diff --git a/libraries/base/dp/src/vhdl/dp_packet_merge.vhd b/libraries/base/dp/src/vhdl/dp_packet_merge.vhd
index a95cee5c482c81e4a56e7efc4095dc617db1da21..14dfd8a984cda38fe936af12e313163de94bf2e8 100644
--- a/libraries/base/dp/src/vhdl/dp_packet_merge.vhd
+++ b/libraries/base/dp/src/vhdl/dp_packet_merge.vhd
@@ -42,140 +42,11 @@
 --   dynamic nof_pkt control. When the nof_pkt control input is used, g_nof_pkt sets
 --   the maximum number of packets that can be merged.
 -- . the nof_pkt control input is read on completion of the current block. The current
---   working value is kept in r (t_reg). nof_pkt = 0 is ignored.
+--   working value is kept in r (t_reg).
 -- . with g_align_at_sync=true the merge can be forced to restart at a snk_in.sync.
--- Issues:
--- Design steps:
--- A) No flow control
--- . Start with the Gaisler p_comb, p_reg template:
---                  /----------------------------\
---                  |            nxt_r       r   |
---                  |   /------\   .         .   |
---                  \-->|      |   .         .   |
---     snk_in  -------->|      | ---> p_reg -----*--> src_out
---     snk_out <--------|p_comb| <------------------- src_in
---                      \------/                         .
---                                                       .
---                                                  snk --> src : latency + 1
---   The following signals are registered in r: outputs, internal states. Typically do not yet
---   add pipelining registers, because these are not functional and can be added later using
---   common_pipeline or dp_pipeline components. For the design start with a timing diagram of the
---   input and output for merging e.g. 3 packets. Draw the sop and eop and also draw the case that
---   there is a data invalid gap between packets. There needs to be a packet counter so, also
---   draw this signal.
--- . Using the timing diagram, now assign each of the v fields. Try to keep the implementation
---   for each field seperate, i.e. do not combine multiple fields into one if then else statement.
---   The reason is that keeping each field implementation seperate, makes the code more clear and
---   also eases making modifications later on. Mark the implementation section by a comment line.
--- . Typically use r in the if condition and at the right of the := assignment. Depending only
---   on r for implementing v has the advantage that the order of the code section is not important,
---   i.e. similar as with seperate combinatorial processes. However for some cases it can be
---   beneficial to use v in the condition or in the assignment, e.g. as with v.busy.
--- . If the component will not support flow control, then the snk - src latency may be made
---   > 1. However to prepare for adding flow control later on it is prefered to keep the input -
---   output latency at 1. Keeping the snk - src latency at 1 typically also makes the
---   implementation more clear, because if more latency is needed, then it may be better to
---   partition the function over two or more components. The snk - src latency of 1 is not
---   functional, because the nxt_r with latency 0 also could be used as output. However the
---   registering of outputs can be functional. From digital implementation point of view it is
---   appropriate though to continue with the r outputs and assign these to the entity outputs.
--- . When the architecture HDL implementation looks clean coded then compile it. When it compiles
---   OK commit it.
--- . Next step is to add a test bench. For dp_packet_merge it is beneficial to first also implement
---   the reverse function dp_packet_unmerge, because that allows the test bench to have the same
---   stimuli input counter data also appear as counter data at the output for verification.
---   Furthermore even though the reverse function may not be needed yet in an application it
---   happens quite often that it will become useful in the future.
--- . For the stimuli and verification use the counter data procedures from tb_dp_pkg.vhd. The
---   test bench consists of stimuli --> DUT --> reverse DUT --> verification. First keep data
---   valid active and use nof_pkt > 1. When that works OK, commit the DUT and the test bench.
---   After that try the extreme values for control, i.e. nof_pkt = 0 should yield no output and
---   nof_pkt = 1 should yield output = input. Then add dynamic in_en to get data not valid gaps
---   during and between the packets. Also try dynamic changing of nof_pkt. When that all
---   works commit the VHDL files.
--- B) Add flow control using dp_latency_adapter:
---                  /----------------------------\
---                  |            nxt_r       r   |
---                  |   /------\   .         .   |     /-------\
---                  \-->|      |   .         .   |     |dp     |
---     snk_in  -------->|      | ---> p_reg -----*---->|latency|---> src_out
---     snk_out <--------|p_comb| <---------------------|adapter|<--- src_in
---        .             \------/             .         \-------/  .
