From 08506f4f0d4c7003b9bb97847f0de57a8634cdb3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Pepping <pepping>
Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2015 13:28:49 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] - Updated settings for requantizer. - Changed mmm and ctrl

 .../src/vhdl/apertif_unb1_correlator.vhd      | 325 +++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 165 insertions(+), 160 deletions(-)

diff --git a/applications/apertif/designs/apertif_unb1_correlator/src/vhdl/apertif_unb1_correlator.vhd b/applications/apertif/designs/apertif_unb1_correlator/src/vhdl/apertif_unb1_correlator.vhd
index fe54479020..ef5288f2e9 100644
--- a/applications/apertif/designs/apertif_unb1_correlator/src/vhdl/apertif_unb1_correlator.vhd
+++ b/applications/apertif/designs/apertif_unb1_correlator/src/vhdl/apertif_unb1_correlator.vhd
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ USE bf_lib.bf_pkg.ALL;
 ENTITY apertif_unb1_correlator IS
     g_design_name             : STRING  := "apertif_unb1_correlator";
-    g_use_bg                  : BOOLEAN := FALSE; -- Overridden (TRUE) by TB but still a valid synthesis option; this replaces the 10GbE input stage with block gens.
+    g_use_bg                  : BOOLEAN := TRUE; -- Overridden (TRUE) by TB but still a valid synthesis option; this replaces the 10GbE input stage with block gens.
     g_sim                     : BOOLEAN := FALSE; -- Overridden by TB
     g_sim_fast                : BOOLEAN := TRUE; -- TRUE = fast accumulator model and no inter-channel delay in the correlator output stream.
     g_sim_unb_nr              : NATURAL := 0;
@@ -169,19 +169,20 @@ ARCHITECTURE str OF apertif_unb1_correlator IS
   --   . 8192 channels/sec = 128 * 64 channels * 300 visibilities
   --   . No   inter channel delay: 128 * (19200 valid cycles + 1543300 invalid cycles =)          1562500 cycles/sec = 200M        cycles/sec
   --   . With inter channel delay: 128 * 64 channels * (300 valid cycles + 24114 invalid cycles =)  24414 cycles/sec = 199.999.488 cycles/sec (less than 200M so we're fast enough)
-  CONSTANT c_inter_channel_delay    : NATURAL := sel_a_b(g_sim, sel_a_b(g_sim_fast, 0, 4400), 24114); --                    ^^^^^--- 24414= 2*integration period.
-                                                                                    -- 4400=~5.5x faster than 157Mbps = 860Mbps burst for sim (but still 157Mbps on average)
-  -- WPFB
-  CONSTANT c_wpfb_wb_factor         : NATURAL := 1;                    -- = default 1, wideband factor
-  CONSTANT c_wpfb_nof_wb_streams    : NATURAL := c_nof_input_streams;  -- = 1, the number of parallel wideband streams. The fi
-  CONSTANT c_wpfb_nof_chan          : NATURAL := 1;                    -- = default 0, defines the number of channels (=time-m
-  CONSTANT c_wpfb_nof_points        : NATURAL := 64;                   -- = 1024, N point FFT
-  CONSTANT c_wpfb_nof_taps          : NATURAL := 8;                    -- = 8 nof taps n the filter
-  CONSTANT c_wpfb_coef_w            : NATURAL := 16;                   --FIXME: 9b does not work; needs updated coefficient files.
-  CONSTANT c_wpfb_in_dat_w          : NATURAL := 8;                    --FIXME: should be 6b at some point
-  CONSTANT c_wpfb_out_dat_w         : NATURAL := 16;                   --FIXME: Could be wider but is currently 9b to avoid the need for quantization: 9b -> mult -> 18b -> accu -> 32b at the corr output.
-  CONSTANT c_wpfb_use_separate      : BOOLEAN := FALSE;                -- = false for complex input, true for two real inputs
-  CONSTANT c_wpfb_use_reorder       : BOOLEAN := FALSE;
+  CONSTANT c_inter_channel_delay        : NATURAL := sel_a_b(g_sim, sel_a_b(g_sim_fast, 0, 4400), 24114); --                    ^^^^^--- 24414= 2*integration period.
