diff --git a/libraries/base/diag/diag.peripheral.yaml b/libraries/base/diag/diag.peripheral.yaml
index 798607e34275fd0e0bb94f4c93796e00a17cf349..8de8766776972c7b487ab8ae3244f13182f1ecef 100644
--- a/libraries/base/diag/diag.peripheral.yaml
+++ b/libraries/base/diag/diag.peripheral.yaml
@@ -3,232 +3,324 @@ schema_version: 1.0
 schema_type: peripheral
 hdl_library_name: diag
-hdl_library_description: " This is the description for the bf package "
+hdl_library_description: "Diagnostics (DIAG) peripherals data generation and data capturing."
-  - peripheral_name: block_gen
-    peripheral_description: "Block generator"
+  - peripheral_name: diag_wg_wideband    # pi_diag_wg_wideband.py
+    peripheral_description: "Waveform generator (WG), see diag_wg.vhd"
+      # Parameters of mms_diag_wg_wideband_arr.vhd
       - { name: g_nof_streams, value: 1 }
-      - { name: g_buf_dat_w  , value: 32 }
-      - { name: g_buf_addr_w , value: 7 }
-    slave_ports:
-        # actual hdl name: reg_diag_bg 
-      - slave_name: ctrl  
-        slave_description: ""
+    slave_ports:                            
+      # MM port for diag_wg_wideband_reg.vhd
+      - slave_name: REG_DIAG_WG
+        slave_description: "Waveform control."
         slave_type: REG
+        number_of_slaves: g_nof_streams
-          - - field_name: Enable
-              field_description: "Bit 0: enable the block generator Bit 1: enable the blok generator on PPS"
-              width: 2
+          - - field_name: nof_samples
+              field_description: "Number of samples in WG period."
+              width: 16
+              bit_offset: 16
+              address_offset: 0x0
+          - - field_name: mode
+              field_description: |
+                "WG mode:
+                 0 = off
+                 1 = calc, uses WG buffer waveform to output sinus with ampl * sin(freq * t + phase
+                 2 = repeat, outputs WG buffer waveform repeatedly
+                 3 = single, outputs WG buffer waveform once"
+              width: 8
+              bit_offset: 0
               address_offset: 0x0
-          - - field_name: Samples_per_packet
-              field_description: "This REG specifies the number samples in a packet"
+          - - field_name: phase
+              field_description: "Phase of WG sinus, phase = int('phase in degrees' *  2**width / 360)."
               width: 16
+              bit_offset: 0
               address_offset: 0x4
-              reset_value: 256
-          - - field_name: Blocks_per_sync
-              field_description: "This REG specifies the number of packets in a sync period"
-              width: 16
+          - - field_name: freq
+              field_description: "Frequency of WG sinus, freq = int('frequency in 0 to 1' * f_clk * 2**width), where f_clk = f_adc in Hz."
+              width: 31
+              bit_offset: 0
               address_offset: 0x8
-              reset_value: 781250
-          - - field_name: Gapsize
-              field_description: "This REG specifies the gap in number of clock cycles between two consecutive packets"
-              width: 16
-              address_offset: 0xc
-              reset_value: 80
-          - - field_name: Mem_low_address
-              field_description: "This REG specifies the starting address for reading from the waveform memory"
-              width: 8
-              address_offset: 0x10
-          - - field_name: Mem_high_address
-              field_description: "This REG specifies the last address to be read when from the waveform memory"
-              width: 8
-              address_offset: 0x14
-          - - field_name: BSN_init_low
-              field_description: "This REG specifies the lower(LSB) 32 bits [31:0] of the initialization BSN"
-              address_offset: 0x18
-          - - field_name: BSN_init_high
-              field_description: "This REG specifies the higher(MSB) 32 bits [63:32] of the initialization BSN"
-              address_offset: 0x1c
-        # actual hdl name: ram_diag_bg
-      - slave_name: wave_data  
-        slave_description: ""
+          - - field_name: ampl
+              field_description: "Amplitude of WG sinus, ampl = int('amplitude in range 0 to 2' * 2**(width-1), where amplitude > 1 causes clipping."
+              width: 17
+              bit_offset: 0
+              address_offset: 0xC
+      # MM port for mms_diag_wg_wideband.vhd
+      - slave_name: RAM_DIAG_WG
+        slave_description: "Waveform buffer."
         slave_type: RAM
         number_of_slaves: g_nof_streams
-          - - field_name: diag_bg
-              width: g_buf_dat_w
-              number_of_fields: 2**g_buf_addr_w
-              field_description: |
-                  "Contains the Waveform data for the data-streams to be send"
-  - peripheral_name: data_buffer
-    peripheral_description: |
-        "Peripheral diag_data_buffer
-        Memory map RAM_DIAG_DATA_BUFFER
-        If there is only one instance then the RAM name is RAM_DIAG_DATA_BUFFER, else it
-        gets an instanceName as post fix so RAM_DIAG_DATA_BUFFER_<instanceName|.
