************************************************* https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-use-linux-screen/ screen --version Basic Linux Screen Usage On the command prompt, type screen. Run the desired program. Use the key sequence Ctrl-a + Ctrl-d to detach from the screen session. Reattach to the screen session by typing screen -r. To start a screen session, simply type screen in your console: screen screen -S session_name This will open a screen session, create a new window, and start a shell in that window. Now that you have opened a screen session, you can get a list of commands by typing: Ctrl+a ? When you start a new screen session, it creates a single window with a shell in it. You can have multiple windows inside a Screen session. To create a new window with shell type Ctrl+a c, the first available number from the range 0...9 will be assigned to it. Below are some most common commands for managing Linux Screen Windows: Ctrl+a c Create a new window (with shell) Ctrl+a " List all window Ctrl+a 0 Switch to window 0 (by number ) Ctrl+a A Rename the current window Ctrl+a S Split current region horizontally into two regions Ctrl+a | Split current region vertically into two regions Ctrl+a tab Switch the input focus to the next region Ctrl+a Ctrl+a Toggle between the current and previous region Ctrl+a Q Close all regions but the current one Ctrl+a X Close the current region You can detach from the screen session at any time by typing: Ctrl+a d The program running in the screen session will continue to run after you detach from the session. To resume your screen session use the following command: screen -r In case you have multiple screen sessions running on your machine, you will need to append the screen session ID after the r switch. To find the session ID list the current running screen sessions with: screen -ls There are screens on: 10835.pts-0.linuxize-desktop (Detached) 10366.pts-0.linuxize-desktop (Detached) 2 Sockets in /run/screens/S-linuxize. If you want to restore screen 10835.pts-0, then type the following command: screen -r 10835 When screen is started, it reads its configuration parameters from /etc/screenrc and ~/.screenrc if the file is present. We can modify the default Screen settings according to our preferences using the .screenrc file. Here is a sample ~/.screenrc configuration with customized status line and few additional options: ~/.screenrc # Turn off the welcome message startup_message off # Disable visual bell vbell off # Set scrollback buffer to 10000 defscrollback 10000 # Customize the status line hardstatus alwayslastline hardstatus string '%{= kG}[ %{G}%H %{g}][%= %{= kw}%?%-Lw%?%{r}(%{W}%n*%f%t%?(%u)%?%{r})%{w}%?%+Lw%?%?%= %{g}][%{B} %m-%d %{W}%c %{g}]' Copy * uex in screen lijkt eerst niet op te starten, matlab wel dus het ligt niet aan GUI, daarna lukts uex wel. * :kooistra@dop386:~/git/hdl> --> in gewone terminal * ::kooistra@dop386:~/git/hdl> --> in screen terminal ******************************************************************************* * Quartus Qsys IP files in GIT ******************************************************************************* 1) Designs without QSYS: unb2b_arp_ping Met meld blijkt dat de ip dir van unb2b_arp_ping en unb2b_minimal gelijk zijn in de STAT-266 branch. Dat komt omdat je ze gecopieerd hebt en omdat unb2b_arp_ping geen QSYS heeft zijn ze dus ongewijzigd. Aangezien unb2b_arp_ping geen QSYS heeft, en ook niet zou krijgen, is het beter om de unb2b_arp_ping/quartus/ip dir van unb2_arp_ping te deleten. 2) Designs with QSYS Elk design op basis van unb2_minimal heeft zijn eigen QSYS ip files: > ls $RADIOHDL_WORK/boards/uniboard2b/designs/unb2b_minimal/quartus/ip/qsys_unb2b_minimal Als een design meer MM ports heeft dan heeft het ook meer ip files, bijv. qsys_unb2b_heater_reg_heater.ip voor de unb2b_heater. Het is kennelijk voor QSYS nodig om naast de .qsys file ook de ip/ files in de repository te bewaren. Het is dus ook nodig om ze per design te bewaren, want elk design heeft zijn eigen naam en extra MM slaves tov unb2b_minimal. Echter het blijkt dat een nieuw design ook dezelfde ip/ files als unb2_minimal mag gebruiken, dus zonder naamswijziging. ll $RADIOHDL_WORK/boards/uniboard2b/designs/unb2b_jesd/quartus/ ip/ qsys_unb2b_jesd.qsys ll $RADIOHDL_WORK/boards/uniboard2b/designs/unb2b_jesd/quartus/ip/qsys_unb2b_minimal total 2492 -rw-r--r-- 1 kooistra users 234095 Sep 23 13:01 altjesd_ss_RX_corepll.ip -rw-r--r-- 1 kooistra users 16145 Sep 23 13:01 altjesd_ss_RX_frame_reset.ip -rw-r--r-- 1 kooistra users 16139 Sep 23 13:01 altjesd_ss_RX_link_reset.ip -rw-r--r-- 1 kooistra users 104258 Sep 23 13:01 altjesd_ss_RX_reset_seq.ip -rw-r--r-- 1 kooistra users 42930 Sep 23 13:01 altjesd_ss_RX_xcvr_reset_control.ip -rw-r--r-- 1 kooistra users 21228 Sep 23 13:01 device_clk.ip -rw-r--r-- 1 kooistra users 21226 Sep 23 13:01 frame_clk.ip -rw-r--r-- 1 kooistra users 159233 Sep 23 13:01 jesd.ip -rw-r--r-- 1 kooistra users 21347 Sep 23 13:01 link_clk.ip -rw-r--r-- 1 kooistra users 62203 Sep 23 13:01 qsys_unb2b_minimal_avs_common_mm_0.ip -rw-r--r-- 1 kooistra users 62217 Sep 23 13:01 qsys_unb2b_minimal_avs_common_mm_1.ip -rw-r--r-- 1 kooistra users 162287 Sep 23 13:01 qsys_unb2b_minimal_avs_eth_0.ip -rw-r--r-- 1 kooistra users 21256 Sep 23 13:01 qsys_unb2b_minimal_clk_0.ip -rw-r--r-- 1 kooistra users 189801 Sep 23 13:01 qsys_unb2b_minimal_cpu_0.ip -rw-r--r-- 1 kooistra users 211623 Sep 23 13:01 qsys_unb2b_minimal_jesd204.ip -rw-r--r-- 1 kooistra users 57037 Sep 23 13:01 qsys_unb2b_minimal_jtag_uart_0.ip -rw-r--r-- 1 kooistra users 66156 Sep 23 13:01 qsys_unb2b_minimal_onchip_memory2_0.ip -rw-r--r-- 1 kooistra users 61818 Sep 23 13:01 qsys_unb2b_minimal_pio_pps.ip -rw-r--r-- 1 kooistra users 62201 Sep 23 13:01 qsys_unb2b_minimal_pio_system_info.ip -rw-r--r-- 1 kooistra users 60152 Sep 23 13:01 qsys_unb2b_minimal_pio_wdi.ip -rw-r--r-- 1 kooistra users 61896 Sep 23 13:01 qsys_unb2b_minimal_reg_dpmm_ctrl.ip -rw-r--r-- 1 kooistra users 61896 Sep 23 13:01 qsys_unb2b_minimal_reg_dpmm_data.ip -rw-r--r-- 1 kooistra users 62108 Sep 23 13:01 qsys_unb2b_minimal_reg_epcs.ip -rw-r--r-- 1 kooistra users 62238 Sep 23 13:01 qsys_unb2b_minimal_reg_fpga_temp_sens.ip -rw-r--r-- 1 kooistra users 62277 Sep 23 13:01 qsys_unb2b_minimal_reg_fpga_voltage_sens.ip -rw-r--r-- 1 kooistra users 61896 Sep 23 13:01 qsys_unb2b_minimal_reg_mmdp_ctrl.ip -rw-r--r-- 1 kooistra users 61896 Sep 23 13:01 qsys_unb2b_minimal_reg_mmdp_data.ip -rw-r--r-- 1 kooistra users 62108 Sep 23 13:01 qsys_unb2b_minimal_reg_remu.ip -rw-r--r-- 1 kooistra users 62176 Sep 23 13:01 qsys_unb2b_minimal_reg_unb_pmbus.ip -rw-r--r-- 1 kooistra users 62163 Sep 23 13:01 qsys_unb2b_minimal_reg_unb_sens.ip -rw-r--r-- 1 kooistra users 61818 Sep 23 13:01 qsys_unb2b_minimal_reg_wdi.ip -rw-r--r-- 1 kooistra users 62209 Sep 23 13:01 qsys_unb2b_minimal_rom_system_info.ip -rw-r--r-- 1 kooistra users 63384 Sep 23 13:01 qsys_unb2b_minimal_timer_0.ip ******************************************************************************* * Quartus version ******************************************************************************* Quartus version meeting minutes 13 may 2020 (RW, LH JH, EK): 1) UniBoard2b IP is created using Quartus 18.0, same as used for ARTS SC3. 2) UniBoard2b synthesis is done with Q18.0 or newer. In case of a newer Quartus version we rely on Quartus to upgrade the Q18.0 IP for synthesis which works fine sofar. We also rely on that the Q18.0 models are still sufficiently correct. 2a) Jonathan uses Q19.4, because Q18.0 does not work remotely via ssh. 2b) Reinier uses Q19.2, because that is the latest version that support OpenCL without microprocesor. 3) UniBoard2c IP was created using Q19.4 by Jonathan, but we need to reconsider going to the latest Quartus version and recreate the IP, when we continue with the pinning and test designs for UniBoard2c ******************************************************************************* * Linux ******************************************************************************* # Linux Mint version > cat /etc/issue https://regexr.com/ https://linuxize.com/ > passwd # If login does not source .bashrc, then set bash as default shell and relogin chsh -s /bin/bash # Linux update via # - system updates available icon and notifications icon in toolbar # - of via command line: > uname -a # linux info > sudo -s # become root > apt-get upgrade > apt-get dist-upgrade > apt autoremove # Henk Vosmeier sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get dist-upgrade sudo apt remove # Login on dop386 and then power off: > sudo shutdown dop466 = SSD dop466_0 = HDD > tar -cvf filename.tar dir_name/ # create tar > tar -xvf filename.tar # extract tar > gzip filename # zip file > unzip filename.gz # unzip file > zip -r apertif_matlab-v1.0.zip apertif_matlab > zipinfo apertif_matlab-v1.0.zip > tar -xvzf lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg-r241070441.tar.gz > grep -rl 'search text in files' . # -r for recursive, -l for only list filename > find . -name *_thisfile.txt > scp kooistra@dop386:/home/kooistra/x.txt . Start --> Administration --> Synaptic package manager > sudo -s # to become root > sudo pip install numpy # to run Python2 library installer as root > sudo pip3 install numpy # to run Python3 library installer as root > sudo pip3 install matplotlib > sudo apt-get install python3-tk # worked, now I can do: python3 test_plot.py > sudo apt-get install pip # to install Python2 library installer > sudo apt-get install python-matplotlib # ARGS doc gen > sudo pip3 install --upgrade setuptools > sudo pip3 install --upgrade pyyaml > sudo pip3 install pylatex > sudo apt-get update -y > sudo apt-get install -y latexmk > sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-base > sudo apt-get install texlive-fonts-recommended > sudo apt-get install texlive-fonts-extra > sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-extra > sudo apt-get install lmodern # want log gaf aan dat lmodern.sty miste, nu wel pdf gegenereerd > sudo pip3 install jupyterlab # Add to .bashrc: export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" > jupyter-lab WARNING: The scripts f2py, f2py3 and f2py3.8 are installed in '/home/kooistra/.local/bin' which is not on PATH. # Markdown > sudo pip3 install markdown # zit al in Python3, maar kan alleen md --> html > sudo pip3 install mdutils # https://pypi.org/project/mdutils/ # kan md genereren # Ethernet > ifconfig # primary group # supplementary groups groups kooistra # lists in which Linux groups I am a member of id kooistra # lists in which Linux groups I am a member of getent group sudo # lists which users are in the sudo Linux group getent group software # lists which users are in the software Linux group more /etc/group sudo groupadd software # add new Linux group 'software' sudo usermod -a -G software kooistra # add user 'kooistra' to a Linux group 'software' ls -l filename # shows current user,group owners of the 'filename' sudo chgrp software filename # change group of 'filename' to 'software' sudo chgrp -R software dirname # recursively change group of 'dirname' to 'software' sudo chown user_name file_name # change user,group # Linux Mint 20.3 upgrade 26 april 2022 https://linuxmint-user-guide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/upgrade-to-mint-20.html sudo pip3 install matplotlib sudo apt-get install python3-pil.imagetk > python3 base/test_plot.py # werkt nu sudo pip3 install asyncua ./sdp_rw.py --host dop421 -l # werkt nu ******************************************************************************* * ICT diensten ******************************************************************************* Self Service Password Reset Met Self Service Password Reset (SSPR) is het mogelijk voor gebruikers om zelf hun wachtwoord opnieuw instellen voor diverse ldap-diensten zonder tussenkomst van ict, zoals bijvoorbeeld de netwerkschijven (H en I), intranet, vpn, Confluence, Jira en Surfmarkt. Door middel van uitdagingsvragen kan een gebruiker bevestigen wie hij/zij is voordat ze hun wachtwoorden veilig kunnen resetten. Link: https://sspr.astron.nl SURFfilesender SURFfilesender is een webgebaseerde applicatie waarmee geauthenticeerde gebruikers veilig en gemakkelijk willekeurig grote bestanden naar andere gebruikers kunnen verzenden. Gebruikers zonder een account kunnen een gastvoucher worden gestuurd door een geverifieerde gebruiker. SURFfilesender is ontwikkeld volgens de eisen en wensen van onderwijs en onderzoek. Link: https://filesender.surf.nl edu.nl: privacy-vriendelijke URL-shortener edu.nl is dé URL-shortener voor onderwijs en onderzoek. Veilig omdat gebruikers inloggen met SURFconext. Privacy-vriendelijk omdat edu.nl geen persoonlijke gegevens van gebruikers opslaat en bezoekers van links niet trackt. edu.nl is kosteloos voor alle bij SURF aangesloten instellingen. Link: https://filesender.surf.nl Een uitgebreide beschrijving van deze diensten (Home » Diensten » ICT » Manuals and Documents) is te vinden op het intranet https://intranet.astron.nl/diensten/ict/manuals-and-documents/manuals-and-documents ******************************************************************************* * Python ******************************************************************************* pycharm https://pypi.org/project/black/ # Python code formatter numpy tutorial: https://lwn.net/SubscriberLink/847039/3016fa7278000b77/ ******************************************************************************* * Jupyter ******************************************************************************* Installed in: ll /home/kooistra/.local/bin/ jupyter tutorial https://www.dataquest.io/blog/jupyter-notebook-tutorial/ https://www.dataquest.io/blog/advanced-jupyter-notebooks-tutorial/ uses Markdown Startup with: > jupyter-lab # lab is new, Works from home in VPN: * LTS --> http://test-lcu2.astron.nl:8888/notebooks/ # = dop81 * DTS --> http://dts-lcu.astron.nl:8888/notebooks/ XST indices: * DTS --> http://dts-lcu.astron.nl:8888/tree/python_test_scripts/XST_test/XSTs * DTS --> http://dts-lcu.astron.nl:8888/notebooks/python_test_scripts/XST_test/XST_index_test.ipynb Get XST results h5 file per crosslet on local machine from LCU2 > ls22-statistics-writer -a dts-lcu.astron.nl Check of SDPTR op dop369 actief is met: > uals -u -p "0:Objects" ******************************************************************************* * Graphana ******************************************************************************* http://dts-lcu.astron.nl:3000/?orgId=1 ******************************************************************************* * Zenodo DOI ******************************************************************************* - login at https://zenodo.org/ - choose Upload in main menu --> my zenodo DOIs area - choose New Upload button - fill in all fields, reserve a DOI and do save - check the README.md, NOTICE.md (with the DOI) and the LICENSE.md - create the zip file - upload the zip file and publish the DOI. ******************************************************************************* * Install OpenSCAD ******************************************************************************* https://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2019/01/install-openscad-ubuntu-18-10-18-04/ > sudo apt-get install openscad # werkt niet voor Unbuntu 18.04 = Mint 19.03 > sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openscad/releases # use Personal Package Archive = PPA instead You are about to add the following PPA: Backports of OpenSCAD stable releases More info: https://launchpad.net/~openscad/+archive/ubuntu/releases Press Enter to continue or Ctrl+C to cancel Executing: /tmp/apt-key-gpghome.2EIWTkQ4Yk/gpg.1.sh --keyserver hkps://keyserver.ubuntu.com:443 --recv-keys CB86A1742C718B1EEA0440B3176F9F68AD382CA4 gpg: key 176F9F68AD382CA4: public key "Launchpad PPA for OpenSCAD packagers" imported gpg: Total number processed: 1 gpg: imported: 1 > sudo apt-get update Hit:1 http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb stable InRelease Hit:2 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic InRelease Get:3 http://ppa.launchpad.net/openscad/releases/ubuntu bionic InRelease [15,9 kB] Get:4 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates InRelease [88,7 kB] Hit:5 http://ppa.launchpad.net/remmina-ppa-team/remmina-next/ubuntu bionic InRelease Get:6 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-backports InRelease [74,6 kB] Hit:7 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-security InRelease Hit:8 http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu bionic InRelease Ign:9 http://packages.linuxmint.com tricia InRelease Get:10 http://ppa.launchpad.net/openscad/releases/ubuntu bionic/main i386 Packages [2296 B] Hit:11 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security InRelease Get:12 http://ppa.launchpad.net/openscad/releases/ubuntu bionic/main amd64 Packages [2296 B] Get:13 http://ppa.launchpad.net/openscad/releases/ubuntu bionic/main Translation-en [1020 B] Hit:14 http://packages.linuxmint.com tricia Release Fetched 185 kB in 1s (191 kB/s) Reading package lists... Done > sudo apt-get install openscad Gelukt ! ******************************************************************************* * Drawio ******************************************************************************* Oude drawio uninstall mbv Administration/Software Manager Nieuw heet nu diagrams.net 18.1.3 installed mbv Administration/Software Manager Alt-F7 to move window on screen