From 22e99c4b478a95fe509e3985b67868e484dc2b96 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eric Kooistra <>
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2021 16:58:49 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Updated the yaml files for unb2b_minimal.

 .../unb2b_minimal/unb2b_minimal.fpga.yaml     |  71 ++---
 .../unb2b_board/unb2b_board.peripheral.yaml   | 246 ++++++++++--------
 libraries/base/diag/diag.peripheral.yaml      | 199 +++++++-------
 libraries/base/dp/dp.peripheral.yaml          | 103 ++++----
 libraries/io/epcs/epcs.peripheral.yaml        | 154 ++++-------
 libraries/io/eth/eth.peripheral.yaml          |  85 +++---
 libraries/io/ppsh/ppsh.peripheral.yaml        |  90 ++++---
 libraries/io/remu/remu.peripheral.yaml        | 102 ++++----
 8 files changed, 521 insertions(+), 529 deletions(-)

diff --git a/boards/uniboard2b/designs/unb2b_minimal/unb2b_minimal.fpga.yaml b/boards/uniboard2b/designs/unb2b_minimal/unb2b_minimal.fpga.yaml
index 2392b58d94..541e969050 100644
--- a/boards/uniboard2b/designs/unb2b_minimal/unb2b_minimal.fpga.yaml
+++ b/boards/uniboard2b/designs/unb2b_minimal/unb2b_minimal.fpga.yaml
@@ -4,46 +4,53 @@ schema_type   : fpga
 hdl_library_name: unb2b_minimal
 fpga_name       : unb2b_minimal
-fpga_description: "unb2b_minimal system"
+fpga_description: "FPGA design unb2b_minimal"
-  - peripheral_name: unb2b_board/unb2b
-    slave_port_names:
-      - rom_system_info
-      - pio_system_info
-      - pio_wdi
-      - reg_wdi
-      - reg_unb_sens
-      - reg_unb_pmbus
-      - reg_fpga_temp_sens
-      - reg_fpga_voltage_sens
-      - ram_scrap
-    parameter_overrides:
-      - { name : g_sim,       value: FALSE }
-      - { name : g_clk_freq,  value: 125E6 }
-      - { name : g_temp_high, value: 85 }
+  - peripheral_name: unb2b_board/system_info
+    slave_port_names:
     lock_base_address: 0x0
-    lock_base_address: 0x4000
-  - peripheral_name: eth/eth1g
+  - peripheral_name: unb2b_board/wdi
+    slave_port_names:
+      - PIO_WDI
+  - peripheral_name: unb2b_board/unb2_fpga_sens
-      - avs_eth_0_tse
-      - avs_eth_0_reg
-      - avs_eth_0_ram
+  - peripheral_name: unb2b_board/ram_scrap
+    slave_port_names:
+      - RAM_SCRAP
+  - peripheral_name: eth/eth
+    slave_port_names:
+      - AVS_ETH_0_TSE
+      - AVS_ETH_0_REG
+      - AVS_ETH_0_RAM
   - peripheral_name: ppsh/ppsh
-      - pio_pps
+      - PIO_PPS
   - peripheral_name: epcs/epcs
-      - reg_epcs
-      - reg_dpmm_ctrl
-      - reg_dpmm_data
-      - reg_mmdp_ctrl
-      - reg_mmdp_data
-    parameter_overrides:
-      - { name : g_sim_flash_model, value: FALSE }
+      - REG_EPCS
+  - peripheral_name: dp/dpmm
+    slave_port_names:
+      - REG_DPMM_CTRL
+      - REG_DPMM_DATA
+  - peripheral_name: dp/mmdp
+    slave_port_names:
+      - REG_MMDP_CTRL
+      - REG_MMDP_DATA
   - peripheral_name: remu/remu
-      - reg_remu
\ No newline at end of file
+      - REG_REMU
diff --git a/boards/uniboard2b/libraries/unb2b_board/unb2b_board.peripheral.yaml b/boards/uniboard2b/libraries/unb2b_board/unb2b_board.peripheral.yaml
index deb6b4075d..e4e61d48df 100644
--- a/boards/uniboard2b/libraries/unb2b_board/unb2b_board.peripheral.yaml
+++ b/boards/uniboard2b/libraries/unb2b_board/unb2b_board.peripheral.yaml
@@ -3,122 +3,162 @@ schema_name: args
 schema_version: 1.0
 schema_type: peripheral
-hdl_library_name       : unb2b_board
-hdl_library_description: " This is the description for the unb2b_board package "
-# <peripheral_group>_<peripheral_name>_<slave_name>_<slave_type>
+hdl_library_name: unb2b_board  # ctrl_unb2b_board.vhd
+hdl_library_description: "Peripherals in unb2b_board."
-  - peripheral_name: unb2b
-    parameters:
-      - { name: g_sim,       value: FALSE }
-      - { name: g_clk_freq,  value: c_unb2b_board_mm_clk_freq_125M }
-      - { name: g_temp_high, value: 85 }
+  - peripheral_name: ram_scrap  #
+    peripheral_description: ""
-        # rom_system_info
-      - slave_name   : rom_system
-        slave_type   : REG
+      # MM port for common_ram_r_w.vhd
+      - slave_name: RAM_SCRAP
+        slave_type: RAM
+        slave_description: "One memory mapped block RAM for MM access test purposes."
