diff --git a/applications/lofar2/designs/lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station/revisions/lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_adc/tb_lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_adc.vhd b/applications/lofar2/designs/lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station/revisions/lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_adc/tb_lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_adc.vhd
index 8857119f97f65eb7d8f28db300a5fa1e060c2a50..73a7e8b70e384fdaf79d4170010427073a69853b 100644
--- a/applications/lofar2/designs/lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station/revisions/lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_adc/tb_lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_adc.vhd
+++ b/applications/lofar2/designs/lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station/revisions/lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_adc/tb_lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_adc.vhd
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ ARCHITECTURE tb OF tb_lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_adc IS
   CONSTANT c_id              : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0) := "00000000";
   CONSTANT c_version         : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0) := "00";
   CONSTANT c_fw_version      : t_unb2b_board_fw_version := (1, 0);
+  CONSTANT c_init_bsn        : NATURAL := 17;  -- some recognizable value >= 0
   CONSTANT c_eth_clk_period      : TIME := 8 ns;  -- 125 MHz XO on UniBoard
   CONSTANT c_ext_clk_period      : TIME := 5 ns;
@@ -76,16 +77,16 @@ ARCHITECTURE tb OF tb_lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_adc IS
   CONSTANT c_tb_clk_period       : TIME := 100 ps; -- use fast tb_clk to speed up M&C
-  CONSTANT c_nof_block_per_sync  : NATURAL := 16; 
+  CONSTANT c_nof_block_per_sync  : NATURAL := 7;   -- use short interval to speed up simulation
   CONSTANT c_nof_clk_per_sync    : NATURAL := c_nof_block_per_sync*c_sdp_N_fft; 
   CONSTANT c_pps_period          : NATURAL := c_nof_clk_per_sync;
-  CONSTANT c_percentage          : REAL := 0.05;  -- percentage that actual value may differ from expected value
+  CONSTANT c_percentage          : REAL := 0.05;  -- percentage that actual value may differ from expected value, due to WG rounding
   CONSTANT c_lo_factor           : REAL := 1.0 - c_percentage;  -- lower boundary  
   CONSTANT c_hi_factor           : REAL := 1.0 + c_percentage;  -- higher boundary
   -- WG
-  CONSTANT c_bsn_start_wg         : NATURAL := 2;  -- start WG at this BSN to instead of some BSN, to avoid mismatches in exact expected data values
+  CONSTANT c_bsn_start_wg         : NATURAL := c_init_bsn + 2;  -- start WG at this BSN to instead of some BSN, to avoid mismatches in exact expected data values
   CONSTANT c_ampl_sp_0            : NATURAL := c_sdp_FS_adc/2;  -- = 0.5 * FS, so in number of lsb
   CONSTANT c_wg_freq_offset       : REAL := 0.0/11.0; -- in freq_unit
   CONSTANT c_subband_sp_0         : REAL := 102.0;  -- Select subband at index 102 = 102/1024 * 200MHz = 19.921875 MHz 
@@ -107,6 +108,9 @@ ARCHITECTURE tb OF tb_lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_adc IS
   SIGNAL tb_clk              : STD_LOGIC := '0';  
   SIGNAL rd_data             : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_32-1 DOWNTO 0);
+  SIGNAL pps_rst             : STD_LOGIC := '1';
+  SIGNAL gen_pps             : STD_LOGIC := '0';
   -- WG
   SIGNAL dbg_c_exp_wg_power_sp_0 : REAL := c_exp_wg_power_sp_0;
   SIGNAL sp_samples              : t_integer_arr(0 TO c_mon_buffer_nof_samples-1) := (OTHERS=>0); 
@@ -116,9 +120,7 @@ ARCHITECTURE tb OF tb_lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_adc IS
   -- DUT
   SIGNAL ext_clk             : STD_LOGIC := '0';
-  SIGNAL pps                 : STD_LOGIC := '0';
   SIGNAL ext_pps             : STD_LOGIC := '0'; 
-  SIGNAL pps_rst             : STD_LOGIC := '0';
   SIGNAL WDI                 : STD_LOGIC;
   SIGNAL INTA                : STD_LOGIC;
@@ -161,9 +163,9 @@ BEGIN
   -- External PPS
-  proc_common_gen_pulse(10, c_pps_period, '1', pps_rst, ext_clk, pps);
-  jesd204b_sysref <= pps;
-  ext_pps <= pps;
+  proc_common_gen_pulse(10, c_pps_period, '1', pps_rst, ext_clk, gen_pps);
+  jesd204b_sysref <= gen_pps;
+  ext_pps <= gen_pps;
   -- DUT
@@ -181,7 +183,7 @@ BEGIN
     -- GENERAL
     CLK          => ext_clk,
-    PPS          => pps,
+    PPS          => ext_pps,
     WDI          => WDI,
     INTA         => INTA,
     INTB         => INTB,
@@ -230,15 +232,17 @@ BEGIN
     -- Wait for DUT power up after reset
     WAIT FOR 1 us;
-    proc_common_wait_until_hi_lo(ext_clk, ext_pps);
     -- Enable BS
-    mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_source_v2, 3,                    0, tb_clk);
-    mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_source_v2, 2,                    0, tb_clk);  -- Init BSN = 0
-    mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_source_v2, 1,   c_nof_clk_per_sync, tb_clk);  -- nof_block_per_sync
-    mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_source_v2, 0,         16#00000003#, tb_clk);  -- Enable BS at PPS
+    mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_source_v2, 2,         c_init_bsn, tb_clk);  -- Init BSN
+    mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_source_v2, 3,                  0, tb_clk);  -- Write high part activates the init BSN
+    mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_source_v2, 1, c_nof_clk_per_sync, tb_clk);  -- nof_block_per_sync
+    mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_source_v2, 0,       16#00000003#, tb_clk);  -- Enable BS at PPS
+    -- Release PPS pulser, to get first PPS now and to start BSN source
+    WAIT FOR 1 us;
+    pps_rst <= '0';
     -- Enable WG
@@ -265,9 +269,11 @@ BEGIN
     mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_scheduler_wg, 0, v_bsn, tb_clk);  -- first write low then high part
     mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_scheduler_wg, 1,     0, tb_clk);  -- assume v_bsn < 2**31-1
+    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     -- Wait for enough WG data and start of sync interval
-    mmf_mm_wait_until_value(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_scheduler_wg, 0,                   -- read BSN low
-                            "UNSIGNED", rd_data, ">=", c_nof_block_per_sync*3,   -- this is the wait until condition
+    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    mmf_mm_wait_until_value(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_scheduler_wg, 0,                               -- read BSN low
+                            "UNSIGNED", rd_data, ">=", c_init_bsn + c_nof_block_per_sync*2,  -- this is the wait until condition
                             c_sdp_T_sub, tb_clk);    
diff --git a/applications/lofar2/designs/lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station/src/vhdl/mmm_lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station.vhd b/applications/lofar2/designs/lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station/src/vhdl/mmm_lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station.vhd
index 13c10090a51a778b667f3f99b32412fa1b07edad..cb7a197ecec74c7e8ca28de2c24cba95f84afb87 100644
--- a/applications/lofar2/designs/lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station/src/vhdl/mmm_lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station.vhd
+++ b/applications/lofar2/designs/lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station/src/vhdl/mmm_lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station.vhd
@@ -375,9 +375,13 @@ BEGIN
     u_mm_file_reg_eth                 : mm_file GENERIC MAP(mmf_unb_file_prefix(g_sim_unb_nr, c_sim_node_nr, c_sim_node_type) & "AVS_ETH_0_MMS_REG")
                                                 PORT MAP(mm_rst, mm_clk, eth1g_reg_copi, eth1g_reg_cipo );
-    u_mm_file_jesd204b                : mm_file GENERIC MAP(mmf_unb_file_prefix(g_sim_unb_nr, c_sim_node_nr, c_sim_node_type) & "JESD204B")
+    -- Must use exact g_mm_rd_latency = 1 instead of default 2, because JESD204B IP forces rddata = 0 after it has been read
+    u_mm_file_jesd204b                : mm_file GENERIC MAP(mmf_unb_file_prefix(g_sim_unb_nr, c_sim_node_nr, c_sim_node_type) & "JESD204B", '1', 1)
                                                  PORT MAP(mm_rst, mm_clk, jesd204b_copi, jesd204b_cipo );
+    u_mm_file_pio_jesd_ctrl           : mm_file GENERIC MAP(mmf_unb_file_prefix(g_sim_unb_nr, c_sim_node_nr, c_sim_node_type) & "PIO_JESD_CTRL")
+                                                 PORT MAP(mm_rst, mm_clk, jesd_ctrl_copi, jesd_ctrl_cipo );
     u_mm_file_reg_dp_shiftram         : mm_file GENERIC MAP(mmf_unb_file_prefix(g_sim_unb_nr, c_sim_node_nr, c_sim_node_type) & "REG_DP_SHIFTRAM")
                                                  PORT MAP(mm_rst, mm_clk, reg_dp_shiftram_copi, reg_dp_shiftram_cipo );
diff --git a/applications/lofar2/designs/lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station/revisions/lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_adc/hdllib.cfg b/applications/lofar2/designs/lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station/revisions/lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_adc/hdllib.cfg
index 1b2814376d6cc37507ad76435846f6dbf15fbdd2..ae6e4816942e867c8ed21c7f6dcf59681e4a9987 100644
--- a/applications/lofar2/designs/lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station/revisions/lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_adc/hdllib.cfg
+++ b/applications/lofar2/designs/lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station/revisions/lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_adc/hdllib.cfg
@@ -9,10 +9,11 @@ hdl_lib_technology = ip_arria10_e2sg
 test_bench_files = 
+    tb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_adc_jesd.vhd
 regression_test_vhdl =
+    tb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_adc_jesd.vhd
 modelsim_copy_files =
diff --git a/applications/lofar2/designs/lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station/revisions/lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_adc/tb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_adc.vhd b/applications/lofar2/designs/lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station/revisions/lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_adc/tb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_adc.vhd
index 70cc4fc665584d56982fa5701e5e15ce49fc0492..db6251833565e9b480a8b46f26f5dd77b74bcff6 100644
--- a/applications/lofar2/designs/lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station/revisions/lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_adc/tb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_adc.vhd
+++ b/applications/lofar2/designs/lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station/revisions/lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_adc/tb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_adc.vhd
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ ARCHITECTURE tb OF tb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_adc IS
   CONSTANT c_id              : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0) := "00000000";
   CONSTANT c_version         : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0) := "00";
   CONSTANT c_fw_version      : t_unb2c_board_fw_version := (1, 0);
+  CONSTANT c_init_bsn        : NATURAL := 17;  -- some recognizable value >= 0
   CONSTANT c_eth_clk_period      : TIME := 8 ns;  -- 125 MHz XO on UniBoard
   CONSTANT c_ext_clk_period      : TIME := 5 ns;
@@ -76,16 +77,16 @@ ARCHITECTURE tb OF tb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_adc IS
   CONSTANT c_tb_clk_period       : TIME := 100 ps; -- use fast tb_clk to speed up M&C
-  CONSTANT c_nof_block_per_sync  : NATURAL := 16; 
+  CONSTANT c_nof_block_per_sync  : NATURAL := 7;   -- use short interval to speed up simulation
   CONSTANT c_nof_clk_per_sync    : NATURAL := c_nof_block_per_sync*c_sdp_N_fft; 
   CONSTANT c_pps_period          : NATURAL := c_nof_clk_per_sync;
-  CONSTANT c_percentage          : REAL := 0.05;  -- percentage that actual value may differ from expected value
+  CONSTANT c_percentage          : REAL := 0.05;  -- percentage that actual value may differ from expected value, due to WG rounding
   CONSTANT c_lo_factor           : REAL := 1.0 - c_percentage;  -- lower boundary  
   CONSTANT c_hi_factor           : REAL := 1.0 + c_percentage;  -- higher boundary
   -- WG
-  CONSTANT c_bsn_start_wg         : NATURAL := 2;  -- start WG at this BSN to instead of some BSN, to avoid mismatches in exact expected data values
+  CONSTANT c_bsn_start_wg         : NATURAL := c_init_bsn + 2;  -- start WG at this BSN to instead of some BSN, to avoid mismatches in exact expected data values
   CONSTANT c_ampl_sp_0            : NATURAL := c_sdp_FS_adc/2;  -- = 0.5 * FS, so in number of lsb
   CONSTANT c_wg_freq_offset       : REAL := 0.0/11.0; -- in freq_unit
