diff --git a/libraries/io/eth/eth.peripheral.yaml b/libraries/io/eth/eth.peripheral.yaml
index 321706436eb9bc52210d67d1da407f3fb5c71fb5..c30ec856fb0ba28317a8f81e0819266a6bcdc014 100644
--- a/libraries/io/eth/eth.peripheral.yaml
+++ b/libraries/io/eth/eth.peripheral.yaml
@@ -25,14 +25,644 @@ peripherals:
       # MM port for registers in the TSE IP [1]
       - mm_port_name: AVS_ETH_0_TSE
         mm_port_type: REG
-        mm_port_description: "Registers in the TSE IP [1], handled by the Nios microprocessor."
+        mm_port_span: 1024 * MM_BUS_SIZE # = c_tech_tse_byte_addr_w in tech_tse_pkg.vhd
+        mm_port_description: |
+          "Registers in the TSE IP [1], handled by the Nios microprocessor. 
+           All addresses are multiplied by 4 as the last 2 bits of the address
+           are removed in VHDL."
-          - - field_name: registers
-              field_description: ""
-              number_of_fields: 1024   # = c_tech_tse_byte_addr_w in tech_tse_pkg.vhd
-              address_offset: 0x0
+          - - field_name: rev
+              field_description: |
+                ". Bits[15:0]—Set to the current version of the IP.
+                 . Bits[31:16]—Customer specific revision, specified by the
+                   CUST_VERSION parameter defined in the top-level file
+                   generated for the instance of the IP. These bits are set to
+                   0 during the configuration of the IP."
+              address_offset: 0x00 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: scratch
+              field_description: |
+                "Scratch register. Provides a memory location for you to test
+                 the device memory operation."
+              address_offset: 0x01 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RW
+          - - field_name: command_config
+              field_description: |
+                "MAC configuration register. Use this register to control and
+                 configure the MAC function. The MAC function starts
+                 operation as soon as the transmit and receive enable bits in
+                 this register are turned on. Intel, therefore, recommends
+                 that you configure this register last."
+              address_offset: 0x02 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RW
+          - - field_name: mac_0
+              field_description: |
+                "6-byte MAC primary address. The first four most significant
+                 bytes of the MAC address occupy mac_0 in reverse order.
+                 The last two bytes of the MAC address occupy the two least
+                 significant bytes of mac_1 in reverse order.
+                 For example, if the MAC address is 00-1C-23-17-4A-CB, the
+                 following assignments are made:
+                 mac_0 = 0x17231c00
+                 mac_1 = 0x0000CB4a
+                 Ensure that you configure these registers with a valid MAC
+                 address if you disable the promiscuous mode (PROMIS_EN
+                 bit in command_config = 0)"
+              address_offset: 0x03 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RW
+          - - field_name: mac_1
+              field_description: |
+                "see mac_0"
+              address_offset: 0x04 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RW
+          - - field_name: frm_length
+              field_description: |
+                ". Bits[15:0]—16-bit maximum frame length in bytes. The
+                   IP checks the length of receive frames against this value.
+                   Typical value is 1518.
+                   In the 10/100 Mbps and 1000 Mbps small MAC
+                   variations, this register is RO and the maximum frame
+                   length is fixed to 1518.
+                 . Bits[31:16]—unused."
+              address_offset: 0x05 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
               access_mode: RW
+          - - field_name: pause_quant
+              field_description: |
+                ". Bits[15:0]—16-bit pause quanta. Use this register to
+                   specify the pause quanta to be sent to remote devices
+                   when the local device is congested. The IP sets the
+                   pause quanta (P1, P2) field in pause frames to the value
+                   of this register.
+                   The 10/100 Mbps and 1000 Mbps small MAC variations
+                   do not support flow control.
+                 . Bits[31:16]—unused."
+              address_offset: 0x06 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RW
+          - - field_name: rx_section_empty
+              field_description: |
+                "Variable-length section-empty threshold of the receive FIFO
+                 buffer. Use the depth of your FIFO buffer to determine this
+                 threshold. This threshold is typically set to (FIFO Depth –
+                 16)."
