diff --git a/libraries/dsp/verify_pfb/tb_verify_pfb_wg.vhd b/libraries/dsp/verify_pfb/tb_verify_pfb_wg.vhd
index 0868b4a345d6c7658facb09bb30ed34fc25a07a4..fe84e21ca58d62cad52a94d62f450297d6ed2050 100644
--- a/libraries/dsp/verify_pfb/tb_verify_pfb_wg.vhd
+++ b/libraries/dsp/verify_pfb/tb_verify_pfb_wg.vhd
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ ENTITY tb_verify_pfb_wg IS
     --g_sel_pfb         : STRING := "PFB2";
     -- WG
-    g_subband_index_a : REAL := 61.1;   -- 0:511
+    g_subband_index_a : REAL := 61.0;   -- 0:511
     g_subband_index_b : REAL := 61.0;   -- 0:511
     g_amplitude_a     : REAL := 1.0;    -- 1.0 is full scale
     g_amplitude_b     : REAL := 0.0;    -- 1.0 is full scale
@@ -152,14 +152,14 @@ ENTITY tb_verify_pfb_wg IS
     g_fil_backoff_w         : NATURAL := 0;    -- = 0, number of bits for input backoff to avoid output overflow
     g_fil_in_dat_w          : NATURAL := 14;   -- = W_adc, number of input bits
-    g_internal_dat_w        : NATURAL := 17;   -- = number of bits between fil and fft, use 0 to use maximum default:
+    g_internal_dat_w        : NATURAL := 0;   -- = number of bits between fil and fft, use 0 to use maximum default:
                                                -- . WPFB : g_internal_dat_w <= g_fft_stage_dat_w - g_fft_guard_w in fft_r2_pipe
                                                -- . PFB2 : g_internal_dat_w <= g_fft_stage_dat_w
     -- FFT
     g_fft_out_dat_w         : NATURAL := 18;   -- = W_subband, number of output bits
-    g_fft_out_gain_w        : NATURAL := 0;    -- = 1, output gain factor applied after the last stage output, before requantization to out_dat_w
-    g_fft_stage_dat_w       : NATURAL := 18;   -- = c_dsp_mult_w = 18, number of bits that are used inter-stage
+    g_fft_out_gain_w        : NATURAL := 1;    -- = 1, output gain factor applied after the last stage output, before requantization to out_dat_w
+    g_fft_stage_dat_w       : NATURAL := 27;   -- = c_dsp_mult_w = 18, number of bits that are used inter-stage
     g_fft_guard_w           : NATURAL := 1;    -- = 2
     g_switch_en             : STD_LOGIC := '0';  -- two real input decorrelation option in PFB2
     g_r2_mul_extra_w        : NATURAL := 0;    -- = 2, WPFB extra bits at rTwoWMul output in rTwoSDFStage to improve rTwoSDFStage output requantization in fft_r2_pipe in wpfb_unit_dev
@@ -246,8 +246,8 @@ ARCHITECTURE tb OF tb_verify_pfb_wg IS
   CONSTANT c_nof_channels            : NATURAL := 2**c_wpfb.nof_chan;       -- = 2**0 = 1, so no time multiplexing of inputs
   CONSTANT c_nof_sync                : NATURAL := 5;                        -- nof sync intervals to simulate
-  CONSTANT c_pfb_sub_scaling         : REAL := 2.0**REAL(g_fft_out_dat_w - g_fil_in_dat_w - 1);  -- expected subband amplitude gain relative to input WG amplitude
-                                                                                                 -- -1 for divide by 2 in two real input separate (Ampl --> Ampl/2)    
+  CONSTANT c_pfb_sub_scaling         : REAL := 2.0**REAL(g_fft_out_dat_w + g_fft_out_gain_w - g_fil_in_dat_w - 1);  -- expected subband amplitude gain relative to input WG amplitude
+                                                                                                                    -- -1 for divide by 2 in two real input separate (Ampl --> Ampl/2)
   -- Subband at WG frequency
   CONSTANT c_bin_a                   : NATURAL := NATURAL(FLOOR(g_subband_index_a));
   CONSTANT c_bin_a_frac_en           : BOOLEAN := g_subband_index_a > REAL(c_bin_a);
@@ -463,9 +463,13 @@ ARCHITECTURE tb OF tb_verify_pfb_wg IS
   SIGNAL sp_subband_powers_b    : t_nat_real_arr(0 TO c_N_sub-1) := (OTHERS=>0.0);