---        .                                  .                    .
---        .                                  .                    .
---        .                                  .                    .
---      RL=1                               RL=2                 RL=1
--- C) Add flow control using dp_hold_input
--- . Adding flow control implies adding dp_hold_input to connect to the snk_in/skn_out and using
---   pend_src_out/hold_src_in instead in p_comb:
---                 |-----| <---------------------------------------------\
---                 |     |                               nxt_r       r   |
---                 |     |                      /------\   .         .   |
---                 | dp  |                      |      |   .         .   |
---     snk_in  --> |hold | --> pend_src_out --> |      | ---> p_reg -----*--> src_out
---     snk_out <-- |input| <-- hold_src_in  <-- |p_comb| <------------------- src_in
---        .        |-----|         .            \------/                         .
---        .                        .                                             .
---      RL=1                     RL=0                                          RL=1
---   The ready latency (RL) at the input is RL=1. The RL at the output must also be RL=1. The
---   dp_hold_input effectively achieves that the pend_src_out/hold_src_in have RL=0.
---   The snk - src latency of the function is 1, so at the output the RL then becomes RL=1 again.
---   Inside p_comb the v output valid now only get assigned with the pend_src_out valid when
---   src_in.ready='1'. Internally in dp_hold_input the next_src_out.valid = pend_src_out.valid
---   AND src_in.ready, and similar for the sop, eop amd sync. Therefore the p_comb can also use
---   next_src_out instead of pend_src_out in combination with src_in.ready. The advantage of
---   using next_src_out is that it makes the code more compact. The advantange of using
---   pend_src_out and src_in.ready explicitly is that it may make it more clear how src_in.ready
---   is used.
--- . Typically the p_comb can simply pass on src_in to hold_src_in, however it may also control
---   hold_src_in by itself if this function also needs some extra flow control, e.g. to halt or
---   flush the input.
--- . Most components only need to pass on the src_in.xon to hold_src_in.xon. Hence this can be
---   the last statement in p_comb.
--- . In the test bench now also apply the src_in.ready to verify that the component behaves
---   correctly for allways active ready and random ready flow control.
--- . Make a multi-test bench tb_tb_dp_packet_merge to verify different tb settings for the DUT
---   stimuli and add it to the overall DP module tb_tb_tb_dp_backpressure regression test bench.
--- D) Potential alternative to add flow control using dp_pipeline
--- . This scheme has not been verified yet, but it could work:
---                  /-----------------------------\
---                  |            nxt_r        r   |     dp_pipeline_stream
---                  |   /------\   .          .   |  <--select none or one-->
---                  \-->|      |---o-> p_reg -----/      ____    /-----\
---                      |      |   |                    |dp  |   |dp   |
---     snk_in  -------->|      |   \------------------->|pipe|-->|pipe |--> src_out
---     snk_out <--------|p_comb|<-----------------------|line|<--|line |--- src_in
---        .             \------/   .                    |____|   |ready|      .
---        .               RL=0     .                             \-----/      .
---      RL=1                     RL=1                                        RL=1
--- . dp_pipeline_stream = wires or dp_pipeline or dp_pipeline_ready
---   - dp_pipeline pipelines the sosi
---   - dp_pipeline_ready pipelines the siso and also the sosi
--- . without flow control there is no siso, so then dp_pipeline_stream degenerates
---   to common_pipeline.
--- . The nxt_r contains combinatorially (= functionally) already what src_out will become in
---   the next cycle and because it is combinatorially related to the input it preserves the
---   RL=1 (whereas p_reg has RL=2). Leading nxt_r through dp_pipeline includes the flow control
---   to it.
--- . Compared to using dp_hold_input using dp_pipeline costs twice more registers, because
---   dp_pipeline internally has a register stage and p_reg is still needed. Still synthesis
---   may be able to optimize away some redundant registers.
--- . The advantage of this scheme it that it allows designing the function without flow
---   control according to scheme A). Then make nxt_r available instead of r and lead nxt_r
---   through dp_pipeline to register it and to add the flow control.
