diff --git a/applications/lofar2/libraries/sdp/src/vhdl/sdp_beamformer_output.vhd b/applications/lofar2/libraries/sdp/src/vhdl/sdp_beamformer_output.vhd
index 12d420d2eef731c1b2cff205bf4ebe1adebd95e9..bae0237fdecaa15af892cb4452808cf4e9c3eace 100644
--- a/applications/lofar2/libraries/sdp/src/vhdl/sdp_beamformer_output.vhd
+++ b/applications/lofar2/libraries/sdp/src/vhdl/sdp_beamformer_output.vhd
@@ -23,9 +23,11 @@
 -- Author: R. van der Walle, E. Kooistra (payload error support)
 -- Purpose:
 -- The beamformer data output (BDO) packetizes the beamlet data into UDP/IP packets.
--- Description:
--- * https://support.astron.nl/confluence/display/L2M/L5+SDPFW+Design+Document%3A+Beamformer
--- * https://support.astron.nl/confluence/display/L2M/L4+SDPFW+Decision%3A+Multiple+beamlet+output+destinations
+-- Description: see references
+-- References:
+-- [1] https://support.astron.nl/confluence/display/L2M/L5+SDPFW+Design+Document%3A+Beamformer
+-- [2] https://support.astron.nl/confluence/display/L2M/L4+SDPFW+Decision%3A+Multiple+beamlet+output+destinations
+-- [3] https://plm.astron.nl/polarion/#/project/LOFAR2System/wiki/L1%20Interface%20Control%20Documents/STAT%20to%20CEP%20ICD
 -- Remark:
@@ -94,6 +96,8 @@ architecture str of sdp_beamformer_output is
   constant c_nof_ch         : natural := c_sdp_S_sub_bf * c_sdp_cep_nof_blocks_per_packet;
   -- Dynamic reorder block size control input
+  -- . The data consists of 1 word = 1 ch, because 1 word contains 1 dual pol
+  --   beamlet.
   -- . The input packet has nof_ch = nof_data_per_block * nof_blocks_per_packet
   --   of data per packet.
   -- . The transposed output packet will have blocks with nof_blocks_per_packet
@@ -109,11 +113,18 @@ architecture str of sdp_beamformer_output is
   signal d_transpose           : t_reorder_transpose;
   signal snk_in_concat              : t_dp_sosi;
+  signal snk_in_concat_data         : std_logic_vector(c_data_w - 1 downto 0);
+  signal snk_in_concat_re           : std_logic_vector(c_sdp_W_beamlet - 1 downto 0);
+  signal snk_in_concat_im           : std_logic_vector(c_sdp_W_beamlet - 1 downto 0);
   signal dp_repack_beamlet_src_out  : t_dp_sosi;
+  signal dp_repack_beamlet_word     : t_sdp_dual_pol_beamlet_in_word;
   signal dp_packet_merge_src_out    : t_dp_sosi;
+  signal dp_packet_merge_word       : t_sdp_dual_pol_beamlet_in_word;
   signal dp_packet_reorder_src_out  : t_dp_sosi;
+  signal dp_packet_reorder_word     : t_sdp_dual_pol_beamlet_in_word;
   signal reorder_busy               : std_logic;
   signal dp_repack_longword_src_out : t_dp_sosi;
+  signal dp_repack_longword         : t_sdp_dual_pol_beamlet_in_longword;
   signal dp_fifo_fill_eop_src_out   : t_dp_sosi;
   signal dp_fifo_fill_eop_src_in    : t_dp_siso;
   signal dp_pipeline_src_out        : t_dp_sosi;
@@ -135,55 +146,67 @@ architecture str of sdp_beamformer_output is
-  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   -- Input rewiring: concatenate input complex fields to data field
   -- . dp_repack_data works with data fields only
-  -- . send beamlet data big endian with X.re part first, then X.im, Y.re, Y.im
-  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- . send beamlet data big endian with X.re part first, then X.im, Y.re,
+  --   and Y.im, conform ICD STAT-CEP [3].