-        The diag_data_buffer can store multiple streams in parallel. For example
-        1024 data words for 16 streams the memory map becomes: 16
-        streamNr = 0:
-        +------------------------------------------------------------+
-        |   byte 3   |   byte 2   |   byte 1   |   byte 0   |   wi   |
-        |------------------------------------------------------------|
-        |                   data_0[31:0]                    |  0     |
-        |                   data_1[31:0]                    |  1     |
-        |                   ...                             |  ..    |
-        |                data_1023[31:0]                    |  1023  |
-        +------------------------------------------------------------+
-        streamNr = 1:
-        +------------------------------------------------------------+
-        |   byte 3   |   byte 2   |   byte 1   |   byte 0   |   wi   |
-        |------------------------------------------------------------|
-        |                   data_0[31:0]                    |  1024  |
-        |                   data_1[31:0]                    |  1025  |
-        |                   ...                             |  ..    |
-        |                data_1023[31:0]                    |  2047  |
-        +------------------------------------------------------------+
-        streamNr = 15:
-        +------------------------------------------------------------+
-        |   byte 3   |   byte 2   |   byte 1   |   byte 0   |   wi   |
-        |------------------------------------------------------------|
-        |                   data_0[31:0]                    |  15360 |
-        |                   data_1[31:0]                    |  15361 |
-        |                   ...                             |  ..    |
-        |                data_1023[31:0]                    |  16383 |
-        +------------------------------------------------------------+
-        Remarks:
-        - The data buffer stores valid data samples until it is full.
-        - The data buffer fills again after an external sync pulse or after the
-            last data word was read via the MM bus, dependend on whether the generic
-            g_use_in_sync is TRUE or FALSE in diag_data_buffer.vhd.
-        - The actual data width depends on the generic g_data_w in
-            diag_data_buffer.vhd. The value of unused MSBits is undefined.
-        Memory map REG_DIAG_DATA_BUFFER (one for each stream like the RAM above)
-        +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-        |   byte 3   |   byte 2   |   byte 1   |   byte 0   |  wi                    |
-        |----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
-        |                  sync_cnt[31:0]                   | 0 RO (Version 0 and 1) |
-        |                  word_cnt[31:0]                   | 1 RO (Version 0 and 1) |
-        |        R = valid_cnt[31:0] W = arm_enable         | 2 RW (Version 1 only)  |
-        |               reg_sync_delay[31:0]                | 3 RW (Version 1 only)  | 
-        |                     RESERVED                      | 4    (Version 1 only)  |
-        |                     RESERVED                      | 5    (Version 1 only)  |
-        |                     RESERVED                      | 6    (Version 1 only)  |
-        |                  version[31:0]                    | 7 RO (Version 1 only)  |
-        +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-        There are 3 access_modes of operation of the data_buffer.
-        Version 0 supports access_Mode 1 and access_Mode 2
-        Version 1 supports access_Mode 1, access_Mode 2 and access_Mode 3
-        (1) NON-SYNC access_MODE: g_use_in_sync = FALSE
-        In this access_mode the first g_nof_data valid data input words are stored in the
-        data buffer. A new set of data will be stored when the last word is read
-        from the buffer via the MM interface.
-        (2) SYNC-access_MODE: g_use_in_sync = TRUE and reg_sync_delay = 0
-        On every received sync pulse a number of g_nof_data valid words are written
-        to the databuffer. Data will be overwritten on every new sync pulse. It is
-        up to the user to read out the data in time in between two sync pulses
-        (3) ARM-access_MODE: g_use_in_sync = TRUE and reg_sync_delay | 0
-        First the reg_sync_delay should be written with a desired delay value. Then
-        the arm REG must be written. After being armed the databuffer will wait
-        for the first sync pulse to arrive. When it has arrived it will wait for
-        reg_sync_delay valid cycles before g_nof_data valid words are written to the
-        databuffer. The data can then be read out through the MM interface. New data
-        will only be written if the databuffer is being armed again.
-        - Sync_cnt contains the nof times the buffer (ST) has received a sync pulse
-            since the last MM read (cleared when the last data word from the buffer is
-            read);
-        - Word_cnt indicates the number of word currently (ST) written in the buffer.