+-- . Optional flow control dependent on g_use_ready and g_pipeline_ready, see
+--   description of dp_add_flow_control.
 library IEEE,common_lib;
 use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
@@ -185,10 +56,12 @@ use work.dp_stream_pkg.all;
 entity dp_packet_merge is
   generic (
-    g_nof_pkt       : natural;
-    g_align_at_sync : boolean := false;
-    g_bsn_increment : natural := 0;
-    g_bsn_err_bi    : natural := 0  -- bit index (bi) in scr_out.err for snk_in.bsn error
+    g_use_ready       : boolean := true;
+    g_pipeline_ready  : boolean := false;
+    g_nof_pkt         : natural;
+    g_align_at_sync   : boolean := false;
+    g_bsn_increment   : natural := 0;
+    g_bsn_err_bi      : natural := 0  -- bit index (bi) in scr_out.err for snk_in.bsn error
   port (
     rst         : in  std_logic;
@@ -200,7 +73,7 @@ entity dp_packet_merge is
     snk_out     : out t_dp_siso;
     snk_in      : in  t_dp_sosi;
-    src_in      : in  t_dp_siso;
+    src_in      : in  t_dp_siso := c_dp_siso_rdy;
     src_out     : out t_dp_sosi
 end dp_packet_merge;
@@ -217,52 +90,32 @@ architecture rtl of dp_packet_merge is
     src_out     : t_dp_sosi;
   end record;
-  constant c_use_dp_latency_adapter : boolean := true;  -- when TRUE adjust RL from 2 to 1, else use dp_hold_input to keep RL at 1.
   signal r, nxt_r : t_reg;
-  signal dp_latency_adapter_snk_out : t_dp_siso;
-  signal dp_latency_adapter_snk_in  : t_dp_sosi;
-  signal dp_latency_adapter_src_in  : t_dp_siso;
-  signal dp_latency_adapter_src_out : t_dp_sosi;
-  -- Map t_reg outputs to entity outputs
+  -- Map logic function outputs to entity outputs
   nof_pkt_out <= TO_UVEC(r.nof_pkt, ceil_log2(g_nof_pkt + 1));
-  no_dp_latency_adapter : if c_use_dp_latency_adapter = false generate
-    snk_out <= src_in;
-    src_out <= r.src_out;
-    -- can put dp_hold_input here --
-  end generate;
-  gen_dp_latency_adapter : if c_use_dp_latency_adapter = true generate
-    snk_out <= dp_latency_adapter_snk_out;
-    dp_latency_adapter_snk_in <= r.src_out;
-    u_dp_latency_adapter : entity work.dp_latency_adapter
+  u_dp_add_flow_control : entity work.dp_add_flow_control
     generic map (
-      g_in_latency  => 2,
-      g_out_latency => 1
+      g_use_ready       => g_use_ready,
+      g_pipeline_ready  => g_pipeline_ready
     port map (
-      rst          => rst,
-      clk          => clk,
-      -- ST sink
-      snk_out      => dp_latency_adapter_snk_out,
-      snk_in       => dp_latency_adapter_snk_in,
-      -- ST source
-      src_in       => dp_latency_adapter_src_in,
-      src_out      => dp_latency_adapter_src_out
-    );
+      rst         => rst,
+      clk         => clk,
-    dp_latency_adapter_src_in <= src_in;
-    src_out <= dp_latency_adapter_src_out;
-  end generate;
+      snk_out     => snk_out,
+      snk_in      => nxt_r.src_out,  -- combinatorial input
+      snk_in_reg  => r.src_out,  -- registered input
+      src_in      => src_in,
+      src_out     => src_out
+    );
-  -- p_reg
+  -- p_reg function state register
   r <= nxt_r when rising_edge(clk);
+  -- Logic function
   p_comb : process(rst, r, snk_in, nof_pkt)
     variable v : t_reg;
diff --git a/libraries/base/dp/src/vhdl/dp_packet_unmerge.vhd b/libraries/base/dp/src/vhdl/dp_packet_unmerge.vhd
index e930389b8ddff1f06b57caa0a977ae33aac45266..9a8401456e7753a45023be5912ec77afb4eb0af7 100644
--- a/libraries/base/dp/src/vhdl/dp_packet_unmerge.vhd
+++ b/libraries/base/dp/src/vhdl/dp_packet_unmerge.vhd
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
+-- Author: E. Kooistra
 -- Purpose: Unmerge each input packet into output packets of length g_pkt_len.