   SIGNAL sst_wg_power_a         : REAL := 0.0;      -- measured WG sine power at WG bin in SST
+  SIGNAL sst_wg_power_a_dB      : REAL := 0.0;      -- measured WG sine power at WG bin in SST in dB
   SIGNAL sst_noise_a            : REAL := 0.0;      -- measured sum of noise power in all other bins in SST
+  SIGNAL sst_noise_a_dB         : REAL := 0.0;      -- measured sum of noise power in all other bins in SST in dB
   SIGNAL sst_wg_power_b         : REAL := 0.0;      -- measured WG sine power at WG bin in SST
+  SIGNAL sst_wg_power_b_dB      : REAL := 0.0;      -- measured WG sine power at WG bin in SST in dB
   SIGNAL sst_noise_b            : REAL := 0.0;      -- measured sum of noise power in all other bins in SST
+  SIGNAL sst_noise_b_dB         : REAL := 0.0;      -- measured sum of noise power in all other bins in SST in dB
   -- SNR and WPFB processing gain
   SIGNAL sst_measured_snr_a           : REAL := 0.0;
@@ -938,6 +942,12 @@ BEGIN
     END LOOP;
     sst_noise_b <= v_sst_noise / REAL(c_N_sub - 1);
     proc_common_wait_some_cycles(dp_clk, 1);
+    -- SST power in dB
+    sst_wg_power_a_dB <= 10.0 * LOG10(sst_wg_power_a + c_eps);
+    sst_wg_power_b_dB <= 10.0 * LOG10(sst_wg_power_b + c_eps);
+    sst_noise_a_dB    <= 10.0 * LOG10(sst_noise_a + c_eps);
+    sst_noise_b_dB    <= 10.0 * LOG10(sst_noise_b + c_eps);
     -- Determine SNR in WG subband, using noise power in one subband
     sst_measured_snr_a    <= sst_wg_power_a / (sst_noise_a + c_eps);   proc_common_wait_some_cycles(dp_clk, 1);
@@ -1025,9 +1035,9 @@ BEGIN
       print_str(". fil_phase_Ts_a               = " & real_to_str(fil_phase_Ts_a, 10, 3));
-      print_str(". sst_wg_power_a               = " & real_to_str(sst_wg_power_a, 15, 3));
-      print_str(". sst_noise_a                  = " & real_to_str(sst_noise_a, 15, 3));
-      print_str(". sst_noise_b                  = " & real_to_str(sst_noise_b, 15, 3));  -- FFT cross talk power from a to b (if g_amplitude_b = 0)
+      print_str(". sst_wg_power_a               = " & real_to_str(sst_wg_power_a, 15, 3) & " = " & real_to_str(sst_wg_power_a_dB, 7, 2) & " [dB]");
+      print_str(". sst_noise_a                  = " & real_to_str(sst_noise_a, 15, 3) & " = " & real_to_str(sst_noise_a_dB, 7, 2) & " [dB]");
+      print_str(". sst_noise_b                  = " & real_to_str(sst_noise_b, 15, 3) & " = " & real_to_str(sst_noise_b_dB, 7, 2) & " [dB]");  -- FFT cross talk power from a to b (if g_amplitude_b = 0)
       print_str("SNR and WPFB processing gain:");
       print_str(". c_wg_snr_a_dB                = " & real_to_str(c_wg_snr_a_dB, 7, 2) & " [dB]");
@@ -1067,9 +1077,9 @@ BEGIN
       print_str(". cw_phase_Ts_b                = " & real_to_str(cw_phase_Ts_b, 10, 3));
       print_str(". fil_phase_Ts_b               = " & real_to_str(fil_phase_Ts_b, 10, 3));
-      print_str(". sst_wg_power_b               = " & real_to_str(sst_wg_power_b, 15, 3));
-      print_str(". sst_noise_b                  = " & real_to_str(sst_noise_b, 15, 3));
-      print_str(". sst_noise_a                  = " & real_to_str(sst_noise_a, 15, 3));  -- FFT cross talk power from b to a (if g_amplitude_a = 0)
+      print_str(". sst_wg_power_b               = " & real_to_str(sst_wg_power_b, 15, 3) & " = " & real_to_str(sst_wg_power_b_dB, 7, 2) & " [dB]");
+      print_str(". sst_noise_b                  = " & real_to_str(sst_noise_b, 15, 3) & " = " & real_to_str(sst_noise_b_dB, 7, 2) & " [dB]");
+      print_str(". sst_noise_a                  = " & real_to_str(sst_noise_a, 15, 3) & " = " & real_to_str(sst_noise_a_dB, 7, 2) & " [dB]");  -- FFT cross talk power from b to a (if g_amplitude_a = 0)
       print_str("SNR and WPFB processing gain:");
       print_str(". c_wg_snr_b_dB                = " & real_to_str(c_wg_snr_b_dB, 7, 2) & " [dB]");