+                                                                                        -- 4400=~5.5x faster than 157Mbps = 860Mbps burst for sim (but still 157Mbps on average)
+  -- WPFB                               
+  CONSTANT c_wpfb_wb_factor             : NATURAL := 1;                    -- = default 1, wideband factor
+  CONSTANT c_wpfb_nof_wb_streams        : NATURAL := c_nof_input_streams;  -- = 1, the number of parallel wideband streams. The fi
+  CONSTANT c_wpfb_nof_chan              : NATURAL := 1;                    -- = default 0, defines the number of channels (=time-m
+  CONSTANT c_wpfb_nof_points            : NATURAL := 64;                   -- = 1024, N point FFT
+  CONSTANT c_wpfb_nof_taps              : NATURAL := 8;                    -- = 8 nof taps n the filter
+  CONSTANT c_wpfb_coef_w                : NATURAL := 16;                   --FIXME: 9b does not work; needs updated coefficient files.
+  CONSTANT c_wpfb_in_dat_w              : NATURAL := 8;                    --FIXME: should be 6b at some point
+  CONSTANT c_wpfb_out_dat_significant_w : NATURAL := sel_a_b(c_wpfb_in_dat_w = 6, 10, 12);  
+  CONSTANT c_wpfb_out_dat_w             : NATURAL := 16;                   --FIXME: Could be wider but is currently 9b to avoid the need for quantization: 9b -> mult -> 18b -> accu -> 32b at the corr output.
+  CONSTANT c_wpfb_use_separate          : BOOLEAN := FALSE;                -- = false for complex input, true for two real inputs
+  CONSTANT c_wpfb_use_reorder           : BOOLEAN := FALSE;
   CONSTANT c_wpfb : t_wpfb  := (c_wpfb_wb_factor, c_wpfb_nof_points, c_wpfb_nof_chan, c_wpfb_nof_wb_streams,
                                 c_wpfb_nof_taps, c_wpfb_in_dat_w, 16, c_wpfb_coef_w,
@@ -248,68 +249,77 @@ ARCHITECTURE str OF apertif_unb1_correlator IS
   SIGNAL mm_clk                                      : STD_LOGIC;
   SIGNAL mm_locked                                   : STD_LOGIC;
   SIGNAL mm_rst                                      : STD_LOGIC;
+  SIGNAL cal_clk                                     : STD_LOGIC;
+  SIGNAL epcs_clk                                    : STD_LOGIC; 
   SIGNAL dp_rst                                      : STD_LOGIC;
-  SIGNAL dp_clk                                      : STD_LOGIC;  
+  SIGNAL dp_clk                                      : STD_LOGIC;
+  SIGNAL dp_pps                                      : STD_LOGIC;
   SIGNAL sa_rst                                      : STD_LOGIC;
+  SIGNAL eth1g_tse_clk                               : STD_LOGIC;
+  SIGNAL eth1g_mm_rst                                : STD_LOGIC;
+  SIGNAL eth1g_reg_interrupt                         : STD_LOGIC;   -- Interrupt
   -- PIOs                                                
   SIGNAL pout_wdi                                    : STD_LOGIC;
-  -- MM WDI override                                    
+  -- MM Register interfaces
   SIGNAL reg_wdi_mosi                                : t_mem_mosi;
   SIGNAL reg_wdi_miso                                : t_mem_miso;
-  -- MM PPSH
-  SIGNAL reg_ppsh_mosi                               : t_mem_mosi;
-  SIGNAL reg_ppsh_miso                               : t_mem_miso;
-  -- MM UniBoard system info                            
   SIGNAL reg_unb_system_info_mosi                    : t_mem_mosi;
   SIGNAL reg_unb_system_info_miso                    : t_mem_miso;
   SIGNAL rom_unb_system_info_mosi                    : t_mem_mosi;