 -- Description:
 -- . The merged packet length of the snk_in input packets must be an integer
@@ -48,25 +49,8 @@
 --                            _       _       _       _       _       _
 --   src_out.eop  ___________|0|_____|1|_____|2|_____|0|_____|1|_____|2|___
--- . Flow control.
---   . The component does not add additional snk_out.ready flow control itself,
---     but it can listen to external src_in.ready flow control.
---   - If g_use_src_in_ready = false, then src_in is ignored, so no flow
---     control, else do use flow control by src_in.ready.
---   - If g_use_src_in_ready = true, then g_use_dp_latency_adapter = false
---     determines that the src_in.ready is used combinatorially else the
---     src_in.ready is used registered.
---   . The p_reg increases the ready latency (RL) by 1, because p_comb does
---     not use src_in.ready, instead p_comb drives d.src_out based on the
---     snk_in.sop, eop, valid. Therefore g_use_dp_latency_adapter = true is
---     needed to restore the RL from 2 to 1 for the src_out the output. The
---     alternative is to use a dp_pipeline to register d.src_out in
---     combination with src_in.ready at the input, to keep RL at 1.
---     The p_reg keeps the internal state of the component. With dp_pipeline
---     a separate output register is needed to store src_out. With the
---     dp_latency_adapter a feq register stages are needed to store src_out,
---     but the adantage of dp_latency_adapter is that it also registers the
---     src_in.ready so that may ease timing closure.
+-- . Optional flow control dependent on g_use_ready and g_pipeline_ready, see
+--   description of dp_add_flow_control.
 library IEEE,common_lib;
 use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
@@ -76,11 +60,11 @@ use work.dp_stream_pkg.all;
 entity dp_packet_unmerge is
   generic (
-    g_use_src_in_ready         : boolean := false;
-    g_use_dp_latency_adapter   : boolean := true;
-    g_nof_pkt_max              : natural := 1;  -- Maximum nof packets to unmerge each incoming packet to
-    g_pkt_len                  : natural := 1;  -- Length of the unmerged packets
-    g_bsn_increment            : natural := 0
+    g_use_ready       : boolean := true;
+    g_pipeline_ready  : boolean := false;
+    g_nof_pkt_max     : natural := 1;  -- Maximum nof packets to unmerge each incoming packet to
+    g_pkt_len         : natural := 1;  -- Length of the unmerged packets
+    g_bsn_increment   : natural := 0
   port (
     rst         : in  std_logic;
@@ -89,12 +73,13 @@ entity dp_packet_unmerge is
     snk_out     : out t_dp_siso;
     snk_in      : in  t_dp_sosi;
-    src_in      : in  t_dp_siso := c_dp_siso_rst;
+    src_in      : in  t_dp_siso := c_dp_siso_rdy;
     src_out     : out t_dp_sosi
 end dp_packet_unmerge;
 architecture rtl of dp_packet_unmerge is
+  -- Internal state of logic function
   type t_reg is record
     pkt_cnt     : natural range 0 to g_nof_pkt_max + 1;
     val_cnt     : natural range 0 to g_pkt_len + 1;
@@ -106,61 +91,29 @@ architecture rtl of dp_packet_unmerge is
   signal r : t_reg;
   signal d : t_reg;
-  -- Signals for g_use_dp_latency_adapter = true
-  signal dp_latency_adapter_snk_out : t_dp_siso;
-  signal dp_latency_adapter_snk_in  : t_dp_sosi;
-  signal dp_latency_adapter_src_in  : t_dp_siso;
-  signal dp_latency_adapter_src_out : t_dp_sosi;
-  -- Map t_reg outputs to entity outputs
-  no_flow_control : if g_use_src_in_ready = false generate
-    snk_out <= c_dp_siso_rdy;
-    src_out <= r.src_out;
-  end generate;
-  gen_use_src_in_ready : if g_use_src_in_ready = true generate
-    gen_dp_pipeline : if g_use_dp_latency_adapter = false generate
-      u_dp_pipeline : entity work.dp_pipeline
-      port map (
-        rst          => rst,
-        clk          => clk,
-        -- ST sink
-        snk_out      => snk_out,
-        snk_in       => d.src_out,
-        -- ST source
-        src_in       => src_in,
-        src_out      => src_out
-      );
-    end generate;
-    gen_dp_latency_adapter : if g_use_dp_latency_adapter = true generate
-      snk_out <= dp_latency_adapter_snk_out;
-      dp_latency_adapter_snk_in <= r.src_out;
-      u_dp_latency_adapter : entity work.dp_latency_adapter
-      generic map (
-        g_in_latency  => 2,
-        g_out_latency => 1
-      )
-      port map (
-        rst          => rst,
-        clk          => clk,
-        -- ST sink
-        snk_out      => dp_latency_adapter_snk_out,
-        snk_in       => dp_latency_adapter_snk_in,
-        -- ST source
-        src_in       => dp_latency_adapter_src_in,
-        src_out      => dp_latency_adapter_src_out
-      );
-      dp_latency_adapter_src_in <= src_in;
-      src_out <= dp_latency_adapter_src_out;
-    end generate;
-  end generate;
-  -- p_reg
+  -- Map logic function outputs to entity outputs
+  u_dp_add_flow_control : entity work.dp_add_flow_control
+    generic map (
+      g_use_ready       => g_use_ready,
+      g_pipeline_ready  => g_pipeline_ready
+    )
+    port map (
+      rst         => rst,
+      clk         => clk,
+      snk_out     => snk_out,
+      snk_in      => d.src_out,  -- combinatorial input
+      snk_in_reg  => r.src_out,  -- registered input
+      src_in      => src_in,
+      src_out     => src_out
+    );
+  -- p_reg function state register
   r <= d when rising_edge(clk);
+  -- Logic function
   p_comb : process(rst, r, snk_in)
     variable v : t_reg;
diff --git a/libraries/base/dp/tb/vhdl/tb_dp_packet_merge.vhd b/libraries/base/dp/tb/vhdl/tb_dp_packet_merge.vhd
index fe8db32e2774d35401ff9d87f905ebed4d17a82e..42624ba3ea0b2b1778240d19a80e9e19e62df7b4 100644
--- a/libraries/base/dp/tb/vhdl/tb_dp_packet_merge.vhd
+++ b/libraries/base/dp/tb/vhdl/tb_dp_packet_merge.vhd
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ entity tb_dp_packet_merge is
     g_flow_control_stimuli   : t_dp_flow_control_enum := e_active;  -- always active, random or pulse flow control
     g_flow_control_verify    : t_dp_flow_control_enum := e_active;  -- always active, random or pulse flow control
     -- specific
+    g_pipeline_ready         : boolean := true;
     g_data_w                 : natural := 4;
     g_nof_repeat             : natural := 24;
     g_nof_pkt                : natural := 3;
@@ -75,6 +76,7 @@ end tb_dp_packet_merge;
 architecture tb of tb_dp_packet_merge is
   constant c_rl                       : natural := 1;
+  constant c_use_ready                : boolean := g_flow_control_verify /= e_active;
   constant c_pulse_active             : natural := 1;
   constant c_pulse_period             : natural := 7;
@@ -298,10 +300,12 @@ begin
   -- Merge every g_nof_pkt incomming packets into output packets
   u_dp_packet_merge : entity work.dp_packet_merge
   generic map (
-    g_nof_pkt       => g_nof_pkt,
-    g_align_at_sync => g_align_at_sync,
-    g_bsn_increment => g_bsn_increment,
-    g_bsn_err_bi    => c_bsn_err_bi
+    g_use_ready      => c_use_ready,
+    g_pipeline_ready => g_pipeline_ready,
+    g_nof_pkt        => g_nof_pkt,
+    g_align_at_sync  => g_align_at_sync,
+    g_bsn_increment  => g_bsn_increment,
+    g_bsn_err_bi     => c_bsn_err_bi
   port map (
     rst       => rst,
diff --git a/libraries/base/dp/tb/vhdl/tb_dp_packet_merge_unmerge.vhd b/libraries/base/dp/tb/vhdl/tb_dp_packet_merge_unmerge.vhd
index cc2fa6efa0d2f36f9731ff8179816012a7b0d140..24e34cbaf24916cfd18356d48c1a80dfd0351acd 100644
--- a/libraries/base/dp/tb/vhdl/tb_dp_packet_merge_unmerge.vhd
+++ b/libraries/base/dp/tb/vhdl/tb_dp_packet_merge_unmerge.vhd
@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ entity tb_dp_packet_merge_unmerge is
   generic (
     -- general
     -- . always active, random or pulse flow control
-    g_flow_control_stimuli   : t_dp_flow_control_enum := e_random;
