From 2e02129ad0f0ed6c61c39c57afddd6c1252d9515 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eric Kooistra <>
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2021 14:52:22 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Added some more notes.

 doc/erko_hdl_design_article.txt | 30 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+)

diff --git a/doc/erko_hdl_design_article.txt b/doc/erko_hdl_design_article.txt
index 433895dd59..258ee28df8 100644
--- a/doc/erko_hdl_design_article.txt
+++ b/doc/erko_hdl_design_article.txt
@@ -43,3 +43,33 @@ $RADIOHDL_WORK/applications/lofar2/doc/prestudy/
+HDL coding: Useful documents about with fundamental knowledge for digital logic in FPGAs and ASICs:
+  - Memory mapped RAM and registers and clock domain crossing. Thanks to these standard components we
+    can run the mm_clk at another rate than the dp_clk:
+    About meta stability and asynchronous logic. This doc cointains solutions for:
+    . synchronizing a reset to a clock domain,
+    . transfering a level signal between clock domains
+    . transfering a pulse signal between clock domains
+      It als contains a study that I did to understand how the control of a dual clock FIFO works. Typically
+      we use an IP component as FIFO, but I think the async_fifo RTL code would also work on HW, it does
+      work in simulation.
+  - RTL combinatorial D --> D, rising_edge D --> Q
+    . complicates functional thinking because mixes combinatorial (valid now) and clocked (valid one
+      cylce later)
+    . latency of D --> Q complicates backpressure (RL = 1)
+    . introduces non-functional pipeline, mixes state reg and pipeline reg
+    Gaisler structures this RTL D --> Q coding style, but does not solve these complications
+    Gaisler uses variables, but does not structure the use of variables
+Ik zie twee niveaus:
+1) Als de FPGA synthese & timing aangeeft dat het goed is, dan is de FPGA logic foutloos
+  (dwz what you code is what you get).
+2) Als we goed ontwerpen, implementeren en testen, zorgen dat FIFOs niet overstromen, en zorgen
+   dat de packets die binnenkomen van buiten de FPGA correct zijn (bijv. mbv CRC ok) dan is de
+   block processing foutloos (dwz what you want is what you get). Dan kunnen we er intern steeds
+   van uitgaan dat de blokken data correct zijn en hoeven we dus intern geen checks meer te doen.