   CONSTANT c_subband_sp_0         : REAL := 102.0;  -- Select subband at index 102 = 102/1024 * 200MHz = 19.921875 MHz 
@@ -107,6 +108,9 @@ ARCHITECTURE tb OF tb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_adc IS
   SIGNAL tb_clk              : STD_LOGIC := '0';  
   SIGNAL rd_data             : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_32-1 DOWNTO 0);
+  SIGNAL pps_rst             : STD_LOGIC := '1';
+  SIGNAL gen_pps             : STD_LOGIC := '0';
   -- WG
   SIGNAL dbg_c_exp_wg_power_sp_0 : REAL := c_exp_wg_power_sp_0;
   SIGNAL sp_samples              : t_integer_arr(0 TO c_mon_buffer_nof_samples-1) := (OTHERS=>0); 
@@ -116,9 +120,7 @@ ARCHITECTURE tb OF tb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_adc IS
   -- DUT
   SIGNAL ext_clk             : STD_LOGIC := '0';
-  SIGNAL pps                 : STD_LOGIC := '0';
-  SIGNAL ext_pps             : STD_LOGIC := '0'; 
-  SIGNAL pps_rst             : STD_LOGIC := '0';
+  SIGNAL ext_pps             : STD_LOGIC := '0';
   SIGNAL WDI                 : STD_LOGIC;
   SIGNAL INTA                : STD_LOGIC;
@@ -151,9 +153,9 @@ BEGIN
   -- External PPS
-  proc_common_gen_pulse(10, c_pps_period, '1', pps_rst, ext_clk, pps);
-  jesd204b_sysref <= pps;
-  ext_pps <= pps;
+  proc_common_gen_pulse(10, c_pps_period, '1', pps_rst, ext_clk, gen_pps);
+  jesd204b_sysref <= gen_pps;
+  ext_pps <= gen_pps;
   -- DUT
@@ -171,7 +173,7 @@ BEGIN
     -- GENERAL
     CLK          => ext_clk,
-    PPS          => pps,
+    PPS          => ext_pps,
     WDI          => WDI,
     INTA         => INTA,
     INTB         => INTB,
@@ -212,16 +214,18 @@ BEGIN
     -- Wait for DUT power up after reset
     WAIT FOR 1 us;
-    proc_common_wait_until_hi_lo(ext_clk, ext_pps);
     -- Enable BS
-    mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_source_v2, 3,                    0, tb_clk);
-    mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_source_v2, 2,                    0, tb_clk);  -- Init BSN = 0
-    mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_source_v2, 1,   c_nof_clk_per_sync, tb_clk);  -- nof_block_per_sync
-    mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_source_v2, 0,         16#00000003#, tb_clk);  -- Enable BS at PPS
+    mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_source_v2, 2,         c_init_bsn, tb_clk);  -- Init BSN
+    mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_source_v2, 3,                  0, tb_clk);  -- Write high part activates the init BSN
+    mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_source_v2, 1, c_nof_clk_per_sync, tb_clk);  -- nof_block_per_sync
+    mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_source_v2, 0,       16#00000003#, tb_clk);  -- Enable BS at PPS
+    -- Release PPS pulser, to get first PPS now and to start BSN source
+    WAIT FOR 1 us;
+    pps_rst <= '0';
     -- Enable WG
@@ -247,9 +251,11 @@ BEGIN
     mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_scheduler_wg, 0, v_bsn, tb_clk);  -- first write low then high part
     mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_scheduler_wg, 1,     0, tb_clk);  -- assume v_bsn < 2**31-1
+    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     -- Wait for enough WG data and start of sync interval
-    mmf_mm_wait_until_value(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_scheduler_wg, 0,                   -- read BSN low
-                            "UNSIGNED", rd_data, ">=", c_nof_block_per_sync*3,   -- this is the wait until condition
+    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    mmf_mm_wait_until_value(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_scheduler_wg, 0,                               -- read BSN low
+                            "UNSIGNED", rd_data, ">=", c_init_bsn + c_nof_block_per_sync*2,  -- this is the wait until condition
                             c_sdp_T_sub, tb_clk);    
diff --git a/applications/lofar2/designs/lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station/revisions/lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_adc/tb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_adc_jesd.vhd b/applications/lofar2/designs/lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station/revisions/lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_adc/tb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_adc_jesd.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5cf5c737e6530ee05b3721fe0e4d4a83315656e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/lofar2/designs/lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station/revisions/lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_adc/tb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_adc_jesd.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,695 @@
+-- Copyright 2021
+-- ASTRON (Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy) <http://www.astron.nl/>
+-- P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands
+-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
+--     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+-- Author: E. Kooistra, R. van der Walle
+-- Purpose: Self-checking testbench for simulating restart of JESD interface
+--          rx_clk domain input section in lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_adc
+-- Description:
+-- * Run JESD204B interface
+--   FOR I IN 0 TO c_nof_restarts LOOP
+--     . Run WG and ADUH monitor similar as in tb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_adc
+--     . Reset the AIT rx_clk domain input section via PIO_JESD_CTRL
+--     . Reinit signal input links via JESD204B
+--   END LOOP
+-- * Uses c_si_dis to view signal input disable via JESD_CTRL.
+-- Conclusion:
+-- * JESD_CTRL reset does reset the JESD204B IP and also the rx_clk and rx_rst,
+--   so it is necessary to first stop the BSN source to avoid that corrupted
+--   data blocks will enter the dp_clk domain, due to rx_rst of the rx_clk/
+--   dp_clk domain FIFO.
+-- * JESD204B link reinit does restart the signal input link. For link reinit
+--   it is not necessary to stop the BSN source, because then the rx_clk
+--   remains running and the rx_rst remains inactive.
+-- It is not clear whether both reset and reinit are needed to recover a link,
+-- (e.g. after RCU2 off/on) or whether one of them is enough.
+-- Usage:
+--   > as 7    # default
+--   > as 16   # for detailed debugging of JESD204B IP
+--   > run -a  
+LIBRARY IEEE, common_lib, unb2c_board_lib, i2c_lib, mm_lib, dp_lib, diag_lib, lofar2_sdp_lib, wpfb_lib, lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_lib, tech_jesd204b_lib;
+USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.ALL;
+USE IEEE.numeric_std.ALL;
+USE common_lib.common_pkg.ALL;
+USE unb2c_board_lib.unb2c_board_pkg.ALL;
+USE common_lib.tb_common_pkg.ALL;
+USE common_lib.common_str_pkg.ALL;
+USE mm_lib.mm_file_pkg.ALL;
+USE dp_lib.dp_stream_pkg.ALL;
+USE mm_lib.mm_file_unb_pkg.ALL;
+USE diag_lib.diag_pkg.ALL;
+USE wpfb_lib.wpfb_pkg.ALL;
+USE lofar2_sdp_lib.sdp_pkg.ALL;
+USE tech_jesd204b_lib.tech_jesd204b_pkg.ALL;
+ENTITY tb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_adc_jesd IS
+END tb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_adc_jesd;
+ARCHITECTURE tb OF tb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_adc_jesd IS
+  CONSTANT c_sim             : BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+  CONSTANT c_unb_nr          : NATURAL := 0; -- UniBoard 0
+  CONSTANT c_node_nr         : NATURAL := 0; 
+  CONSTANT c_id              : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0) := "00000000";
+  CONSTANT c_version         : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0) := "00";
+  CONSTANT c_fw_version      : t_unb2c_board_fw_version := (1, 0);
+  CONSTANT c_init_bsn        : NATURAL := 17;  -- some recognizable value >= 0
+  CONSTANT c_si_dis          : NATURAL := 2;   -- disable signal input 2 in range 0:c_sdp_S_pn_1
+  CONSTANT c_eth_clk_period      : TIME := 8 ns;  -- 125 MHz XO on UniBoard
+  CONSTANT c_ext_clk_period      : TIME := 5 ns;
+  CONSTANT c_bck_ref_clk_period  : TIME := 5 ns;
+  CONSTANT c_tb_clk_period       : TIME := 10 ns;--100 ps; -- use fast tb_clk to speed up M&C
+  CONSTANT c_nof_restarts        : NATURAL := 1;
+  CONSTANT c_nof_block_per_sync  : NATURAL := 7;   -- use short interval to speed up simulation
+  CONSTANT c_nof_clk_per_sync    : NATURAL := c_nof_block_per_sync*c_sdp_N_fft; 
+  CONSTANT c_pps_period          : TIME := c_nof_clk_per_sync * c_ext_clk_period;
+  CONSTANT c_percentage          : REAL := 0.05;  -- percentage that actual value may differ from expected value, due to WG rounding
+  CONSTANT c_lo_factor           : REAL := 1.0 - c_percentage;  -- lower boundary  
+  CONSTANT c_hi_factor           : REAL := 1.0 + c_percentage;  -- higher boundary
+  -- Tx JESD
+  CONSTANT c_nof_jesd204b_tx      : NATURAL := 3;  -- <= c_sdp_S_pn = 12
+  -- WG
+  CONSTANT c_bsn_start_wg         : NATURAL := c_init_bsn + 2;  -- start WG at this BSN to instead of some BSN, to avoid mismatches in exact expected data values
+  CONSTANT c_ampl_sp_0            : NATURAL := c_sdp_FS_adc/2;  -- = 0.5 * FS, so in number of lsb
+  CONSTANT c_wg_freq_offset       : REAL := 0.0/11.0; -- in freq_unit
+  CONSTANT c_subband_sp_0         : REAL := 102.0;  -- Select subband at index 102 = 102/1024 * 200MHz = 19.921875 MHz 
+  CONSTANT c_exp_wg_power_sp_0    : REAL := REAL(c_ampl_sp_0**2)/2.0 * REAL(c_nof_clk_per_sync);
+  -- ADUH
+  CONSTANT c_mon_buffer_nof_samples : NATURAL := 512; --samples per stream 
+  -- MM  
+  CONSTANT c_mm_file_reg_ppsh             : STRING := mmf_unb_file_prefix(c_unb_nr, c_node_nr) & "PIO_PPS";
+  CONSTANT c_mm_file_reg_bsn_source_v2    : STRING := mmf_unb_file_prefix(c_unb_nr, c_node_nr) & "REG_BSN_SOURCE_V2";
+  CONSTANT c_mm_file_reg_bsn_scheduler_wg : STRING := mmf_unb_file_prefix(c_unb_nr, c_node_nr) & "REG_BSN_SCHEDULER";
+  CONSTANT c_mm_file_reg_diag_wg          : STRING := mmf_unb_file_prefix(c_unb_nr, c_node_nr) & "REG_WG";
+  CONSTANT c_mm_file_reg_aduh_mon         : STRING := mmf_unb_file_prefix(c_unb_nr, c_node_nr) & "REG_ADUH_MONITOR";
+  CONSTANT c_mm_file_jesd204b             : STRING := mmf_unb_file_prefix(c_unb_nr, c_node_nr) & "JESD204B";
+  CONSTANT c_mm_file_pio_jesd_ctrl        : STRING := mmf_unb_file_prefix(c_unb_nr, c_node_nr) & "PIO_JESD_CTRL";
+  -- Tb
+  SIGNAL tb_end              : STD_LOGIC := '0';
+  SIGNAL sim_done            : STD_LOGIC := '0';
+  SIGNAL tb_clk              : STD_LOGIC := '0';  
+  SIGNAL rd_data             : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_32-1 DOWNTO 0);
+  SIGNAL pps_rst             : STD_LOGIC := '1';
+  SIGNAL gen_pps             : STD_LOGIC := '0';
+  -- WG
+  SIGNAL dbg_c_exp_wg_power_sp_0 : REAL := c_exp_wg_power_sp_0;
+  SIGNAL sp_samples              : t_integer_arr(0 TO c_mon_buffer_nof_samples-1) := (OTHERS=>0); 
+  SIGNAL sp_sample               : INTEGER := 0;
+  SIGNAL sp_power_sum            : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(63 DOWNTO 0);
+  SIGNAL current_bsn_wg          : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_dp_stream_bsn_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+  -- DUT
+  SIGNAL ext_clk             : STD_LOGIC := '0';
+  SIGNAL ext_pps             : STD_LOGIC := '0';
+  SIGNAL WDI                 : STD_LOGIC;
+  SIGNAL INTA                : STD_LOGIC;
+  SIGNAL INTB                : STD_LOGIC;
+  SIGNAL eth_clk             : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb2c_board_nof_eth-1 downto 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
+  SIGNAL eth_txp             : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb2c_board_nof_eth-1 downto 0);
+  SIGNAL eth_rxp             : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb2c_board_nof_eth-1 downto 0);
+  -- back transceivers
+  SIGNAL JESD204B_SERIAL_DATA : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_sdp_S_pn-1 downto 0);
+  SIGNAL JESD204B_REFCLK      : STD_LOGIC := '1';
+  -- jesd204b syncronization signals
+  SIGNAL JESD204B_SYNC_N     : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_sdp_N_sync_jesd-1 DOWNTO 0);
+  -- Tx jesd204b source
+  CONSTANT c_tx_avs_clk_period       : TIME := 20 ns;
+  SIGNAL mm_rst                      : STD_LOGIC := '1';
+  SIGNAL tx_avs_clk                  : STD_LOGIC := '0';
+  SIGNAL tx_avs_rst_n                : STD_LOGIC := '0';
+  SIGNAL txlink_clk                  : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_nof_jesd204b_tx-1 downto 0);
+  SIGNAL dev_sync_n                  : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_nof_jesd204b_tx-1 downto 0);
+  SIGNAL tx_avs_chipselect           : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_nof_jesd204b_tx-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS=>'0');
+  SIGNAL tx_avs_address              : t_slv_8_arr(c_nof_jesd204b_tx-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS=>(OTHERS=>'0'));
+  SIGNAL tx_avs_read                 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_nof_jesd204b_tx-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS=>'0');
