From 3ac8fbe454df41162ea698c40aa350096e628cd9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Erik Kooistra <>
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 10:51:39 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Use g_rd_fifo_af_margin to fit one (DDR3 IP) or more (DDR4
 IP) rd burst accesses of g_tech_ddr.maxburstsize each.

 libraries/io/ddr/src/vhdl/io_ddr.vhd | 18 +++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libraries/io/ddr/src/vhdl/io_ddr.vhd b/libraries/io/ddr/src/vhdl/io_ddr.vhd
index 63bff7f5db..1d853ab889 100644
--- a/libraries/io/ddr/src/vhdl/io_ddr.vhd
+++ b/libraries/io/ddr/src/vhdl/io_ddr.vhd
@@ -41,6 +41,14 @@
 --   DDR write access can start on the next valid, sop or sync dependent on
 --   g_wr_flush_mode.
+--   The g_rd_fifo_af_margin needs to be large enough to fit a number of read
+--   bursts that may be pending in the DDR controller command queue depth. 
+--   A new rd access can start when ctlr_rd_src_in.ready indicates that there
+--   is sufficient space in the read FIFO to store g_tech_ddr.maxburstsize
+--   words. Due to the DDR controller command queue there can be more rd
+--   bursts already be pending. Therefore the g_rd_fifo_af_margin needs to be
+--   large enough to fit a number of read bursts.
 --   In simulation use g_sim=TRUE to also include the DDR memory model that is
 --   internally available within tech_ddr. This avoids having to connect a DDR
 --   memory model at top level in the test bench.
@@ -54,7 +62,7 @@
 -- . The dvr interface could be connected to a DP sequencer that can write
 --   blocks to DDR and read back from DDR. The DP sequencer uses signals
 --   from its input DP interface. For write access the dvr_en could relate
---   to teh sop and the dvr_nof_data then equals the nof data from sop to eop.
+--   to the sop and the dvr_nof_data then equals the nof data from sop to eop.
 --   The dvr_done can be treated as xon. The dvr_wr_not_rd selects between
 --   the write stream to DDR access or the read stream from DDR access. For a
 --   read access the sequencer needs to generate the dvr signals itself.
@@ -156,8 +164,9 @@ ENTITY io_ddr IS
     g_cross_domain_dvr_ctlr   : BOOLEAN := TRUE;
     g_cross_domain_delay_len  : NATURAL := c_meta_delay_len;
     g_wr_data_w               : NATURAL := 32;  
-    g_wr_fifo_depth           : NATURAL := 128;     -- >=16                             , defined at DDR side of the FIFO.
-    g_rd_fifo_depth           : NATURAL := 256;     -- >=16 AND >g_tech_ddr.maxburstsize, defined at DDR side of the FIFO. 
+    g_wr_fifo_depth           : NATURAL := 256;     -- >=16                             , defined at DDR side of the FIFO, default 256 because 32b*256 fits in 1 M9K
+    g_rd_fifo_depth           : NATURAL := 256;     -- >=16 AND >g_tech_ddr.maxburstsize, defined at DDR side of the FIFO, default 256 because 32b*256 fits in 1 M9K 
+    g_rd_fifo_af_margin       : NATURAL := 4 + 1*64;  -- < g_rd_fifo_depth and sufficient to fit one or more rd burst accesses of g_tech_ddr.maxburstsize each
     g_rd_data_w               : NATURAL := 32;
     g_wr_flush_mode           : STRING := "VAL";  -- "VAL", "SOP", "SYN"
     g_wr_flush_use_channel    : BOOLEAN := FALSE;
@@ -218,7 +227,6 @@ ARCHITECTURE str OF io_ddr IS
   CONSTANT c_wr_fifo_depth     : NATURAL := g_wr_fifo_depth * (c_ctlr_data_w/g_wr_data_w);  -- get FIFO depth at write side
   CONSTANT c_wr_fifo_af_margin : NATURAL := 4 + 1;                        -- use +1 to compensate for latency introduced by registering wr_siso.ready due to RL=0
-  CONSTANT c_rd_fifo_af_margin : NATURAL := 4 + g_tech_ddr.maxburstsize;  -- use ctlr_rd_src_in.ready to only start new rd access when there is sufficient space in the read FIFO
   SIGNAL ctlr_dvr_miso         : t_mem_ctlr_miso;
   SIGNAL ctlr_dvr_mosi         : t_mem_ctlr_mosi;
@@ -369,7 +377,7 @@ BEGIN
     g_rd_data_w         => g_rd_data_w,
     g_use_ctrl          => FALSE,
     g_wr_fifo_size      => g_rd_fifo_depth,
-    g_wr_fifo_af_margin => c_rd_fifo_af_margin, -- >=4 (required by dp_fifo)
+    g_wr_fifo_af_margin => g_rd_fifo_af_margin, -- >=4 (required by dp_fifo)
     g_rd_fifo_rl        => 1