-          - - field_name    : info
-              access_mode   : RO
+          - - field_name: rw_data 
+              field_description: "Void data"
+              access_mode: RW
               address_offset: 0x0
-              number_of_fields: 8192
-              field_description: |
-                  "address place for rom_system_info"
-        slave_description: " rom_info  "
-        # reg_system_info
-      - slave_name   : system
-        slave_type   : REG
+              number_of_fields: 512
+  - peripheral_name: system_info  #
+    peripheral_description: ""
+    slave_ports:
+      # MM port for mms_unb2b_board_system_info.vhd / common_rom.vhd
+      - slave_name: ROM_SYSTEM_INFO     # for c_rom_version = 1 in ctrl_unb2b_board.vhd
+      #- slave_name: ROM_SYSTEM_INFO_V2  # for c_rom_version = 2 in ctrl_unb2b_board.vhd
+        slave_type: RAM
+        slave_description: "Memory that stores the MM map system info of the mmap file."
-          - - field_name    : info
-              access_mode   : RO
+          - - field_name: ro_data
+              field_description: "FPGA info memory map data"
+              access_mode: RO
               address_offset: 0x0
-              number_of_fields: 32
-              field_description: |
-                  "address place for reg_system_info"
-        slave_description: " reg_info "
+              number_of_fields: 8192   # c_rom_addr_w in mms_unb2b_board_system_info
-      # actual hdl name: unb2b_board_wdi_reg
-      - slave_name   : ctrl
-        slave_type   : REG
+      # MM port for mms_unb2b_board_system_info.vhd / unb2b_board_system_info_reg.vhd
+      - slave_name: PIO_SYSTEM_INFO
+        slave_type: REG
+        slave_description: "FPGA design name, design note, version and location index info."
-          - - field_name      : nios_reset
-              width           : 32
-              access_mode     : WO
-              address_offset  : 0x0
-              number_of_fields: 4
-              field_description: " Reset done by nios "
-        slave_description:  "Reset register, for nios "
+          # All registers in one array
+          #- - field_name: info
+          #    field_description: "FPGA info register, see for field details."
+          #    access_mode: RO
+          #    address_offset: 0x0
+          #    number_of_fields: 32
-      # actual hdl name: unb2b_board_wdi_reg
-      - slave_name   : wdi
-        slave_type   : REG
-        fields:
-          - - field_name    : reset_word
-              access_mode   : WO
+          # Each field specified
+          - "info": # field_group
+            - field_name: gn_index
+              field_description: "Global node index, unb2 FPGA id = gn_index % 4, unb2 backplane id = gn_index // 4"
+              width: 8
+              bit_offset: 0
+              access_mode: RO
               address_offset: 0x0
-              field_description: " Only the value 0xB007FAC7 'Boot factory' will result in a reset "
-        slave_description:  "Reset register, if the right value is provided the factory image will be reloaded "
-      # actual hdl name: reg_unb2b_sens
-      - slave_name   : board_sens
-        slave_type   : REG
+            - field_name: hw_version
+              field_description: "UniBoard2 hardware (HW) version."
+              width: 2
+              bit_offset: 8
+              access_mode: RO
+              address_offset: 0x0
+            - field_name: cs_sim
+              field_description: "0 when running on HW, 1 when running in simulation."
+              width: 1
+              bit_offset: 10
+              access_mode: RO
+              address_offset: 0x0
+            - field_name: fw_version_major
+              field_description: "FPGA Firmware (FW) version major number, not used use version stamp instead."
+              width: 4
+              bit_offset: 16
+              access_mode: RO
+              address_offset: 0x0
+            - field_name: fw_version_minor
+              field_description: "FPGA Firmware (FW) version minor number, not used use version stamp instead."
+              width: 4
+              bit_offset: 20
+              access_mode: RO
+              address_offset: 0x0
+            - field_name: rom_version
+              field_description: "Version of the mmap schema in ROM_SYSTEM_INFO."
+              width: 3
+              bit_offset: 24
+              access_mode: RO
+              address_offset: 0x0
+            - field_name: technology
+              field_description: "FPGA technology"
+              width: 5
+              bit_offset: 27
+              access_mode: RO
+              address_offset: 0x0
+          - - field_name: use_phy
+              field_description: "PHY interfaces that are active in the FPGA, not used."
+              width: 8
+              access_mode: RO
+              address_offset: 0x4
+          - - field_name: design_name
+              field_description: "FPGA FW design name string."
+              access_mode: RO
+              address_offset: 0x8
+              number_of_fields: 13
+          - - field_name: stamp_date
+              field_description: "FPGA FW compile date string."
+              access_mode: RO
+              address_offset: 0x3C
+              number_of_fields: 1
+          - - field_name: stamp_time
+              field_description: "FPGA FW compile time string."
+              access_mode: RO
+              address_offset: 0x40
+              number_of_fields: 1
+          - - field_name: stamp_commit
+              field_description: "FPGA FW commit hash string."
+              access_mode: RO
+              address_offset: 0x44
+              number_of_fields: 3
+          - - field_name: design_note
+              field_description: "FPGA FW design note string."
+              access_mode: RO
+              address_offset: 0x50
+              number_of_fields: 13              
+  - peripheral_name: wdi  #
+    peripheral_description: ""
+    slave_ports:
+      # MM port for unb2b_board_wdi_reg.vhd
+      - slave_name: REG_WDI
+        slave_type: REG
+        slave_description: "Reset register, if the right value is provided the factory image will be reloaded in the FPGA."
