diff --git a/applications/apertif/designs/apertif_unb1_correlator/revisions/apertif_unb1_correlator_full/apertif_unb1_correlator_full.vhd b/applications/apertif/designs/apertif_unb1_correlator/revisions/apertif_unb1_correlator_full/apertif_unb1_correlator_full.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5fbf20441a9d42fbbb32edc99dc9017f793b9c88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/apertif/designs/apertif_unb1_correlator/revisions/apertif_unb1_correlator_full/apertif_unb1_correlator_full.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+-- Copyright (C) 2014
+-- ASTRON (Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy) <http://www.astron.nl/>
+-- JIVE (Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe) <http://www.jive.nl/>
+-- P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands
+-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+-- (at your option) any later version.
+-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-- GNU General Public License for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+LIBRARY IEEE, common_lib, unb1_board_lib;
+USE unb1_board_lib.unb1_board_pkg.ALL;
+-- Purpose:
+ENTITY apertif_unb1_correlator_full IS
+    g_design_name             : STRING  := "apertif_unb1_correlator_full";
+    g_design_note             : STRING  := "complete correlator"; 
+    g_sim                     : BOOLEAN := FALSE; -- Overridden by TB
+    g_sim_level               : NATURAL := 0; 
+    g_sim_fast                : BOOLEAN := TRUE; -- TRUE = fast accumulator model and no inter-channel delay in the correlator output stream.
+    g_sim_unb_nr              : NATURAL := 0;
+    g_sim_node_nr             : NATURAL := 0;
+    g_stamp_date              : NATURAL := 0;    -- Date (YYYYMMDD) -- set by QSF
+    g_stamp_time              : NATURAL := 0;    -- Time (HHMMSS)   -- set by QSF
+    g_stamp_svn               : NATURAL := 0     -- SVN revision    -- set by QSF
+  );
+  PORT (
+    -- GENERAL
+    CLK           : IN    STD_LOGIC; -- System Clock
+    PPS           : IN    STD_LOGIC; -- System Sync
+    WDI           : OUT   STD_LOGIC; -- Watchdog Clear
+    INTA          : INOUT STD_LOGIC; -- FPGA interconnect line
+    INTB          : INOUT STD_LOGIC; -- FPGA interconnect line
+    -- Others     
+    VERSION       : IN    STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb1_board_aux.version_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+    ID            : IN    STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb1_board_aux.id_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+    TESTIO        : INOUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb1_board_aux.testio_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+    -- I2C Interface to Sensors
+    sens_sc       : INOUT STD_LOGIC;
+    sens_sd       : INOUT STD_LOGIC;
+    -- 1GbE Control Interface
+    ETH_clk       : IN    STD_LOGIC;
+    ETH_SGIN      : IN    STD_LOGIC;
+    -- Transceiver clocks
+    SA_CLK        : IN  STD_LOGIC; -- SerDes Clock BN-BI / SI_FN
+    SB_CLK        : IN  STD_LOGIC; -- SerDes clock FN-BN (tr_mesh)
+    -- Mesh Serial I/O
+    FN_BN_0_TX    : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb1_board_tr_mesh.bus_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+    FN_BN_0_RX    : IN  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb1_board_tr_mesh.bus_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+    FN_BN_1_TX    : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb1_board_tr_mesh.bus_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+    FN_BN_1_RX    : IN  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb1_board_tr_mesh.bus_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+    FN_BN_2_TX    : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb1_board_tr_mesh.bus_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+    FN_BN_2_RX    : IN  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb1_board_tr_mesh.bus_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+    FN_BN_3_TX    : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb1_board_tr_mesh.bus_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+    FN_BN_3_RX    : IN  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb1_board_tr_mesh.bus_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+    -- Serial I/O: 10GbE receivers 
+    SI_FN_0_TX    : OUT   STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb1_board_ci.tr.bus_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+    SI_FN_0_RX    : IN    STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb1_board_ci.tr.bus_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+    SI_FN_1_TX    : OUT   STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb1_board_ci.tr.bus_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+    SI_FN_1_RX    : IN    STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb1_board_ci.tr.bus_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+    SI_FN_2_TX    : OUT   STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb1_board_ci.tr.bus_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+    SI_FN_2_RX    : IN    STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb1_board_ci.tr.bus_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+    SI_FN_3_TX    : OUT   STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb1_board_ci.tr.bus_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+    SI_FN_3_RX    : IN    STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb1_board_ci.tr.bus_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+    SI_FN_0_CNTRL : INOUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb1_board_ci.tr.cntrl_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+    SI_FN_1_CNTRL : INOUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb1_board_ci.tr.cntrl_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+    SI_FN_2_CNTRL : INOUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb1_board_ci.tr.cntrl_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+    SI_FN_3_CNTRL : INOUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb1_board_ci.tr.cntrl_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+    SI_FN_RSTN    : OUT   STD_LOGIC := '1' -- ResetN is pulled up in the Vitesse chip, but pulled down again by external 1k resistor.
