diff --git a/applications/lofar2/doc/prestudy/desp_howtools_erko.txt b/applications/lofar2/doc/prestudy/desp_howtools_erko.txt
index b23f9fef1919bb23d60e1129c0a5a739e4aa2118..333a8408d089a47e39190a4c3fad92f446fb5e13 100755
--- a/applications/lofar2/doc/prestudy/desp_howtools_erko.txt
+++ b/applications/lofar2/doc/prestudy/desp_howtools_erko.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 * RadioHDL with GIT (LOFAR2.0)
+* RadioHDL issues
 * GIT workflow
 * Confluence
 * Polarion
@@ -8,6 +9,7 @@
 * Vi
 * Screen to run a terminal session without ssh connection
 * Quartus Qsys IP files in GIT
+* Quartus version
@@ -89,6 +91,16 @@ export SVN=${HOME}/svnroot/UniBoard_FP7
 . ${SVN}/RadioHDL/trunk/tools/setup_unb.sh
+* RadioHDL issues
+1) may 2020 PD quartus_config.py unb2b failed
+Error : Unavailable library ip_arria10_e1sg_altera_jesd204_180 at 'hdl_lib_uses_sim' key is not disclosed at 'hdl_lib_disclose_library_clause_names' key in library ['ip_arria10_fractional_pll_clk200', 'ip_arria10_fractional_pll_clk125', 'ip_arria10_e3sge3_fractional_pll_clk200', 'ip_arria10_e3sge3_fractional_pll_clk125', 'ip_arria10_e1sg_fractional_pll_clk200', 'ip_arria10_e1sg_fractional_pll_clk125', 'ip_arria10_e2sg_fractional_pll_clk200', 'ip_arria10_e2sg_fractional_pll_clk125']
+Temporary fix commented line 4,5 in:
 * GIT references
@@ -457,6 +469,10 @@ hardstatus alwayslastline
 hardstatus string '%{= kG}[ %{G}%H %{g}][%= %{= kw}%?%-Lw%?%{r}(%{W}%n*%f%t%?(%u)%?%{r})%{w}%?%+Lw%?%?%= %{g}][%{B} %m-%d %{W}%c %{g}]'
+* uex in screen lijkt eerst niet op te starten,
+  matlab wel dus het ligt niet aan GUI, daarna lukts uex wel.
+* :kooistra@dop386:~/git/hdl>  --> in gewone terminal
+* ::kooistra@dop386:~/git/hdl> --> in screen terminal
 * Quartus Qsys IP files in GIT
@@ -525,3 +541,20 @@ total 2492
 -rw-r--r-- 1 kooistra users  62209 Sep 23 13:01 qsys_unb2b_minimal_rom_system_info.ip
 -rw-r--r-- 1 kooistra users  63384 Sep 23 13:01 qsys_unb2b_minimal_timer_0.ip
+* Quartus version
+Quartus version meeting minutes 13 may 2020 (RW, LH JH, EK):
+1) UniBoard2b IP is created using Quartus 18.0, same as used for ARTS SC3.
+2) UniBoard2b synthesis is done with Q18.0 or newer. In case of a newer Quartus version we rely on Quartus to upgrade the Q18.0 IP for synthesis which works fine sofar. We also rely on that the Q18.0 models are still sufficiently correct.
+2a) Jonathan uses Q19.4, because Q18.0 does not work remotely via ssh.
+2b) Reinier uses Q19.2, because that is the latest version that support OpenCL without microprocesor.