-          - - field_name    : sens
-              width         : 32
-              access_mode   : RO
-              address_offset: 0x00
-              number_of_fields: 41
-              field_description: ""
-        slave_description:  " "
-      - slave_name   : board_pmbus
-        slave_type   : REG
-        fields:        
-          - - field_name    : pmbus
-              width         : 32
-              access_mode   : RO
-              address_offset: 0x00
-              number_of_fields: 43
-              field_description: ""
-        slave_description:  " "
+          - - field_name: wdi_override
+              field_description: "Write value 0xB007FAC7 = 'Boot factory' to disable the watchdog interrupt (WDI), to cause an FPGA image reload."
+              access_mode: WO
+              address_offset: 0x0
-      # actual hdl name: reg_unb2b_sens
-      - slave_name   : fpga_temp
-        slave_type   : REG
+  - peripheral_name: unb2_fpga_sens
+    peripheral_description: ""
+    slave_ports:
+      # MM ports for mms_unb2b_fpga_sens.vhd / unb2b_fpga_sens_reg.vhd
+      - slave_name: REG_FPGA_TEMP_SENS   #
+        slave_type: REG
+        slave_description: |
+             "FPGA temperature = (AxC)/1024 - B (where A=708; B=273; C=adc value), see page 10 in
+    "
-          - - field_name    : temp
-              width         : 32
-              access_mode   : RO
-              address_offset: 0x00
+          - - field_name: temp
+              field_description: "Raw data"
+              access_mode: RO
+              address_offset: 0x0
               number_of_fields: 1
-              field_description: ""
-        slave_description:  " "
-      - slave_name   : fpga_voltage
-        slave_type   : REG
-        fields:    
-          - - field_name    : voltage
-              width         : 32
-              access_mode   : RO
-              address_offset: 0x00
-              number_of_fields: 6
-              field_description: ""
-        slave_description:  " "
-      - slave_name   : scrap_ram
-        slave_type   : RAM
+      - slave_name: REG_FPGA_VOLTAGE_SENS  #
+        slave_type: REG
+        slave_description: "Not used, FPGA voltages are monitored via DC-DC converter power supply volages"
-          - - field_name: data 
-              width     : 32
-              access_mode: RW
-              address_offset: 0x00
-              number_of_fields: 128
-              field_description: " "
-        slave_description: " "
-    peripheral_description: |
-        ""
\ No newline at end of file
+          - - field_name: voltages
+              field_description: "Not used"
+              access_mode: RO
+              address_offset: 0x0
+              number_of_fields: 6
diff --git a/libraries/base/diag/diag.peripheral.yaml b/libraries/base/diag/diag.peripheral.yaml
index 3f82d004c5..798607e342 100644
--- a/libraries/base/diag/diag.peripheral.yaml
+++ b/libraries/base/diag/diag.peripheral.yaml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-schema_name   : args
+schema_name: args
 schema_version: 1.0
-schema_type   : peripheral
+schema_type: peripheral
-hdl_library_name       : diag
+hdl_library_name: diag
 hdl_library_description: " This is the description for the bf package "
-  - 
-    peripheral_name:  block_gen
+  - peripheral_name: block_gen
+    peripheral_description: "Block generator"
       - { name: g_nof_streams, value: 1 }
@@ -16,129 +16,64 @@ peripherals:
         # actual hdl name: reg_diag_bg 
-      - slave_name : ctrl  
-        slave_type : REG
+      - slave_name: ctrl  
+        slave_description: ""
+        slave_type: REG
-          - - field_name    : Enable
-              width         : 2
+          - - field_name: Enable
+              field_description: "Bit 0: enable the block generator Bit 1: enable the blok generator on PPS"
+              width: 2
               address_offset: 0x0
-              field_description: |
-                  "Bit 0: enable the block generator Bit 1: enable the blok generator on PPS"
-          - - field_name    :     Samples_per_packet
-              width         : 16
+          - - field_name: Samples_per_packet
+              field_description: "This REG specifies the number samples in a packet"
+              width: 16
               address_offset: 0x4
-              reset_value   : 256
-              field_description: |
-                  "This REG specifies the number samples in a packet"
+              reset_value: 256
-          - - field_name    :     Blocks_per_sync
-              width         : 16
+          - - field_name: Blocks_per_sync
+              field_description: "This REG specifies the number of packets in a sync period"
+              width: 16
               address_offset: 0x8
-              reset_value   : 781250
-              field_description: |
-                  "This REG specifies the number of packets in a sync period"
+              reset_value: 781250
-          - - field_name    :     Gapsize
-              width         : 16
+          - - field_name: Gapsize
+              field_description: "This REG specifies the gap in number of clock cycles between two consecutive packets"
+              width: 16
               address_offset: 0xc
-              reset_value   : 80
-              field_description: |
-                  "This REG specifies the gap in number of clock cycles between two consecutive packets"
+              reset_value: 80
-          - - field_name    :     Mem_low_address
-              width         : 8
+          - - field_name: Mem_low_address
+              field_description: "This REG specifies the starting address for reading from the waveform memory"
+              width: 8
               address_offset: 0x10
-              field_description: |
-                  "This REG specifies the starting address for reading from the waveform memory"
-          - - field_name    :     Mem_high_address
-              width         : 8
+          - - field_name: Mem_high_address
+              field_description: "This REG specifies the last address to be read when from the waveform memory"
+              width: 8
               address_offset: 0x14
-              field_description: |