-            Cleared on (ST) re-write of buffer.
-        - valid_cnt contains the number of valid cycles since the last sync pulse.
-            Cleared on every sync pulse.
-        - arm_enable. Write to this REG to arm the system. After the system is
-            armed the next syn pulse will truigger the acquisition of data.
-        - reg_sync_delay contains the number of valid cycles to delay/wait after an armed-syncpulse,
-            before the data is written to the databuffer.
-        - version contains the version number of the databuffer peripheral."
+          - - field_name: data
+              field_description: "Waveform default is one sinus period (diag_sin_1024x18.hex)."
+              width: 18               # = c_wg_buf_dat_w in node_adc_input_and_timing.vhd
+              address_offset: 0x0
+              number_of_fields: 1024  # = 2**c_wg_buf_addr_w in node_adc_input_and_timing.vhd
+    g_data_w      : NATURAL := 32;
+    g_nof_data    : NATURAL := 1024;
+    g_use_in_sync : BOOLEAN := FALSE   -- when TRUE start filling the buffer at the in_sync, else after the last word was read
+  - peripheral_name: diag_data_buffer    # pi_diag_data_buffer.py
+    peripheral_description: "Data buffer (DB)"
-      -  { name: g_nof_streams , value: 1 }
-      -  { name: g_data_w      , value: 32 }
-      -  { name: g_buf_nof_data, value: 1024 }
-    slave_ports:
-        # actual hdl name: reg_diag_data_buffer
-      - slave_name: status  
-        slave_description: ""
+      # Parameters of mms_diag_data_buffer.vhd
+      - { name: g_nof_streams, value: 1 }
+      - { name: g_data_w, value: 16 }
+      - { name: g_nof_data, value: 1024 }
+      - { name: g_use_in_sync, value: true }  # when true the starts filling at the sync, else after the last word was read
+    slave_ports:                            
+      # MM port for mms_diag_data_buffer.vhd
+      - slave_name: REG_DIAG_DB
+        slave_description: "Data buffer status."
         slave_type: REG
+        number_of_slaves: g_nof_streams
-          - - field_name: Sync_cnt
-              field_description: |
-                  "Sync_cnt contains the nof times the buffer (ST) has received a sync pulse since the last MM read
-                  (cleared when the last data word from the buffer is read)"
+          - - field_name: sync_cnt
+              field_description: "Number of times the DB has been written."
               access_mode: RO
               address_offset: 0x0
-          - - field_name: Word_cnt
-              field_description: |
-                  "Word_cnt indicates the number of word currently (ST) written in the buffer. Cleared on (ST) re-write of buffer."
+          - - field_name: word_cnt
+              field_description: "Number data words in the DB."
               access_mode: RO
               address_offset: 0x4
-          - - field_name: Valid_cnt_arm_ena
-              field_description: |
-                  "Valid_cnt contains the number of valid cycles since the last sync pulse. Cleared on every sync pulse.
-                  Arm_enable: Write to this REG to arm the system.
-                  After the system is armed the next syn pulse will trigger the acquisition of data."
-              address_offset: 0x8
-          - - field_name: Reg_sync_delay
-              field_description: |
-                  "Reg_sync_delay contains the number of valid cycles to delay/wait after an armed-syncpulse,
-                  before the data is written to the databuffer."
-              address_offset: 0xc
-          - - field_name: Version
-              field_description: "Version contains the version number of the databuffer peripheral."
-              access_mode: RO
-              address_offset: 0x1c
-        # actual hdl name: ram_diag_data_buffer
-      - slave_name: data  
-        slave_description: ""
+      # MM port for mms_diag_data_buffer.vhd
+      - slave_name: RAM_DIAG_DB
+        slave_description: "Data buffer memory."
         slave_type: RAM
         number_of_slaves: g_nof_streams
-          - - field_name: ram
+          - - field_name: data
+              field_description: ""
               width: g_data_w
-              number_of_fields: g_buf_nof_data
-              field_description: "Contains the data that is being captured."
