From aabc9a553bd6373302523d9377101f907621fde3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Eric Kooistra <> Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2023 08:53:44 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Pipeline all snk_in sosi fields for output, instead of only the valid. --- libraries/base/dp/src/vhdl/dp_complex_add.vhd | 43 ++++++++++++------- 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) diff --git a/libraries/base/dp/src/vhdl/dp_complex_add.vhd b/libraries/base/dp/src/vhdl/dp_complex_add.vhd index c1cac99456..24a2d604f6 100644 --- a/libraries/base/dp/src/vhdl/dp_complex_add.vhd +++ b/libraries/base/dp/src/vhdl/dp_complex_add.vhd @@ -52,8 +52,13 @@ END dp_complex_add; ARCHITECTURE str OF dp_complex_add IS CONSTANT c_pipeline : NATURAL := 1; + CONSTANT c_pipeline_adder_tree : NATURAL := c_pipeline*ceil_log2(g_nof_inputs); + CONSTANT c_common_adder_tree_sum_w : NATURAL := g_data_w + ceil_log2(g_nof_inputs); + SIGNAL snk_in : t_dp_sosi; + SIGNAL snk_in_pipe : t_dp_sosi; + SIGNAL common_adder_tree_re_in_dat : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(g_nof_inputs*g_data_w-1 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL common_adder_tree_im_in_dat : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(g_nof_inputs*g_data_w-1 DOWNTO 0); @@ -101,22 +106,30 @@ BEGIN sum => common_adder_tree_im_sum ); - <= RESIZE_DP_DSP_DATA(common_adder_tree_re_sum(c_common_adder_tree_sum_w-1 DOWNTO 0)); - <= RESIZE_DP_DSP_DATA(common_adder_tree_im_sum(c_common_adder_tree_sum_w-1 DOWNTO 0)); + p_src_out : PROCESS(snk_in_pipe, common_adder_tree_re_sum) + BEGIN + src_out <= snk_in_pipe; + <= RESIZE_DP_DSP_DATA(common_adder_tree_re_sum(c_common_adder_tree_sum_w-1 DOWNTO 0)); + <= RESIZE_DP_DSP_DATA(common_adder_tree_im_sum(c_common_adder_tree_sum_w-1 DOWNTO 0)); + END PROCESS; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -- Forward the input valid with the correct latency + -- Forward the other snk_in fields with the correct latency ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - u_common_pipeline_sl : ENTITY common_lib.common_pipeline_sl - GENERIC MAP ( - g_pipeline => c_pipeline*ceil_log2(g_nof_inputs) - ) - PORT MAP ( - rst => rst, - clk => clk, - - in_dat => snk_in_arr(0).valid, - out_dat => src_out.valid - ); - + + snk_in <= snk_in_arr(0); + + u_dp_pipeline : ENTITY work.dp_pipeline + GENERIC MAP ( + g_pipeline => c_pipeline_adder_tree + ) + PORT MAP ( + rst => rst, + clk => clk, + -- ST sink + snk_in => snk_in, + -- ST source + src_out => snk_in_pipe + ); + END str; -- GitLab