-                  "This REG specifies the last address to be read when from the waveform memory"
-          - - field_name    :     BSN_init_low
+          - - field_name: BSN_init_low
+              field_description: "This REG specifies the lower(LSB) 32 bits [31:0] of the initialization BSN"
               address_offset: 0x18
-              field_description: |
-                  "This REG specifies the lower(LSB) 32 bits [31:0] of the initialization BSN"
-          - - field_name    :     BSN_init_high
+          - - field_name: BSN_init_high
+              field_description: "This REG specifies the higher(MSB) 32 bits [63:32] of the initialization BSN"
               address_offset: 0x1c
-              field_description: |
-                  "This REG specifies the higher(MSB) 32 bits [63:32] of the initialization BSN"
-        slave_description: ""
         # actual hdl name: ram_diag_bg
-      - slave_name   : wave_data  
+      - slave_name: wave_data  
+        slave_description: ""
+        slave_type: RAM
         number_of_slaves: g_nof_streams
-        slave_type      : RAM
           - - field_name: diag_bg
               width: g_buf_dat_w
               number_of_fields: 2**g_buf_addr_w
-              field_description  : |
+              field_description: |
                   "Contains the Waveform data for the data-streams to be send"
-        slave_description: ""
-    peripheral_description: |
-        "Block generator"
   - peripheral_name: data_buffer
-    parameters:
-      -  { name: g_nof_streams , value: 1 }
-      -  { name: g_data_w      , value: 32 }
-      -  { name: g_buf_nof_data, value: 1024 }
-    slave_ports:
-        # actual hdl name: reg_diag_data_buffer
-      - slave_name   : status  
-        slave_type   : REG
-        fields:
-          - - field_name    : Sync_cnt
-              access_mode   : RO
-              address_offset: 0x0
-              field_description: |
-                  "Sync_cnt contains the nof times the buffer (ST) has received a sync pulse since the last MM read
-                  (cleared when the last data word from the buffer is read)"
-          - - field_name    : Word_cnt
-              access_mode   : RO
-              address_offset: 0x4
-              field_description: |
-                  "Word_cnt indicates the number of word currently (ST) written in the buffer. Cleared on (ST) re-write of buffer."
-          - - field_name    : Valid_cnt_arm_ena
-              address_offset: 0x8
-              field_description: |
-                  "Valid_cnt contains the number of valid cycles since the last sync pulse. Cleared on every sync pulse.
-                  Arm_enable: Write to this REG to arm the system.
-                  After the system is armed the next syn pulse will trigger the acquisition of data."
-          - - field_name    : Reg_sync_delay
-              address_offset: 0xc
-              field_description: |
-                  "Reg_sync_delay contains the number of valid cycles to delay/wait after an armed-syncpulse,
-                  before the data is written to the databuffer."
-          - - field_name    : Version
-              access_mode   : RO
-              address_offset: 0x1c
-              field_description: |
-                  "Version contains the version number of the databuffer peripheral."
-        slave_description: ""
-        # actual hdl name: ram_diag_data_buffer
-      - slave_name   : data  
-        number_of_slaves: g_nof_streams
-        slave_type      : RAM
-        fields:
-          - - field_name    : ram
-              width         : g_data_w
-              number_of_fields: g_buf_nof_data
-              field_description: |
-                  "Contains the data that is being captured."
-        slave_description: ""
     peripheral_description: |
         "Peripheral diag_data_buffer
@@ -148,7 +83,7 @@ peripherals:
         gets an instanceName as post fix so RAM_DIAG_DATA_BUFFER_<instanceName|.
         The diag_data_buffer can store multiple streams in parallel. For example
-        1024 data words for 16 streams the memory map becomes:      16
+        1024 data words for 16 streams the memory map becomes: 16
         streamNr = 0:
@@ -162,7 +97,7 @@ peripherals:
-        streamNr = 1:                                                                    
+        streamNr = 1:
         |   byte 3   |   byte 2   |   byte 1   |   byte 0   |   wi   |
@@ -173,7 +108,7 @@ peripherals:
-        streamNr = 15:                                                                   
+        streamNr = 15:
         |   byte 3   |   byte 2   |   byte 1   |   byte 0   |   wi   |
@@ -243,3 +178,57 @@ peripherals:
         - reg_sync_delay contains the number of valid cycles to delay/wait after an armed-syncpulse,
             before the data is written to the databuffer.
         - version contains the version number of the databuffer peripheral."
+    parameters:
+      -  { name: g_nof_streams , value: 1 }
+      -  { name: g_data_w      , value: 32 }
+      -  { name: g_buf_nof_data, value: 1024 }
+    slave_ports:
+        # actual hdl name: reg_diag_data_buffer
+      - slave_name: status  
+        slave_description: ""
+        slave_type: REG
+        fields:
+          - - field_name: Sync_cnt
+              field_description: |
+                  "Sync_cnt contains the nof times the buffer (ST) has received a sync pulse since the last MM read
+                  (cleared when the last data word from the buffer is read)"
+              access_mode: RO
+              address_offset: 0x0
+          - - field_name: Word_cnt
+              field_description: |
+                  "Word_cnt indicates the number of word currently (ST) written in the buffer. Cleared on (ST) re-write of buffer."
+              access_mode: RO
+              address_offset: 0x4
+          - - field_name: Valid_cnt_arm_ena
+              field_description: |
+                  "Valid_cnt contains the number of valid cycles since the last sync pulse. Cleared on every sync pulse.
+                  Arm_enable: Write to this REG to arm the system.
+                  After the system is armed the next syn pulse will trigger the acquisition of data."
