------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Copyright (C) 2015 -- ASTRON (Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy) <http://www.astron.nl/> -- P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Purpose: Provide streaming access to IO_DDR using a Tx seq and a Rx seq with optional DB RAM -- Description: -- The BG Tx seq stream writes the DDR and the read stream is passed on to the DB Rx seq. The BG -- block generation and BG RAM are not used. The DB RAM can be used for extra read data monitoring. -- The DDR write and read access is controlled via the driver MM interface of the mms_io_ddr. -- -- DB RAM -- Tx seq --> IO_DDR --> Rx seq -- | | | -- | | | -- MM --+---------+----------+-- -- -- Remark: -- . The ratio of g_dp_data_w and func_tech_ddr_ctlr_data_w(g_io_tech_ddr)must be a power of 2 due to the mixed width FIFO. By -- using a wider g_dp_data_w the DDR data access rate can be increased to the maximum that is possible for the DDR memory. -- - For DDR3 with ctrl_data_w = dq_w * rsl = 64 * 4 = 256 choose g_dp_data_w e.g. 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512. -- - For DDR4 with ctrl_data_w = dq_w * rsl = 72 * 8 = 576 choose g_dp_data_w e.g. 18, 36, 72, 144, 288, 576, 1152. -- . The DB RAM gets refilled with new read data from the DDR after the last word has been read via the MM. -- . The DB RAM only captures the lowest c_word_w=32 bits of the g_dp_data_w. This fits the MM bus data width -- and it is sufficient because typically g_dp_seq_dat_w <= c_word_w. -- . This component could have user write input and user read output. The constraint is that the user DDR access is suitable for: -- - MM control of the mms_io_ddr to issue a write or a read access. -- - g_wr_flush_mode="VAL" in the io_ddr, because that the Tx seq source does not use "SOP" or "SYNC" LIBRARY IEEE, common_lib, dp_lib, diag_lib, technology_lib, tech_ddr_lib; USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; USE IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL; USE common_lib.common_pkg.ALL; USE common_lib.common_mem_pkg.ALL; USE dp_lib.dp_stream_pkg.ALL; USE diag_lib.diag_pkg.ALL; USE technology_lib.technology_select_pkg.ALL; USE tech_ddr_lib.tech_ddr_pkg.ALL; ENTITY mms_io_ddr_diag IS GENERIC ( -- System g_sim_model_ddr : BOOLEAN := FALSE; g_technology : NATURAL := c_tech_select_default; g_dp_data_w : NATURAL := 32; -- DP data width, func_tech_ddr_ctlr_data_w(g_io_tech_ddr)/g_dp_data_w must be a power of 2 due to the mixed width FIFO g_dp_seq_dat_w : NATURAL := 32; -- >= 1, test sequence data width. Choose g_dp_seq_dat_w <= g_dp_data_w. The seq data gets replicated to fill g_dp_data_w. g_dp_fifo_depth : NATURAL := 2048; -- defined at DP side of the FIFOs, write FIFO depth and read FIFO depth -- IO_DDR g_io_tech_ddr : t_c_tech_ddr; -- DIAG data buffer g_db_use_db : BOOLEAN := FALSE; g_db_buf_nof_data : NATURAL := 1024 -- nof words per data buffer ); PORT ( --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- System --------------------------------------------------------------------------- mm_rst : IN STD_LOGIC; mm_clk : IN STD_LOGIC; dp_rst : IN STD_LOGIC; dp_clk : IN STD_LOGIC; -- use alternative external clock or externally connect to ctlr_clk_out --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- IO_DDR --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DDR reference clock ctlr_ref_clk : IN STD_LOGIC; ctlr_ref_rst : IN STD_LOGIC; -- DDR controller clock domain ctlr_clk_out : OUT STD_LOGIC; ctlr_rst_out : OUT STD_LOGIC; ctlr_clk_in : IN STD_LOGIC; -- connect ctlr_clk_out to ctlr_clk_in at top level to avoid potential delta-cycle differences between the same clock ctlr_rst_in : IN STD_LOGIC; -- connect ctlr_rst_out to ctlr_rst_in at top level -- MM interface reg_io_ddr_mosi : IN t_mem_mosi := c_mem_mosi_rst; -- register for DDR controller status info reg_io_ddr_miso : OUT t_mem_miso; -- Write / read FIFO status for monitoring purposes (in dp_clk domain) wr_fifo_usedw : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(ceil_log2(g_dp_fifo_depth)-1 DOWNTO 0); rd_fifo_usedw : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(ceil_log2(g_dp_fifo_depth)-1 DOWNTO 0); -- DDR3 pass on termination control from master to slave controller term_ctrl_out : OUT t_tech_ddr3_phy_terminationcontrol; term_ctrl_in : IN t_tech_ddr3_phy_terminationcontrol := c_tech_ddr3_phy_terminationcontrol_rst; -- DDR3 PHY external interface phy3_in : IN t_tech_ddr3_phy_in := c_tech_ddr3_phy_in_x; phy3_io : INOUT t_tech_ddr3_phy_io; phy3_ou : OUT t_tech_ddr3_phy_ou; -- DDR4 PHY external interface phy4_in : IN t_tech_ddr4_phy_in := c_tech_ddr4_phy_in_x; phy4_io : INOUT t_tech_ddr4_phy_io; phy4_ou : OUT t_tech_ddr4_phy_ou; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DIAG Tx seq --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- MM interface reg_tx_seq_mosi : IN t_mem_mosi := c_mem_mosi_rst; -- Tx seq control (one per stream because c_reg_tx_seq_broadcast=FALSE) reg_tx_seq_miso : OUT t_mem_miso; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DIAG rx seq with optional data buffer --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- MM interface reg_data_buf_mosi : IN t_mem_mosi := c_mem_mosi_rst; -- DB control register (one per stream) reg_data_buf_miso : OUT t_mem_miso; ram_data_buf_mosi : IN t_mem_mosi := c_mem_mosi_rst; -- DB buffer RAM (one per streams) ram_data_buf_miso : OUT t_mem_miso; reg_rx_seq_mosi : IN t_mem_mosi := c_mem_mosi_rst; -- Rx seq control register (one per streams) reg_rx_seq_miso : OUT t_mem_miso ); END mms_io_ddr_diag; ARCHITECTURE str OF mms_io_ddr_diag IS CONSTANT c_io_wr_fifo_depth : NATURAL := (g_dp_fifo_depth * g_dp_data_w) / func_tech_ddr_ctlr_data_w(g_io_tech_ddr); -- defined at DDR side of the FIFO, >=16 and independent of wr burst size, default >= 256 because 32b*256 fits in 1 M9K so c_ctlr_data_w=256b will require 8 M9K CONSTANT c_io_rd_fifo_depth : NATURAL := (g_dp_fifo_depth * g_dp_data_w) / func_tech_ddr_ctlr_data_w(g_io_tech_ddr); -- defined at DDR side of the FIFO, >=16 AND > max number of rd burst sizes (so > c_rd_fifo_af_margin), default >= 256 because 32b*256 fits in 1 M9K so c_ctlr_data_w=256b will require 8 M9K SIGNAL bg_siso_arr : t_dp_siso_arr(0 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS=>c_dp_siso_rdy); -- Default xon='1' SIGNAL bg_sosi_arr : t_dp_sosi_arr(0 DOWNTO 0); -- Output SOSI that contains the waveform data SIGNAL db_siso_arr : t_dp_siso_arr(0 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS=>c_dp_siso_rdy); -- Default ready='1' SIGNAL