+              address_offset: 0x07 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RW
+          - - field_name: rx_section_full
+              field_description: |
+                "Variable-length section-full threshold of the receive FIFO
+                 buffer. Use the depth of your FIFO buffer to determine this
+                 threshold."
+              address_offset: 0x08 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RW
+          - - field_name: tx_section_empty
+              field_description: |
+                "Variable-length section-empty threshold of the transmit
+                 FIFO buffer. Use the depth of your FIFO buffer to determine
+                 this threshold. This threshold is typically set to (FIFO Depth
+                 – 16)."
+              address_offset: 0x09 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RW
+          - - field_name: tx_section_full
+              field_description: |
+                "Variable-length section-full threshold of the transmit FIFO
+                 buffer. Use the depth of your FIFO buffer to determine this
+                 threshold."
+              address_offset: 0x0A * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RW
+          - - field_name: rx_almost_empty
+              field_description: |
+                "Variable-length almost-empty threshold of the receive FIFO
+                 buffer. Use the depth of your FIFO buffer to determine this
+                 threshold."
+              address_offset: 0x0B * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RW
+          - - field_name: rx_almost_full
+              field_description: |
+                "Variable-length almost-full threshold of the receive FIFO
+                 buffer. Use the depth of your FIFO buffer to determine this
+                 threshold."
+              address_offset: 0x0C * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RW
+          - - field_name: tx_almost_empty
+              field_description: |
+                "Variable-length almost-empty threshold of the transmit FIFO
+                 buffer. Use the depth of your FIFO buffer to determine this
+                 threshold."
+              address_offset: 0x0D * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RW
+          - - field_name: tx_almost_full
+              field_description: |
+                "Variable-length almost-full threshold of the transmit FIFO
+                 buffer. Use the depth of your FIFO buffer to determine this
+                 threshold."
+              address_offset: 0x0E * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RW
+          - - field_name: mdio_addr0
+              field_description: |
+                ". Bits[4:0]—5-bit PHY address. Set these registers to the
+                   addresses of any connected PHY devices you want to
+                   access. The mdio_addr0 and mdio_addr1 registers
+                   contain the addresses of the PHY whose registers are
+                   mapped to MDIO Space 0 and MDIO Space 1
+                   respectively.
+                 . Bits[31:5]—unused. Set to read-only value of 0."
+              address_offset: 0x0F * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RW
+          - - field_name: mdio_addr1
+              field_description: |
+                "see mdio_addr0"
+              address_offset: 0x10 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RW
+          - - field_name: holdoff_quant
+              field_description: |
+                ". Bit[15:0]—16-bit holdoff quanta. When you enable the
+                   flow control, use this register to specify the gap between
+                   consecutive XOFF requests.
+                 . Bits[31:16]—unused."
+              address_offset: 0x11 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RW
+          - - field_name: tx_ipg_length
+              field_description: |
+                ". Bits[4:0]—minimum IPG. Valid values are between 8 and
+                   26 byte-times. If this register is set to an invalid value,
+                   the MAC still maintains a typical minimum IPG value of
+                   12 bytes between packets, although a read back to the
+                   register reflects the invalid value written.
+                   In the 10/100 Mbps and 1000 Mbps small MAC
+                   variations, this register is RO and the register is set to a
+                   fixed value of 12.
+                 . Bits[31:5]—unused. Set to read-only value 0"
+              address_offset: 0x17 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RW
+          - - field_name: aMacID
+              field_description: |
+                "The MAC address. This register is wired to the primary MAC address
+                 in the mac_0 and mac_1 registers."
+              address_offset: 0x18 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RO
+              user_width: 64
+              radix: uint64
+          - - field_name: aFramesTransmittedOK
+              field_description: |
+                "The number of frames that are successfully transmitted including the
+                 pause frames."
+              address_offset: 0x1A * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: aFramesReceivedOK
+              field_description: |
+                "The number of frames that are successfully received including the
+                 pause frames."
+              address_offset: 0x1B * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: aFrameCheckSequenceErrors
+              field_description: |
+                "The number of receive frames with CRC error."
+              address_offset: 0x1C * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: aAlignmentErrors
+              field_description: |
+                "The number of receive frames with alignment error."