+              address_offset: 0x8
+          - - field_name: Reg_sync_delay
+              field_description: |
+                  "Reg_sync_delay contains the number of valid cycles to delay/wait after an armed-syncpulse,
+                  before the data is written to the databuffer."
+              address_offset: 0xc
+          - - field_name: Version
+              field_description: "Version contains the version number of the databuffer peripheral."
+              access_mode: RO
+              address_offset: 0x1c
+        # actual hdl name: ram_diag_data_buffer
+      - slave_name: data  
+        slave_description: ""
+        slave_type: RAM
+        number_of_slaves: g_nof_streams
+        fields:
+          - - field_name: ram
+              width: g_data_w
+              number_of_fields: g_buf_nof_data
+              field_description: "Contains the data that is being captured."
diff --git a/libraries/base/dp/dp.peripheral.yaml b/libraries/base/dp/dp.peripheral.yaml
index f015f5fcdb..ecc421c8c3 100644
--- a/libraries/base/dp/dp.peripheral.yaml
+++ b/libraries/base/dp/dp.peripheral.yaml
@@ -1,59 +1,58 @@
-schema_name   : args
+schema_name: args
 schema_version: 1.0
-schema_type   : peripheral
+schema_type: peripheral
-hdl_library_name       : dp
-hdl_library_description: " This is the description for the dp package "
+hdl_library_name: dp
+hdl_library_description: "Data path (DP) peripherals for streaming data."
-  - peripheral_name: bsn
-    parameters:
-        - { name: g_nof_input, value : 2 }
+  - peripheral_name: dpmm    #
+    peripheral_description: "DP to MM FIFO to provide memory mapped MM read access from Data Path (DP) streaming interface."
-        # actual hdl name: reg_dp_bsn_align
-      - slave_name   : ALIGN
-        number_of_slaves: g_nof_input
-        slave_type      : REG
+      # MM port for mms_dp_fifo_to_mm.vhd / dp_fifo_to_mm_reg.vhd
+      - slave_name: REG_DPMM_CTRL
+        slave_type: REG
+        slave_description: "DPMM = Monitor the DP to MM read FIFO."
-          - - field_name       : Enable
-              width            : 1
-              address_offset   : 0x0
-              field_description: |
-                  "Input enable register for input 0. If set to 0 the input is discarded from alignment.
-                      If set to 1 the corresopnding input is taken into account."
-        slave_discription: " "
-    peripheral_description: "This is the BSN aligner"
-  - peripheral_name: fifo
-    parameters:
-        - { name : g_nof_streams, value: 3 }
-    slave_ports:
-        # actual hdl name: reg_dp_fifo_fill
-      - slave_name   : fill_status
-        number_of_slaves: g_nof_streams
-        slave_type      : REG
+          - - field_name: rd_usedw
+              field_description: "Number of words that can be read from the FIFO."
+              access_mode: RO
+              address_offset: 0x0
+      # MM port for mms_dp_fifo_to_mm.vhd / dp_fifo_to_mm.vhd
+      - slave_name: REG_DPMM_DATA   # Use REG_, instead of preferred FIFO_, to match slave_port_name in
+        slave_type: FIFO
+        slave_description: "DPMM = read word from the DP to MM read FIFO"
-          - - field_name       : fifo_used_words
-              access_mode      : RO
-              address_offset   : 0x0
-              field_description: "Register reflects the currently used nof words on the fifo."
-          - - field_name       : fifo_status
-              width            : 2
-              access_mode      : RO
-              address_offset   : 0x4
-              field_description: "Bit 0: fifo_read_empty Bit 1: fifo_wr_full."
-          - - field_name       : max_fifo_used_words
-              access_mode      : RO
-              address_offset   : 0x8
-              field_description: |
-                  "Register contains the maximum number of words that have been in the fifo.
-                    Will be cleared after it has been read."
-        slave_discription: ""
-    peripheral_description: "This is the MM slave version of the dp_fifo_fill component."
+          - - field_name: rd_data
+              field_description: "Read data from the FIFO."
+              access_mode: RO
+              address_offset: 0x0
+  - peripheral_name: mmdp    #
+    peripheral_description: "MM to DP FIFO to provide memory mapped MM write access to Data Path (DP) streaming interface."
+    slave_ports:                            
+      # MM port for mms_dp_fifo_from_mm.vhd / dp_fifo_from_mm_reg.vhd
+      - slave_name: REG_MMDP_CTRL
+        slave_type: REG
+        slave_description: "MMDP = Monitor the MM to DP write FIFO."
+        fields:
+          - - field_name: wr_usedw
+              field_description: "Number of words that are in the write FIFO."
+              access_mode: RO
+              address_offset: 0x0
+          - - field_name: wr_availw
+              field_description: "Number of words that can be written to the write FIFO."
+              access_mode: RO
+              address_offset: 0x4
+      # MM port for mms_dp_fifo_from_mm.vhd / dp_fifo_from_mm.vhd
+      - slave_name: REG_MMDP_DATA   # Use REG_, instead of preferred FIFO_, to match slave_port_name in
+        slave_type: FIFO
+        slave_description: "MMDP = write word to the MM to DP write FIFO"
+        fields:
+          - - field_name: data
+              field_description: "Write data to the FIFO."
