diff --git a/libraries/base/dp/src/vhdl/dp_field_blk.vhd b/libraries/base/dp/src/vhdl/dp_field_blk.vhd
index b9d431d6c59ba37a116a371ff07fa68f30b2094c..f778f6c181aef52db57f807726063f2959ae2dba 100644
--- a/libraries/base/dp/src/vhdl/dp_field_blk.vhd
+++ b/libraries/base/dp/src/vhdl/dp_field_blk.vhd
@@ -36,8 +36,12 @@ USE work.dp_stream_pkg.ALL;
 -- . The initial (default) values of the override bits are passed via g_field_sel(one bit per field);
 -- . Both the SLV as the override (ovr) fields can be read back via MM;
 -- . g_mode can be used to select in which mode dp_field_blk should work. Most of the time, the
---   default g_mode = 0 can be used. Forcing either source or sink mode could be done when the
---   data sosi data length is larger than the field block.
+--   default g_mode = 0 can be used. When using g_mode = 0, it is assumed that dp_field_blk must be
+--   used in source mode when g_snk_data_w > g_src_data_w, else in sink mode. This is a typical 
+--   application as it is often the case that the total width of the field block is larger than the
+--   serial data width as shown in the example below. There are cases where the width of the 
+--   field-block is smaller than the serial data words. Therefore it is possible to force either sink 
+--   or source mode.
 --   . g_mode = 0: auto select mode based on g_snk_data_w and g_src_data_w.
 --   . g_mode = 1: use dp_field_blk in source mode regardless of g_*_data_w.
 --   . g_mode = 2: use dp_field_blk in sink mode regardless of g_*_data_w.