+  SIGNAL tx_avs_readdata             : t_slv_32_arr(c_nof_jesd204b_tx-1 DOWNTO 0);
+  SIGNAL txphy_clk                   : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_nof_jesd204b_tx-1 downto 0);
+  SIGNAL txlink_rst_n                : STD_LOGIC;
+  SIGNAL tx_analogreset              : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 downto 0);
+  SIGNAL tx_digitalreset             : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 downto 0);
+  SIGNAL tx_bonding_clocks           : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) := (others => '0');
+  SIGNAL bonding_clock_0             : STD_LOGIC := '0';
+  SIGNAL bonding_clock_1             : STD_LOGIC := '0';
+  SIGNAL bonding_clock_2             : STD_LOGIC := '0';
+  SIGNAL bonding_clock_3             : STD_LOGIC := '0';
+  SIGNAL bonding_clock_4             : STD_LOGIC := '0';
+  SIGNAL bonding_clock_5             : STD_LOGIC := '0';
+  SIGNAL pll_locked                  : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 downto 0);
+  SIGNAL jesd204b_tx_link_data_arr   : t_slv_32_arr(c_nof_jesd204b_tx-1 DOWNTO 0);
+  SIGNAL jesd204b_tx_link_valid      : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_nof_jesd204b_tx-1 DOWNTO 0);
+  SIGNAL jesd204b_tx_link_ready      : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_nof_jesd204b_tx-1 DOWNTO 0);
+  SIGNAL jesd204b_tx_frame_ready     : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_nof_jesd204b_tx-1 DOWNTO 0);
+  SIGNAL jesd204b_sync_adc_n         : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_nof_jesd204b_tx-1 DOWNTO 0);
+  -- Rx jesd204b IP registers
+  SIGNAL reg_jesd204b_rx_err_enable        : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_word_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+  SIGNAL reg_jesd204b_rx_err_link_reinit   : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_word_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+  SIGNAL reg_jesd204b_rx_syncn_sysref_ctrl : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_word_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+  SIGNAL reg_jesd204b_rx_err0        : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err0_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+  SIGNAL reg_jesd204b_rx_err1        : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err1_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+  SIGNAL reg_jesd204b_csr_rbd_count  : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(tech_jesd204b_field_csr_rbd_count_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+  SIGNAL reg_jesd204b_csr_dev_syncn  : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(tech_jesd204b_field_csr_dev_syncn_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+  -- Rx jesd204b ctrl register
+  SIGNAL pio_jesd_ctrl               : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_word_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+  SIGNAL pio_jesd_ctrl_enable        : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_sdp_jesd_ctrl_enable_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+  SIGNAL pio_jesd_ctrl_reset         : STD_LOGIC;
+  -- Debug signals to track progress of p_stimuli in Wave Window
+  SIGNAL dbg_restart         : NATURAL := 0;
+  SIGNAL dbg_bsn_source_en   : STD_LOGIC := '0';
+  SIGNAL dbg_jesd_ctrl_reset : STD_LOGIC := '0';
+  SIGNAL dbg_read_jesd204b   : STD_LOGIC := '0';
+  SIGNAL dbg_link_reinit     : STD_LOGIC := '0';
+  -- Read JESD204B IP status per signal input c_si
+  PROCEDURE proc_read_jesd204b(c_si                        : IN NATURAL;
+                               SIGNAL rd_clk               : IN STD_LOGIC;
+                               SIGNAL rd_data              : INOUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_word_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+                               SIGNAL dbg_read             : OUT STD_LOGIC;
+                               SIGNAL rx_err_enable        : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_word_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+                               SIGNAL rx_err_link_reinit   : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_word_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+                               SIGNAL rx_syncn_sysref_ctrl : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_word_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+                               SIGNAL rx_err0              : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err0_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+                               SIGNAL rx_err1              : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err1_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+                               SIGNAL csr_rbd_count        : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(tech_jesd204b_field_csr_rbd_count_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+                               SIGNAL csr_dev_syncn        : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(tech_jesd204b_field_csr_dev_syncn_w-1 DOWNTO 0)) IS
+    CONSTANT c_offset : NATURAL :=  c_si * tech_jesd204b_port_span;
+    dbg_read <= '1';
+    mmf_mm_bus_rd(c_mm_file_jesd204b, 2, c_offset + tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err_enable_adr, rd_data, rd_clk);
+    rx_err_enable <= rd_data;
+    mmf_mm_bus_rd(c_mm_file_jesd204b, c_offset + tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err_link_reinit_adr, rd_data, rd_clk);
+    rx_err_link_reinit <= rd_data;
+    mmf_mm_bus_rd(c_mm_file_jesd204b, c_offset + tech_jesd204b_field_rx_syncn_sysref_ctrl_adr, rd_data, rd_clk);
+    rx_syncn_sysref_ctrl <= rd_data;
+    mmf_mm_bus_rd(c_mm_file_jesd204b, c_offset + tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err0_adr, rd_data, rd_clk);
+    rx_err0 <= rd_data(tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err0_hi DOWNTO tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err0_lo);
+    mmf_mm_bus_rd(c_mm_file_jesd204b, c_offset + tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err1_adr, rd_data, rd_clk);
+    rx_err1 <= rd_data(tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err1_hi DOWNTO tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err1_lo);
+    mmf_mm_bus_rd(c_mm_file_jesd204b, c_offset + tech_jesd204b_field_csr_rbd_count_adr, rd_data, rd_clk);
+    csr_rbd_count <= rd_data(tech_jesd204b_field_csr_rbd_count_hi DOWNTO tech_jesd204b_field_csr_rbd_count_lo);
+    mmf_mm_bus_rd(c_mm_file_jesd204b, c_offset + tech_jesd204b_field_csr_dev_syncn_adr, rd_data, rd_clk);
+    csr_dev_syncn <= rd_data(tech_jesd204b_field_csr_dev_syncn_hi DOWNTO tech_jesd204b_field_csr_dev_syncn_lo);
+    dbg_read <= '0';
+  END;
+  PROCEDURE proc_read_jesd204b_arr(SIGNAL rd_clk               : IN STD_LOGIC;
+                                   SIGNAL rd_data              : INOUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_word_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+                                   SIGNAL dbg_read             : OUT STD_LOGIC;
+                                   SIGNAL rx_err_enable        : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_word_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+                                   SIGNAL rx_err_link_reinit   : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_word_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+                                   SIGNAL rx_syncn_sysref_ctrl : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_word_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+                                   SIGNAL rx_err0              : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err0_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+                                   SIGNAL rx_err1              : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err1_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+                                   SIGNAL csr_rbd_count        : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(tech_jesd204b_field_csr_rbd_count_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+                                   SIGNAL csr_dev_syncn        : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(tech_jesd204b_field_csr_dev_syncn_w-1 DOWNTO 0)) IS
+    FOR I IN 0 TO c_sdp_S_pn-1 LOOP
+      proc_read_jesd204b(I, rd_clk, rd_data, dbg_read,
+                         rx_err_enable,
+                         rx_err_link_reinit,
+                         rx_syncn_sysref_ctrl,
+                         rx_err0,
+                         rx_err1,
+                         csr_rbd_count,
+                         csr_dev_syncn);
+    END LOOP;
+  END;
+  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- System setup
+  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ext_clk <= NOT ext_clk AFTER c_ext_clk_period/2;  -- External clock (200 MHz)
+  eth_clk(0) <= NOT eth_clk(0) AFTER c_eth_clk_period/2;  -- Ethernet ref clock (125 MHz)
+  JESD204B_REFCLK <= NOT JESD204B_REFCLK AFTER c_bck_ref_clk_period/2;  -- JESD sample clock (200MHz) 
+  INTA <= 'H';  -- pull up
+  INTB <= 'H';  -- pull up
+  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- External PPS
+  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------  
+  proc_common_gen_pulse(10, c_nof_clk_per_sync, '1', pps_rst, ext_clk, gen_pps);
+  JESD204B_SYSREF <= gen_pps;
+  ext_pps <= gen_pps;
+  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- DUT with JESD204B Rx
+  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  u_lofar_unb2c_sdp_station_adc : ENTITY lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_lib.lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station
+    g_design_name            => "lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_adc",
+    g_design_note            => "",
+    g_sim                    => c_sim,
+    g_sim_unb_nr             => c_unb_nr,
+    g_sim_node_nr            => c_node_nr,
+    g_bsn_nof_clk_per_sync   => c_nof_clk_per_sync,                
+    g_scope_selected_subband => NATURAL(c_subband_sp_0)
+  )
+    -- GENERAL
+    CLK          => ext_clk,
+    PPS          => ext_pps,
+    WDI          => WDI,
+    INTA         => INTA,
+    INTB         => INTB,
+    -- Others
+    VERSION      => c_version,
+    ID           => c_id,
+    TESTIO       => open,
+    -- 1GbE Control Interface
+    ETH_CLK      => eth_clk,
+    ETH_SGIN     => eth_rxp,
+    ETH_SGOUT    => eth_txp,
+    -- LEDs
+    QSFP_LED     => open,
+    -- back transceivers
+    JESD204B_REFCLK      => JESD204B_REFCLK,
+    -- jesd204b syncronization signals
+  );
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- Use a JESD204b Tx instance to model the ADCs
+  -- . copied from tb_tech_jesd204b.vhd
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- Clocks and resets
+  tx_avs_clk <= NOT tx_avs_clk AFTER c_tx_avs_clk_period/2;
+  mm_rst <= '1', '0' after 800 ns;
+  tx_avs_rst_n <= '0', '1' after 23500 ns;
+  tx_analogreset(0) <= '1', '0' after 18500 ns;
+  tx_digitalreset(0) <= '1', '0' after 23000 ns;
+  txlink_rst_n <= '0', '1' after 25500 ns;
+  pll_locked(0) <= '0', '1' after 1000 ns;
+  -- Create bonding clocks
+  bonding_clock_5 <= not bonding_clock_5 after 250 ps;
+  bonding_clock_4 <= not bonding_clock_4 after 250 ps;
+  bonding_clock_3 <= not bonding_clock_3 after 500 ps;
+  bonding_clock_2 <= not bonding_clock_2 after 500 ps;
+  bonding_clock_0 <= not bonding_clock_0 after 2500 ps;
+  bonding_clock_1_process : process
+  begin
+    bonding_clock_1 <= '0';
+    wait for 4000 ps;
+    bonding_clock_1 <= '1';
+    wait for 1000 ps;
+  end process;
+  tx_bonding_clocks(5) <= transport bonding_clock_5 after 4890 ps;
+  tx_bonding_clocks(4) <= transport bonding_clock_4 after 4640 ps;
+  tx_bonding_clocks(3) <= transport bonding_clock_3 after 4920 ps;
+  tx_bonding_clocks(2) <= transport bonding_clock_2 after 4930 ps;
+  tx_bonding_clocks(1) <= transport bonding_clock_1 after 7490 ps;
+  tx_bonding_clocks(0) <= transport bonding_clock_0 after 4000 ps;
+  gen_jesd204b_tx : FOR i IN 0 TO c_nof_jesd204b_tx-1 GENERATE
+    -- Tb DAC
+    u_tech_jesd204b_tx : ENTITY tech_jesd204b_lib.tech_jesd204b_tx
+    PORT MAP (
+      csr_cf                     => OPEN,
+      csr_cs                     => OPEN,
+      csr_f                      => OPEN,
+      csr_hd                     => OPEN,
+      csr_k                      => OPEN,
+      csr_l                      => OPEN,
+      csr_lane_powerdown         => open, --out
+      csr_m                      => OPEN,
+      csr_n                      => OPEN,
+      csr_np                     => OPEN,
+      csr_tx_testmode            => OPEN,
+      csr_tx_testpattern_a       => OPEN,
+      csr_tx_testpattern_b       => OPEN,
+      csr_tx_testpattern_c       => OPEN,
+      csr_tx_testpattern_d       => OPEN,
+      csr_s                      => OPEN,
+      dev_sync_n                 => dev_sync_n(i), --out
+      jesd204_tx_avs_chipselect  => tx_avs_chipselect(i),