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- Debug signals for view in Wave window
+  snk_in_concat_data <= snk_in_concat.data(c_data_w - 1 downto 0);
+  snk_in_concat_re <= in_sosi.re(c_sdp_W_beamlet - 1 downto 0);
+  snk_in_concat_im <= in_sosi.re(c_sdp_W_beamlet - 1 downto 0);
   p_snk_in_arr : process(in_sosi)
     variable v_ref_time : time := 0 ns;
     snk_in_concat <= in_sosi;
-    snk_in_concat.data(c_data_w - 1 downto 0) <= in_sosi.re(c_sdp_W_beamlet - 1 downto 0) & in_sosi.im(c_sdp_W_beamlet - 1 downto 0);
+    snk_in_concat.data(c_data_w - 1 downto 0) <= in_sosi.re(c_sdp_W_beamlet - 1 downto 0) &
+                                                 in_sosi.im(c_sdp_W_beamlet - 1 downto 0);
-  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
     -- synthesis translate_off
-    -- Force BSN error in simulation to verify payload error in tb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_bf.vhd,
-    -- this will cause two times payload errors, one when BSN goes wrong and one when BSN goes ok again.
+    -- Force BSN error in simulation to verify payload error in
+    -- tb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_bf.vhd, this will cause two times payload
+    -- errors, one when BSN goes wrong and one when BSN goes ok again.
     dbg_bsn_offset <= '0';
     if v_ref_time = 0 ns then
       if in_sosi.sop = '1' then
-        -- Use start of input as reference time, rather than e.g. fixed 50 us, to be
-        -- independent of how long it takes for the tb to deliver the first block.
+        -- Use start of input as reference time, rather than e.g. fixed 50 us,
+        -- to be independent of how long it takes for the tb to deliver the
+        -- first block.
         v_ref_time := NOW;
-        -- Offset the v_ref_time to the second block of the c_sdp_cep_nof_blocks_per_packet
-        -- = 4 blocks that will be merged.
+        -- Offset the v_ref_time to the second block of the
+        -- c_sdp_cep_nof_blocks_per_packet = 4 blocks that will be merged.
         v_ref_time := v_ref_time + c_sdp_block_period * 1 ns;
       end if;
     elsif NOW > v_ref_time + 1 * c_sdp_cep_nof_blocks_per_packet * c_sdp_block_period * 1 ns and
           NOW < v_ref_time + 4 * c_sdp_cep_nof_blocks_per_packet * c_sdp_block_period * 1 ns then
-      -- Disturb BSN to cause merged payload error. Expected results for the merged blocks:
+      -- Disturb BSN to cause merged payload error. Expected results for the
+      -- merged blocks:
       -- . index 0 : First merged block bsn ok and payload_error = '0'.
-      -- . index 1 : bsn still ok, but payload error = '1', due to bsn++ after first block
-      -- . index 2,3 : bsn wrong due to bsn++, but payload error = '0', because all 4
-      --               merged blocks have incrementing bsn
-      -- . index 4 : bsn still wrong due to bsn++, and payload error = '1', because the bsn
-      --             is restored after first block, so the merged blocks do not have
-      --             incrementing bsn
+      -- . index 1 : bsn still ok, but payload error = '1', due to bsn++
+      --             after first block
+      -- . index 2,3 : bsn wrong due to bsn++, but payload error = '0',
+      --               because all 4 merged blocks have incrementing bsn
+      -- . index 4 : bsn still wrong due to bsn++, and payload error = '1',
+      --             because the bsn is restored after first block, so the
+      --             merged blocks do not have incrementing bsn
       -- . index >= 5 : bsn ok and payload_error = '0'.