+                                           -- So we need to assign a '1' to it.
+  );
+END apertif_unb1_correlator_full;
+ARCHITECTURE str OF apertif_unb1_correlator_full IS
+  u_revision : ENTITY work.apertif_unb1_correlator_nodes
+  GENERIC MAP (    
+    g_design_name => g_design_name,
+    g_design_note => g_design_note,
+    g_sim         => g_sim,        
+    g_sim_level   => g_sim_level,
+    g_sim_fast    => g_sim_fast,               
+    g_sim_unb_nr  => g_sim_unb_nr, 
+    g_sim_node_nr => g_sim_node_nr,
+    g_stamp_date  => g_stamp_date, 
+    g_stamp_time  => g_stamp_time, 
+    g_stamp_svn   => g_stamp_svn
+  )
+    -- GENERAL
+    CLK           => CLK,           
+    PPS           => PPS,           
+    WDI           => WDI,           
+    INTA          => INTA,          
+    INTB          => INTB,          
+    VERSION       => VERSION,       
+    ID            => ID,            
+    TESTIO        => TESTIO,
+    sens_sc       => sens_sc,       
+    sens_sd       => sens_sd,       
+    ETH_clk       => ETH_clk,       
+    ETH_SGIN      => ETH_SGIN,      
+    ETH_SGOUT     => ETH_SGOUT,     
+    SA_CLK        => SA_CLK,        
+    SB_CLK        => SB_CLK,        
+    FN_BN_0_TX    => FN_BN_0_TX,    
+    FN_BN_0_RX    => FN_BN_0_RX,    
+    FN_BN_1_TX    => FN_BN_1_TX,    
+    FN_BN_1_RX    => FN_BN_1_RX,    
+    FN_BN_2_TX    => FN_BN_2_TX,    
+    FN_BN_2_RX    => FN_BN_2_RX,    
+    FN_BN_3_TX    => FN_BN_3_TX,    
+    FN_BN_3_RX    => FN_BN_3_RX,    
+    SI_FN_0_TX    => SI_FN_0_TX,    
+    SI_FN_0_RX    => SI_FN_0_RX,    
+    SI_FN_1_TX    => SI_FN_1_TX,    
+    SI_FN_1_RX    => SI_FN_1_RX,    
+    SI_FN_2_TX    => SI_FN_2_TX,    
+    SI_FN_2_RX    => SI_FN_2_RX,    
+    SI_FN_3_TX    => SI_FN_3_TX,    
+    SI_FN_3_RX    => SI_FN_3_RX,    
+    SI_FN_0_CNTRL => SI_FN_0_CNTRL, 
+    SI_FN_1_CNTRL => SI_FN_1_CNTRL, 
+    SI_FN_2_CNTRL => SI_FN_2_CNTRL, 
+    SI_FN_3_CNTRL => SI_FN_3_CNTRL, 
+    SI_FN_RSTN    => SI_FN_RSTN    
+  );
+END str;
diff --git a/applications/apertif/designs/apertif_unb1_correlator/revisions/apertif_unb1_correlator_full/hdllib.cfg b/applications/apertif/designs/apertif_unb1_correlator/revisions/apertif_unb1_correlator_full/hdllib.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dcb84223658d7aa02944f587af3d99d6abce270a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/apertif/designs/apertif_unb1_correlator/revisions/apertif_unb1_correlator_full/hdllib.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+hdl_lib_name = apertif_unb1_correlator_full
+hdl_library_clause_name = apertif_unb1_correlator_full_lib
+hdl_lib_uses_synth = common mm dp i2c unb1_board tr_10GbE correlator diag rTwoSDF wpfb st filter fft apertif bf
+hdl_lib_uses_sim = 
+hdl_lib_technology = ip_stratixiv
+synth_top_level_entity =
+quartus_copy_files =
+    ../../quartus/qsys_apertif_unb1_correlator.qsys .
+    ../../src/hex/ hex
+    $UNB/Firmware/dsp/filter/build/data/ mif
+modelsim_copy_files = 
+    ../../src/hex hex
+    $UNB/Firmware/dsp/filter/build/data/ mif
+synth_files =
+    $HDL_BUILD_DIR/unb1/quartus/apertif_unb1_correlator_full/qsys_apertif_unb1_correlator/synthesis/qsys_apertif_unb1_correlator.v
+    ../../src/vhdl/apertif_unb1_correlator_pkg.vhd
+    ../../src/vhdl/mmm_apertif_unb1_correlator.vhd
+    ../../src/vhdl/apertif_unb1_correlator_vis_offload.vhd
+    ../../src/vhdl/node_apertif_unb1_correlator_input.vhd
+    ../../src/vhdl/node_apertif_unb1_correlator_mesh.vhd
+    ../../src/vhdl/node_apertif_unb1_correlator_processing.vhd
+    ../../src/vhdl/apertif_unb1_correlator_nodes.vhd
+    apertif_unb1_correlator_full.vhd
+test_bench_files = 
+    tb_apertif_unb1_correlator_full.vhd
+quartus_qsf_files = 
+    $RADIOHDL/boards/uniboard1/libraries/unb1_board/quartus/unb1_board.qsf
+quartus_tcl_files =
+    ../../quartus/apertif_unb1_correlator_pins.tcl
+quartus_vhdl_files = 
+quartus_qip_files =
+    $HDL_BUILD_DIR/unb1/quartus/apertif_unb1_correlator_full/qsys_apertif_unb1_correlator/synthesis/qsys_apertif_unb1_correlator.qip
+quartus_sdc_files =
+    $RADIOHDL/boards/uniboard1/libraries/unb1_board/quartus/unb1_board.sdc    
diff --git a/applications/apertif/designs/apertif_unb1_correlator/revisions/apertif_unb1_correlator_full/tb_apertif_unb1_correlator_full.vhd b/applications/apertif/designs/apertif_unb1_correlator/revisions/apertif_unb1_correlator_full/tb_apertif_unb1_correlator_full.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c23d5457f0986dfd45af30f1ea0331a852349490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/apertif/designs/apertif_unb1_correlator/revisions/apertif_unb1_correlator_full/tb_apertif_unb1_correlator_full.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+-- Copyright (C) 2012
+-- ASTRON (Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy) <http://www.astron.nl/>
+-- JIVE (Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe) <http://www.jive.nl/>
+-- P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands
+-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+-- (at your option) any later version.
+-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-- GNU General Public License for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+-- Purpose: Verify that unb1_terminal_bg_mesh_db can simulate
+-- Description:
+--             Each node sends 8 streams of data via a block generator. Eacht stream 
+--             is targetting one of the 8 nodes. The data value in the real part of the 
+--             data stream represents the source node. The data value in the imag part
+--             of the data represents the destination node. The following table shows the 
+--             data values of each stream per node: 
+--             STREAMS --> S0    | S1    | S2    | S3    | S4    | S5    | S6    | S7   
+--             NODE        RE IM | RE IM | RE IM | RE IM | RE IM | RE IM | RE IM | RE IM
+--              0 (FN0)     0  0 |  0  1 |  0  2 |  0  3 |  0  4 |  0  5 |  0  6 |  0  7
+--              1 (FN1)     1  0 |  1  1 |  1  2 |  1  3 |  1  4 |  1  5 |  1  6 |  1  7
+--              2 (FN2)     2  0 |  2  1 |  2  2 |  2  3 |  2  4 |  2  5 |  2  6 |  2  7
+--              3 (FN3)     3  0 |  3  1 |  3  2 |  3  3 |  3  4 |  3  5 |  3  6 |  3  7
+--              4 (BN0)     4  0 |  4  1 |  4  2 |  4  3 |  4  4 |  4  5 |  4  6 |  4  7
+--              5 (BN1)     5  0 |  5  1 |  5  2 |  5  3 |  5  4 |  5  5 |  5  6 |  5  7
+--              6 (BN2)     6  0 |  6  1 |  6  2 |  6  3 |  6  4 |  6  5 |  6  6 |  6  7
+--              7 (BN3)     7  0 |  7  1 |  7  2 |  7  3 |  7  4 |  7  5 |  7  6 |  7  7
+--             Naturally the data received at each node should be the data that was targeted
+--             for that specific node. The real parts marks the source node and the imag part