+              access_mode: WO
+              address_offset: 0x0
diff --git a/libraries/io/epcs/epcs.peripheral.yaml b/libraries/io/epcs/epcs.peripheral.yaml
index e69ab86a82..892dc8bcbc 100644
--- a/libraries/io/epcs/epcs.peripheral.yaml
+++ b/libraries/io/epcs/epcs.peripheral.yaml
@@ -1,125 +1,71 @@
-schema_name   : args
+schema_name: args
 schema_version: 1.0
-schema_type   : peripheral
+schema_type: peripheral
-hdl_library_name       : epcs
-hdl_library_description: " This is the description for the epcs package "
+hdl_library_name: epcs
+hdl_library_description: "Serial Configuration (EPCS) Device"
-  # epcs_reg
-  - 
-    peripheral_name: epcs
+  - peripheral_name: epcs    #
+    peripheral_description: |
+        "Provide write and read to the flash memory of the FPGA using the EPCS [1]. The write access goes
+         via a write FIFO (MM to DP) and the read access goes via a read FIFO (DP to MM). The FIFOs
+         convert between the memory mapped (MM) interface and the data path (DP) streaming interface of
+         the EPCS [2].
+         [1]
+         [2]"
-      - {name: "g_sim_flash_model", value: TRUE} 
+      # parameters of mms_epcs.vhd / epcs_reg.vhd
+      - {name: "g_epcs_addr_w", value: 24} 
-        # actual hdl name: epcs_reg
-      - slave_name   : EPCS
-        slave_type   : REG
+      # MM port for epcs_reg.vhd
+      - slave_name: REG_EPCS   #
+        slave_type: REG
+        slave_description: "Handle the read, erase and write of the flash memory chip."
-          - - field_name    : addr
-              width         : 24
-              access_mode   : WO
+          - - field_name: addr
+              field_description: "Address to write to or read from."
+              width: 24
+              access_mode: WO
               address_offset: 0x0
-              field_description: " address to write to or read from "
-          - - field_name    : rden
-              width         : 1
-              access_mode   : WO
+          - - field_name: rden
+              field_description: "Read enable bit."
+              width: 1
+              access_mode: WO
               address_offset: 0x4
-              field_description: " Read enable bit "
-          - - field_name    : read_bit
-              width         : 1
-              access_mode   : WO
-              side_effect   : PW
+          - - field_name: read_bit
+              field_description: "Read bit."
+              width: 1
+              access_mode: WO
+              side_effect: PW
               address_offset: 0x8
-              field_description: " Read bit "
-          - - field_name    : write_bit
-              width         : 1
-              access_mode   : WO
-              side_effect   : PW
+          - - field_name: write_bit
+              field_description: "Write bit."
+              width: 1
+              access_mode: WO
+              side_effect: PW
               address_offset: 0xc
-              field_description: " Write bit "
-          - - field_name    : sector_erase
-              width         : 1
-              access_mode   : WO
+          - - field_name: sector_erase
+              field_description: "Sector erase bit."
+              width: 1
+              access_mode: WO
               address_offset: 0x10
-              field_description: " Sector erase bit "
-          - - field_name    : busy
-              width         : 1
-              access_mode   : RO
+          - - field_name: busy
+              field_description: "Busy bit."
+              width: 1
+              access_mode: RO
               address_offset: 0x14
-              field_description: " busy "
-          - - field_name    : unprotect
-              width         : 32
-              access_mode   : WO
+          - - field_name: unprotect
+              field_description: "Use 0xBEDA221E (= Bedazzle) as password to unprotect address range."
+              width: 32
+              access_mode: WO
               address_offset: 0x18
-              field_description: " passphrase to unprotect address range "
-        slave_description:  " Read and write access to flash "
-      # actual hdl name: mms_dp_fifo_to_mm
-      - slave_name   : DPMM_CTRL
-        slave_type   : REG
-        fields:
-          - - field_name    : ctrl
-              width         : 32
-              access_mode   : RW
-              address_offset: 0x0
-              number_of_fields: 1
-              field_description: "  "
-        slave_description: " "
-      - slave_name   : DPMM_DATA
-        slave_type   : FIFO
-        fields:
-          - - field_name    : data
-              width         : 32
-              access_mode   : RO
-              address_offset: 0x0
-              number_of_fields: 1
-              field_description: "  "
-        slave_description: " "
-      # actual hdl name: mms_dp_fifo_from_mm
-      - slave_name   : MMDP_CTRL
-        slave_type   : REG
-        fields:
-          - - field_name    : ctrl
-              width         : 32
-              access_mode   : RW
-              address_offset: 0x0
-              number_of_fields: 2
-              field_description: "  "
-        slave_description: " "
-      - slave_name   : MMDP_DATA
-        slave_type   : FIFO
-        fields:
-          - - field_name    : data
-              width         : 32
-              access_mode   : WO
-              address_offset: 0x0
-              number_of_fields: 2
-              field_description: "  "
-        slave_description: " "
-    peripheral_description: |
-        "wi  Bits     SE  R/W Name              Default  Description         |REG_EPCS|                      
-        =============================================================================
-        0   [23..0]      WO  addr              0x0      Address to write to/read from
-        1   [0]          WO  rden              0x0      Read enable
-        2   [0]      PW  WE  read              0x0      Read 
-        3   [0]      PW  WE  write             0x0      Write 
-        4   [0]          WO  sector_erase      0x0      Sector erase
-        5   [0]          RO  busy              0x0      Busy
-        ============================================================================="
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libraries/io/eth/eth.peripheral.yaml b/libraries/io/eth/eth.peripheral.yaml
index 52cdc9dc3d..5290f2b942 100644
--- a/libraries/io/eth/eth.peripheral.yaml
+++ b/libraries/io/eth/eth.peripheral.yaml
@@ -1,55 +1,52 @@
-schema_name   : args
+schema_name: args
 schema_version: 1.0
-schema_type   : peripheral
+schema_type: peripheral
-hdl_library_name       : eth
-hdl_library_description: " This is the description for the eth package "
+hdl_library_name: eth
+hdl_library_description: "Triple Speed Ethernet (TSE) peripheral for 1GbE."
