From c000bce3c6de460b85f29341f0600a5b2c01e24f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Eric Kooistra <> Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2023 13:09:09 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Now dp_complex_add also pipelines all sosi fields, no need for external bypass. --- .../sdp/src/vhdl/sdp_beamformer_remote.vhd | 37 +++++++------------ 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-) diff --git a/applications/lofar2/libraries/sdp/src/vhdl/sdp_beamformer_remote.vhd b/applications/lofar2/libraries/sdp/src/vhdl/sdp_beamformer_remote.vhd index 7d0ef9619c..0153f7d982 100644 --- a/applications/lofar2/libraries/sdp/src/vhdl/sdp_beamformer_remote.vhd +++ b/applications/lofar2/libraries/sdp/src/vhdl/sdp_beamformer_remote.vhd @@ -67,18 +67,16 @@ ARCHITECTURE str OF sdp_beamformer_remote IS CONSTANT c_data_w : NATURAL := c_nof_complex * c_sdp_W_beamlet_sum; CONSTANT c_block_size : NATURAL := c_sdp_S_sub_bf * c_sdp_N_pol_bf; CONSTANT c_fifo_size : NATURAL := 2** ceil_log2((c_block_size * 9) / 16); -- 9/16 = 36/64, 1 block of 64 bit words rounded to the next power of 2 = 1024. - CONSTANT c_complex_adder_latency : NATURAL := ceil_log2(c_dual); SIGNAL dispatch_sosi_arr : t_dp_sosi_arr(c_dual-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => c_dp_sosi_rst); -- 1 for local, 1 for remote. SIGNAL dp_fifo_sosi : t_dp_sosi := c_dp_sosi_rst; SIGNAL dp_fifo_siso : t_dp_siso := c_dp_siso_rdy; SIGNAL beamlets_data_sosi_arr : t_dp_sosi_arr(c_dual-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => c_dp_sosi_rst); SIGNAL beamlets_sosi_arr : t_dp_sosi_arr(c_dual-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => c_dp_sosi_rst); - SIGNAL pipelined_beamlets_sosi : t_dp_sosi := c_dp_sosi_rst; SIGNAL i_bf_sum_sosi : t_dp_sosi := c_dp_sosi_rst; SIGNAL bf_sum_data_sosi : t_dp_sosi := c_dp_sosi_rst; -BEGIN +BEGIN -- repacking beamlets re/im to data field. p_wire_local_bf_sosi : PROCESS(local_bf_sosi) @@ -182,22 +180,9 @@ BEGIN beamlets_sosi_arr(1).im <= RESIZE_DP_DSP_DATA(beamlets_data_sosi_arr(1).data( c_data_w -1 DOWNTO c_sdp_W_beamlet_sum)); END PROCESS; - --------------------------------------------------------------- - -- DP PIPELINE IN_SOSI FIELDS - --------------------------------------------------------------- - u_pipeline : ENTITY dp_lib.dp_pipeline - GENERIC MAP ( - g_pipeline => c_complex_adder_latency - ) - PORT MAP ( - rst => dp_rst, - clk => dp_clk, - snk_in => beamlets_sosi_arr(0), - src_out => pipelined_beamlets_sosi - ); --------------------------------------------------------------- - -- ADD + -- ADD local + remote --------------------------------------------------------------- u_dp_complex_add : ENTITY dp_lib.dp_complex_add GENERIC MAP( @@ -212,18 +197,22 @@ BEGIN src_out => i_bf_sum_sosi ); + --------------------------------------------------------------- - -- Repack 36b to 64b + -- Local output --------------------------------------------------------------- - -- repacking bf_sum re/im to data field and combine with pipelined_beamlets_sosi. - p_wire_bf_sum_sosi : PROCESS(pipelined_beamlets_sosi, i_bf_sum_sosi) + bf_sum_sosi <= i_bf_sum_sosi; + + --------------------------------------------------------------- + -- Ring output: Repack 36b to 64b + --------------------------------------------------------------- + + -- repacking bf_sum re/im to data field + p_wire_bf_sum_sosi : PROCESS(i_bf_sum_sosi) BEGIN - bf_sum_data_sosi <= pipelined_beamlets_sosi; -- To preserve sosi control signals as dp_complex_add removes them. - bf_sum_sosi <= pipelined_beamlets_sosi; -- To preserve sosi control signals as dp_complex_add removes them. + bf_sum_data_sosi <= i_bf_sum_sosi; -1 DOWNTO 0) <= DOWNTO 0); c_data_w -1 DOWNTO c_sdp_W_beamlet_sum) <= DOWNTO 0); - <= RESIZE_DP_DSP_DATA( DOWNTO 0)); - <= RESIZE_DP_DSP_DATA( DOWNTO 0)); END PROCESS; u_dp_repack_data_local : ENTITY dp_lib.dp_repack_data -- GitLab