+              address_offset: 0x1D * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: aOctetsTransmittedOK
+              field_description: |
+                "The number of data and padding octets that are successfully
+                 transmitted"
+              address_offset: 0x1E * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: aOctetsReceivedOK
+              field_description: |
+                "The number of data and padding octets that are successfully
+                 received, including pause frames."
+              address_offset: 0x1F * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: aTxPAUSEMACCtrlFrames
+              field_description: |
+                "The number of pause frames transmitted."
+              address_offset: 0x20 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: aRxPAUSEMACCtrlFrames
+              field_description: |
+                "The number received pause frames received."
+              address_offset: 0x21 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: ifInErrors
+              field_description: |
+                "The number of errored frames received."
+              address_offset: 0x22 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: ifOutErrors
+              field_description: |
+                "The number of transmit frames with one the following errors:
+                 . FIFO overflow error
+                 . FIFO underflow error
+                 . Frames that encounter late or excessive collision occasions
+                 . Errors defined by the user application"
+              address_offset: 0x23 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: ifInUcastPkts
+              field_description: |
+                "The number of valid unicast frames received."
+              address_offset: 0x24 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: ifInMulticastPkts
+              field_description: |
+                "The number of valid multicast frames received. The count does not
+                 include pause frames."
+              address_offset: 0x25 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: ifInBroadcastPkts
+              field_description: |
+                "The number of valid broadcast frames received."
+              address_offset: 0x26 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: ifOutUcastPkts
+              field_description: |
+                "The number of valid unicast and erroneous frames transmitted, as
+                 well as unicast frames transmitted during late and excessive collision
+                 occasions."
+              address_offset: 0x28 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: ifOutMulticastPkts
+              field_description: |
+                "The number of valid multicast frames transmitted, as well as
+                 multicast frames transmitted during late and excessive collision
+                 occasions, excluding pause frames."
+              address_offset: 0x29 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: ifOutBroadcastPkts
+              field_description: |
+                "The number of valid and erroneous broadcast frames transmitted, as
+                 well as broadcast frames transmitted during late and excessive
+                 collision occasions."
+              address_offset: 0x2A * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: etherStatsDropEvents
+              field_description: |
+                "The number of frames that are dropped due to MAC internal errors
+                 when FIFO buffer overflow persists."
+              address_offset: 0x2B * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: etherStatsOctets
+              field_description: |
+                "The total number of octets received. This count includes both good
+                 and errored frames."
+              address_offset: 0x2C * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: etherStatsPkts
+              field_description: |
+                "The total number of good and errored frames received."
+              address_offset: 0x2D * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: etherStatsUndersizePkts
+              field_description: |
+                "The number of frames received with length less than 64 bytes,
+                 including pause frames. This count does not include errored frames."
+              address_offset: 0x2E * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: etherStatsOversizePkts
+              field_description: |
+                "The number of frames received that are longer than the value
+                 configured in the frm_length register. This count does not include
+                 errored frames."
+              address_offset: 0x2F * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: etherStatsPkts64Octets
+              field_description: |
+                "The number of 64-byte frames received. This count includes good and
+                 errored frames"
+              address_offset: 0x30 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: etherStatsPkts65to127Octets
+              field_description: |
+                "The number of received good and errored frames between the length
+                 of 65 and 127 bytes."
+              address_offset: 0x31 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: etherStatsPkts128to255Octets
+              field_description: |
+                "The number of received good and errored frames between the length
+                 of 128 and 255 bytes."
+              address_offset: 0x32 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: etherStatsPkts256to511Octets
+              field_description: |
+                "The number of received good and errored frames between the length
+                 of 256 and 511 bytes."
+              address_offset: 0x33 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: etherStatsPkts512to1023Octets
+              field_description: |
+                "The number of received good and errored frames between the length
+                 of 512 and 1023 bytes."
+              address_offset: 0x34 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: etherStatsPkts1024to1518Octets
+              field_description: |
+                "The number of received good and errored frames between the length
+                 of 1024 and 1518 bytes."