-  - 
-    peripheral_name: eth1g
-    parameters:
-      - { name: c_eth_ram_nof_words,  value: 1024 }
-        #g_technology: c_tech_select_default
-        #g_ETH_PHY   : "LVDS" 
+  - peripheral_name: eth  #
+    peripheral_description: |
+        "The ETH module connects the 1GbE TSE [1] to the microprocessor and to streaming UDP ports [2]. The
+         packets for the streaming channels are directed based on the UDP port number and all other packets
+         are transfered to the default control channel and handled by the microprocessor.
+         [1]
+         [2]"
-      # actual hdl name: reg_tse
-      - slave_name   : TSE  
-        slave_type   : REG
+      # MM port for registers in the TSE IP [1]
+      - slave_name: AVS_ETH_0_TSE
+        slave_type: REG
+        slave_description: "Registers in the TSE IP [1], handled by the microprocessor."
-          - - field_name      : status
-              access_mode     : RO
-              address_offset  : 0x0
-              number_of_fields: 1024
-              field_description: "reg tse"
-        slave_description: " "
+          - - field_name: status
+              field_description: ""
+              access_mode: RO
+              address_offset: 0x0
+              number_of_fields: 1024   # = c_tech_tse_byte_addr_w in tech_tse_pkg.vhd
-      # actual hdl name: reg
-      - slave_name   : ETH
-        slave_type   : REG   
+      # MM port for registers in eth_mm_registers.vhd in the ETH module [2]
+      - slave_name: AVS_ETH_0_REG
+        slave_type: REG   
+        slave_description: "Registers in the ETH module [2], handled by the microprocessor."
-          - - field_name      : status
-              access_mode     : RO
-              address_offset  : 0x0
-              number_of_fields: 12
-              field_description: "reg registers"
-        slave_description: " "
+          - - field_name: status
+              field_description: ""
+              access_mode: RO
+              address_offset: 0x0
+              number_of_fields: 12     # = c_eth_reg_nof_words in eth_pkg.vhd
-      # actual hdl name: ram
-      - slave_name   : ETH  
-        slave_type   : RAM
+      # MM port for ETH packet packet buffers in eth.vhd
+      - slave_name: AVS_ETH_0_RAM
+        slave_type: RAM
+        slave_description: |
+            "Buffer RAM for request packets (Rx) and response packets (Tx) via 1GbE, used by the microprocessor
+             to receive and transmit packets via the ETH module."
-          - - field_name      : ram
-              number_of_fields: c_eth_ram_nof_words
-              field_description: |
-                  "Contains the Waveform data for the data-streams to be send"
-        slave_description: " "
-    peripheral_description: |
-        "
-        Connect the 1GbE TSE to the microprocessor and to streaming UDP ports. The
-        packets for the streaming channels are directed based on the UDP port
-        number and all other packets are transfered to the default control channel."
+          - - field_name: data
+              field_description: "Data 32b-word."
+              number_of_fields: 1024    # = c_eth_ram_nof_words in eth_pkg.vhd
diff --git a/libraries/io/ppsh/ppsh.peripheral.yaml b/libraries/io/ppsh/ppsh.peripheral.yaml
index f3b7cd60ae..eb1772de30 100644
--- a/libraries/io/ppsh/ppsh.peripheral.yaml
+++ b/libraries/io/ppsh/ppsh.peripheral.yaml
@@ -1,47 +1,71 @@
-schema_name   : args
+schema_name: args
 schema_version: 1.0
-schema_type   : peripheral
+schema_type: peripheral
-hdl_library_name       : ppsh
-hdl_library_description: " This is the description for the finppshge_stop library "
+hdl_library_name: ppsh
+hdl_library_description: "Pulse Per Second Handler"
-  - 
-    peripheral_name: ppsh
+  - peripheral_name: ppsh  #
+    peripheral_description: |
+        "Capture PPS input signal and monitor its period. See description in [1, 2] and usage in [3].
+         [1]
+         [2]
+         [3]"
+      # parameters of ppsh_reg.vhd
       - { name: g_cross_clock_domain, value: TRUE }
       - { name: g_st_clk_freq,        value: 200 * 10**6 }
-        # actual hdl name: reg_ppsh
-      - slave_name   : PPSH 
-        slave_type   : REG
+      # MM port for ppsh_reg.vhd
+      - slave_name: PIO_PPS  # and in QSYS system.h
+        slave_type: REG
+        slave_description: "Monitor and control PPS input."
+        dual_clock: g_cross_clock_domain
-          - - field_name    : status
-              access_mode   : RO
+          - - field_name: capture_cnt
+              field_description: "Measured number of clock cycles between captured PPS pulses."
+              width: 30
+              bit_offset: 0
+              access_mode: RO
+              address_offset: 0x0
+              radix: unsigned
+          - - field_name: stable
+              field_description: "PPS is stable (1) when capture_cnt = expected_cnt for all PPS periods since last time status was read, else PPS is not stable (0)."
+              width: 1
+              bit_offset: 30
+              access_mode: RO
+              address_offset: 0x0
+          - - field_name: toggle
+              field_description: "Level bit that toggles after every PPS."