+      jesd204_tx_avs_address     => tx_avs_address(i),
+      jesd204_tx_avs_read        => tx_avs_read(i),
+      jesd204_tx_avs_readdata    => tx_avs_readdata(i),
+      jesd204_tx_avs_waitrequest => open,
+      jesd204_tx_avs_write       => '0',
+      jesd204_tx_avs_writedata   => (others => '0'),
+      jesd204_tx_avs_clk         => tx_avs_clk,
+      jesd204_tx_avs_rst_n       => tx_avs_rst_n,
+      jesd204_tx_dlb_data        => open, -- debug/loopback testing
+      jesd204_tx_dlb_kchar_data  => open, -- debug/loopback testing
+      jesd204_tx_frame_ready     => jesd204b_tx_frame_ready(i),
+      jesd204_tx_frame_error     => '0',
+      jesd204_tx_int             => OPEN,            -- Connected to status IO in example design
+      jesd204_tx_link_data       => jesd204b_tx_link_data_arr(i),              --in
+      jesd204_tx_link_valid      => jesd204b_tx_link_valid(i),             --in
+      jesd204_tx_link_ready      => jesd204b_tx_link_ready(i),             --out
+      mdev_sync_n                => dev_sync_n(i), --in
+      pll_locked                 => pll_locked, --in
+      sync_n                     => jesd204b_sync_adc_n(i), --in
+      tx_analogreset             => tx_analogreset,
+      tx_bonding_clocks          => tx_bonding_clocks,--: in  std_logic_vector(5 downto 0)  := (others => 'X'); -- clk
+      tx_cal_busy                => open,
+      tx_digitalreset            => tx_digitalreset,
+      tx_serial_data             => JESD204B_SERIAL_DATA(i downto i),
+      txlink_clk                 => txlink_clk(i),
+      txlink_rst_n_reset_n       => txlink_rst_n,
+      txphy_clk                  => txphy_clk(i downto i),
+      somf                       => OPEN,
+      sysref                     => JESD204B_SYSREF
+    );
+    -- One JESD204B_SYNC_N per RCU2
+    jesd204b_sync_adc_n(i) <= JESD204B_SYNC_N(i / c_sdp_S_rcu);
+    -- Generate same test pattern for all ADC
+    p_tx_data : PROCESS (JESD204B_REFCLK, mm_rst)
+      VARIABLE v_data  : INTEGER := 0;
+      VARIABLE v_even_sample : BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+    BEGIN
+      IF mm_rst = '1' THEN
+         jesd204b_tx_link_data_arr(i) <= (others => '0');
+         jesd204b_tx_link_valid(i) <= '0';
+         txlink_clk(i) <= '0';
+         v_data := 0;
+         v_even_sample := TRUE;
+       ELSIF rising_edge(JESD204B_REFCLK) THEN
+         txlink_clk(i) <= not txlink_clk(i);
+         -- Incrementing data in c_sdp_W_adc_jesd = 16 bits
+         -- . use range c_sdp_W_adc_jesd-1 to avoid simulation warnings:
+         --   Warning: NUMERIC_STD.TO_SIGNED: vector truncated
+         --   Time: 164635 ns  Iteration: 0  Region: /tb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_adc_jesd/gen_jesd204b_tx(2)
+         v_data := (v_data + 1) MOD 2**(c_sdp_W_adc_jesd-1);
+         -- Frame the data to 32 bits at half the rate
+         IF jesd204b_tx_link_ready(i) = '0' THEN
+           v_even_sample := TRUE;
+         ELSE
+           v_even_sample := not v_even_sample;
+         END IF;
+         IF v_even_sample = TRUE THEN
+           jesd204b_tx_link_data_arr(i)(c_sdp_W_adc_jesd-1 downto 0) <= TO_SVEC(v_data, c_sdp_W_adc_jesd);
+           jesd204b_tx_link_valid(i) <= '0';
+         ELSE
+           jesd204b_tx_link_data_arr(i)(2*c_sdp_W_adc_jesd-1 downto c_sdp_W_adc_jesd) <= TO_SVEC(v_data, c_sdp_W_adc_jesd);
+           jesd204b_tx_link_valid(i) <= '1';
+         END IF;
+       END IF;
+  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- MM slave accesses via file IO
+  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  tb_clk  <= NOT tb_clk AFTER c_tb_clk_period/2;    -- Testbench MM clock
+  p_mm_stimuli : PROCESS
+    VARIABLE v_offset                : NATURAL;
+    VARIABLE v_word                  : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_word_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+    VARIABLE v_int                   : INTEGER;
+    VARIABLE v_bsn                   : NATURAL;
+    VARIABLE v_sp_power_sum_0        : REAL;
+    VARIABLE v_sp_subband_power      : REAL;
+    VARIABLE v_W, v_T, v_U, v_S, v_B : NATURAL;  -- array indicies
+    dbg_restart <= 0;
+    FOR REP IN 0 TO c_nof_restarts LOOP
+      -- Wait for DUT power up after reset or after AIT rx_clk domain restart
+      WAIT FOR 1 us;
+      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      -- Enable BS
+      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_source_v2, 2,         c_init_bsn, tb_clk);  -- Init BSN
+      mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_source_v2, 3,                  0, tb_clk);  -- Write high part activates the init BSN
+      mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_source_v2, 1, c_nof_clk_per_sync, tb_clk);  -- nof_block_per_sync
+      mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_source_v2, 0,       16#00000003#, tb_clk);  -- Enable BS at PPS
+      -- Release PPS pulser, to get first PPS now and to start BSN source
+      WAIT FOR 1 us;
+      pps_rst <= '0';
+      dbg_bsn_source_en <= '1';  -- marker in wave window
+      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      -- Read JESD_CTRL register
+      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      -- Note: pio_jesd_ctrl_enable works in fact as disable, so '0' enables
+      --       signal input and '1' disables it, and read yields
+      --       pio_jesd_ctrl = 0.
+      mmf_mm_bus_rd(c_mm_file_pio_jesd_ctrl, 0, rd_data, tb_clk);
+      pio_jesd_ctrl <= rd_data;
+      pio_jesd_ctrl_enable <= rd_data(c_sdp_jesd_ctrl_enable_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+      pio_jesd_ctrl_reset <= rd_data(c_sdp_jesd_ctrl_reset_bi);
+      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      -- Enable WG
+      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      --   0 : mode[7:0]           --> off=0, calc=1, repeat=2, single=3)
+      --       nof_samples[31:16]  --> <= c_ram_wg_size=1024
+      --   1 : phase[15:0]
+      --   2 : freq[30:0]
+      --   3 : ampl[16:0]
+      mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_diag_wg, 0, 1024*2**16 + 1, tb_clk);  -- nof_samples, mode calc
+      mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_diag_wg, 1, INTEGER(  0.0 * c_diag_wg_phase_unit), tb_clk);  -- phase offset in degrees
+      mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_diag_wg, 2, INTEGER((c_subband_sp_0 + c_wg_freq_offset) * c_sdp_wg_subband_freq_unit), tb_clk);  -- freq
+      mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_diag_wg, 3, INTEGER(REAL(c_ampl_sp_0) * c_sdp_wg_ampl_lsb), tb_clk);  -- ampl
+      -- Read current BSN
+      mmf_mm_bus_rd(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_scheduler_wg, 0, current_bsn_wg(31 DOWNTO  0), tb_clk);
+      mmf_mm_bus_rd(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_scheduler_wg, 1, current_bsn_wg(63 DOWNTO 32), tb_clk);
+      proc_common_wait_some_cycles(tb_clk, 1);
+      -- Write scheduler BSN to trigger start of WG at next block
+      v_bsn := TO_UINT(current_bsn_wg) + 2;
+      ASSERT v_bsn <= c_bsn_start_wg REPORT "Too late to start WG: " & int_to_str(v_bsn) & " > " & int_to_str(c_bsn_start_wg) SEVERITY ERROR;
+      v_bsn := c_bsn_start_wg;
+      mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_scheduler_wg, 0, v_bsn, tb_clk);  -- first write low then high part
+      mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_scheduler_wg, 1,     0, tb_clk);  -- assume v_bsn < 2**31-1
+      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      -- Wait for enough WG data and start of sync interval
+      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      mmf_mm_wait_until_value(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_scheduler_wg, 0,                               -- read BSN low
+                              "UNSIGNED", rd_data, ">=", c_init_bsn + c_nof_block_per_sync*2,  -- this is the wait until condition
+                              c_sdp_T_sub, tb_clk);
+      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      -- Read JESD204B IP status per signal input
+      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      FOR I IN 0 TO c_sdp_S_pn-1 LOOP
+        proc_read_jesd204b(I, tb_clk, rd_data, dbg_read_jesd204b,
+                           reg_jesd204b_rx_err_enable,
+                           reg_jesd204b_rx_err_link_reinit,
+                           reg_jesd204b_rx_syncn_sysref_ctrl,
+                           reg_jesd204b_rx_err0,
+                           reg_jesd204b_rx_err1,
+                           reg_jesd204b_csr_rbd_count,
+                           reg_jesd204b_csr_dev_syncn);
+        proc_common_wait_some_cycles(tb_clk, 10);
+        -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        -- Verify expected Rx JESD204B IP values for active signal inputs
+        -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        IF I < c_nof_jesd204b_tx THEN
+          ASSERT UNSIGNED(reg_jesd204b_rx_err_enable) = tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err_enable_reset
+            REPORT "Wrong rx_err_enable_reset: " & INTEGER'IMAGE(TO_SINT(reg_jesd204b_rx_err_enable)) & " /= " & INTEGER'IMAGE(tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err_enable_reset) SEVERITY ERROR;
+          ASSERT UNSIGNED(reg_jesd204b_rx_err_link_reinit) = tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err_link_reinit_reset
+            REPORT "Wrong rx_err_link_reinit_reset: " & INTEGER'IMAGE(TO_SINT(reg_jesd204b_rx_err_link_reinit)) & " /= " & INTEGER'IMAGE(tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err_link_reinit_reset) SEVERITY ERROR;
+        END IF;
+      END LOOP;
+      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      -- Read ADUH monitor power sum
+      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      mmf_mm_bus_rd(c_mm_file_reg_aduh_mon, 2, rd_data, tb_clk);  -- read low part
+      sp_power_sum(31 DOWNTO 0) <= rd_data;
+      mmf_mm_bus_rd(c_mm_file_reg_aduh_mon, 3, rd_data, tb_clk);  -- read high part
+      sp_power_sum(63 DOWNTO 32) <= rd_data;
+      proc_common_wait_some_cycles(tb_clk, 1);
+      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      -- Verify sp_power_sum
+      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      -- Convert STD_LOGIC_VECTOR sp_power_sum to REAL
+      v_sp_power_sum_0 := REAL(REAL(TO_UINT(sp_power_sum(61 DOWNTO 30)))*REAL(2**30) + REAL(TO_UINT(sp_power_sum(29 DOWNTO 0))));
+      ASSERT v_sp_power_sum_0 > c_lo_factor * c_exp_wg_power_sp_0 REPORT "Wrong SP power for SP 0" SEVERITY ERROR;
+      ASSERT v_sp_power_sum_0 < c_hi_factor * c_exp_wg_power_sp_0 REPORT "Wrong SP power for SP 0" SEVERITY ERROR;
+      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      -- Restart AIT
+      -- . JESD_CTRL reset stops JESD204B OUT rx_clk and asserts JESD204B OUT
+      --   rx_rst, so it is necessary to stop the BSN source, to ensure that
+      --   the rx_clk/dp_clk domain FIFO runs empty before rx_rst is asserted, so
+      --   that no corrupt data blocks will enter the dp_clk domain.
+      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      -- 1) Disable BSN source to allow rx_clk/dp_clk domain FIFO to run empty
+      mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_source_v2, 0, 16#00000000#, tb_clk);
+      -- . Wait until BSN source has finished last block, use ext_clk as 200 MHz
+      --   equivalent for dp_clk, and wait for > 1 block of c_sdp_N_fft samples
+      proc_common_wait_some_cycles(ext_clk, c_sdp_N_fft * 2);
+      dbg_bsn_source_en <= '0';  -- marker in wave window
+      -- 2) Reset via JESD_CTRL c_sdp_jesd_ctrl_reset_bi = 31 and read back
+      --   Note: Awkward way to set MSbit without negative integer warning, using TO_SINT(v_word).
+      dbg_jesd_ctrl_reset <= '1';  -- marker in wave window
+      v_word := (OTHERS => '0');
+      v_word(c_sdp_jesd_ctrl_reset_bi) := '1';  -- reset
+      mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_pio_jesd_ctrl, 0, TO_SINT(v_word), tb_clk);
+      proc_common_wait_cross_clock_domain_latency(tb_clk, ext_clk);
+      mmf_mm_bus_rd(c_mm_file_pio_jesd_ctrl, 0, rd_data, tb_clk);
+      pio_jesd_ctrl <= rd_data;
+      pio_jesd_ctrl_enable <= rd_data(c_sdp_jesd_ctrl_enable_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+      pio_jesd_ctrl_reset <= rd_data(c_sdp_jesd_ctrl_reset_bi);
+      WAIT FOR 1 us;
+      -- Read Rx JESD_204B IP status during reset
+      proc_read_jesd204b_arr(tb_clk, rd_data, dbg_read_jesd204b,
+                             reg_jesd204b_rx_err_enable,
+                             reg_jesd204b_rx_err_link_reinit,
+                             reg_jesd204b_rx_syncn_sysref_ctrl,
+                             reg_jesd204b_rx_err0,
+                             reg_jesd204b_rx_err1,
+                             reg_jesd204b_csr_rbd_count,
+                             reg_jesd204b_csr_dev_syncn);
+      -- Hold JESD_CTRL reset for > one sync period, so also during a JESD204B_SYSREF pulse,
+      -- to see that JESD_CTRL reset stops JESD204B OUT rx_sysref too.