+              address_offset: 0x35 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: etherStatsPkts1519toXOctets
+              field_description: |
+                "The number of received good and errored frames between the length
+                 of 1519 and the maximum frame length configured in the
+                 frm_length register."
+              address_offset: 0x36 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: etherStatsJabbers
+              field_description: |
+                "Too long frames with CRC error."
+              address_offset: 0x37 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: etherStatsFragments
+              field_description: |
+                "Too short frames with CRC error."
+              address_offset: 0x38 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: tx_cmd_stat
+              field_description: |
+                "Specifies how the MAC function processes transmit frames. When you
+                 turn on the Align packet headers to 32-bit boundaries option."
+              address_offset: 0x3A * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RW
+          - - field_name: rx_cmd_stat
+              field_description: |
+                "Specifies how the MAC function processes receive frames. When you
+                 turn on the Align packet headers to 32-bit boundaries option"
+              address_offset: 0x3B * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RW
+          - - field_name: msb_aOctetsTransmittedOK
+              field_description: |
+                "Upper 32 bits of the respective statistics counters. By default all
+                 statistics counters are 32 bits wide. These statistics counters can be
+                 extended to 64 bits by turning on the Enable 64-bit byte counters
+                 parameter.
+                 To read the counter, read the lower 32 bits first, then followed by the
+                 extended statistic counter bits"
+              address_offset: 0x3C * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: msb_aOctetsReceivedOK
+              field_description: |
+                "see msb_aOctetsTransmittedOK"
+              address_offset: 0x3D * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: msb_etherStatsOctets
+              field_description: |
+                "see msb_aOctetsTransmittedOK"
+              address_offset: 0x3E * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: pcs_control
+              field_description: |
+                "PCS control register. Use this register to control and
+                 configure the PCS function."
+              address_offset: ( 0x80 + 0x00 ) * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              mm_width: 16
+              access_mode: RW
+          - - field_name: pcs_status
+              field_description: |
+                "Status register. Provides information on the operation of the
+                 PCS function."
+              address_offset: ( 0x80 + 0x01 ) * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              mm_width: 16
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: pcs_phy_identifier_msb
+              field_description: |
+                "32-bit PHY identification register. This register is set to the
+                 value of the PHY ID parameter. Bits 31:16 are written to
+                 word offset 0x02. Bits 15:0 are written to word offset 0x03."
+              address_offset: ( 0x80 + 0x02 ) * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              mm_width: 16
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: pcs_phy_identifier_lsb
+              field_description: |
+                "see pcs_phy_identifier_msb"
+              address_offset: ( 0x80 + 0x03 ) * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              mm_width: 16
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: pcs_dev_ability
+              field_description: |
+                "Use this register to advertise the device abilities to a link
+                 partner during auto-negotiation. In SGMII MAC mode, the
+                 PHY does not use this register during auto-negotiation."
+              address_offset: ( 0x80 + 0x04 ) * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              mm_width: 16
+              access_mode: RW
+          - - field_name: pcs_partner_ability
+              field_description: |
+                "Contains the device abilities advertised by the link partner
+                 during auto-negotiation."
+              address_offset: ( 0x80 + 0x05 ) * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              mm_width: 16
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: pcs_an_expansion
+              field_description: |
+                "Auto-negotiation expansion register. Contains the PCS
+                 function capability and auto-negotiation status."
+              address_offset: ( 0x80 + 0x06 ) * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              mm_width: 16
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: pcs_scratch
+              field_description: |
+                "Scratch register. Provides a memory location to test register
+                 read and write operations."
+              address_offset: ( 0x80 + 0x10 ) * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              mm_width: 16
+              access_mode: RW
+          - - field_name: pcs_rev
+              field_description: |
+                "The PCS function revision. Always set to the current version
+                 of the IP."
+              address_offset: ( 0x80 + 0x11 ) * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              mm_width: 16
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: pcs_link_timer_lsb
+              field_description: |
+                "21-bit auto-negotiation link timer. Set the link timer value
+                 from 0 to 16 ms in 8 ns steps (125 MHz clock periods). The
+                 reset value sets the link timer to 10 ms.
+                 . Bits 15:0 are written to word offset 0x12. Bit 0 of word
+                   offset 0x12 is always set to 0, thus any value written to
+                   it is ignored.
