diff --git a/applications/lofar2/model/pfb_os/dsp_study_erko.txt b/applications/lofar2/model/pfb_os/dsp_study_erko.txt
index baf30dad7c15f9739ca2274d23b8540498c214db..72eea03d208d04678a3baa39e80c01ff10d28605 100644
--- a/applications/lofar2/model/pfb_os/dsp_study_erko.txt
+++ b/applications/lofar2/model/pfb_os/dsp_study_erko.txt
@@ -64,11 +64,15 @@
 # * [PM-REMEZ] https://pm-remez.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
 # * [SELESNICK] Ivan Selesnick
 #   . https://eeweb.engineering.nyu.edu/iselesni/EL713/zoom/mrate.pdf
+# * [KIEL] Part 6: Multi-Rate Digital Signal Processing, Gerhard Schmidt
+#   https://dss-kiel.de/images/teaching/lectures/advanced_digital_signal_processing/slides/adsp_06_multirate_processing.pdf
 # https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/6-341-discrete-time-signal-processing-fall-2005/
 # Youtube: Guitars 4RL
+# https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/technical-articles/pipelined-direct-form-fir-versus-the-transposed-structure/
+# FBMC = filter bank-based multicarrier
 1) Linear Time Invariant (LTI) system [LYONS 1.6]
@@ -547,7 +551,7 @@ c) s-plane and z-plane
          = sum bk x[n - k]  -  sum ak y[n - k]
            k=0                 k=1
-- Implmentation structure [LYONS 6.6, JOS2 9.1]:
+- Implmentation structure [LYONS 6.6, JOS2 9.1, VAIDYANATHAN 2.1.3]:
   . Direct-Form I: B(z) * 1 / A(z)
     x[n] ---v-----> b0 --> + --> + -------------v----> y[n]
@@ -569,6 +573,22 @@ c) s-plane and z-plane
            --> b1 --> z^-1 <-- a1 <--
            --> b2 --> z^-1 <-- a2 <--
+  . With the Direct-Form FIR the input is passed through the delay line, and
+    then weighted at each tap and added all in parallel, so combinatorially.
+    With the Transposed Direct-Form FIR the input is first fanned out and
+    weighted in parallel for all taps and passed to the delay line for each
+    tap. The summation is done per tap and the (intermediate) sum is passed
+    through the delay line.
+    . Transposed Direct-Form is self pipelined
+    . Direct-Form implementation can be pipelined by adding registers in the
+      adder line (reg) and in the delay line (z^(-1) + reg).
+    . Transposed Direct-Form has input fanout to all multipliers.
+    . Direct-Form has b0, b1 at first delay,
+      Transposed Direct-Form has b_{N-1}, b_{N-2} at first delay, so the FIR
+      coefficients are flipped in order along the delay line. However, in
+      both cases b0 weights the current sample x[n] and connects
+      combinatorially to the output y[n], so the implementation differs, but
+      the formula is exactly the same.
 - For FIR b = h. For IIR it is not possible to directly derive b, a from h
   [LYONS 6.1]. Therefor use z-transform [LYONS 6.3]:
@@ -1162,8 +1182,16 @@ c) s-plane and z-plane
   . H_i(z^Q) is upsampled-by-Q version of H(z), so with Q-1 zero coefficients
     in the H(z) power series, starting at phase i.
   . If D and U are relatively prime, then they can be changed in order.
+    If D and U are relatively prime, then there are integers d, u such that
+    d*D - u*U = 1, so then a delay z^(-k) can be decomposed in [KIEL]:
+       z^(-k) = z^(-k(d*D - u*U))
+              = z^(-kdD) * z^(kuU)
-- Polyphase decomposition of H(z) [VAIDYANATHAN 4.3, PROAKIS 10.5.2]:
+    which then can be pulled through a D and a U
+- Polyphase decomposition of H(z) [VAIDYANATHAN 4.3, PROAKIS 10.5.2,
+    CROCHIERE 3.3]:
   . Direct-Form FIR is first apply delay z^(-q) then apply coefficient. Fits
     down sampling because coefficients are then applied at low rate.