       dbg_bsn_offset <= '1';
       snk_in_concat.bsn <= INCR_UVEC(in_sosi.bsn, 1);
     end if;
     -- synthesis translate_on
-  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   end process;
-  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   -- dp_repack_data
   -- . Repack 16b -> 32b, to get dual polarization beamlets of N_pol_bf *
   --   N_complex * W_beamlet = 2 * 2 * 8 = 32b words
   -- . No need to flow control the source, because repack into wider words
-  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   u_dp_repack_data_beamlet : entity dp_lib.dp_repack_data
   generic map (
     g_in_dat_w      => c_data_w,  -- = 16b
@@ -202,9 +225,13 @@ begin
     src_in  => c_dp_siso_rdy
-  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- Debug signals for view in Wave window
+  -- [0:3] = [Xre, Xim, Yre, Yim]
+  dp_repack_beamlet_word <= unpack_data(dp_repack_beamlet_src_out.data(c_sdp_W_dual_pol_beamlet - 1 downto 0));
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   -- dp_packet_merge
-  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   u_dp_packet_merge : entity dp_lib.dp_packet_merge
   generic map(
     g_nof_pkt       => c_sdp_cep_nof_blocks_per_packet,
@@ -221,18 +248,23 @@ begin
     src_out => dp_packet_merge_src_out
-  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- Debug signals for view in Wave window
+  dp_packet_merge_word <= unpack_data(dp_packet_merge_src_out.data(c_sdp_W_dual_pol_beamlet - 1 downto 0));
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   -- reorder_col_select
   -- . Reorder beamlet data from:
-  --     int8[t] [N_blocks_per_packet][S_sub_bf] [N_pol_bf][N_complex]
+  --     (int8) [t] [N_blocks_per_packet][S_sub_bf] [N_pol_bf][N_complex]
   --   to:
-  --     int8[t] [S_sub_bf][N_blocks_per_packet] [N_pol_bf][N_complex]
+  --     (int8) [t] [S_sub_bf][N_blocks_per_packet] [N_pol_bf][N_complex]
+  -- . where (int8) [N_pol_bf][N_complex] = c_sdp_W_dual_pol_beamlet = 32b
+  --   dual polarization beamlet word
   -- See tb_reorder_col_select_all.vhd for how to control col_select_copi/cipo.
-  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   u_reorder_col_select : entity reorder_lib.reorder_col_select
   generic map (
-    g_dsp_data_w  => c_sdp_W_dual_pol_beamlet,  -- = 32b
+    g_dsp_data_w  => c_sdp_W_dual_pol_beamlet / c_nof_complex,  -- = 32b / 2
     g_nof_ch_in   => c_nof_ch,
     g_nof_ch_sel  => c_nof_ch,
     g_use_complex => false
@@ -260,6 +292,9 @@ begin
     output_sosi     => dp_packet_reorder_src_out
+  -- Debug signals for view in Wave window
+  dp_packet_reorder_word <= unpack_data(dp_packet_reorder_src_out.data(c_sdp_W_dual_pol_beamlet - 1 downto 0));
   -- Use synchronous reset in d signals
   p_dp_clk_synchronous : process(dp_clk)
@@ -307,15 +342,15 @@ begin
     d_transpose <= v;
   end process;
-  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   -- dp_repack_data
   -- . Repack 32b -> 64b, to get 64b longwords for network packet data
   -- . No need to flow control the source, because repack into wider words
-  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   u_dp_repack_data_longword : entity dp_lib.dp_repack_data
   generic map (
     g_in_dat_w      => c_sdp_W_dual_pol_beamlet,  -- = 32b
-    g_in_nof_words  => 2,  -- = 2
+    g_in_nof_words  => c_sdp_nof_beamlets_per_longword,  -- = 2
     g_out_dat_w     => c_longword_w,  -- = 64b
     g_out_nof_words => 1
@@ -330,9 +365,11 @@ begin
     src_in  => c_dp_siso_rdy
-  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  dp_repack_longword <= unpack_data(dp_repack_longword_src_out.data(c_longword_w - 1 downto 0));
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   -- FIFO
-  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   -- Pass on dp_repack_longword_src_out.err field (from u_dp_packet_merge) via
   -- separate u_common_fifo_sc_err
   u_dp_fifo_fill_eop_sc : entity dp_lib.dp_fifo_fill_eop_sc
@@ -355,11 +392,11 @@ begin
     src_in  => dp_fifo_fill_eop_src_in
-  -- Simple fifo to store the payload error bit at eop of FIFO input to be used at sop of FIFO
-  -- output, so that payload_err can then be used in the packet header.
-  -- Typically the u_dp_fifo_fill_eop will store between 0 and c_sdp_N_beamsets = 2 packets.
-  -- Choose g_nof_words > c_sdp_N_beamsets to have some margin compared to c_fifo_size of the
-  -- data FIFO.
+  -- Simple fifo to store the payload error bit at eop of FIFO input to be used
+  -- at sop of FIFO output, so that payload_err can then be used in the packet
+  -- header. Typically the u_dp_fifo_fill_eop will store between 0 and
+  -- c_sdp_N_beamsets = 2 packets. Choose g_nof_words > c_sdp_N_beamsets to
+  -- have some margin compared to c_fifo_size of the data FIFO.
   u_common_fifo_sc_err : entity common_lib.common_fifo_sc
   generic map (
     g_dat_w => 1,
@@ -390,14 +427,15 @@ begin
     src_out    => dp_pipeline_src_out
-  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   -- Assemble offload info
-  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  -- Whether the dp_offload_tx_hdr_fields value is actually used in the Tx header depends on c_sdp_cep_hdr_field_sel
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- Whether the dp_offload_tx_hdr_fields value is actually used in the Tx
+  -- header depends on c_sdp_cep_hdr_field_sel:
   -- . c_sdp_cep_hdr_field_sel = "111"&"111111111011"&"1110"&"1100"&"00000010"&"100110"&"0";
   --                              eth   ip             udp    app
-  --   where 0 = data path, 1 = MM controlled. The '0' fields are assigned here via dp_offload_tx_hdr_fields.
-  --   in order:
+  --   where 0 = data path, 1 = MM controlled. The '0' fields are assigned here
+  --   via dp_offload_tx_hdr_fields. In order:
   --     access   field
   --     MM       eth_dst_mac
   --     MM       eth_src_mac
@@ -419,8 +457,9 @@ begin
   --     MM       udp_src_port
   --     MM       udp_dst_port
   --     MM       udp_total_length
-  --        DP    udp_checksum --> default fixed 0, so not used, not calculated here or in tr_10GbE
-  --                               because would require store and forward
+  --        DP    udp_checksum --> default fixed 0, so not used, not calculated
+  --                               here or in tr_10GbE because would require
+  --                               store and forward
   --     MM       sdp_marker
   --     MM       sdp_version_id
@@ -446,10 +485,12 @@ begin
   --        DP    dp_bsn
-  -- Use MM programmable source MAC/IP/UDP instead of source MAC/IP/UDP based on node ID. This is necessary because
-  -- beamlet packets from different stations must have different source MAC/IP/UDP.
-  -- Hence the eth_src_mac, udp_src_port and ip_src_addr are ignored, because c_sdp_cep_hdr_field_sel selects MM control,
-  -- but keep the code to be able to enable using them by just changing the selection bit.
+  -- Use MM programmable source MAC/IP/UDP instead of source MAC/IP/UDP based
+  -- on node ID. This is necessary because beamlet packets from different
+  -- stations must have different source MAC/IP/UDP. Hence the eth_src_mac,
+  -- udp_src_port and ip_src_addr are ignored, because c_sdp_cep_hdr_field_sel
+  -- selects MM control, but keep the code to be able to enable using them by
+  -- just changing the selection bit.
   station_info <= sdp_info.antenna_field_index & sdp_info.station_id;
@@ -476,9 +517,9 @@ begin
   -- For viewing the header fields in wave window
   dp_offload_tx_header <= func_sdp_map_cep_header(dp_offload_tx_hdr_fields);
-  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   -- dp_offload_tx_v3
-  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   u_dp_offload_tx_v3 : entity dp_lib.dp_offload_tx_v3
   generic map (
     g_nof_streams   => 1,
@@ -508,9 +549,9 @@ begin
     hdr_fields_out_arr(0) => hdr_fields_out
-  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   -- tr_10GbE_ip_checksum
-  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   u_tr_10GbE_ip_checksum : entity tr_10GbE_lib.tr_10GbE_ip_checksum
   port map (
     rst     => dp_rst,
@@ -523,9 +564,9 @@ begin
     src_in  => ip_checksum_src_in
-  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   -- dp_pipeline_ready to ease timing closure
-  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   u_dp_pipeline_ready : entity dp_lib.dp_pipeline_ready
   port map(
     rst => dp_rst,
@@ -537,9 +578,9 @@ begin
     src_out => dp_pipeline_ready_src_out
-  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   -- mms_dp_xonoff
-  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   u_mms_dp_xonoff : entity dp_lib.mms_dp_xonoff
   generic map(
     g_default_value => '0'