-    g_flow_control_verify    : t_dp_flow_control_enum := e_random;
+    g_flow_control_stimuli   : t_dp_flow_control_enum := e_active;
+    g_flow_control_verify    : t_dp_flow_control_enum := e_active;
     -- specific
-    g_use_dp_latency_adapter : boolean := true;
+    g_pipeline_ready         : boolean := true;
     g_data_w                 : natural := 16;
     g_nof_repeat             : natural := 24;
     g_nof_pkt                : natural := 3;
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ end tb_dp_packet_merge_unmerge;
 architecture tb of tb_dp_packet_merge_unmerge is
   constant c_rl                       : natural := 1;
-  constant c_use_src_in_ready         : boolean := g_flow_control_verify /= e_active;
+  constant c_use_ready                : boolean := g_flow_control_verify /= e_active;
   constant c_pulse_active             : natural := 1;
   constant c_pulse_period             : natural := 7;
@@ -310,11 +310,11 @@ begin
   u_dp_packet_unmerge : entity work.dp_packet_unmerge
   generic map (
-    g_use_src_in_ready       => c_use_src_in_ready,
-    g_use_dp_latency_adapter => g_use_dp_latency_adapter,
-    g_nof_pkt_max            => g_nof_pkt,
-    g_pkt_len                => g_pkt_len,
-    g_bsn_increment          => g_bsn_increment
+    g_use_ready       => c_use_ready,
+    g_pipeline_ready  => g_pipeline_ready,
+    g_nof_pkt_max     => g_nof_pkt,
+    g_pkt_len         => g_pkt_len,
+    g_bsn_increment   => g_bsn_increment
   port map (
     rst       => rst,
diff --git a/libraries/base/dp/tb/vhdl/tb_tb_dp_packet_merge.vhd b/libraries/base/dp/tb/vhdl/tb_tb_dp_packet_merge.vhd
index f08c53a92dc06f1dc773deeb6ae7823f63b478d2..8ae19f6b60bc83899124ef30cf2f886af2627a20 100644
--- a/libraries/base/dp/tb/vhdl/tb_tb_dp_packet_merge.vhd
+++ b/libraries/base/dp/tb/vhdl/tb_tb_dp_packet_merge.vhd
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ use dp_lib.tb_dp_pkg.all;
 -- Purpose: Verify multiple variations of tb_dp_packet_merge
 -- Description:
 -- Usage:
--- > as 3
+-- > as 8, to see that correct instances are generated
 -- > run -all
 entity tb_tb_dp_packet_merge is
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ begin
   --     g_flow_control_stimuli   : t_dp_flow_control_enum := e_active;  -- always active, random or pulse flow control
   --     g_flow_control_verify    : t_dp_flow_control_enum := e_active;  -- always active, random or pulse flow control
   --     -- specific
+  --     g_pipeline_ready         : boolean := true;
   --     g_data_w                 : natural := 4;
   --     g_nof_repeat             : natural := 20;
   --     g_nof_pkt                : natural := 3;
@@ -51,27 +52,28 @@ begin
   --     g_bsn_increment          : natural := 0;
   --     g_bsn_err_at_pkt_index   : natural := 3;
-  u_act_act_8_nof_0      : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_active, e_active, 8, c_nof_repeat, 0, 29, 0, false, false, 1, 0);
-  u_act_act_8_nof_1      : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_active, e_active, 8, c_nof_repeat, 1, 29, 0, false, false, 1, 0);
-  u_act_act_8_nof_2      : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_active, e_active, 8, c_nof_repeat, 2, 29, 0, false, false, 1, 0);
-  u_act_act_8_nof_3      : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_active, e_active, 8, c_nof_repeat, 3, 29, 0, false, false, 1, 0);
-  u_act_act_8_nof_4      : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_active, e_active, 8, c_nof_repeat, 4, 29, 0, false, false, 1, 0);
-  u_act_act_8_nof_5      : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_active, e_active, 8, c_nof_repeat, 5, 29, 0, false, false, 1, 0);
-  u_act_act_8_nof_6      : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_active, e_active, 8, c_nof_repeat, 6, 29, 0, false, false, 1, 0);
-  u_act_act_8_nof_7      : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_active, e_active, 8, c_nof_repeat, 7, 29, 0, false, false, 1, 0);