+                 . Bits 20:16 are written to word offset 0x13. The
+                   remaining bits are reserved and always set to 0."
+              address_offset: ( 0x80 + 0x12 ) * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              mm_width: 16
+              access_mode: RW
+          - - field_name: pcs_link_timer_msb
+              field_description: |
+                "see pcs_link_timer_lsb"
+              address_offset: ( 0x80 + 0x13 ) * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              mm_width: 16
+              access_mode: RW
+          - - field_name: pcs_if_mode
+              field_description: |
+                "Interface mode. Use this register to specify the operating
+                 mode of the PCS function; 1000BASE-X or SGMII."
+              address_offset: ( 0x80 + 0x14 ) * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              mm_width: 16
+              access_mode: RW
+          - - field_name: tx_period
+              field_description: |
+                "Clock period for timestamp adjustment on the transmit
+                 datapath. The period register is multiplied by the number of
+                 stages separating actual timestamp and the GMII bus.
+                 . Bits 0 to 15: Period in fractional nanoseconds
+                   (TX_PERIOD_FNS).
+                 . Bits 16 to 24: Period in nanoseconds (TX_PERIOD_NS).
+                 . Bits 25 to 31: Not used.
+                 The default value for the period is 0. For 125 MHz clock, set this
+                 register to 8 ns."
+              address_offset: 0xD0 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RW
+          - - field_name: tx_adjust_fns
+              field_description: |
+                "Timing adjustment in fractional nanoseconds"
+              address_offset: 0xD1 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              mm_width: 16
+              access_mode: RW
+          - - field_name: tx_adjust_ns
+              field_description: |
+                "Timing adjustment in nanoseconds."
+              address_offset: 0xD2 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              mm_width: 16
+              access_mode: RW
+          - - field_name: rx_period
+              field_description: |
+                "Clock period for timestamp adjustment on the receive datapath.
+                 The period register is multiplied by the number of stages
+                 separating actual timestamp and the GMII bus.
+                 . Bits 0 to 15: Period in fractional nanoseconds
+                   (RX_PERIOD_FNS).
+                 . Bits 16 to 24: Period in nanoseconds (RX_PERIOD_NS).
+                 . Bits 25 to 31: Not used.
+                 The default value for the period is 0. For 125 MHz clock, set this
+                 register to 8 ns."
+              address_offset: 0xD3 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              access_mode: RW
+          - - field_name: rx_adjust_fns
+              field_description: |
+                "Timing adjustment in fractional nanoseconds."
+              address_offset: 0xD4 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              mm_width: 16
+              access_mode: RW
+          - - field_name: rx_adjust_ns
+              field_description: |
+                "Timing adjustment in nanoseconds."
+              address_offset: 0xD5 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              mm_width: 16
+              access_mode: RW
+          - - field_name: measure_valid
+              field_description: |
+                "Indicates whether the DL measurement values are
+                 valid. 0: Not valid, 1: Valid"
+              address_offset: 0xE1 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              mm_width: 1
+              bit_offset: 0
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: dl_reset
+              field_description: |
+                "Deterministic latency (DL) soft reset."
+              address_offset: 0xE1 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              mm_width: 1
+              bit_offset: 1
+              access_mode: RW
+          - - field_name: tx_delay
+              field_description: |
+                "TX datapath latency.
+                 Displays the TX datapath DL measurement values
+                 measured in the i_dl_sampling_clk cycles.
+                 measure_valid must be set prior taking the
+                 measurement."
+              address_offset: 0xE2 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              mm_width: 21
+              access_mode: RO
+          - - field_name: rx_delay
+              field_description: |
+                "RX datapath latency
+                 Displays the RX datapath DL measurement values
+                 measured in the i_dl_sampling_clk cycles.
+                 measure_valid must be set prior taking the
+                 measurement"
+              address_offset: 0xE3 * 4 * MM_BUS_SIZE
+              mm_width: 21
+              access_mode: RO
       # MM port for registers in eth_mm_registers.vhd in the ETH module [2]
       - mm_port_name: AVS_ETH_0_REG
         mm_port_type: REG