+--             marks the destination node. Unfortunately the source and destination labeling
+--             are not accordingly (FIXME?: that requires new settings for the reorder_rewire) 
+--             Here are the source and destination numbers linked to the nodes: 
+--             NODE        Source | Destination
+--              0 (FN0)      0    |     0
+--              1 (FN1)      1    |     2
+--              2 (FN2)      2    |     4
+--              3 (FN3)      3    |     6
+--              4 (BN0)      4    |     1
+--              5 (BN1)      5    |     3
+--              6 (BN2)      6    |     5
+--              7 (BN3)      7    |     7
+--             Therefor the data received at the databuffers at 
+--             each node should be according to the next table: 
+--             STREAMS --> S0    | S1    | S2    | S3    | S4    | S5    | S6    | S7   
+--             NODE        RE IM | RE IM | RE IM | RE IM | RE IM | RE IM | RE IM | RE IM
+--              0 (FN0)     0  0 |  1  0 |  2  0 |  3  0 |  4  0 |  5  0 |  6  0 |  7  0
+--              1 (FN1)     0  2 |  1  2 |  2  2 |  3  2 |  4  2 |  5  2 |  6  2 |  7  2
+--              2 (FN2)     0  4 |  1  4 |  2  4 |  3  4 |  4  4 |  5  4 |  6  4 |  7  4
+--              3 (FN3)     0  6 |  1  6 |  2  6 |  3  6 |  4  6 |  5  6 |  6  6 |  7  6
+--              4 (BN0)     0  1 |  1  1 |  2  1 |  3  1 |  4  1 |  5  1 |  6  1 |  7  1
+--              5 (BN1)     0  3 |  1  3 |  2  3 |  3  3 |  4  3 |  5  3 |  6  3 |  7  3
+--              6 (BN2)     0  5 |  1  5 |  2  5 |  3  5 |  4  5 |  5  5 |  6  5 |  7  5
+--              7 (BN3)     0  7 |  1  7 |  2  7 |  3  7 |  4  7 |  5  7 |  6  7 |  7  7
+-- Usage:
+--   > as 8
+--   > run 10 us
+LIBRARY IEEE, common_lib, unb1_board_lib;
+USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.ALL;
+USE IEEE.numeric_std.ALL;
+USE common_lib.common_pkg.ALL;
+USE common_lib.tb_common_pkg.ALL;
+USE unb1_board_lib.unb1_board_pkg.ALL;    
+USE unb1_board_lib.tb_unb1_board_pkg.ALL;    
+ENTITY tb_apertif_unb1_correlator_full IS
+END tb_apertif_unb1_correlator_full;
+ARCHITECTURE tb OF tb_apertif_unb1_correlator_full IS
+  CONSTANT c_sim             : BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+  CONSTANT c_version         : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0) := "00";
+  CONSTANT c_sim_level       : NATURAL := 1; 
+  CONSTANT c_nof_bn          : NATURAL := 4;
+  CONSTANT c_nof_fn          : NATURAL := 4;
+  CONSTANT c_nof_nodes       : NATURAL := c_nof_bn + c_nof_fn;
+  CONSTANT c_ena_mesh_reorder: BOOLEAN := TRUE; 
+  CONSTANT c_sim_unb_nr      : NATURAL := 0;
+  CONSTANT c_cable_delay     : TIME := 12 ns;
+  CONSTANT c_ext_clk_period  : TIME := 5 ns;  -- 200 MHz
+  CONSTANT c_eth_clk_period  : TIME := 40 ns;  -- 25 MHz XO on UniBoard                                                                             
+  CONSTANT c_tr_clk_period   : TIME := 6400 ps;  -- 156.25 MHz XO on UniBoard                                                                             
+  CONSTANT c_pps_period      : NATURAL := 1000; 
+  TYPE t_mesh_arr IS ARRAY  (0 TO c_nof_nodes-1) OF STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb1_board_tr_mesh.bus_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+  -- DUT
+  SIGNAL WDI                 : STD_LOGIC;
+  SIGNAL ext_pps             : STD_LOGIC;
+  SIGNAL pps_rst             : STD_LOGIC := '0';
+  SIGNAL ext_clk             : STD_LOGIC := '0';
+  SIGNAL INTA                : STD_LOGIC;
+  SIGNAL INTB                : STD_LOGIC;
+  SIGNAL VERSION             : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb1_board_aux.version_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+  SIGNAL ID                  : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb1_board_aux.id_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+  SIGNAL TESTIO              : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb1_board_aux.testio_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+  SIGNAL sens_scl            : STD_LOGIC;