+  u_act_act_8_nof_0      : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_active, e_active, true, 8, c_nof_repeat, 0, 29, 0, false, false, 1, 0);
+  u_act_act_8_nof_1      : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_active, e_active, true, 8, c_nof_repeat, 1, 29, 0, false, false, 1, 0);
+  u_act_act_8_nof_2      : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_active, e_active, true, 8, c_nof_repeat, 2, 29, 0, false, false, 1, 0);
+  u_act_act_8_nof_3      : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_active, e_active, true, 8, c_nof_repeat, 3, 29, 0, false, false, 1, 0);
+  u_act_act_8_nof_4      : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_active, e_active, true, 8, c_nof_repeat, 4, 29, 0, false, false, 1, 0);
+  u_act_act_8_nof_5      : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_active, e_active, true, 8, c_nof_repeat, 5, 29, 0, false, false, 1, 0);
+  u_act_act_8_nof_6      : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_active, e_active, true, 8, c_nof_repeat, 6, 29, 0, false, false, 1, 0);
+  u_act_act_8_nof_7      : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_active, e_active, true, 8, c_nof_repeat, 7, 29, 0, false, false, 1, 0);
-  u_rnd_act_8_nof_3      : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_random, e_active, 8, c_nof_repeat, 3, 29, 0, false, false, 2, 0);
-  u_rnd_rnd_8_nof_3      : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_random, e_random, 8, c_nof_repeat, 3, 29, 0, false, false, 3, 0);
-  u_pls_act_8_nof_3      : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_pulse,  e_active, 8, c_nof_repeat, 3, 29, 0, false, false, 4, 0);
-  u_pls_rnd_8_nof_3      : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_pulse,  e_random, 8, c_nof_repeat, 3, 29, 0, false, false, 5, 0);
-  u_pls_pls_8_nof_3      : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_pulse,  e_pulse,  8, c_nof_repeat, 3, 29, 0, false, false, 6, 0);
+  u_rnd_act_8_nof_3      : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_random, e_active,  true, 8, c_nof_repeat, 3, 29, 0, false, false, 2, 0);
+  u_rnd_rnd_8_nof_3_comb : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_random, e_random, false, 8, c_nof_repeat, 3, 29, 0, false, false, 3, 0);
+  u_rnd_rnd_8_nof_3_reg  : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_random, e_random,  true, 8, c_nof_repeat, 3, 29, 0, false, false, 3, 0);
+  u_pls_act_8_nof_3      : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_pulse,  e_active,  true, 8, c_nof_repeat, 3, 29, 0, false, false, 4, 0);
+  u_pls_rnd_8_nof_3      : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_pulse,  e_random,  true, 8, c_nof_repeat, 3, 29, 0, false, false, 5, 0);
+  u_pls_pls_8_nof_3      : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_pulse,  e_pulse,   true, 8, c_nof_repeat, 3, 29, 0, false, false, 6, 0);
-  u_rnd_act_8_nof_1      : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_random, e_active, 8, c_nof_repeat, 1, 29, 0, false, false, 1, 0);
-  u_rnd_act_8_nof_3_gap  : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_random, e_active, 8, c_nof_repeat, 3, 29, 17, false, false, 1, 0);
+  u_rnd_act_8_nof_1      : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_random, e_active, true, 8, c_nof_repeat, 1, 29, 0, false, false, 1, 0);
+  u_rnd_act_8_nof_3_gap  : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_random, e_active, true, 8, c_nof_repeat, 3, 29, 17, false, false, 1, 0);
-  u_act_act_8_nof_3_no_err : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_active, e_active, 8, c_nof_repeat, 3, 29, 0, false, true, 0, 10);
-  u_act_act_8_nof_3_err_10 : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_active, e_active, 8, c_nof_repeat, 3, 29, 0, false, true, 1, 10);
-  u_act_act_8_nof_3_err_11 : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_active, e_active, 8, c_nof_repeat, 3, 29, 0, false, true, 1, 11);