+              width: 1
+              bit_offset: 31
+              access_mode: RO
               address_offset: 0x0
-              field_description: " ppsh status "
-          - - field_name    : control
+          - - field_name: expected_cnt
+              field_description: "Expected number of clock cycles between captured PPS pulses."
+              width: ceil_log2(g_st_clk_freq)
+              bit_offset: 0
+              access_mode: RW
+              address_offset: 0x4
+              radix: unsigned
+          - - field_name: edge
+              field_description: "When 0 then clock PPS in on rising edge of clock, else when 1 use falling edge of clock."
+              width: 1
+              bit_offset: 31
+              access_mode: RW
               address_offset: 0x4
-              field_description: " ppsh control "
-          - - field_name    : offset
+          - - field_name: offset_cnt
+              field_description: "Number of clock cycles at read access, that has passed since last PPS."
               address_offset: 0x8
-              field_description: " ppsh offset count "
-        slave_discription: " "
-    peripheral_description: |
-        "
-        . Report PPS toggle, stable and period capture count
-        . Set dp_clk capture edge for PPS
-          Set expected period capture count for PPS stable
-         +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-         |31   (byte3)   24|23   (byte2)   16|15   (byte1)    8|7    (byte0)    0| wi |
-         |-----------------------------------------------------------------------|----| 
-         |toggle[31], stable[30]   xxx                       capture_cnt = [29:0]|  0 |
-         |-----------------------------------------------------------------------|----|
-         |edge[31],                xxx                      expected_cnt = [29:0]|  1 |
-         |-----------------------------------------------------------------------|----|
-         |                         xxx                        offset_cnt = [29:0]|  2 |
-         +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+"
+              width: ceil_log2(g_st_clk_freq)
+              access_mode: RO
+              radix: unsigned
diff --git a/libraries/io/remu/remu.peripheral.yaml b/libraries/io/remu/remu.peripheral.yaml
index 34bcce2aab..1a70e7e132 100644
--- a/libraries/io/remu/remu.peripheral.yaml
+++ b/libraries/io/remu/remu.peripheral.yaml
@@ -1,79 +1,69 @@
-schema_name   : args
+schema_name: args
 schema_version: 1.0
-schema_type   : peripheral
+schema_type: peripheral
-hdl_library_name       : remu
-hdl_library_description: " This is the description for the remu package "
+hdl_library_name: remu
+hdl_library_description: "Remote Update (REMU)"
-  # peripheral, remu_reg
-  - peripheral_name: remu
+  - peripheral_name: remu   #
+    peripheral_description: |
+        "Remote update to load the factory image or the user from flash into the the FPGA. See description in [1] and usage in [2].
+         [1]
+         [2]"
+      # parameters of remu_reg.vhd
       - { name: g_data_w, value: 24 }
-        # actual hdl name: reg_remu
-      - slave_name   : REMU
-        slave_type   : REG
+      # MM port for remu_reg.vhd
+      - slave_name: REG_REMU   # and in QSYS system.h
+        slave_type: REG
+        slave_description: "Remote update."
-          - - field_name    : reconfigure_key
-              width         : c_word_w
-              access_mode   : WO
+          - - field_name: reconfigure
+              field_description: "Use 0xB007FAC7 (= boot factory) as password to reconfigure."
+              width: c_word_w
+              access_mode: WO
               address_offset: 0x0
-              field_description: " reconfigure key for safety "
-          - - field_name    : param
-              width         : 3
-              access_mode   : WO
+          - - field_name: param
+              field_description: "param"
+              width: 3
+              access_mode: WO
               address_offset: 0x4
-              radix         : unsigned 
-              field_description: " "
+              radix: unsigned 
-          - - field_name    : read_param
-              width         : 1
-              access_mode   : WO
-              side_effect   : PW
+          - - field_name: read_param
+              field_description: "read_param"
+              width: 1
+              access_mode: WO
+              side_effect: PW
               address_offset: 0x8
-              field_description: " read_param "
-          - - field_name    : write_param
-              width         : 1
-              access_mode   : WO
-              side_effect   : PW
+          - - field_name: write_param
+              field_description: "write_param"
+              width: 1
+              access_mode: WO
+              side_effect: PW
               address_offset: 0xc
-              field_description: " write_param "
-          - - field_name    : data_out
-              width         : g_data_w
-              access_mode   : RO
+          - - field_name: data_out
+              field_description: "data_out"
+              width: g_data_w
+              access_mode: RO
               address_offset: 0x10
-              field_description: " data_out "
-          - - field_name    : data_in
-              width         : g_data_w
-              access_mode   : WO
+          - - field_name: data_in
+              field_description: "data_in"
+              width: g_data_w
+              access_mode: WO
               address_offset: 0x14
-              field_description: " data_in "
-          - - field_name    : busy
-              width         : 1
-              access_mode   : RO
+          - - field_name: busy
+              field_description: "busy"
+              width: 1
+              access_mode: RO
               address_offset: 0x18
-              field_description: " busy "
-        slave_description:  " Remote Upgrade "
-    peripheral_description: |
-        "wi  Bits    R/W  SE  Name              Default  Description             |REG_EPCS|                      
-         =============================================================================
-         0   [31..0] WO       reconfigure_key   0x0
-         1   [2..0]  WO       param
-         2   [0]     WO   PW  read_param
-         3   [0]     WO   PW  write_param 
-         4   [23..0] RO       data_out
-         5   [23..0] WO       data_in
-         6   [0]     RO       busy
-         =============================================================================
-        "