+3) UniBoard2c IP was created using Q19.4 by Jonathan, but we need to reconsider going to the latest Quartus version and recreate the IP, when we continue with the pinning and test designs for UniBoard2c
diff --git a/applications/lofar2/doc/prestudy/station2_sdp_deliverables.txt b/applications/lofar2/doc/prestudy/station2_sdp_deliverables.txt
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 0f084180c7f642469f0c412f22a300976b6b827a..ca85b6f5912606001bc5c41916cec10bf80efac5
--- a/applications/lofar2/doc/prestudy/station2_sdp_deliverables.txt
+++ b/applications/lofar2/doc/prestudy/station2_sdp_deliverables.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 D1  UniBoard2 Detailed Design document
 D2  Gemini LRU board for initial SW M&C tests
 D3  unb2c_test_pinning (using 10GbE)
-D4  unb2c_test_pinning_jesd (using JESD204b)
+D4  unb2c_test_pinning_jesd (using JESD204b) ~= lofar2_unb2b_adc_one_node
 D5  unb2c_heater (verify speed grade)
 D6  unb2c_test_ddr4 (both slots)
 D7  unb2c_test_10GbE (QSFP + ring, back)
diff --git a/applications/lofar2/doc/prestudy/station2_sdp_dsp.txt b/applications/lofar2/doc/prestudy/station2_sdp_dsp.txt
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 8b659737013ef01fa996825d1c900f584ab3a097..4e34ba565af2cee3c3076768dc3815582d24c1b0
--- a/applications/lofar2/doc/prestudy/station2_sdp_dsp.txt
+++ b/applications/lofar2/doc/prestudy/station2_sdp_dsp.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,25 @@
+* ADC input and timing
+- BSN source uses sysref or extpps
+- BSN source v2
+- sysref dig voor of na sysref ana, moet kunnen denk ik binnen multi frame period of
+  als tegelijk dan komt data van ADC zeker na sysref dig binnen op FPGA tgv latency van ADC en transceiver.
+- < 12 vd 12 inputs moet ook werken, want nodig tijdens development en ook in de praktijk als 1 RCU2 defect of uit is.
+* Subband filterbank
+The prototype FIR filter defines the transfer function of each subband sampled at fs. The FFT creates bins that effectively down convert each subband from n*f_sub to 0 Hz and downsample each subband by the factor N_fft. The PFB structure is such that for each subband only the samples that remain after downsampling are calculated. The PFB output sample rate per subband for the critically sampled PFB is f_sub = fs / N_fft. The subband sample rate is equal to the subband bandwidth, which does meat the Nyquist criterium, because the Nyquist factor 2 is hidden in the fact that the subband samples are complex, so they consist of 2 parts (real and imaginary).
+The prototype FIR filter can be regarded as a window function. For a static FFT operation the window function is typically equal or shorter than the FFT size. In a critially sampled PFB the FFT is calculated for every N_fft input samples. The response of the prototype filter is N_tap times longer than the FFT size. Hence for the dynamic operation of the FFT in an PFB the prototype filter provides a long window function and can thus achieve much sharper bandpass transition for the subbands, than a regular FFT window function. 
+For the oversampling PFB the FFT is calculated every M input samples, where the oversampling factor R_os = N_fft / M. Note that the oversampling PFB increases the subband sample rate f_sub_os = f_sub * R_os, but not the subband frequency grid. The subband frequency grid is n * f_sub, for any R_os, because the downsampling factor N_fft is the same for any R_os.
 * Beamformer
@@ -65,6 +87,15 @@ M&C:
 * Transient buffer
+. seqnr 32b intern TBB only
+. time 32b (in seconds) + samplenr 32b (in this 1 s interval) form timestamp of first sample in frame
+. nof samples per frame <= 
+. payload 1948 bytes = 487 complex subbands (2*16b)
+. if we skip seqnr, then 488 subbands can fit in frame
+. the gap is needed due to the interface between RSP and TBB, not needed for LOFAR2.0 SDP
+. 22 hdr + 487 payload + 1 crc = 510 words
+. 1024 * 12/8 = 1536 bytes, 1024 * 14/8 = 1792 bytes
diff --git a/applications/lofar2/doc/prestudy/station2_sdp_firmware_design.txt b/applications/lofar2/doc/prestudy/station2_sdp_firmware_design.txt
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 600f497c64b3281c8f29e8e4604c5992cb6ae94f..e68d68a84e514832446c8fdc78a80ea967f3228b
--- a/applications/lofar2/doc/prestudy/station2_sdp_firmware_design.txt
+++ b/applications/lofar2/doc/prestudy/station2_sdp_firmware_design.txt
@@ -2,6 +2,55 @@
 * Detailed Design Document of the LOFAR 2.0 Station SDP firmware
+The System Engineering breaks up the product into sub products until the sub product is small enough. The product and the break down into sub products are defined in the product ADD. Where necessary additional design decision documents provide the rationale for the ADD. This SE approach repeats for every sub product.