+  SIGNAL sens_sda            : STD_LOGIC;
+  SIGNAL eth_clk             : STD_LOGIC := '0';
+  SIGNAL eth_txp             : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_nof_nodes-1 DOWNTO 0);
+  SIGNAL eth_rxp             : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_nof_nodes-1 DOWNTO 0);
+  SIGNAL tr_clk              : STD_LOGIC := '0';
+  SIGNAL FN_BN_0_TX_arr      : t_mesh_arr;
+  SIGNAL FN_BN_0_RX_arr      : t_mesh_arr;
+  SIGNAL FN_BN_1_TX_arr      : t_mesh_arr;
+  SIGNAL FN_BN_1_RX_arr      : t_mesh_arr;
+  SIGNAL FN_BN_2_TX_arr      : t_mesh_arr;
+  SIGNAL FN_BN_2_RX_arr      : t_mesh_arr;
+  SIGNAL FN_BN_3_TX_arr      : t_mesh_arr;
+  SIGNAL FN_BN_3_RX_arr      : t_mesh_arr;
+  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- BN & FN mesh side serial I/O
+  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  SIGNAL bn_out_mesh_serial_3arr : t_unb1_board_mesh_sl_3arr;
+  SIGNAL bn_in_mesh_serial_3arr  : t_unb1_board_mesh_sl_3arr;
+  SIGNAL fn_in_mesh_serial_3arr  : t_unb1_board_mesh_sl_3arr;
+  SIGNAL fn_out_mesh_serial_3arr : t_unb1_board_mesh_sl_3arr;
+  -- Run 1 ms
+  ext_clk <= NOT ext_clk AFTER c_ext_clk_period/2;  -- External clock (200 MHz) 
+  eth_clk <= NOT eth_clk AFTER c_eth_clk_period/2;  -- 1GbE XO clock (25 MHz) 
+  tr_clk  <= NOT tr_clk  AFTER c_tr_clk_period/2;    -- Transceiver clock (156.25 MHz) 
+  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- External PPS
+  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------  
+  proc_common_gen_pulse(1, c_pps_period, '1', pps_rst, ext_clk, ext_pps);
+  INTA <= 'H';  -- pull up
+  INTB <= 'H';  -- pull up
+  sens_scl <= 'H';  -- pull up
+  sens_sda <= 'H';  -- pull up
+  VERSION <= c_version;
+  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- UniBoard
+  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  gen_bn: FOR BN IN 0 TO c_nof_bn-1 GENERATE  
+    u_bn : ENTITY work.apertif_unb1_correlator_full
+      -- General
+      g_sim         => c_sim,
+      g_sim_level   => c_sim_level,
+      g_sim_unb_nr  => c_sim_unb_nr,
+      g_sim_node_nr => (BN + 4)
+    )
+    PORT MAP (
+      -- GENERAL
+      WDI           => WDI,
+      CLK           => ext_clk, 
+      PPS           => ext_pps,
+      INTA          => INTA,
+      INTB          => INTB,
+      -- Others
+      VERSION       => VERSION,
+      ID            => TO_UVEC(BN + 4, c_unb1_board_aux.id_w),  -- BN chip ID 4,5,6,7
+      TESTIO        => TESTIO,
+      -- I2C Interface to Sensors
+      sens_sc       => sens_scl, 
+      sens_sd       => sens_sda,
+      -- 1GbE Control Interface
+      ETH_clk       => eth_clk,   -- ETH reference clock also used for system reference clock
+      ETH_SGIN      => eth_rxp(BN + c_nof_fn),
+      ETH_SGOUT     => eth_txp(BN + c_nof_fn),
+      -- Transceiver clocks                            
+      SA_CLK        => '0',
+      SB_CLK        => tr_clk,  -- TR clock FN-BN(mesh)
+      -- Mesh serial I/O
+      FN_BN_0_TX    => FN_BN_0_TX_arr(BN + c_nof_fn),
+      FN_BN_0_RX    => FN_BN_0_RX_arr(BN + c_nof_fn),
+      FN_BN_1_TX    => FN_BN_1_TX_arr(BN + c_nof_fn),
+      FN_BN_1_RX    => FN_BN_1_RX_arr(BN + c_nof_fn),
+      FN_BN_2_TX    => FN_BN_2_TX_arr(BN + c_nof_fn),
+      FN_BN_2_RX    => FN_BN_2_RX_arr(BN + c_nof_fn),
+      FN_BN_3_TX    => FN_BN_3_TX_arr(BN + c_nof_fn),
+      FN_BN_3_RX    => FN_BN_3_RX_arr(BN + c_nof_fn),
+      SI_FN_0_RX    => (OTHERS => '0'), 
+      SI_FN_1_RX    => (OTHERS => '0'), 
+      SI_FN_2_RX    => (OTHERS => '0'), 
+      SI_FN_3_RX    => (OTHERS => '0')  
+    ); 
+    -- Use mesh_io block to create 3arr format for the mesh model. 