+      WAIT FOR c_pps_period;
+      -- . Re-enable via JESD_CTRL and read back
+      v_word := (OTHERS => '0');  -- release reset
+      v_word(c_si_dis) := '1';   -- disable one signal input
+      mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_pio_jesd_ctrl, 0, TO_SINT(v_word), tb_clk);
+      proc_common_wait_cross_clock_domain_latency(tb_clk, ext_clk);
+      mmf_mm_bus_rd(c_mm_file_pio_jesd_ctrl, 0, rd_data, tb_clk);
+      pio_jesd_ctrl <= rd_data;
+      pio_jesd_ctrl_enable <= rd_data(c_sdp_jesd_ctrl_enable_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+      pio_jesd_ctrl_reset <= rd_data(c_sdp_jesd_ctrl_reset_bi);
+      dbg_jesd_ctrl_reset <= '0';  -- marker in wave window
+      -- Wait for a JESD204B_SYSREF pulse
+      WAIT FOR c_pps_period;
+      -- Read Rx JESD_204B IP status
+      proc_read_jesd204b_arr(tb_clk, rd_data, dbg_read_jesd204b,
+                             reg_jesd204b_rx_err_enable,
+                             reg_jesd204b_rx_err_link_reinit,
+                             reg_jesd204b_rx_syncn_sysref_ctrl,
+                             reg_jesd204b_rx_err0,
+                             reg_jesd204b_rx_err1,
+                             reg_jesd204b_csr_rbd_count,
+                             reg_jesd204b_csr_dev_syncn);
+      -- 3) Reinit the JESD204B link per signal input
+      dbg_link_reinit <= '1';  -- marker in wave window
+      FOR I IN 0 TO c_sdp_S_pn-1 LOOP
+        v_int := tech_jesd204b_field_rx_syncn_sysref_ctrl_link_reinit +
+                 tech_jesd204b_field_rx_syncn_sysref_ctrl_sysref_alwayson;
+        mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_jesd204b, v_offset + tech_jesd204b_field_rx_syncn_sysref_ctrl_adr, v_int, tb_clk);
+      END LOOP;
+      WAIT FOR 1 us;
+      -- Read Rx JESD_204B IP status
+      proc_read_jesd204b_arr(tb_clk, rd_data, dbg_read_jesd204b,
+                             reg_jesd204b_rx_err_enable,
+                             reg_jesd204b_rx_err_link_reinit,
+                             reg_jesd204b_rx_syncn_sysref_ctrl,
+                             reg_jesd204b_rx_err0,
+                             reg_jesd204b_rx_err1,
+                             reg_jesd204b_csr_rbd_count,
+                             reg_jesd204b_csr_dev_syncn);
+      FOR I IN 0 TO c_sdp_S_pn-1 LOOP
+        v_int := tech_jesd204b_field_rx_syncn_sysref_ctrl_sysref_alwayson;
+        mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_jesd204b, v_offset + tech_jesd204b_field_rx_syncn_sysref_ctrl_adr, v_int, tb_clk);
+      END LOOP;
+      dbg_link_reinit <= '0';  -- marker in wave window
+      -- Wait for a JESD204B_SYSREF pulse
+      WAIT FOR c_pps_period;
+      -- Read Rx JESD_204B IP status
+      proc_read_jesd204b_arr(tb_clk, rd_data, dbg_read_jesd204b,
+                             reg_jesd204b_rx_err_enable,
+                             reg_jesd204b_rx_err_link_reinit,
+                             reg_jesd204b_rx_syncn_sysref_ctrl,
+                             reg_jesd204b_rx_err0,
+                             reg_jesd204b_rx_err1,
+                             reg_jesd204b_csr_rbd_count,
+                             reg_jesd204b_csr_dev_syncn);
+      -- Count restart loops
+      dbg_restart <= dbg_restart + 1;
+    END LOOP;
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    -- End Simulation 
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------   
+    WAIT FOR 10 us;
+    sim_done <= '1';
+    proc_common_wait_some_cycles(ext_clk, 100);
+    proc_common_stop_simulation(TRUE, ext_clk, sim_done, tb_end);
+    WAIT;
+END tb;
diff --git a/applications/lofar2/designs/lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station/src/vhdl/mmm_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station.vhd b/applications/lofar2/designs/lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station/src/vhdl/mmm_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station.vhd
index 5194a4392368001350704206205946a5429255bb..e00b83112f2f0664da42844f6f7231ba8733bccc 100644
--- a/applications/lofar2/designs/lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station/src/vhdl/mmm_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station.vhd
+++ b/applications/lofar2/designs/lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station/src/vhdl/mmm_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station.vhd
@@ -362,9 +362,13 @@ BEGIN
     u_mm_file_reg_eth                 : mm_file GENERIC MAP(mmf_unb_file_prefix(g_sim_unb_nr, c_sim_node_nr, c_sim_node_type) & "AVS_ETH_0_MMS_REG")
                                                 PORT MAP(mm_rst, mm_clk, eth1g_reg_copi, eth1g_reg_cipo );
-    u_mm_file_jesd204b                : mm_file GENERIC MAP(mmf_unb_file_prefix(g_sim_unb_nr, c_sim_node_nr, c_sim_node_type) & "JESD204B")
+    -- Must use exact g_mm_rd_latency = 1 instead of default 2, because JESD204B IP forces rddata = 0 after it has been read
+    u_mm_file_jesd204b                : mm_file GENERIC MAP(mmf_unb_file_prefix(g_sim_unb_nr, c_sim_node_nr, c_sim_node_type) & "JESD204B", '1', 1)
                                                  PORT MAP(mm_rst, mm_clk, jesd204b_copi, jesd204b_cipo );
+    u_mm_file_pio_jesd_ctrl           : mm_file GENERIC MAP(mmf_unb_file_prefix(g_sim_unb_nr, c_sim_node_nr, c_sim_node_type) & "PIO_JESD_CTRL")
+                                                 PORT MAP(mm_rst, mm_clk, jesd_ctrl_copi, jesd_ctrl_cipo );
     u_mm_file_reg_dp_shiftram         : mm_file GENERIC MAP(mmf_unb_file_prefix(g_sim_unb_nr, c_sim_node_nr, c_sim_node_type) & "REG_DP_SHIFTRAM")
                                                  PORT MAP(mm_rst, mm_clk, reg_dp_shiftram_copi, reg_dp_shiftram_cipo );
diff --git a/applications/lofar2/libraries/sdp/src/vhdl/node_sdp_adc_input_and_timing.vhd b/applications/lofar2/libraries/sdp/src/vhdl/node_sdp_adc_input_and_timing.vhd
index cfa0669c9591a4cf79d57b65f837ba2392b0faf3..5b110bfb743ac919ebcbfabb9466f16cb0b9a54e 100644
--- a/applications/lofar2/libraries/sdp/src/vhdl/node_sdp_adc_input_and_timing.vhd
+++ b/applications/lofar2/libraries/sdp/src/vhdl/node_sdp_adc_input_and_timing.vhd
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ BEGIN
   -- in an SDP application assumes that the block timing of the out_sosi_arr(i) only contains
   -- complete blocks, so from sop to eop.
-  mm_rst_internal <= mm_rst OR mm_jesd_ctrl_reg(31);
+  mm_rst_internal <= mm_rst OR mm_jesd_ctrl_reg(c_sdp_jesd_ctrl_reset_bi);
   gen_jesd_disable : FOR I IN 0 TO c_sdp_S_pn-1 GENERATE
     jesd204b_disable_arr(i) <= mm_jesd_ctrl_reg(i);
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ BEGIN
     u_jesd204b: ENTITY tech_jesd204b_lib.tech_jesd204b 
-      g_sim                => g_sim,               
+      g_sim                => FALSE, -- do not use g_sim, because JESD204B IP does support mm_clk in sim
       g_nof_streams        => c_sdp_S_pn,
       g_nof_sync_n         => c_sdp_N_sync_jesd,
       g_jesd_freq          => c_sdp_jesd204b_freq
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ BEGIN
   u_mm_jesd_ctrl_reg : ENTITY common_lib.common_reg_r_w
-    g_reg       => c_sdp_jesd204b_mm_jesd_ctrl_reg,
+    g_reg       => c_sdp_mm_jesd_ctrl_reg,
     g_init_reg  => (OTHERS => '0')
@@ -520,11 +520,11 @@ BEGIN
     clk       => mm_clk,
     -- control side
     wr_en     => jesd_ctrl_mosi.wr,
-    wr_adr    => jesd_ctrl_mosi.address(c_sdp_jesd204b_mm_jesd_ctrl_reg.adr_w-1 DOWNTO 0),
-    wr_dat    => jesd_ctrl_mosi.wrdata(c_sdp_jesd204b_mm_jesd_ctrl_reg.dat_w-1 DOWNTO 0),
+    wr_adr    => jesd_ctrl_mosi.address(c_sdp_mm_jesd_ctrl_reg.adr_w-1 DOWNTO 0),
+    wr_dat    => jesd_ctrl_mosi.wrdata(c_sdp_mm_jesd_ctrl_reg.dat_w-1 DOWNTO 0),
     rd_en     => jesd_ctrl_mosi.rd,
-    rd_adr    => jesd_ctrl_mosi.address(c_sdp_jesd204b_mm_jesd_ctrl_reg.adr_w-1 DOWNTO 0),
-    rd_dat    => jesd_ctrl_miso.rddata(c_sdp_jesd204b_mm_jesd_ctrl_reg.dat_w-1 DOWNTO 0),
+    rd_adr    => jesd_ctrl_mosi.address(c_sdp_mm_jesd_ctrl_reg.adr_w-1 DOWNTO 0),
+    rd_dat    => jesd_ctrl_miso.rddata(c_sdp_mm_jesd_ctrl_reg.dat_w-1 DOWNTO 0),
     rd_val    => OPEN,
     -- data side
     out_reg   => mm_jesd_ctrl_reg,
diff --git a/applications/lofar2/libraries/sdp/src/vhdl/sdp_pkg.vhd b/applications/lofar2/libraries/sdp/src/vhdl/sdp_pkg.vhd
index ed38675826507b02c97ade53c867aa9b538aa56e..7fe6896838ac5d2c86cb3e6e0444368a82759418 100644
--- a/applications/lofar2/libraries/sdp/src/vhdl/sdp_pkg.vhd
+++ b/applications/lofar2/libraries/sdp/src/vhdl/sdp_pkg.vhd
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 -- References:
 -- . [1] https://support.astron.nl/confluence/display/L2M/L3+SDP+Decision%3A+SDP+Parameter+definitions
-LIBRARY IEEE, common_lib, rTwoSDF_lib, fft_lib, filter_lib, wpfb_lib, diag_lib;
+LIBRARY IEEE, common_lib, rTwoSDF_lib, fft_lib, filter_lib, wpfb_lib, diag_lib, tech_jesd204b_lib;
 USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.ALL;
 USE IEEE.math_real.ALL;
 USE common_lib.common_pkg.ALL;
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ USE rTwoSDF_lib.rTwoSDFPkg.ALL;
 USE fft_lib.fft_pkg.ALL; 
 USE filter_lib.fil_pkg.ALL; 
 USE wpfb_lib.wpfb_pkg.ALL;
+USE tech_jesd204b_lib.tech_jesd204b_pkg.ALL;
 PACKAGE sdp_pkg is
@@ -115,6 +116,9 @@ PACKAGE sdp_pkg is
   CONSTANT c_sdp_N_clk_per_sync       : NATURAL := c_sdp_f_adc_MHz*10**6;  -- Default 200M clock cycles per second
   CONSTANT c_sdp_N_clk_sync_timeout   : NATURAL := c_sdp_f_adc_MHz*10**6 + c_sdp_f_adc_MHz*10**5;  -- 10% margin.
   CONSTANT c_sdp_N_sync_jesd          : NATURAL := c_sdp_S_pn * c_sdp_N_sync_rcu / c_sdp_S_rcu; -- = 4, nof JESD IP sync outputs per PN
+  CONSTANT c_sdp_f_sub_Hz             : REAL := REAL(c_sdp_f_adc_MHz * 10**6) / REAL(c_sdp_N_fft);
+  CONSTANT c_sdp_N_int                : NATURAL := c_sdp_f_adc_MHz * 10**6;  -- nof ADC sample periods per 1 s integration interval
+  CONSTANT c_sdp_N_int_sub            : REAL := c_sdp_f_sub_Hz;  -- nof subband sample periods per 1 s integration interval
   CONSTANT c_sdp_A_pn                 : NATURAL := c_sdp_S_pn / c_sdp_N_pol;  -- = 6 dual pol antenna per PN, is 6 signal input pairs
   CONSTANT c_sdp_P_pfb                : NATURAL := c_sdp_S_pn / c_sdp_Q_fft;  -- = 6 PFB units, for 6 signal input pairs
   CONSTANT c_sdp_T_adc                : TIME    := (10**6 / c_sdp_f_adc_MHz) * 1 ps;  -- = 5 ns @ 200MHz
@@ -420,17 +424,19 @@ PACKAGE sdp_pkg is
   CONSTANT c_sdp_reg_nw_10GbE_mac_addr_w    : NATURAL := 13;
   CONSTANT c_sdp_reg_nw_10GbE_eth10g_addr_w : NATURAL := 1;
-  -- JESD204
+  -- JESD204B
   CONSTANT c_sdp_jesd204b_freq             : STRING := "200MHz";
-  CONSTANT c_sdp_jesd204b_mm_jesd_ctrl_reg : t_c_mem := (latency  => 1,
+  CONSTANT c_sdp_mm_jesd_ctrl_reg          : t_c_mem := (latency  => 1,
                                                          adr_w    => 1,
                                                          dat_w    => c_word_w,
                                                          nof_dat  => 1,
-                                                         init_sl  => '0');
+                                                         init_sl  => '0');  -- PIO_JESD_CTRL
   -- AIT MM address widths
-  CONSTANT c_sdp_jesd204b_addr_w               : NATURAL := ceil_log2(c_sdp_S_pn) + 8; 
-  CONSTANT c_sdp_jesd_ctrl_addr_w              : NATURAL := 1; 
+  CONSTANT c_sdp_jesd204b_addr_w               : NATURAL := ceil_log2(c_sdp_S_pn) + tech_jesd204b_port_span_w;  -- = 4 + 8
+  CONSTANT c_sdp_jesd_ctrl_addr_w              : NATURAL := c_sdp_mm_jesd_ctrl_reg.adr_w;  -- = 1
+  CONSTANT c_sdp_jesd_ctrl_reset_bi            : NATURAL := 31;
+  CONSTANT c_sdp_jesd_ctrl_enable_w            : NATURAL := 31;
   CONSTANT c_sdp_reg_bsn_monitor_input_addr_w  : NATURAL := 8;
   CONSTANT c_sdp_reg_wg_addr_w                 : NATURAL := ceil_log2(c_sdp_S_pn) + 2; 
   CONSTANT c_sdp_ram_wg_addr_w                 : NATURAL := ceil_log2(c_sdp_S_pn) + 10; 
diff --git a/libraries/technology/ip_arria10_e1sg/jesd204b/ip_arria10_e1sg_jesd204b.vhd b/libraries/technology/ip_arria10_e1sg/jesd204b/ip_arria10_e1sg_jesd204b.vhd
index aa0f730882561b2ac714e6e7b8d061d00d6e8536..44858d8b7a700ea534716c61e3fd524aa0c70bc1 100644
--- a/libraries/technology/ip_arria10_e1sg/jesd204b/ip_arria10_e1sg_jesd204b.vhd
+++ b/libraries/technology/ip_arria10_e1sg/jesd204b/ip_arria10_e1sg_jesd204b.vhd
@@ -70,20 +70,21 @@ ENTITY ip_arria10_e1sg_jesd204b IS
 END ip_arria10_e1sg_jesd204b;
 ARCHITECTURE str OF ip_arria10_e1sg_jesd204b IS
   -- JESD IP constants
-  CONSTANT c_jesd204b_mm_addr_w            : NATURAL :=8;
-  CONSTANT c_jesd204b_rx_data_w            : NATURAL :=32;
-  CONSTANT c_jesd204b_rx_framer_data_w     : NATURAL :=c_jesd204b_rx_data_w/2; -- IP outputs two samples in parallel
-  CONSTANT c_jesd204b_rx_somf_w            : NATURAL :=c_jesd204b_rx_data_w/8; -- One somf bit per octet
-  CONSTANT c_jesd204b_rx_framer_somf_w     : NATURAL :=c_jesd204b_rx_somf_w/2; -- IP outputs two samples in parallel
-  CONSTANT c_nof_sync_n_per_group          : NATURAL :=sel_a_b(g_nof_streams / g_nof_sync_n = 0, 1, g_nof_streams / g_nof_sync_n);
+  -- . JESD204B MM has 256 bytes = 64 words, so mm_addr_w = 6 would be enough,
+  --   but using mm_addr_w = 8 and span = 256 words is fine too.
+  CONSTANT c_jesd204b_mm_addr_w            : NATURAL := 8;
+  CONSTANT c_jesd204b_rx_data_w            : NATURAL := 32;
+  CONSTANT c_jesd204b_rx_framer_data_w     : NATURAL := c_jesd204b_rx_data_w/2; -- IP outputs two samples in parallel
+  CONSTANT c_jesd204b_rx_somf_w            : NATURAL := c_jesd204b_rx_data_w/8; -- One somf bit per octet
+  CONSTANT c_jesd204b_rx_framer_somf_w     : NATURAL := c_jesd204b_rx_somf_w/2; -- IP outputs two samples in parallel
+  CONSTANT c_nof_sync_n_per_group          : NATURAL := sel_a_b(g_nof_streams / g_nof_sync_n = 0, 1, g_nof_streams / g_nof_sync_n);
   -- JESD204 control status registers
   SIGNAL jesd204b_mosi_arr          : t_mem_mosi_arr(g_nof_streams-1 DOWNTO 0);
-  SIGNAL jesd204b_miso_arr          : t_mem_miso_arr(g_nof_streams-1 DOWNTO 0); 
+  SIGNAL jesd204b_miso_arr          : t_mem_miso_arr(g_nof_streams-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => c_mem_miso_rst);
   SIGNAL reset_seq_mosi_arr         : t_mem_mosi_arr(g_nof_streams-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => c_mem_mosi_rst);
   SIGNAL reset_seq_miso_arr         : t_mem_miso_arr(g_nof_streams-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => c_mem_miso_rst); 
@@ -131,11 +132,9 @@ ARCHITECTURE str OF ip_arria10_e1sg_jesd204b IS
   SIGNAL jesd204b_sync_n_enabled_arr    : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(g_nof_streams-1 DOWNTO 0);  -- output to control ADC initialization/syncronization phase
   SIGNAL jesd204b_sync_n_combined_arr   : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(g_nof_sync_n-1 DOWNTO 0);   -- output to control ADC initialization/syncronization phase
   -- Component declarations for the IP blocks
-    component ip_arria10_e1sg_jesd204b_rx_200MHz is
+  component ip_arria10_e1sg_jesd204b_rx_200MHz is
     port (
       alldev_lane_aligned        : in  std_logic                     := 'X';             -- export
       csr_cf                     : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);                     -- export
@@ -233,8 +232,6 @@ ARCHITECTURE str OF ip_arria10_e1sg_jesd204b IS
   end component ip_arria10_e1sg_jesd204b_rx_xcvr_reset_control_12;
   -- The mm_rst resets the MM interface, but is also used to reset the JESD IP reset sequencer. 
   -- Therefore a reset of mm_rst effectively resets the entire ip_arria10_e1sg_jesd204b and causes a reset on the rx_rst output.
@@ -252,7 +249,6 @@ BEGIN
     jesd204b_avs_clk <= mm_clk;
   gen_jesd204b_rx : IF g_direction = "RX_ONLY" GENERATE
     gen_jesd204b_rx_channels : FOR I IN 0 TO g_nof_streams-1 GENERATE
@@ -260,10 +256,9 @@ BEGIN
       -- The JESD204 IP (rx only)
-    gen_jesd204b_rx_freqsel : IF g_jesd_freq = "200MHz" GENERATE
-      u_ip_arria10_e1sg_jesd204b_rx_200MHz : ip_arria10_e1sg_jesd204b_rx_200MHz
-        PORT MAP 
-        (
+      gen_jesd204b_rx_freqsel : IF g_jesd_freq = "200MHz" GENERATE
+        u_ip_arria10_e1sg_jesd204b_rx_200MHz : ip_arria10_e1sg_jesd204b_rx_200MHz
+        PORT MAP (
           alldev_lane_aligned        => dev_lane_aligned_arr(i),
           csr_cf                     => OPEN,
           csr_cs                     => OPEN,
@@ -311,6 +306,9 @@ BEGIN
           somf                       => jesd204b_rx_somf_arr(c_jesd204b_rx_somf_w*i+c_jesd204b_rx_somf_w-1 downto c_jesd204b_rx_somf_w*i),
           sysref                     => jesd204b_sysref_2
+        -- One cycle rd-rdval latency, waitrequest = '0' fixed
+        jesd204b_miso_arr(i).rdval <= jesd204b_mosi_arr(i).rd WHEN rising_edge(jesd204b_avs_clk);
@@ -365,7 +363,6 @@ BEGIN
         out_rst => rxframe_rst_arr(i)
       rx_xcvr_ready_in_arr(i) <= '1' when  rx_csr_lane_powerdown_arr(i)='1' OR xcvr_rst_ctrl_rx_ready_arr(i)='1' else '0';
       -- synchronize rx_xcvr_ready_in_arr to mm_clk
       u_common_async_rx_xcvr_ready : ENTITY common_lib.common_async
@@ -384,7 +381,6 @@ BEGIN
       rxlink_rst_n_arr(i) <= not rxlink_rst_arr(i);
       rxframe_rst_n_arr(i) <= not rxframe_rst_arr(i);
       -- Minimal deframer (transport layer)
@@ -415,7 +411,7 @@ BEGIN
         END IF;
+    END GENERATE;  -- gen_jesd204b_rx_channels : FOR I IN 0 TO g_nof_streams-1 GENERATE
     -- Reclock sysref and the sync_n output
@@ -459,7 +455,6 @@ BEGIN
       END IF;
     -- IOPLL in source synchronous or normal mode. (Intel JESD204B-UG p66)
     gen_jesd204b_rx_corepll_freqsel : IF g_jesd_freq = "200MHz" GENERATE
       u_ip_arria10_e1sg_jesd204b_rx_corepll_200MHz : ip_arria10_e1sg_jesd204b_rx_core_pll_200MHz
@@ -483,7 +478,6 @@ BEGIN
       out_rst => mm_core_pll_locked_reg
     -- Transceiver reset controller. Use g_nof_streams out of 12 channels. Receive only
     -- Clock set to 100MHz (use rxlink_clk)
@@ -498,24 +492,23 @@ BEGIN
       rx_ready                     => xcvr_rst_ctrl_rx_ready_arr     -- From example design: gate with rx_csr_lane_powerdown to reset transceiver
+  END GENERATE;  -- gen_jesd204b_rx : IF g_direction = "RX_ONLY" GENERATE
   gen_enable_sync_n : FOR i IN 0 TO g_nof_streams-1 GENERATE
-      -- The sync_n_enabled output is active '0'. For disabled signal inputs the sync_n_enabled output is forced to '1', so that for the disabled (= inactive = not used) 
-      -- signal inputs the sync_n_internal from the JESD IP will not pull sync_n_enabled low.
-      -- The purpose of being able to disable inactive signal inputs is that this avoids that one inactive signal input will cause all signal inputs in a group that share 
-      -- the sync_n_combined to become unavailable (see gen_group_sync_n).
+    -- The sync_n_enabled output is active '0'. For disabled signal inputs the sync_n_enabled output is forced to '1', so that for the disabled (= inactive = not used)
+    -- signal inputs the sync_n_internal from the JESD IP will not pull sync_n_enabled low.
+    -- The purpose of being able to disable inactive signal inputs is that this avoids that one inactive signal input will cause all signal inputs in a group that share
+    -- the sync_n_combined to become unavailable (see gen_group_sync_n).
-      -- For disabled channels (in jesd204b_disable_arr), the SYNC_N output will not be used
-      jesd204b_sync_n_enabled_arr(i) <= jesd204b_sync_n_internal_arr(i) OR jesd204b_disable_arr(i);
+    -- For disabled channels (in jesd204b_disable_arr), the SYNC_N output will not be used
+    jesd204b_sync_n_enabled_arr(i) <= jesd204b_sync_n_internal_arr(i) OR jesd204b_disable_arr(i);
   -- Group the SYNC_N outputs
   gen_group_sync_n : FOR i IN 0 TO g_nof_sync_n-1 GENERATE
-      jesd204b_sync_n_combined_arr(i) <= vector_and(jesd204b_sync_n_enabled_arr(c_nof_sync_n_per_group*i+c_nof_sync_n_per_group-1 downto c_nof_sync_n_per_group*i));
+    jesd204b_sync_n_combined_arr(i) <= vector_and(jesd204b_sync_n_enabled_arr(c_nof_sync_n_per_group*i+c_nof_sync_n_per_group-1 downto c_nof_sync_n_per_group*i));
diff --git a/libraries/technology/ip_arria10_e2sg/jesd204b/ip_arria10_e2sg_jesd204b.vhd b/libraries/technology/ip_arria10_e2sg/jesd204b/ip_arria10_e2sg_jesd204b.vhd
index 9ad874300f414645181cfa5a95d400de1306956b..cf0fd6e3b47648701766d7995c2a946f51a637d4 100644
--- a/libraries/technology/ip_arria10_e2sg/jesd204b/ip_arria10_e2sg_jesd204b.vhd
+++ b/libraries/technology/ip_arria10_e2sg/jesd204b/ip_arria10_e2sg_jesd204b.vhd
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ ENTITY ip_arria10_e2sg_jesd204b IS
     -- MM Control
     mm_clk                : IN  STD_LOGIC;
     mm_rst                : IN  STD_LOGIC;
-    jesd204b_disable_arr  : IN  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(g_nof_streams-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
+    jesd204b_disable_arr  : IN  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(g_nof_streams-1 DOWNTO 0);
     jesd204b_mosi         : IN  t_mem_mosi;         --  mm control
     jesd204b_miso         : OUT t_mem_miso; 
@@ -70,20 +70,21 @@ ENTITY ip_arria10_e2sg_jesd204b IS
 END ip_arria10_e2sg_jesd204b;
 ARCHITECTURE str OF ip_arria10_e2sg_jesd204b IS
   -- JESD IP constants
-  CONSTANT c_jesd204b_mm_addr_w            : NATURAL :=8;
-  CONSTANT c_jesd204b_rx_data_w            : NATURAL :=32;
-  CONSTANT c_jesd204b_rx_framer_data_w     : NATURAL :=c_jesd204b_rx_data_w/2; -- IP outputs two samples in parallel
-  CONSTANT c_jesd204b_rx_somf_w            : NATURAL :=c_jesd204b_rx_data_w/8; -- One somf bit per octet
-  CONSTANT c_jesd204b_rx_framer_somf_w     : NATURAL :=c_jesd204b_rx_somf_w/2; -- IP outputs two samples in parallel
-  CONSTANT c_nof_sync_n_per_group          : NATURAL :=sel_a_b(g_nof_streams / g_nof_sync_n = 0, 1, g_nof_streams / g_nof_sync_n);
+  -- . JESD204B MM has 256 bytes = 64 words, so mm_addr_w = 6 would be enough,
+  --   but using mm_addr_w = 8 and span = 256 words is fine too.