+* = Product ADD
+<-- Design decisions for product ADD
++ = Decision document for product ADD
+--> Sub products in ADD
+* L2 Station ADD
+  <-- L2 STAT Design decisions
+    + L2 STAT Decision: Location of SC-SDP Translator function
+	+ L2 STAT Decision: Selection of Interface Protocol
+	+ L2 STAT Decision: Timing in Station
+	+ L2 STAT Decision: Synchronisation between STF, RCU2S and SDP
+	+ L2 STAT Decision: Impact of oversampled subband filterbank
+	+ L2 STAT Decision: Independent Receiver
+	+ L2 STAT Decision: Decomposition into L3 products
+  --> L3 STAT Products
+    * L3 RECV Design Document
+    * L3 STCA Design Document
+    * L3 SC Design Document
+    * L3 STF Design Document
+    * L3 SDP Design Document
+      <-- L3 SDP Design decisions
+		+ L3 SDP Decision: FPGA Monitor and Control Protocol
+		+ L3 SDP Decision: Timing in SDP				   
+      --> L4 SDP Products
+        * L4 SDP Firmware Design Document
+          <-- L4 SDPFW Design decisions
+          --> L5 SDPFW Products
+            * L5 SDPFW Design Document: ADC input and timestamp
+            * L5 SDPFW Design Document: Subband filterbank (+ calibration weigths)
+            * L5 SDPFW Design Document: Digital beamformer (+ CEP output)
+            * L5 SDPFW Design Document: Subband correlator
+            * L5 SDPFW Design Document: Ring
+            * L5 SDPFW Design Document: Transient buffer (+ CEP readout)
+            * L5 SDPFW Design Document: Transient detection
+			* L5 SDPFW Design Document: Library components
+              --> L6 SDPFWLIB Products
+			    * L6 SDPFWLIB Design Document: Pulse interval monitor (= mms_common_interval_stable_monitor.vhd)
+			    * L6 SDPFWLIB Design Document: Pulse alignment monitor(= mms_common_alignment_stable_monitor.vhd)
+				* L6 SDPFWLIB Design Document: BSN source with BSN offset 
+				* L6 SDPFWLIB Design Document: BSN aligner using filler data
+				* L6 SDPFWLIB Design Document: PPS handler with time since last PPS
+         * L4 SDP Translator ADD
+         * L4 SDP Hardware ADD (= UniBoard2 modifications document)
+Busy with SDP Firmware design documents (L2SDP-39, 90)
 ? Link with functions in ADD
 ? Link with L4 requirements on SDP
@@ -31,16 +80,22 @@ Station overview
   . ADD fig UniBoard2 with 4 PN
   . ADD fig 4.5.2-1 Firmware toplevel with ICDs
   . ADD fig 4.5.2-2 External FPGA interfaces for M&C and data offload
-Hardware architecture (SDP, STCA)
-  . Two UniBoard2 per subrack, one PCC, 32 RCU each with 3 signal inputs (ADCs)
-  . 12 ADC per FPGA, 48 ADC per UniBoard, 96 ADC per subrack
-  . LBA ring : two subracks
-  . HBA ring : one subrack for core (two sub-arrays, but one ring to have subband correlations for all)
-               one subrack for remote
-               two subracks for international
-Firmware infrastructure
+SDP toplevel
+  - SDP Translator (controller, OPC-UA)
+  - SDP Hardware (UniBoard2)
+    * Array architecture (SDP, STCA)
+      . Two UniBoard2 per subrack, one PCC, 32 RCU each with 3 signal inputs (ADCs)
+      . 12 ADC per FPGA, 48 ADC per UniBoard, 96 ADC per subrack
+      . LBA ring : two subracks
+      . HBA ring : one subrack for core (two sub-arrays, but one ring to have subband correlations for all)
+                   one subrack for remote
+                   two subracks for international
+  - SDP Firmware
+SDP Firmware
+* Firmware infrastructure
   . BSP (unb2_minimal_gmi)
     - Clock, reset, PPS, flash, fpga regmap info from YAML
     - MM bus and ARGS
@@ -65,8 +120,7 @@ Firmware infrastructure
     - M&C software
     - Coding style (constants package derived from parameters in doc)
-Firmware architecture
+* Firmware architecture
   . Application overview  (array notation of interfaces and packets, ...)