@@ -1178,19 +1206,26 @@ c) s-plane and z-plane
     - up sampling output commutator rotates clockwise and yields U samples
       every rotation
-  . Type I polyphase
+  . Type I polyphase representation, based on delays z^(-q), yielding counter
+    clockwise commutator
     (Can also notate Hq = Eq, hq = eq)
     H(z) = E0(z^Q) + E1(z^Q) z^-1 + E2(z^Q) z^-2 + ... + E_{Q-1}(z^Q) z^-(Q-1)
+         =               E0(z^Q) +
+           z^-1          E1(z^Q) +
+           z^-2          E2(z^Q) +
+                             ... +
+           z^-(Q-1) E_{Q-1}(z^Q)
          = sum z^(-q) Eq(z^Q)    [VAIDYANATHAN Eq 4.3.7]
        where Eq(z^Q) is the z-transform of eq[n]:
-           eq[n] = h(nQ + q),  +q for counter clockwise [PROAKIS
+           eq[n] = h(Qn + q),  +q for counter clockwise with delays z^(-1)
            Eq(z) = sum eq[n] z^(-n),  0 <= q <= Q - 1
@@ -1198,16 +1233,44 @@ c) s-plane and z-plane
     - Note: For Q = 1 the Eq(z) are the single FIR coefficients in b
-  . Type II polyphase, clockwise commutator:
+  . Type II polyphase, based on advances z^(q), yielding clockwise commutator:
+    H(z) = z^(-(Q-1)) z^(Q-1) H(z),  multiply by delay * advance = 1
+         = z^(-(Q-1)) * [z^(Q-1)               E0(z^Q) +       # q = 0
+                         z^(Q-1) z^-1          E1(z^Q) +       # q = 1
+                         z^(Q-1) z^-2          E2(z^Q) +       # q = 2
+                                                   ... +
+                         z^(Q-1) z^-(Q-2) E_{Q-2}(z^Q)]        # q = Q-2
+                         z^(Q-1) z^-(Q-1) E_{Q-1}(z^Q)]        # q = Q-1
+         = z^(-(Q-1)) * [z^(Q-1)               E0(z^Q) +       # q = 0
+                         z^(Q-1 - 1)           E1(z^Q) +       # q = 1
+                         z^(Q-1 - 2)           E2(z^Q) +       # q = 2
+                                                   ... +
+                         z^(      1)      E_{Q-2}(z^Q) +       # q = Q-2
+                                          E_{Q-1}(z^Q)]        # q = Q-1
+         = z^(-(Q-1)) * [                 E_{Q-1}(z^Q) +       # q = Q-1 --> p = 0
+                         z^(      1)      E_{Q-2}(z^Q) +       # q = Q-2 --> p = 1
+                                                   ... +
+                         z^(Q-1 - 2)           E2(z^Q) +       # q = 2   --> p = Q-3
+                         z^(Q-1 - 1)           E1(z^Q) +       # q = 1   --> p = Q-2
+                         z^(Q-1)               E0(z^Q) +       # q = 0   --> p = Q-1
-    H(z) = sum z^(-(Q-1-q) Rq(z^Q)    [VAIDYANATHAN Eq 4.3.7]
-           q=0
+    H(z) = sum z^(-(Q-1-p)) Rp(z^Q)     [VAIDYANATHAN Eq 4.3.9]
+           p=0
+                      Q-1
+         = z^(-(Q-1)) sum z^p Rp(z^Q)
+                      p=0
-           rq[n] = h(nQ - q)
+           rp[n] = h(Qn - p),  -p for clockwise with advances z^(+1)
-           Rq(z) = E_{M-1-q}(z)
+           Rq(z) = E_{Q-1-p}(z),   so flipud phases, but keep coefficient order
+                                   per phase
   . Phase q of h(n) with Q - 1 zeros, so [VAIDYANATHAN Fig 4.3.1]: