diff --git a/libraries/io/ddr/src/vhdl/io_ddr_driver.vhd b/libraries/io/ddr/src/vhdl/io_ddr_driver.vhd
index 80cdc38fcde798cd02020ae064ea0513487e7c04..78a8131c28ad7ad011327dce86b848b03bfa94fd 100644
--- a/libraries/io/ddr/src/vhdl/io_ddr_driver.vhd
+++ b/libraries/io/ddr/src/vhdl/io_ddr_driver.vhd
@@ -82,17 +82,17 @@ ARCHITECTURE str OF io_ddr_driver IS
   SIGNAL dvr_wr_not_rd          : STD_LOGIC;       
   SIGNAL dvr_start_address      : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_ctlr_address_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
   SIGNAL dvr_nof_data           : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_ctlr_address_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
-  SIGNAL dvr_done               : STD_LOGIC;
+  SIGNAL dvr_done               : STD_LOGIC := '0';
   SIGNAL nxt_dvr_done           : STD_LOGIC;
-  SIGNAL burst_size             : POSITIVE RANGE 1 TO 2**g_tech_ddr.maxburstsize_w-1;      -- burst size >= 1
+  SIGNAL burst_size             : POSITIVE RANGE 1 TO 2**g_tech_ddr.maxburstsize_w-1 := 1;  -- burst size >= 1
   SIGNAL nxt_burst_size         : POSITIVE;
-  SIGNAL burst_wr_cnt           : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(g_tech_ddr.maxburstsize_w-1 DOWNTO 0);  -- count down from burst_size to 0
-  SIGNAL nxt_burst_wr_cnt       : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(g_tech_ddr.maxburstsize_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+  SIGNAL burst_wr_cnt           : NATURAL  RANGE 0 TO 2**g_tech_ddr.maxburstsize_w-1 := 0;  -- count down from burst_size to 0
+  SIGNAL nxt_burst_wr_cnt       : NATURAL  RANGE 0 TO 2**g_tech_ddr.maxburstsize_w-1;
-  SIGNAL cur_address            : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_ctlr_address_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
+  SIGNAL cur_address            : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_ctlr_address_w-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS=>'0');
   SIGNAL nxt_cur_address        : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_ctlr_address_w-1 DOWNTO 0);   
-  SIGNAL address_cnt            : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_ctlr_address_w-1 DOWNTO 0);  -- count down nof addresses = nof ctlr data words
+  SIGNAL address_cnt            : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_ctlr_address_w-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS=>'0');  -- count down nof addresses = nof ctlr data words
   SIGNAL nxt_address_cnt        : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_ctlr_address_w-1 DOWNTO 0);   
@@ -107,21 +107,16 @@ BEGIN
   p_clk : PROCESS(rst, clk)
     IF rst='1' THEN
-      state                <= s_init;
-      burst_wr_cnt         <= (OTHERS=>'0');
-      dvr_done             <= '0';
-      cur_address          <= (OTHERS=>'0');
-      address_cnt          <= (OTHERS=>'0');
-      burst_size           <= 1;
-      prev_state           <= s_idle;
+      state          <= s_init;
+      prev_state     <= s_init;
     ELSIF rising_edge(clk) THEN
-      state                <= nxt_state;
-      burst_wr_cnt         <= nxt_burst_wr_cnt;
-      dvr_done             <= nxt_dvr_done;
-      cur_address          <= nxt_cur_address;
-      address_cnt          <= nxt_address_cnt;
-      burst_size           <= nxt_burst_size;
-      prev_state           <= state;
+      state          <= nxt_state;
+      prev_state     <= state;
+      burst_wr_cnt   <= nxt_burst_wr_cnt;
+      dvr_done       <= nxt_dvr_done;
+      cur_address    <= nxt_cur_address;
+      address_cnt    <= nxt_address_cnt;
+      burst_size     <= nxt_burst_size;
     END IF;
@@ -155,10 +150,10 @@ BEGIN
     ctlr_mosi.burstsize    <= (OTHERS => '0');
     wr_snk_out.ready       <= '0';
-    nxt_burst_wr_cnt       <= burst_wr_cnt;    
     nxt_dvr_done           <= '0';
     nxt_cur_address        <= cur_address;
     nxt_address_cnt        <= address_cnt;
+    nxt_burst_wr_cnt       <= burst_wr_cnt;
     CASE state IS
@@ -167,8 +162,8 @@ BEGIN
           IF wr_snk_in.valid = '1' THEN         -- it is allowed that valid is not always active during a burst
             wr_snk_out.ready <= '1';            -- wr side uses latency of 0, so wr_snk_out.ready<='1' acknowledges a successful write request.
             ctlr_mosi.wr     <= '1';
-            nxt_burst_wr_cnt <= INCR_UVEC(burst_wr_cnt, -1);
-            IF UNSIGNED(burst_wr_cnt) = 1 THEN  -- check for the last cycle of this burst sequence
+            nxt_burst_wr_cnt <= burst_wr_cnt-1;
+            IF burst_wr_cnt = 1 THEN            -- check for the last cycle of this burst sequence
               nxt_state <= s_wr_request;        -- initiate a new wr burst or goto idle via the wr_request state
             END IF;
           END IF;
@@ -187,7 +182,7 @@ BEGIN
             ctlr_mosi.burstsize  <= TO_MEM_CTLR_BURSTSIZE(burst_size);  -- burstsize >= 1
             nxt_cur_address      <= INCR_UVEC(cur_address, burst_size);
             nxt_address_cnt      <= INCR_UVEC(address_cnt, -burst_size);
-            nxt_burst_wr_cnt     <= TO_UVEC(burst_size-1, g_tech_ddr.maxburstsize_w);
+            nxt_burst_wr_cnt     <= burst_size-1;
             -- Return for next wr request or perform any remaining writes in this burst
             nxt_state <= s_wait; 
             IF burst_size > 1 THEN
@@ -228,12 +223,13 @@ BEGIN
         END IF;
       WHEN s_idle =>
+        nxt_cur_address  <= dvr_start_address; 
+        nxt_address_cnt  <= dvr_nof_data;
+        nxt_burst_wr_cnt <= 0;
         nxt_dvr_done <= '1';    -- assert dvr_done after s_init or keep it asserted after a finished access
         IF dvr_en = '1' THEN  
-          nxt_cur_address <= dvr_start_address; 
-          nxt_address_cnt <= dvr_nof_data;
-          nxt_dvr_done    <= '0';
-          nxt_state       <= s_wait;
+          nxt_dvr_done <= '0';
+          nxt_state    <= s_wait;
         END IF;
       WHEN OTHERS => -- s_init