+              address_offset: 0x0
+              number_of_fields: g_nof_data
+#  - peripheral_name: block_gen
+#    peripheral_description: "Block generator"
+#    parameters:
+#      - { name: g_nof_streams, value: 1 }
+#      - { name: g_buf_dat_w  , value: 32 }
+#      - { name: g_buf_addr_w , value: 7 }
+#    slave_ports:
+#        # actual hdl name: reg_diag_bg 
+#      - slave_name: ctrl  
+#        slave_description: ""
+#        slave_type: REG
+#        fields:
+#          - - field_name: Enable
+#              field_description: "Bit 0: enable the block generator Bit 1: enable the blok generator on PPS"
+#              width: 2
+#              address_offset: 0x0
+#          - - field_name: Samples_per_packet
+#              field_description: "This REG specifies the number samples in a packet"
+#              width: 16
+#              address_offset: 0x4
+#              reset_value: 256
+#          - - field_name: Blocks_per_sync
+#              field_description: "This REG specifies the number of packets in a sync period"
+#              width: 16
+#              address_offset: 0x8
+#              reset_value: 781250
+#          - - field_name: Gapsize
+#              field_description: "This REG specifies the gap in number of clock cycles between two consecutive packets"
+#              width: 16
+#              address_offset: 0xc
+#              reset_value: 80
+#          - - field_name: Mem_low_address
+#              field_description: "This REG specifies the starting address for reading from the waveform memory"
+#              width: 8
+#              address_offset: 0x10
+#          - - field_name: Mem_high_address
+#              field_description: "This REG specifies the last address to be read when from the waveform memory"
+#              width: 8
+#              address_offset: 0x14
+#          - - field_name: BSN_init_low
+#              field_description: "This REG specifies the lower(LSB) 32 bits [31:0] of the initialization BSN"
+#              address_offset: 0x18
+#          - - field_name: BSN_init_high
+#              field_description: "This REG specifies the higher(MSB) 32 bits [63:32] of the initialization BSN"
+#              address_offset: 0x1c
+#        # actual hdl name: ram_diag_bg
+#      - slave_name: wave_data  
+#        slave_description: ""
+#        slave_type: RAM
+#        number_of_slaves: g_nof_streams
+#        fields:
+#          - - field_name: diag_bg
+#              width: g_buf_dat_w
+#              number_of_fields: 2**g_buf_addr_w
+#              field_description: |
+#                  "Contains the Waveform data for the data-streams to be send"
+#  - peripheral_name: data_buffer
+#    peripheral_description: |
+#        "Peripheral diag_data_buffer
+#        Memory map RAM_DIAG_DATA_BUFFER
+#        If there is only one instance then the RAM name is RAM_DIAG_DATA_BUFFER, else it
+#        gets an instanceName as post fix so RAM_DIAG_DATA_BUFFER_<instanceName|.
+#        The diag_data_buffer can store multiple streams in parallel. For example
+#        1024 data words for 16 streams the memory map becomes: 16
+#        streamNr = 0:
+#        +------------------------------------------------------------+
+#        |   byte 3   |   byte 2   |   byte 1   |   byte 0   |   wi   |
+#        |------------------------------------------------------------|
+#        |                   data_0[31:0]                    |  0     |
+#        |                   data_1[31:0]                    |  1     |
+#        |                   ...                             |  ..    |
+#        |                data_1023[31:0]                    |  1023  |
+#        +------------------------------------------------------------+
+#        streamNr = 1:
+#        +------------------------------------------------------------+
+#        |   byte 3   |   byte 2   |   byte 1   |   byte 0   |   wi   |
+#        |------------------------------------------------------------|
+#        |                   data_0[31:0]                    |  1024  |
+#        |                   data_1[31:0]                    |  1025  |
+#        |                   ...                             |  ..    |
+#        |                data_1023[31:0]                    |  2047  |
+#        +------------------------------------------------------------+
+#        streamNr = 15:
+#        +------------------------------------------------------------+
+#        |   byte 3   |   byte 2   |   byte 1   |   byte 0   |   wi   |
+#        |------------------------------------------------------------|
+#        |                   data_0[31:0]                    |  15360 |
+#        |                   data_1[31:0]                    |  15361 |
+#        |                   ...                             |  ..    |
+#        |                data_1023[31:0]                    |  16383 |
+#        +------------------------------------------------------------+
+#        Remarks:
+#        - The data buffer stores valid data samples until it is full.
+#        - The data buffer fills again after an external sync pulse or after the
+#            last data word was read via the MM bus, dependend on whether the generic
+#            g_use_in_sync is TRUE or FALSE in diag_data_buffer.vhd.
+#        - The actual data width depends on the generic g_data_w in
+#            diag_data_buffer.vhd. The value of unused MSBits is undefined.