+  CONSTANT c_jesd204b_mm_addr_w            : NATURAL := 8;
+  CONSTANT c_jesd204b_rx_data_w            : NATURAL := 32;
+  CONSTANT c_jesd204b_rx_framer_data_w     : NATURAL := c_jesd204b_rx_data_w/2; -- IP outputs two samples in parallel
+  CONSTANT c_jesd204b_rx_somf_w            : NATURAL := c_jesd204b_rx_data_w/8; -- One somf bit per octet
+  CONSTANT c_jesd204b_rx_framer_somf_w     : NATURAL := c_jesd204b_rx_somf_w/2; -- IP outputs two samples in parallel
+  CONSTANT c_nof_sync_n_per_group          : NATURAL := sel_a_b(g_nof_streams / g_nof_sync_n = 0, 1, g_nof_streams / g_nof_sync_n);
   -- JESD204 control status registers
   SIGNAL jesd204b_mosi_arr          : t_mem_mosi_arr(g_nof_streams-1 DOWNTO 0);
-  SIGNAL jesd204b_miso_arr          : t_mem_miso_arr(g_nof_streams-1 DOWNTO 0); 
+  SIGNAL jesd204b_miso_arr          : t_mem_miso_arr(g_nof_streams-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => c_mem_miso_rst);
   SIGNAL reset_seq_mosi_arr         : t_mem_mosi_arr(g_nof_streams-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => c_mem_mosi_rst);
   SIGNAL reset_seq_miso_arr         : t_mem_miso_arr(g_nof_streams-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => c_mem_miso_rst); 
@@ -131,11 +132,9 @@ ARCHITECTURE str OF ip_arria10_e2sg_jesd204b IS
   SIGNAL jesd204b_sync_n_enabled_arr    : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(g_nof_streams-1 DOWNTO 0);  -- output to control ADC initialization/syncronization phase
   SIGNAL jesd204b_sync_n_combined_arr   : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(g_nof_sync_n-1 DOWNTO 0);   -- output to control ADC initialization/syncronization phase
   -- Component declarations for the IP blocks
-    component ip_arria10_e2sg_jesd204b_rx_200MHz is
+  component ip_arria10_e2sg_jesd204b_rx_200MHz is
     port (
       alldev_lane_aligned        : in  std_logic                     := 'X';             -- export
       csr_cf                     : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);                     -- export
@@ -233,8 +232,6 @@ ARCHITECTURE str OF ip_arria10_e2sg_jesd204b IS
   end component ip_arria10_e2sg_jesd204b_rx_xcvr_reset_control_12;
   -- The mm_rst resets the MM interface, but is also used to reset the JESD IP reset sequencer. 
   -- Therefore a reset of mm_rst effectively resets the entire ip_arria10_e2sg_jesd204b and causes a reset on the rx_rst output.
@@ -252,7 +249,6 @@ BEGIN
     jesd204b_avs_clk <= mm_clk;
   gen_jesd204b_rx : IF g_direction = "RX_ONLY" GENERATE
     gen_jesd204b_rx_channels : FOR I IN 0 TO g_nof_streams-1 GENERATE
@@ -260,10 +256,9 @@ BEGIN
       -- The JESD204 IP (rx only)
-    gen_jesd204b_rx_freqsel : IF g_jesd_freq = "200MHz" GENERATE
-      u_ip_arria10_e2sg_jesd204b_rx_200MHz : ip_arria10_e2sg_jesd204b_rx_200MHz
-        PORT MAP 
-        (
+      gen_jesd204b_rx_freqsel : IF g_jesd_freq = "200MHz" GENERATE
+        u_ip_arria10_e2sg_jesd204b_rx_200MHz : ip_arria10_e2sg_jesd204b_rx_200MHz
+        PORT MAP (
           alldev_lane_aligned        => dev_lane_aligned_arr(i),
           csr_cf                     => OPEN,
           csr_cs                     => OPEN,
@@ -311,6 +306,9 @@ BEGIN
           somf                       => jesd204b_rx_somf_arr(c_jesd204b_rx_somf_w*i+c_jesd204b_rx_somf_w-1 downto c_jesd204b_rx_somf_w*i),
           sysref                     => jesd204b_sysref_2
+        -- One cycle rd-rdval latency, waitrequest = '0' fixed
+        jesd204b_miso_arr(i).rdval <= jesd204b_mosi_arr(i).rd WHEN rising_edge(jesd204b_avs_clk);
@@ -383,7 +381,6 @@ BEGIN
       rxlink_rst_n_arr(i) <= not rxlink_rst_arr(i);
       rxframe_rst_n_arr(i) <= not rxframe_rst_arr(i);
       -- Minimal deframer (transport layer)
@@ -414,7 +411,7 @@ BEGIN
         END IF;
+    END GENERATE;  -- gen_jesd204b_rx_channels : FOR I IN 0 TO g_nof_streams-1 GENERATE
     -- Reclock sysref and the sync_n output
@@ -458,7 +455,6 @@ BEGIN
       END IF;
     -- IOPLL in source synchronous or normal mode. (Intel JESD204B-UG p66)
     gen_jesd204b_rx_corepll_freqsel : IF g_jesd_freq = "200MHz" GENERATE
       u_ip_arria10_e2sg_jesd204b_rx_corepll_200MHz : ip_arria10_e2sg_jesd204b_rx_core_pll_200MHz
@@ -482,7 +478,6 @@ BEGIN
       out_rst => mm_core_pll_locked_reg
     -- Transceiver reset controller. Use g_nof_streams out of 12 channels. Receive only
     -- Clock set to 100MHz (use rxlink_clk)
@@ -497,24 +492,23 @@ BEGIN
       rx_ready                     => xcvr_rst_ctrl_rx_ready_arr     -- From example design: gate with rx_csr_lane_powerdown to reset transceiver
+  END GENERATE;  -- gen_jesd204b_rx : IF g_direction = "RX_ONLY" GENERATE
   gen_enable_sync_n : FOR i IN 0 TO g_nof_streams-1 GENERATE
-      -- The sync_n_enabled output is active '0'. For disabled signal inputs the sync_n_enabled output is forced to '1', so that for the disabled (= inactive = not used) 
-      -- signal inputs the sync_n_internal from the JESD IP will not pull sync_n_enabled low.
-      -- The purpose of being able to disable inactive signal inputs is that this avoids that one inactive signal input will cause all signal inputs in a group that share 
-      -- the sync_n_combined to become unavailable (see gen_group_sync_n).
+    -- The sync_n_enabled output is active '0'. For disabled signal inputs the sync_n_enabled output is forced to '1', so that for the disabled (= inactive = not used)
+    -- signal inputs the sync_n_internal from the JESD IP will not pull sync_n_enabled low.
+    -- The purpose of being able to disable inactive signal inputs is that this avoids that one inactive signal input will cause all signal inputs in a group that share
+    -- the sync_n_combined to become unavailable (see gen_group_sync_n).
-      -- For disabled channels (in jesd204b_disable_arr), the SYNC_N output will not be used
-      jesd204b_sync_n_enabled_arr(i) <= jesd204b_sync_n_internal_arr(i) OR jesd204b_disable_arr(i);
+    -- For disabled channels (in jesd204b_disable_arr), the SYNC_N output will not be used
+    jesd204b_sync_n_enabled_arr(i) <= jesd204b_sync_n_internal_arr(i) OR jesd204b_disable_arr(i);
   -- Group the SYNC_N outputs
   gen_group_sync_n : FOR i IN 0 TO g_nof_sync_n-1 GENERATE
-      jesd204b_sync_n_combined_arr(i) <= vector_and(jesd204b_sync_n_enabled_arr(c_nof_sync_n_per_group*i+c_nof_sync_n_per_group-1 downto c_nof_sync_n_per_group*i));
+    jesd204b_sync_n_combined_arr(i) <= vector_and(jesd204b_sync_n_enabled_arr(c_nof_sync_n_per_group*i+c_nof_sync_n_per_group-1 downto c_nof_sync_n_per_group*i));
diff --git a/libraries/technology/jesd204b/hdllib.cfg b/libraries/technology/jesd204b/hdllib.cfg
index 490134d6585a1c4038e1561c1adca5c92f7c3be1..79a8465a5d6c85ac5bb1772d66cc98f605848739 100644
--- a/libraries/technology/jesd204b/hdllib.cfg
+++ b/libraries/technology/jesd204b/hdllib.cfg
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ synth_files =
+    tech_jesd204b_pkg.vhd
 test_bench_files =
diff --git a/libraries/technology/jesd204b/registermap-jesd-rx.xlsx b/libraries/technology/jesd204b/registermap-jesd-rx.xlsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d3140dbbdefb8090558542b5fdf899ea0107f87b
Binary files /dev/null and b/libraries/technology/jesd204b/registermap-jesd-rx.xlsx differ
diff --git a/libraries/technology/jesd204b/tb_tech_jesd204b.vhd b/libraries/technology/jesd204b/tb_tech_jesd204b.vhd
index 8653d132d75b96794ef2fd80f55b31f38b6bedcf..5ead9f644645ad6af8a057b81ead9511c6444878 100644
--- a/libraries/technology/jesd204b/tb_tech_jesd204b.vhd
+++ b/libraries/technology/jesd204b/tb_tech_jesd204b.vhd
@@ -39,15 +39,18 @@ USE IEEE.numeric_std.ALL;
 USE common_lib.common_pkg.ALL;
 USE common_lib.common_mem_pkg.ALL;
 USE common_lib.tb_common_pkg.ALL;
+USE common_lib.tb_common_mem_pkg.ALL;
 USE dp_lib.dp_stream_pkg.ALL;
 USE work.tech_jesd204b_component_pkg.ALL;
+USE work.tech_jesd204b_pkg.ALL;
 ENTITY tb_tech_jesd204b IS
 END tb_tech_jesd204b;
 ARCHITECTURE tb OF tb_tech_jesd204b IS
-  CONSTANT c_sim                      : BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+  -- FALSE is use mm_clk in JESD IP, TRUE is use rxlink_clk as mm_clk in JESD IP
+  CONSTANT c_sim                      : BOOLEAN := FALSE;  -- use FALSE as on HW, to verify jesd204b_rddata
   CONSTANT c_jesd204b_sampclk_period  : TIME := 5 ns;
   CONSTANT c_bondingclk_period        : TIME := 10 ns;
@@ -108,7 +111,7 @@ ARCHITECTURE tb OF tb_tech_jesd204b IS
   SIGNAL bonding_clock_5     : STD_LOGIC := '0';
   SIGNAL pll_locked          : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 downto 0);
-  CONSTANT c_mm_clk_period   : TIME := 20 ns;  
+  CONSTANT c_mm_clk_period   : TIME := 20 ns;
   SIGNAL mm_clk              : STD_LOGIC := '0';
   -- Tb
@@ -120,7 +123,8 @@ ARCHITECTURE tb OF tb_tech_jesd204b IS
   -- JESD 
   SIGNAL jesd204b_mosi               : t_mem_mosi := c_mem_mosi_rst;
   SIGNAL jesd204b_miso               : t_mem_miso := c_mem_miso_rst; 
+  SIGNAL jesd204b_rddata             : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_word_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
   -- serial transceivers
   SIGNAL serial_tx                   : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_nof_jesd204b_tx-1 downto 0); 
   SIGNAL bck_rx                      : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_nof_streams_jesd204b-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
@@ -168,7 +172,6 @@ ARCHITECTURE tb OF tb_tech_jesd204b IS
   -- System setup
@@ -178,7 +181,6 @@ BEGIN
   jesd204b_disable_arr <= (OTHERS => '0');
   -- DUT
@@ -193,7 +195,6 @@ BEGIN
     jesd204b_sysref      => jesd204b_sysref_fpga,   
     jesd204b_sync_n_arr  => jesd204b_sync_n_fpga,   
     jesd204b_disable_arr => jesd204b_disable_arr,
     rx_sosi_arr          => rx_sosi_arr,          
@@ -213,7 +214,32 @@ BEGIN
     serial_rx_arr        => bck_rx(c_nof_streams_jesd204b-1 downto 0)
+  p_monitor_jesd204b : PROCESS
+    -- Wait until after MM interface reset_out5 = rx_avs_rst_arr in ip_arria10_e2sg_jesd204b has been released
+    WAIT UNTIL sim_done = '1';
+    proc_common_wait_some_cycles(mm_clk, 1);  -- align with mm_clk domain
+    proc_mem_mm_bus_rd(tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err_enable_adr, mm_clk, jesd204b_miso, jesd204b_mosi);
+    proc_common_wait_some_cycles(mm_clk, 1);
+    ASSERT UNSIGNED(jesd204b_rddata) = tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err_enable_reset
+        REPORT "Wrong rx_err_enable_reset: " & INTEGER'IMAGE(TO_SINT(jesd204b_rddata)) & " /= " & INTEGER'IMAGE(tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err_enable_reset) SEVERITY ERROR;
+    proc_mem_mm_bus_rd(tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err_link_reinit_adr, mm_clk, jesd204b_miso, jesd204b_mosi);
+    proc_common_wait_some_cycles(mm_clk, 1);
+    ASSERT UNSIGNED(jesd204b_rddata) = tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err_link_reinit_reset
+        REPORT "Wrong rx_err_link_reinit_reset: " & INTEGER'IMAGE(TO_SINT(jesd204b_rddata)) & " /= " & INTEGER'IMAGE(tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err_link_reinit_reset) SEVERITY ERROR;
+    proc_mem_mm_bus_rd(tech_jesd204b_field_rx_syncn_sysref_ctrl_adr, mm_clk, jesd204b_miso, jesd204b_mosi);
+    proc_mem_mm_bus_rd(tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err0_adr,              mm_clk, jesd204b_miso, jesd204b_mosi);