+    u_mesh_io : ENTITY unb1_board_lib.unb1_board_mesh_io
+      g_bus_w => c_unb1_board_tr_mesh.bus_w
+    )
+    PORT MAP (
+      tx_serial_2arr => bn_in_mesh_serial_3arr(BN),
+      rx_serial_2arr => bn_out_mesh_serial_3arr(BN),
+      -- Serial I/O
+      FN_BN_0_TX     => FN_BN_0_RX_arr(BN + c_nof_fn),
+      FN_BN_0_RX     => FN_BN_0_TX_arr(BN + c_nof_fn),
+      FN_BN_1_TX     => FN_BN_1_RX_arr(BN + c_nof_fn),
+      FN_BN_1_RX     => FN_BN_1_TX_arr(BN + c_nof_fn),
+      FN_BN_2_TX     => FN_BN_2_RX_arr(BN + c_nof_fn),
+      FN_BN_2_RX     => FN_BN_2_TX_arr(BN + c_nof_fn),
+      FN_BN_3_TX     => FN_BN_3_RX_arr(BN + c_nof_fn),
+      FN_BN_3_RX     => FN_BN_3_TX_arr(BN + c_nof_fn)
+    );
+  gen_fn: FOR FN IN 0 TO c_nof_fn-1 GENERATE  
+    u_fn : ENTITY work.apertif_unb1_correlator_full
+      -- General
+      g_sim         => c_sim,
+      g_sim_level   => c_sim_level,
+      g_sim_unb_nr  => c_sim_unb_nr,
+      g_sim_node_nr => FN
+    )
+    PORT MAP (
+      -- GENERAL
+      WDI           => WDI,
+      CLK           => ext_clk, 
+      PPS           => ext_pps,
+      INTA          => INTA,
+      INTB          => INTB,
+      -- Others
+      VERSION       => VERSION,
+      ID            => TO_UVEC(FN, c_unb1_board_aux.id_w), -- FN chip ID 0,1,2,3,
+      TESTIO        => TESTIO,
+      -- I2C Interface to Sensors
+      sens_sc       => sens_scl, 
+      sens_sd       => sens_sda,
+      -- 1GbE Control Interface
+      ETH_clk       => eth_clk,   -- ETH reference clock also used for system reference clock
+      ETH_SGIN      => eth_rxp(FN),
+      ETH_SGOUT     => eth_txp(FN),
+      -- Transceiver clocks    
+      SA_CLK        => '0',
+      SB_CLK        => tr_clk,  -- TR clock FN-BN(mesh)
+      -- Mesh serial I/O
+      FN_BN_0_TX    => FN_BN_0_TX_arr(FN),
+      FN_BN_0_RX    => FN_BN_0_RX_arr(FN),
+      FN_BN_1_TX    => FN_BN_1_TX_arr(FN),
+      FN_BN_1_RX    => FN_BN_1_RX_arr(FN),
+      FN_BN_2_TX    => FN_BN_2_TX_arr(FN),
+      FN_BN_2_RX    => FN_BN_2_RX_arr(FN),
+      FN_BN_3_TX    => FN_BN_3_TX_arr(FN),
+      FN_BN_3_RX    => FN_BN_3_RX_arr(FN),
+      SI_FN_0_RX    => (OTHERS => '0'),
+      SI_FN_1_RX    => (OTHERS => '0'),
+      SI_FN_2_RX    => (OTHERS => '0'),
+      SI_FN_3_RX    => (OTHERS => '0') 
+    ); 
+    -- Use mesh_io block to create 3arr format for the mesh model.