db_sosi_arr : t_dp_sosi_arr(0 DOWNTO 0); BEGIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- IO_DDR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ u_mms_io_ddr : ENTITY work.mms_io_ddr GENERIC MAP ( g_sim_model => g_sim_model_ddr, g_technology => g_technology, g_tech_ddr => g_io_tech_ddr, g_wr_data_w => g_dp_data_w, g_wr_fifo_depth => c_io_wr_fifo_depth, g_rd_fifo_depth => c_io_rd_fifo_depth, g_rd_data_w => g_dp_data_w, g_wr_flush_mode => "VAL", g_wr_flush_use_channel => FALSE, g_wr_flush_start_channel => 0, g_wr_flush_nof_channels => 1 ) PORT MAP ( -- DDR reference clock ctlr_ref_clk => ctlr_ref_clk, ctlr_ref_rst => ctlr_ref_rst, -- DDR controller clock domain ctlr_clk_out => ctlr_clk_out, ctlr_rst_out => ctlr_rst_out, ctlr_clk_in => ctlr_clk_in, ctlr_rst_in => ctlr_rst_in, -- MM clock + reset mm_rst => mm_rst, mm_clk => mm_clk, -- MM interface reg_io_ddr_mosi => reg_io_ddr_mosi, reg_io_ddr_miso => reg_io_ddr_miso, -- Write FIFO clock domain wr_clk => dp_clk, wr_rst => dp_rst, wr_fifo_usedw => wr_fifo_usedw, wr_sosi => bg_sosi_arr(0), wr_siso => bg_siso_arr(0), -- Read FIFO clock domain rd_clk => dp_clk, rd_rst => dp_rst, rd_fifo_usedw => rd_fifo_usedw, rd_sosi => db_sosi_arr(0), rd_siso => db_siso_arr(0), term_ctrl_out => term_ctrl_out, term_ctrl_in => term_ctrl_in, -- DDR3 PHY external interface phy3_in => phy3_in, phy3_io => phy3_io, phy3_ou => phy3_ou, -- DDR4 PHY external interface phy4_in => phy4_in, phy4_io => phy4_io, phy4_ou => phy4_ou ); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DIAG Tx seq ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- u_mms_diag_block_gen: ENTITY diag_lib.mms_diag_block_gen GENERIC MAP ( -- Generate configurations g_use_usr_input => FALSE, g_use_bg => FALSE, g_use_tx_seq => TRUE, -- General g_nof_streams => 1, -- BG settings g_use_bg_buffer_ram => FALSE, -- Tx_seq g_seq_dat_w => g_dp_seq_dat_w ) PORT MAP ( -- System mm_rst => mm_rst, mm_clk => mm_clk, dp_rst => dp_rst, dp_clk => dp_clk, -- MM interface reg_tx_seq_mosi => reg_tx_seq_mosi, reg_tx_seq_miso => reg_tx_seq_miso, -- ST interface out_siso_arr => bg_siso_arr, out_sosi_arr => bg_sosi_arr ); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DIAG Rx seq with optional Data Buffer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- u_mms_diag_data_buffer: ENTITY diag_lib.mms_diag_data_buffer GENERIC MAP ( -- Generate configurations g_use_db => g_db_use_db, g_use_rx_seq => TRUE, -- General g_nof_streams => 1, -- DB settings g_data_type => e_data, -- define the sosi field that gets stored: e_data=data, e_complex=im&re, e_real=re, e_imag=im, g_data_w => c_word_w, -- only capture the lowest c_word_w=32 bits of the g_dp_data_w g_buf_nof_data => g_db_buf_nof_data, g_buf_use_sync => FALSE, -- when TRUE start filling the buffer at the in_sync, else after the last word was read, -- Rx_seq g_seq_dat_w => g_dp_seq_dat_w ) PORT MAP ( -- System mm_rst => mm_rst, mm_clk => mm_clk, dp_rst => dp_rst, dp_clk => dp_clk, -- MM interface reg_data_buf_mosi => reg_data_buf_mosi, reg_data_buf_miso => reg_data_buf_miso, ram_data_buf_mosi => ram_data_buf_mosi, ram_data_buf_miso => ram_data_buf_miso, reg_rx_seq_mosi => reg_rx_seq_mosi, reg_rx_seq_miso => reg_rx_seq_miso, -- ST interface in_sosi_arr => db_sosi_arr ); END str;