   SIGNAL rom_unb_system_info_miso                    : t_mem_miso;
-  -- MM UniBoard I2C sens                               
   SIGNAL reg_unb_sens_mosi                           : t_mem_mosi;
   SIGNAL reg_unb_sens_miso                           : t_mem_miso;
-  -- MM eth1g                                           
-  SIGNAL eth1g_tse_clk                               : STD_LOGIC;
-  SIGNAL eth1g_mm_rst                                : STD_LOGIC;
-  SIGNAL eth1g_tse_mosi                              : t_mem_mosi;  -- ETH TSE MAC registers
-  SIGNAL eth1g_tse_miso                              : t_mem_miso;
-  SIGNAL eth1g_reg_mosi                              : t_mem_mosi;  -- ETH control and status registers
-  SIGNAL eth1g_reg_miso                              : t_mem_miso;
-  SIGNAL eth1g_reg_interrupt                         : STD_LOGIC;   -- Interrupt
-  SIGNAL eth1g_ram_mosi                              : t_mem_mosi;  -- ETH rx frame and tx frame memory
+  SIGNAL reg_ppsh_mosi                               : t_mem_mosi;
+  SIGNAL reg_ppsh_miso                               : t_mem_miso;
+  SIGNAL eth1g_ram_mosi                              : t_mem_mosi;
   SIGNAL eth1g_ram_miso                              : t_mem_miso;
-  -- Block generator
-  SIGNAL reg_diag_bg_mosi                            : t_mem_mosi;
-  SIGNAL reg_diag_bg_miso                            : t_mem_miso;
-  -- MM DP offload RX                                          
-  SIGNAL reg_dp_offload_rx_hdr_dat_mosi              : t_mem_mosi;
-  SIGNAL reg_dp_offload_rx_hdr_dat_miso              : t_mem_miso;  
-  -- BSN monitors
-  SIGNAL reg_bsn_monitor_mosi                        : t_mem_mosi;
-  SIGNAL reg_bsn_monitor_miso                        : t_mem_miso;
-  -- MM Filterbank
+  SIGNAL eth1g_reg_mosi                              : t_mem_mosi;
+  SIGNAL eth1g_reg_miso                              : t_mem_miso;
+  SIGNAL eth1g_tse_mosi                              : t_mem_mosi;
+  SIGNAL eth1g_tse_miso                              : t_mem_miso;
+  SIGNAL reg_diag_bg_input_mosi                      : t_mem_mosi;
+  SIGNAL reg_diag_bg_input_miso                      : t_mem_miso;
+  SIGNAL reg_diag_bg_mesh_mosi                       : t_mem_mosi;
+  SIGNAL reg_diag_bg_mesh_miso                       : t_mem_miso;
+  SIGNAL ram_diag_bg_mesh_mosi                       : t_mem_mosi;
+  SIGNAL ram_diag_bg_mesh_miso                       : t_mem_miso;
+  SIGNAL reg_diagnostics_mosi                        : t_mem_mosi;
+  SIGNAL reg_diagnostics_miso                        : t_mem_miso;
+  SIGNAL reg_tr_nonbonded_mosi                       : t_mem_mosi;
+  SIGNAL reg_tr_nonbonded_miso                       : t_mem_miso;
+  SIGNAL reg_diag_data_buf_input_mosi                : t_mem_mosi;
+  SIGNAL reg_diag_data_buf_input_miso                : t_mem_miso;
+  SIGNAL ram_diag_data_buf_input_mosi                : t_mem_mosi;
+  SIGNAL ram_diag_data_buf_input_miso                : t_mem_miso;
+  SIGNAL reg_diag_data_buf_mesh_mosi                 : t_mem_mosi;
+  SIGNAL reg_diag_data_buf_mesh_miso                 : t_mem_miso;
+  SIGNAL ram_diag_data_buf_mesh_mosi                 : t_mem_mosi;
+  SIGNAL ram_diag_data_buf_mesh_miso                 : t_mem_miso;
   SIGNAL ram_fil_coefs_mosi                          : t_mem_mosi;
   SIGNAL ram_fil_coefs_miso                          : t_mem_miso;
-  -- MM  Databuffer                                                   