-  u_act_act_8_nof_3_err_12 : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_active, e_active, 8, c_nof_repeat, 3, 29, 0, false, true, 1, 12);
-  u_act_act_8_nof_3_err_13 : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_active, e_active, 8, c_nof_repeat, 3, 29, 0, false, true, 1, 13);
+  u_act_act_8_nof_3_no_err : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_active, e_active, true, 8, c_nof_repeat, 3, 29, 0, false, true, 0, 10);
+  u_act_act_8_nof_3_err_10 : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_active, e_active, true, 8, c_nof_repeat, 3, 29, 0, false, true, 1, 10);
+  u_act_act_8_nof_3_err_11 : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_active, e_active, true, 8, c_nof_repeat, 3, 29, 0, false, true, 1, 11);
+  u_act_act_8_nof_3_err_12 : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_active, e_active, true, 8, c_nof_repeat, 3, 29, 0, false, true, 1, 12);
+  u_act_act_8_nof_3_err_13 : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge generic map ( e_active, e_active, true, 8, c_nof_repeat, 3, 29, 0, false, true, 1, 13);
 end tb;
diff --git a/libraries/base/dp/tb/vhdl/tb_tb_dp_packet_merge_unmerge.vhd b/libraries/base/dp/tb/vhdl/tb_tb_dp_packet_merge_unmerge.vhd
index 76246a0f14ad60d6e512b3a6e1b190b70fa04485..7fd9034f6fb81169d4c7b189a370006c2f78b9d7 100644
--- a/libraries/base/dp/tb/vhdl/tb_tb_dp_packet_merge_unmerge.vhd
+++ b/libraries/base/dp/tb/vhdl/tb_tb_dp_packet_merge_unmerge.vhd
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ use dp_lib.tb_dp_pkg.all;
 -- Purpose: Verify multiple variations of tb_dp_packet_merge_unmerge
 -- Description:
 -- Usage:
--- > as 3
+-- > as 8, to see that correct instances are generated
 -- > run -all
 entity tb_tb_dp_packet_merge_unmerge is
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ begin
   --     g_flow_control_stimuli   : t_dp_flow_control_enum := e_active;  -- always active, random or pulse flow control
   --     g_flow_control_verify    : t_dp_flow_control_enum := e_active;  -- always active, random or pulse flow control
   --     -- specific
-  --     g_use_dp_latency_adapter : boolean := true;
+  --     g_pipeline_ready         : boolean := true;
   --     g_data_w                 : natural := 4;
   --     g_nof_repeat             : natural := 20;
   --     g_nof_pkt                : natural := 3;
@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ begin
   u_act_act_8_nof_7       : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge_unmerge generic map ( e_active, e_active,  true, 8, c_nof_repeat, 7, 29, 0, 1);
   u_rnd_act_8_nof_3       : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge_unmerge generic map ( e_random, e_active,  true, 8, c_nof_repeat, 3, 29, 0, 1);
-  u_rnd_rnd_8_nof_3_pipe  : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge_unmerge generic map ( e_random, e_random, false, 8, c_nof_repeat, 3, 29, 0, 1);
-  u_rnd_rnd_8_nof_3_adapt : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge_unmerge generic map ( e_random, e_random,  true, 8, c_nof_repeat, 3, 29, 0, 1);
+  u_rnd_rnd_8_nof_3_comb  : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge_unmerge generic map ( e_random, e_random, false, 8, c_nof_repeat, 3, 29, 0, 1);
+  u_rnd_rnd_8_nof_3_reg   : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge_unmerge generic map ( e_random, e_random,  true, 8, c_nof_repeat, 3, 29, 0, 1);
   u_pls_act_8_nof_3       : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge_unmerge generic map ( e_pulse,  e_active,  true, 8, c_nof_repeat, 3, 29, 0, 1);
   u_pls_rnd_8_nof_3       : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge_unmerge generic map ( e_pulse,  e_random,  true, 8, c_nof_repeat, 3, 29, 0, 1);
   u_pls_pls_8_nof_3       : entity work.tb_dp_packet_merge_unmerge generic map ( e_pulse,  e_pulse,   true, 8, c_nof_repeat, 3, 29, 0, 1);