+#        Memory map REG_DIAG_DATA_BUFFER (one for each stream like the RAM above)
+#        +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+#        |   byte 3   |   byte 2   |   byte 1   |   byte 0   |  wi                    |
+#        |----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
+#        |                  sync_cnt[31:0]                   | 0 RO (Version 0 and 1) |
+#        |                  word_cnt[31:0]                   | 1 RO (Version 0 and 1) |
+#        |        R = valid_cnt[31:0] W = arm_enable         | 2 RW (Version 1 only)  |
+#        |               reg_sync_delay[31:0]                | 3 RW (Version 1 only)  | 
+#        |                     RESERVED                      | 4    (Version 1 only)  |
+#        |                     RESERVED                      | 5    (Version 1 only)  |
+#        |                     RESERVED                      | 6    (Version 1 only)  |
+#        |                  version[31:0]                    | 7 RO (Version 1 only)  |
+#        +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+#        There are 3 access_modes of operation of the data_buffer.
+#        Version 0 supports access_Mode 1 and access_Mode 2
+#        Version 1 supports access_Mode 1, access_Mode 2 and access_Mode 3
+#        (1) NON-SYNC access_MODE: g_use_in_sync = FALSE
+#        In this access_mode the first g_nof_data valid data input words are stored in the
+#        data buffer. A new set of data will be stored when the last word is read
+#        from the buffer via the MM interface.
+#        (2) SYNC-access_MODE: g_use_in_sync = TRUE and reg_sync_delay = 0
+#        On every received sync pulse a number of g_nof_data valid words are written
+#        to the databuffer. Data will be overwritten on every new sync pulse. It is
+#        up to the user to read out the data in time in between two sync pulses
+#        (3) ARM-access_MODE: g_use_in_sync = TRUE and reg_sync_delay | 0
+#        First the reg_sync_delay should be written with a desired delay value. Then
+#        the arm REG must be written. After being armed the databuffer will wait
+#        for the first sync pulse to arrive. When it has arrived it will wait for
+#        reg_sync_delay valid cycles before g_nof_data valid words are written to the
+#        databuffer. The data can then be read out through the MM interface. New data
+#        will only be written if the databuffer is being armed again.
+#        - Sync_cnt contains the nof times the buffer (ST) has received a sync pulse
+#            since the last MM read (cleared when the last data word from the buffer is
+#            read);
+#        - Word_cnt indicates the number of word currently (ST) written in the buffer.
+#            Cleared on (ST) re-write of buffer.
+#        - valid_cnt contains the number of valid cycles since the last sync pulse.
+#            Cleared on every sync pulse.
+#        - arm_enable. Write to this REG to arm the system. After the system is
+#            armed the next syn pulse will truigger the acquisition of data.
+#        - reg_sync_delay contains the number of valid cycles to delay/wait after an armed-syncpulse,
+#            before the data is written to the databuffer.
+#        - version contains the version number of the databuffer peripheral."
+#    parameters:
+#      -  { name: g_nof_streams , value: 1 }
+#      -  { name: g_data_w      , value: 32 }
+#      -  { name: g_buf_nof_data, value: 1024 }
+#    slave_ports:
+#        # actual hdl name: reg_diag_data_buffer
+#      - slave_name: status  
+#        slave_description: ""
+#        slave_type: REG
+#        fields:
+#          - - field_name: Sync_cnt
+#              field_description: |
+#                  "Sync_cnt contains the nof times the buffer (ST) has received a sync pulse since the last MM read
+#                  (cleared when the last data word from the buffer is read)"
+#              access_mode: RO
+#              address_offset: 0x0
+#          - - field_name: Word_cnt
+#              field_description: |
+#                  "Word_cnt indicates the number of word currently (ST) written in the buffer. Cleared on (ST) re-write of buffer."
+#              access_mode: RO
+#              address_offset: 0x4
+#          - - field_name: Valid_cnt_arm_ena
+#              field_description: |
+#                  "Valid_cnt contains the number of valid cycles since the last sync pulse. Cleared on every sync pulse.
+#                  Arm_enable: Write to this REG to arm the system.
+#                  After the system is armed the next syn pulse will trigger the acquisition of data."
+#              address_offset: 0x8
+#          - - field_name: Reg_sync_delay
+#              field_description: |
+#                  "Reg_sync_delay contains the number of valid cycles to delay/wait after an armed-syncpulse,
+#                  before the data is written to the databuffer."
+#              address_offset: 0xc
+#          - - field_name: Version
+#              field_description: "Version contains the version number of the databuffer peripheral."
+#              access_mode: RO
+#              address_offset: 0x1c
+#        # actual hdl name: ram_diag_data_buffer
+#      - slave_name: data  
+#        slave_description: ""
+#        slave_type: RAM
+#        number_of_slaves: g_nof_streams
+#        fields:
+#          - - field_name: ram
+#              width: g_data_w
+#              number_of_fields: g_buf_nof_data
+#              field_description: "Contains the data that is being captured."