+    u_mesh_io : ENTITY unb1_board_lib.unb1_board_mesh_io
+      g_bus_w => c_unb1_board_tr_mesh.bus_w
+    )
+    PORT MAP (
+      tx_serial_2arr => fn_in_mesh_serial_3arr(FN),
+      rx_serial_2arr => fn_out_mesh_serial_3arr(FN),
+      -- Serial I/O
+      FN_BN_0_TX     => FN_BN_0_RX_arr(FN),
+      FN_BN_0_RX     => FN_BN_0_TX_arr(FN),
+      FN_BN_1_TX     => FN_BN_1_RX_arr(FN),
+      FN_BN_1_RX     => FN_BN_1_TX_arr(FN),
+      FN_BN_2_TX     => FN_BN_2_RX_arr(FN),
+      FN_BN_2_RX     => FN_BN_2_TX_arr(FN),
+      FN_BN_3_TX     => FN_BN_3_RX_arr(FN),
+      FN_BN_3_RX     => FN_BN_3_TX_arr(FN)
+    );
+  -- Direct interconnect BN0<->FN0.
+  no_mesh : IF c_nof_bn=1 AND c_nof_fn=1 GENERATE
+    fn_in_mesh_serial_3arr(0) <= bn_out_mesh_serial_3arr(0);
+    bn_in_mesh_serial_3arr(0) <= fn_out_mesh_serial_3arr(0);
+  -- Mesh model
+  gen_mesh : IF c_nof_bn>1 OR c_nof_fn>1 GENERATE
+    u_mesh_model_serial : ENTITY unb1_board_lib.unb1_board_mesh_model_sl
+      g_reorder      => c_ena_mesh_reorder
+    )
+    PORT MAP (
+      -- FN to BN
+      fn_tx_sl_3arr  => fn_out_mesh_serial_3arr,
+      bn_rx_sl_3arr  => bn_in_mesh_serial_3arr,
+      -- BN to FN
+      bn_tx_sl_3arr  => bn_out_mesh_serial_3arr,
+      fn_rx_sl_3arr  => fn_in_mesh_serial_3arr
+    );
+END tb;
diff --git a/applications/apertif/designs/apertif_unb1_correlator/revisions/apertif_unb1_correlator_full/tb_apertif_unb1_correlator_full.vhd.bak b/applications/apertif/designs/apertif_unb1_correlator/revisions/apertif_unb1_correlator_full/tb_apertif_unb1_correlator_full.vhd.bak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fbba4814029470f2352ab1bace67af5e23be5db9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/apertif/designs/apertif_unb1_correlator/revisions/apertif_unb1_correlator_full/tb_apertif_unb1_correlator_full.vhd.bak
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+-- Copyright (C) 2014
+-- ASTRON (Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy) <http://www.astron.nl/>
+-- JIVE (Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe) <http://www.jive.nl/>
+-- P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands
+-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+-- (at your option) any later version.
+-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-- GNU General Public License for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+-- Purpose:
+-- Description:
+-- Usage:
+LIBRARY IEEE, common_lib, unb1_board_lib, i2c_lib;
+USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.ALL;
+USE IEEE.numeric_std.ALL;
+USE common_lib.common_pkg.ALL;
+USE unb1_board_lib.unb1_board_pkg.ALL;
+USE common_lib.tb_common_pkg.ALL;
+ENTITY tb_apertif_unb1_correlator_full IS
+END tb_apertif_unb1_correlator_full;
+ARCHITECTURE tb OF tb_apertif_unb1_correlator_full IS
+  CONSTANT c_sim             : BOOLEAN := TRUE;
+  CONSTANT c_unb_nr          : NATURAL := 0; -- UniBoard 0
+  CONSTANT c_node_nr         : NATURAL := 7; -- Back node 3
+  CONSTANT c_id              : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0) := TO_UVEC(c_unb_nr, c_unb1_board_nof_uniboard_w) & TO_UVEC(c_node_nr, c_unb1_board_nof_chip_w);
+  CONSTANT c_version         : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0) := "00";
+  CONSTANT c_fw_version      : t_unb1_board_fw_version := (1, 0);
+  CONSTANT c_cable_delay     : TIME := 12 ns;
+  CONSTANT c_eth_clk_period  : TIME := 40 ns;  -- 25 MHz XO on UniBoard
+  CONSTANT c_sa_clk_period   : TIME := 6.4 ns;  
+  CONSTANT c_clk_period      : TIME := 5 ns; 
+  CONSTANT c_pps_period      : NATURAL := 1000; 
+  -- DUT
+  SIGNAL clk                 : STD_LOGIC := '0';