     - ADC ingress and time stamp
     - Subband filterbank (critically sampled)
diff --git a/applications/lofar2/doc/prestudy/station2_sdp_firmware_planning.txt b/applications/lofar2/doc/prestudy/station2_sdp_firmware_planning.txt
index fa252fc30377578b6b3e2fa29f33858f3d85d967..12e9287ab6be6d4a8541dbadc8732a36daeb3c2e 100755
--- a/applications/lofar2/doc/prestudy/station2_sdp_firmware_planning.txt
+++ b/applications/lofar2/doc/prestudy/station2_sdp_firmware_planning.txt
@@ -621,6 +621,13 @@ all    12-2021  CDR       M Complete SDP document package for Station CDR
 * Q1 = Increment 1 Lab Test Station (LTS)
+LTS = RCU2_ANA (Italian, hack RCU1?)
+      RCU2_DIG + midplane + unb2b + power + clock + control OPC-UA
+	  GS: march 2020: 6wk devel, 3 wk order, 3w make
+	  BH: Test case --> requirements
+	  BH: requirements --> Test case
 Main deliverables
 - EK: D19/20 SDP design documents for LTS
 - EK: D41 ICD SC-SDP for unb2b_minimal_gp
@@ -716,21 +723,8 @@ BSP - PD
 2) D42 SDP OPC-UA server prototype
 l2SDP-43: L2 STAT DD Location of SC-SDP translator function
-         Update downselect of location of OPC-UA translator (combined task of
-         SDP and station Control)
-         - different types of M&C (volume, high rate, low rate, time critical)
-           . only the low rate M&C will go via OPC-UA, so BF weights and statistics via
-             a separate UDP path between LCU2 and SDP
-           . what abpout high volume write flash (readback)
-         - BF weights with timestamp to apply in future, or immediately if in
-           the past.
-         - Statistics read or stream at PPS or shorter intervals. Also stream
-           low rate BST, because streaming is for any time critical monitoring
-           not only for high rate time critical.
 l2SDP-32: L3 SDP DD Monitoring and Control
          Finish downselect of Gemini Protocol and Uniboard COntrol Protocol
-         (mainly task within SDP)
-         - GP-UCP, QSYS-RTL, NiosII-RTL
          - risk of delay due to:
            . complexity of porting to VHDL (64b-32b, Axi-Avalon, IP data mover)
            . low TRL of GP
@@ -772,6 +766,14 @@ Jira EK : L5 SDP DD ADC input and timing
              - new BSN source with BSN offset
+* New sprint
+- how are you
+- retrospective last sprints
+- tasks for next sprint + availability
+- sprint goal (e.g. achieve some test case)
 * Q2 = Increment 2
@@ -784,3 +786,16 @@ Jira EK : L5 SDP DD ADC input and timing
 - subband correlator on one node
 - beamformer output to CEP
 - ring (Cédric Dumez-Viou ?)
+* Q3,4 2020
+BF one input --> BF output
+TB DDR4 access R/W via M&C
+* 2021
+BF full (ring)
+TB one node --> output via 10GbE --> full (ring)
diff --git a/applications/lofar2/doc/prestudy/station2_sdp_icd.txt b/applications/lofar2/doc/prestudy/station2_sdp_icd.txt
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index eae9e9eb74ef969be3faabcfe5dfbd24c6cd3f63..fc4df59b74238af5989fe4e094339c9cc29f9726
--- a/applications/lofar2/doc/prestudy/station2_sdp_icd.txt
+++ b/applications/lofar2/doc/prestudy/station2_sdp_icd.txt
@@ -20,6 +20,16 @@ ICD interface types:
     d - Data exchange specifications (protocol stack)
     h - Human-Machine Interface (special combination of some of the above) 
+ICD template:
+An interface is an agreement between the two interfacing products.
+The interface agreement leads to requirements in the SRS of the interfacing products. The ICD is organised per interface type.
+An definition is a block of facts that can be referred to from one or more interfaces.
+Each L# level has a section header in the ICD.