+    proc_mem_mm_bus_rd(tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err1_adr,              mm_clk, jesd204b_miso, jesd204b_mosi);
+    proc_mem_mm_bus_rd(tech_jesd204b_field_csr_rbd_count_adr,        mm_clk, jesd204b_miso, jesd204b_mosi);
+    proc_mem_mm_bus_rd(tech_jesd204b_field_csr_dev_syncn_adr,        mm_clk, jesd204b_miso, jesd204b_mosi);
+    WAIT;
+  jesd204b_rddata <= jesd204b_miso.rddata(c_word_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
   -- Transport 
diff --git a/libraries/technology/jesd204b/tech_jesd204b.peripheral.yaml b/libraries/technology/jesd204b/tech_jesd204b.peripheral.yaml
index a26e084526fa215b05ed95f4dda79816c5a8d29c..39125f424499c9c9c3793f229d2711024798dfa6 100644
--- a/libraries/technology/jesd204b/tech_jesd204b.peripheral.yaml
+++ b/libraries/technology/jesd204b/tech_jesd204b.peripheral.yaml
@@ -55,9 +55,14 @@ peripherals:
           - - {field_name: rx_syncn_sysref_ctrl,    mm_width: 25, bit_offset:  0, access_mode: RW, address_offset: 0x54}
           - - {field_name: rx_csr_lmfc_offset,      mm_width:  8, bit_offset: 12, access_mode: RW, address_offset: 0x54}
           - - {field_name: rx_csr_rbd_offset,       mm_width:  8, bit_offset:  3, access_mode: RW, address_offset: 0x54}
-          - - {field_name: rx_csr_sysref_always_on, mm_width:  1, bit_offset:  1, access_mode: RW, address_offset: 0x54}
+          - - {field_name: rx_csr_sysref_singled,   mm_width:  1, bit_offset:  2, access_mode: RW, address_offset: 0x54}
+          - - {field_name: rx_csr_sysref_alwayson,  mm_width:  1, bit_offset:  1, access_mode: RW, address_offset: 0x54}
+          - - {field_name: rx_csr_link_reinit,      mm_width:  1, bit_offset:  0, access_mode: RW, address_offset: 0x54}
+          - - {field_name: ctrl_reserve,            mm_width: 32, bit_offset:  0, access_mode: RO, address_offset: 0x58}
           - - {field_name: rx_err0,                 mm_width:  9, bit_offset:  0, access_mode: RW, address_offset: 0x60}
           - - {field_name: rx_err1,                 mm_width: 10, bit_offset:  0, access_mode: RW, address_offset: 0x64}
+          - - {field_name: rx_err_enable,           mm_width: 32, bit_offset:  0, access_mode: RW, address_offset: 0x74}
+          - - {field_name: rx_err_link_reinit,      mm_width: 32, bit_offset:  0, access_mode: RW, address_offset: 0x78}
           - - {field_name: csr_rbd_count,           mm_width:  8, bit_offset:  3, access_mode: RO, address_offset: 0x80}
           - - {field_name: csr_dev_syncn,           mm_width:  1, bit_offset:  0, access_mode: RO, address_offset: 0x80}
           - - {field_name: rx_status1,              mm_width: 24, bit_offset:  0, access_mode: RW, address_offset: 0x84}
diff --git a/libraries/technology/jesd204b/tech_jesd204b.vhd b/libraries/technology/jesd204b/tech_jesd204b.vhd
index d996d3682d5344dbaadd43cf1de9204d669739a2..d284c30a63cf29e13c519e30dd75c1b6e8ae587f 100644
--- a/libraries/technology/jesd204b/tech_jesd204b.vhd
+++ b/libraries/technology/jesd204b/tech_jesd204b.vhd
@@ -135,14 +135,17 @@ BEGIN
       g_sim                => g_sim,                
       g_nof_streams        => g_nof_streams,      
       g_nof_sync_n         => g_nof_sync_n,       
-      g_direction          => g_direction
+      g_direction          => g_direction,
+      g_jesd_freq          => g_jesd_freq
     PORT MAP(
       jesd204b_refclk      => jesd204b_refclk,   
       jesd204b_sysref      => jesd204b_sysref,   
       jesd204b_sync_n_arr  => jesd204b_sync_n_arr,   
-      rx_src_out_arr       => rx_sosi_arr,          
+      jesd204b_disable_arr => jesd204b_disable_arr,
+      rx_src_out_arr       => rx_sosi_arr,
       rx_clk               => rx_clk,          
       rx_rst               => rx_rst,          
       rx_sysref            => rx_sysref,          
diff --git a/libraries/technology/jesd204b/tech_jesd204b_arria10_e2sg.vhd b/libraries/technology/jesd204b/tech_jesd204b_arria10_e2sg.vhd
index c6f97ec3e904b49fc32208a0391e7fe7c0b1e229..3eee9c0d838ff6d08fb89e9e5d0e99c19257f423 100644
--- a/libraries/technology/jesd204b/tech_jesd204b_arria10_e2sg.vhd
+++ b/libraries/technology/jesd204b/tech_jesd204b_arria10_e2sg.vhd
@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ ENTITY tech_jesd204b_arria10_e2sg IS
     g_sim                 : BOOLEAN := FALSE;
     g_nof_streams         : NATURAL := 12;
     g_nof_sync_n          : NATURAL := 12;
-    g_direction           : STRING := "RX_ONLY"  -- "TX_RX", "TX_ONLY", "RX_ONLY"
+    g_direction           : STRING  := "RX_ONLY"; -- "TX_RX", "TX_ONLY", "RX_ONLY"
+    g_jesd_freq           : STRING  := "200MHz"
   PORT (
     -- JESD204B external signals
@@ -48,6 +49,8 @@ ENTITY tech_jesd204b_arria10_e2sg IS
     jesd204b_sysref       : IN STD_LOGIC := '0';                             -- SYSREF should drive ADC and FPGA with correct phase wrt jesd204b_device_clk 
     jesd204b_sync_n_arr   : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(g_nof_sync_n-1 DOWNTO 0);   -- output to control ADC initialization/syncronization phase
+    jesd204b_disable_arr  : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(g_nof_streams-1 DOWNTO 0);
     -- Data to fabric
     rx_src_out_arr        : OUT t_dp_sosi_arr(g_nof_streams-1 DOWNTO 0);    -- Parallel data out to fabric
     rx_clk                : OUT  STD_LOGIC := '0';                           -- Exported data clock (frame clock) to fabric
@@ -76,14 +79,17 @@ BEGIN
     g_sim                => g_sim,                
     g_nof_streams        => g_nof_streams,
     g_nof_sync_n         => g_nof_sync_n,      
-    g_direction          => g_direction
+    g_direction          => g_direction,
+    g_jesd_freq          => g_jesd_freq
     jesd204b_refclk      => jesd204b_refclk,   
     jesd204b_sysref      => jesd204b_sysref,   
     jesd204b_sync_n_arr  => jesd204b_sync_n_arr,   
-    rx_src_out_arr       => rx_src_out_arr,          
+    jesd204b_disable_arr => jesd204b_disable_arr,
+    rx_src_out_arr       => rx_src_out_arr,
     rx_clk               => rx_clk,          
     rx_rst               => rx_rst,          
     rx_sysref            => rx_sysref,          
diff --git a/libraries/technology/jesd204b/tech_jesd204b_component_pkg.vhd b/libraries/technology/jesd204b/tech_jesd204b_component_pkg.vhd
index b3eeb7fd74d1395b249ddd07e7cc541a2b6c80fd..aae8250e228204bb0d2622157af1efd60cb5a3eb 100644
--- a/libraries/technology/jesd204b/tech_jesd204b_component_pkg.vhd
+++ b/libraries/technology/jesd204b/tech_jesd204b_component_pkg.vhd
@@ -139,7 +139,8 @@ PACKAGE tech_jesd204b_component_pkg IS
     g_sim                 : BOOLEAN := FALSE;
     g_nof_streams         : NATURAL := 1;
     g_nof_sync_n          : NATURAL := 1;
-    g_direction           : STRING := "RX_ONLY"  -- "TX_RX", "TX_ONLY", "RX_ONLY"
+    g_direction           : STRING  := "RX_ONLY"; -- "TX_RX", "TX_ONLY", "RX_ONLY"
+    g_jesd_freq           : STRING  := "200MHz"
   PORT (
     -- JESD204B external signals
@@ -157,6 +158,8 @@ PACKAGE tech_jesd204b_component_pkg IS
     mm_clk                : IN  STD_LOGIC;
     mm_rst                : IN  STD_LOGIC;
+    jesd204b_disable_arr  : IN  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(g_nof_streams-1 DOWNTO 0);
     jesd204b_mosi         : IN  t_mem_mosi;                      --  mm control
     jesd204b_miso         : OUT t_mem_miso; 
diff --git a/libraries/technology/jesd204b/tech_jesd204b_pkg.vhd b/libraries/technology/jesd204b/tech_jesd204b_pkg.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1279e699baa38ce62f44d16f77c940699a5ee676
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/technology/jesd204b/tech_jesd204b_pkg.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+-- Copyright 2021
+-- ASTRON (Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy) <http://www.astron.nl/>
+-- P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands
+-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
+--     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+-- Author: E. Kooistra
+-- Purpose: Test bench parameters for the JESD204B IP.
+-- Description:
+-- Remark:
+-- . From:
+--   - registermap-jesd-rx.xlsx
+--   - JESD204B Intel® FPGA IP User Guide, Updated for Intel® Quartus® Prime
+--     Design Suite: 19.4, IP Version: 19.2.0
+LIBRARY IEEE, technology_lib;
+USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.ALL;
+PACKAGE tech_jesd204b_pkg IS
+  -- Intel ARRIA10 IP MM interface
+  -- . JESD204B MM has 256 bytes = 64 words, so span_w = 6 would be enough,
+  --   but using span_w = 8 and span = 256 words is fine too.
+  CONSTANT tech_jesd204b_port_span_w             : NATURAL := 8;
+  CONSTANT tech_jesd204b_port_span               : NATURAL := 2**tech_jesd204b_port_span_w;
+  CONSTANT tech_jesd204b_field_rx_syncn_sysref_ctrl_adr             : NATURAL := 16#54# / 4;
+  CONSTANT tech_jesd204b_field_rx_syncn_sysref_ctrl_link_reinit     : NATURAL := 1;
+  CONSTANT tech_jesd204b_field_rx_syncn_sysref_ctrl_sysref_singled  : NATURAL := 2;
+  CONSTANT tech_jesd204b_field_rx_syncn_sysref_ctrl_sysref_alwayson : NATURAL := 4;
+  CONSTANT tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err0_adr       : NATURAL := 16#60# / 4;
+  CONSTANT tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err0_w         : NATURAL := 9;
+  CONSTANT tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err0_lo        : NATURAL := 0;
+  CONSTANT tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err0_hi        : NATURAL := tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err0_w-1 + tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err0_lo;
+  CONSTANT tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err1_adr       : NATURAL := 16#64# / 4;
+  CONSTANT tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err1_w         : NATURAL := 10;
+  CONSTANT tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err1_lo        : NATURAL := 0;
+  CONSTANT tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err1_hi        : NATURAL := tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err1_w-1 + tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err1_lo;
+  CONSTANT tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err_enable_adr        : NATURAL := 16#74# / 4;
+  CONSTANT tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err_enable_reset      : INTEGER := 16#17F9FE#;
+  CONSTANT tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err_link_reinit_adr   : NATURAL := 16#78# / 4;
+  CONSTANT tech_jesd204b_field_rx_err_link_reinit_reset : INTEGER := 16#3902#;
+  CONSTANT tech_jesd204b_field_csr_rbd_count_adr : NATURAL := 16#80# / 4;
+  CONSTANT tech_jesd204b_field_csr_rbd_count_w   : NATURAL := 8;
+  CONSTANT tech_jesd204b_field_csr_rbd_count_lo  : NATURAL := 3;
+  CONSTANT tech_jesd204b_field_csr_rbd_count_hi  : NATURAL := tech_jesd204b_field_csr_rbd_count_w-1 + tech_jesd204b_field_csr_rbd_count_lo;
+  CONSTANT tech_jesd204b_field_csr_dev_syncn_adr : NATURAL := 16#80# / 4;
+  CONSTANT tech_jesd204b_field_csr_dev_syncn_w   : NATURAL := 1;
+  CONSTANT tech_jesd204b_field_csr_dev_syncn_lo  : NATURAL := 0;
+  CONSTANT tech_jesd204b_field_csr_dev_syncn_hi  : NATURAL := tech_jesd204b_field_csr_dev_syncn_w-1 + tech_jesd204b_field_csr_dev_syncn_lo;
+END tech_jesd204b_pkg;
+PACKAGE BODY tech_jesd204b_pkg IS
+END tech_jesd204b_pkg;