+  SIGNAL pps                 : STD_LOGIC := '0';
+  SIGNAL pps_rst             : STD_LOGIC := '0';
+  SIGNAL sa_clk              : STD_LOGIC := '1';
+  SIGNAL WDI                 : STD_LOGIC;
+  SIGNAL INTA                : STD_LOGIC;
+  SIGNAL INTB                : STD_LOGIC;
+  SIGNAL eth_clk             : STD_LOGIC := '0';
+  SIGNAL eth_txp             : STD_LOGIC;
+  SIGNAL eth_rxp             : STD_LOGIC;
+  SIGNAL VERSION             : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb1_board_aux.version_w-1 DOWNTO 0) := c_version; 
+  SIGNAL ID                  : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb1_board_aux.id_w-1 DOWNTO 0)      := c_id;
+  SIGNAL TESTIO              : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb1_board_aux.testio_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+  SIGNAL sens_scl            : STD_LOGIC;
+  SIGNAL sens_sda            : STD_LOGIC;
+  SIGNAL si_fn_0_tx          : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb1_board_ci.tr.bus_w-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');  
+  SIGNAL fn_bn_0_tx          : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb1_board_tr_mesh.bus_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+  SIGNAL fn_bn_1_tx          : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb1_board_tr_mesh.bus_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+  SIGNAL fn_bn_2_tx          : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb1_board_tr_mesh.bus_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+  SIGNAL fn_bn_3_tx          : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb1_board_tr_mesh.bus_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- System setup
+  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  clk     <= NOT clk AFTER c_clk_period/2;        -- External clock (200 MHz)
+  eth_clk <= NOT eth_clk AFTER c_eth_clk_period/2;  -- Ethernet ref clock (25 MHz)
+  sa_clk  <= NOT sa_clk  AFTER c_sa_clk_period/2;
+  INTA <= 'H';  -- pull up
+  INTB <= 'H';  -- pull up
+  sens_scl <= 'H';  -- pull up
+  sens_sda <= 'H';  -- pull up
+  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- External PPS
+  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------  
+  proc_common_gen_pulse(1, c_pps_period, '1', pps_rst, clk, pps);
+  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- DUT
+  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  u_dut : ENTITY work.apertif_unb1_correlator_full
+      g_sim         => c_sim,
+      g_sim_unb_nr  => c_unb_nr,
+      g_sim_node_nr => c_node_nr
+    )
+    PORT MAP (
+      -- GENERAL
+      CLK         => clk,
+      PPS         => pps,
+      WDI         => WDI,
+      INTA        => INTA,
+      INTB        => INTB,
+      sens_sc     => sens_scl,
+      sens_sd     => sens_sda,
+      -- Others
+      VERSION     => VERSION,
+      ID          => ID,
+      TESTIO      => TESTIO,
+      -- 1GbE Control Interface
+      ETH_clk     => eth_clk,
+      ETH_SGIN    => eth_rxp,
+      ETH_SGOUT   => eth_txp,
+      -- Transceiver clocks
+      SA_CLK      => sa_clk,  --  : IN  STD_LOGIC; -- SerDes Clock BN-BI / SI_FN
+      SB_CLK      => sa_clk,
+      -- Serial I/O
+      SI_FN_0_RX  => si_fn_0_tx,
+      SI_FN_1_RX  => si_fn_0_tx,
+      SI_FN_2_RX  => si_fn_0_tx,
+      SI_FN_3_RX  => si_fn_0_tx,
+      FN_BN_0_RX  => fn_bn_0_tx,
+      FN_BN_0_TX  => fn_bn_0_tx,
+      FN_BN_1_RX  => fn_bn_1_tx,
+      FN_BN_1_tX  => fn_bn_1_tx,
+      FN_BN_2_RX  => fn_bn_2_tx,
+      FN_BN_2_TX  => fn_bn_2_tx,
+      FN_BN_3_RX  => fn_bn_3_tx, 
+      FN_BN_3_TX  => fn_bn_3_tx  
+    );
+END tb;