diff --git a/libraries/base/dp/src/vhdl/dp_packet_merge.vhd b/libraries/base/dp/src/vhdl/dp_packet_merge.vhd
index 78269fecf91b5630c8e666924ea27304019fed4c..a95cee5c482c81e4a56e7efc4095dc617db1da21 100644
--- a/libraries/base/dp/src/vhdl/dp_packet_merge.vhd
+++ b/libraries/base/dp/src/vhdl/dp_packet_merge.vhd
@@ -67,18 +67,18 @@
 --   input and output for merging e.g. 3 packets. Draw the sop and eop and also draw the case that
 --   there is a data invalid gap between packets. There needs to be a packet counter so, also
 --   draw this signal.
--- . Using the timing diagram now assing each of the v fields. Try to keep the implementation
+-- . Using the timing diagram, now assign each of the v fields. Try to keep the implementation
 --   for each field seperate, i.e. do not combine multiple fields into one if then else statement.
---   The reason is that keeping each field implementation seperate makes the code more clear and
+--   The reason is that keeping each field implementation seperate, makes the code more clear and
 --   also eases making modifications later on. Mark the implementation section by a comment line.
 -- . Typically use r in the if condition and at the right of the := assignment. Depending only
 --   on r for implementing v has the advantage that the order of the code section is not important,
 --   i.e. similar as with seperate combinatorial processes. However for some cases it can be
---   beneficial to use v in the condition or in the assignment, e.g. as with v_busy.
+--   beneficial to use v in the condition or in the assignment, e.g. as with v.busy.
 -- . If the component will not support flow control, then the snk - src latency may be made
 --   > 1. However to prepare for adding flow control later on it is prefered to keep the input -
 --   output latency at 1. Keeping the snk - src latency at 1 typically also makes the
---   implementation more clear, because if more latency is needed then it may be better to
+--   implementation more clear, because if more latency is needed, then it may be better to
 --   partition the function over two or more components. The snk - src latency of 1 is not
 --   functional, because the nxt_r with latency 0 also could be used as output. However the
 --   registering of outputs can be functional. From digital implementation point of view it is
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ begin
     if snk_in.eop = '1' then
       if r.pkt_cnt = 0 then
-        v.src_out.err := snk_in.err;
+        v.src_out.err := snk_in.err;  -- take err field of first packet
         v.src_out.err := r.src_out.err or snk_in.err;  -- OR the err fields of the packets to reflect combined error status.
       end if;