+Within the level there are interfaces that describe the interface only at that level.
+The lowest level is reach when the interface description is sufficient to implement it.
+From top L# level to implementation L# level the ICD should read like a document. Per level the interface agreements provide more detail and follow the PBS.
+Eye opener: Hence the ICD is like a normal written document, the difference is that all sections are captured by numbered interfaces and definitions in Polarion, so that they can be traced and referred to.
+The template should only contain the structure and hidden information for the editor. The read only text should only contain a link to the ICD general explanations, to ensure that nearly all text is manually written tekst.
@@ -187,7 +197,7 @@ b) actuators, sensors
 2) Firmware
 a) 1GbE per 4 FPGA / 10GbE at SCU
-b) FPGA register access via Gemini Protocol/UDP/IPv4
+b) FPGA register access via UniBoard Protocol/UDP/IPv4
 c) FPGA register map:
   - BSP : info, PPS, flash
   - ring 
diff --git a/applications/lofar2/doc/prestudy/station2_sdp_m_and_c.txt b/applications/lofar2/doc/prestudy/station2_sdp_m_and_c.txt
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index eaf504b262098fe26e103f193416d3251b4bb7f3..65b134f8b4b61b6fea6866d814b58da3bf2f4f14
--- a/applications/lofar2/doc/prestudy/station2_sdp_m_and_c.txt
+++ b/applications/lofar2/doc/prestudy/station2_sdp_m_and_c.txt
@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@ may provide a monitoring point that allows the master to monitor the progress. O
 events that originate in the device it may be necessary to use the publish-subscribe pattern, whereby
 the slave self-generates an event message.
+The Station Control (SC) distinguishes between Control and Monitoring and Control (M&C). The Control in SC determines the behaviour of the Station in time. Via M&C the SC can control the Station Digital Processor (SDP) and monitor whether SDP behaves as expected. The SC uses OPC-UA over TCP/IP as standard Station M&C access interface. From SDP point of view all data access points are considered part of SDP M&C, however from SC point of view only a subset of these SDP M&C data points are part of Station M&C, and these are defined in the ICD SC-SDP.
+The SC M&C of SDP concerns two seperate parts:
+* The SDP Hardware is controlled via OPC-UA in the Control subrack in the STCA (STCACO).
+* The SDP Firmware is controlled via OPC-UA in the SDP Translator (SDPT). The complete memory map of all data access points in the SDP Firmware is defined by a configuration file that can be read from the SDP Firmware.
 * M&C of SDP firmware
@@ -27,6 +32,33 @@ SDP converter/bridge that translates between the FPGA memory map and OPC-UA [4.1
 it may be possible to generate the device specific parts of the bridge software, because the number
 of FPGAs and all register fields in the FPGA memory map are known [].
+Relevant L2 requirements for SDP monitoring points (BH):
+- station self-test (LOFAR2-8113)
+- station health-test (LOFAR2-8119 )
+- operationele aspecten (LOFAR2-8193 )
+* Update scheme for the beamlet weigths
+For the beamformer weights an update period of about once every 4.5 s is fast enough for all astronomical observations [AD-2f] --> BH partioniong rationale for LOFAR2-4392. In LOFAR1 the beamlet weights were applied at every pulse per second (PPS), so every 1 s [RD-8]. The required update rate of the beamlet weigths depends on the beamlet pointing, however all beamlet weigths are controlled as a set, and the beamlets may point in any direction, so therefore the update rate needs to be at least once every 4.5 s. Using a faster update rate makes the beamformer more robust to occasionally loosing an update, because then the previous weigths will still apply well. Table 3.1 lists beamlet weight update schemes that are all suitable for a LOFAR2.0 Station.
+Table  Possible beamlet weigths update scheme options for the SC-SDP ICD
+Option Beamlet weights update scheme                       SDP weigths memory   Timing
+ A     SDP applies weights immediately when received       Single buffer        Asynchronous
+ B     SDP applies weights at the next PPS                 Dual buffer          Synchronous with fixed timing grid as in LOFAR1
+ C     SDP applies weights at a timestamp specified by SC  Dual buffer          Synchronous with flexible timing grid
+Comparison of the beamlet weigths update schemes in Table:
+* The advantage of scheme A and C compared to scheme B of LOFAR is that they are less time critica, because they are not tight to thefixed 1 s grid of the PPS.
+* The advantage of scheme A compared to scheme B and C is that it takes less weights memory in SDP, but the weights memory is not a critical resource for SDP
+* The advantage of scheme C compared to scheme A is that the weights can be send in advance, which relaxes the real time constraints on the SC to about 4.5 s.
+All schemes in Table can be applied via the SDP Translator as well as via the bypass control path. Scheme C is the most relaxed regarding the real time constrains on the SC and scheme C is quite feasible to realize in the SDP Firmware. Therefore assume that the SC-SDP ICD will specify using scheme C to update the beamlet weights (note that in [AD-2f] a mix of scheme A and scheme B was proposed, so SC sends control every 1 s and SDP applies immediately when received).
+Design decision: Use option C.
@@ -168,12 +200,62 @@ Behaviour of the data points:
   . SYnc, dual page control, periodic event page swap at sync when last value was written (so only then swap)
+* TCP and UDP OSI TRansport layer protocols
+[1] https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Communication_Networks/TCP_and_UDP_Protocols
+[2] TCP = Transmission Control Protocol (RFC 793)
+[3] UDP = User Datagram Protocol (RFC 768)
+TCP is a connection oriented protocol and is used when the data transfer needs to be intact and complete (e.g. files).
+ - retransmit corrupt or lost datagrams
+ - remove duplicate datagrams
+ - reassemble datagrams in the proper order
+ - rate adaption dependent on the throughput capacity of the network and the receiver
+ - fragmentation of application data into datagrams [1]
+UDP is a transaction oriented and connectionless protocol and is used when the data transfer needs low latency and lost data may remain lost (e.g. video). The data interface to the application is discrete packets.
+IP takes care of:
+- addressing
+- fragmentation of datagrams, to support transport across different networks
+- time to live to self destruct datagrams that take too many hops to reach their destination
+- identifying and encapsulating network layer protocols into an Ethernet frame
+- error checking
+- flow control
+- medium access control
+A socket pair identifies both ends of a connection, i.e. the virtual circuit [3]. For UDP the end-to-end connection identified by the source MAC, IP and UDP port tuple and destination MAC, IP and UDP port is sufficient, because UDP operates per datagram [3]. For TCP in addition a connection needs to be setup, because TCP needs to maintain the state of multiple datagrams that are communicated [2].
+To make a reliable transport protocol involves:
+- Connection handling (keep track of a connection)
+- Sequencing (to rely on order of frames)
+- Acknowledgement (to make sure all frames are received)
+- Flow control (throttle the flow of data)
+Client server + MM transaction
+Reliable communciation
+MM transaction
+Verify flash
+- using readback is necessary with UCP due to that it uses a MM-DP fifo.
+- the transaction from FPGA to flash on UniBoard should preferrably have been readback already for each write request.
+* Conclusion:
 - Identify casue of error preferrably via a single monitoring point
 - With proper monitoring no test time is needed
-- Support writing status fields in a test mpd for SW - FW interface testing 
+- Support writing status fields in a test mode for SW - FW interface testing 
 - Use 1 s sync interval of PPS to time period M&C events for all. Optionally support a local BSN scheduler
   for the XST.
diff --git a/applications/lofar2/doc/prestudy/station2_sdp_srs.txt b/applications/lofar2/doc/prestudy/station2_sdp_srs.txt
index 773445b4e0a8069cfa1b9effeb458aacc4fad527..d746394cc07a9d48053b47fa9cad3127747bdeaf 100755
--- a/applications/lofar2/doc/prestudy/station2_sdp_srs.txt
+++ b/applications/lofar2/doc/prestudy/station2_sdp_srs.txt
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ LOFAR2-3187 Simultaneous existance of production modes
 LOFAR2-3269 Justification of single-points of failure
 LOFAR2-4000 Robustness: No single point of failure
 LOFAR2-4001 Graceful degradation
 . Monitor HW, FW and interfaces --> Ring, 1GbE, 10GbE, DDR4, PPS, JESD
 LOFAR2-3227 x--> 3248
 LOFAR2-3209 Monitoring in Hybernate State