-  SIGNAL ram_diag_data_buf_mosi                      : t_mem_mosi;
-  SIGNAL ram_diag_data_buf_miso                      : t_mem_miso;
-  SIGNAL reg_diag_data_buf_mosi                      : t_mem_mosi;
-  SIGNAL reg_diag_data_buf_miso                      : t_mem_miso; 
-  -- MM 1GbE visibility offload TX                                          
+  SIGNAL reg_mdio_0_mosi                             : t_mem_mosi;
+  SIGNAL reg_mdio_0_miso                             : t_mem_miso;
+  SIGNAL reg_mdio_1_mosi                             : t_mem_mosi;
+  SIGNAL reg_mdio_1_miso                             : t_mem_miso;
+  SIGNAL reg_mdio_2_mosi                             : t_mem_mosi;
+  SIGNAL reg_mdio_2_miso                             : t_mem_miso;
+  SIGNAL reg_dp_offload_rx_hdr_dat_mosi              : t_mem_mosi;
+  SIGNAL reg_dp_offload_rx_hdr_dat_miso              : t_mem_miso;
   SIGNAL reg_dp_offload_tx_hdr_dat_mosi              : t_mem_mosi;
-  SIGNAL reg_dp_offload_tx_hdr_dat_miso              : t_mem_miso;  
+  SIGNAL reg_dp_offload_tx_hdr_dat_miso              : t_mem_miso;
+  SIGNAL reg_tr_10gbe_mosi                           : t_mem_mosi;
+  SIGNAL reg_tr_10gbe_miso                           : t_mem_miso;
+  SIGNAL reg_tr_xaui_mosi                            : t_mem_mosi;
+  SIGNAL reg_tr_xaui_miso                            : t_mem_miso;
+  SIGNAL reg_bsn_monitor_mosi                        : t_mem_mosi;
+  SIGNAL reg_bsn_monitor_miso                        : t_mem_miso;
+  SIGNAL reg_mdio_mosi_arr                           : t_mem_mosi_arr(c_unb1_board_nof_mdio-1 DOWNTO 0);
+  SIGNAL reg_mdio_miso_arr                           : t_mem_miso_arr(c_unb1_board_nof_mdio-1 DOWNTO 0);
   -- Interface: 10GbE                                    
   SIGNAL xaui_tx_arr                                 : t_xaui_arr(c_nof_10GbE_streams-1 DOWNTO 0);
@@ -319,12 +329,6 @@ ARCHITECTURE str OF apertif_unb1_correlator IS
   SIGNAL mdio_mdc_arr                                : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_nof_10GbE_streams-1 DOWNTO 0);  
   SIGNAL mdio_mdat_in_arr                            : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_nof_10GbE_streams-1 DOWNTO 0);
   SIGNAL mdio_mdat_oen_arr                           : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_nof_10GbE_streams-1 DOWNTO 0);
-  SIGNAL reg_tr_10GbE_mosi                           : t_mem_mosi;
-  SIGNAL reg_tr_10GbE_miso                           : t_mem_miso;
-  SIGNAL reg_tr_xaui_mosi                            : t_mem_mosi;
-  SIGNAL reg_tr_xaui_miso                            : t_mem_miso;
-  SIGNAL reg_mdio_mosi_arr                           : t_mem_mosi_arr(c_unb1_board_nof_mdio-1 DOWNTO 0);
-  SIGNAL reg_mdio_miso_arr                           : t_mem_miso_arr(c_unb1_board_nof_mdio-1 DOWNTO 0);
   -- DP offload RX                           
   SIGNAL dp_offload_rx_snk_in_arr                    : t_dp_sosi_arr(c_nof_10GbE_streams-1 DOWNTO 0);
@@ -406,8 +410,8 @@ BEGIN
       dp_rst           => dp_rst,
       dp_clk           => dp_clk,
-      reg_bg_ctrl_mosi => reg_diag_bg_mosi,
-      reg_bg_ctrl_miso => reg_diag_bg_miso,
+      reg_bg_ctrl_mosi => reg_diag_bg_input_mosi,
+      reg_bg_ctrl_miso => reg_diag_bg_input_miso,
       out_sosi_arr     => interleaved_arr
@@ -690,10 +694,10 @@ BEGIN
     dp_rst            => dp_rst,
     dp_clk            => dp_clk,
-    ram_data_buf_mosi => ram_diag_data_buf_mosi,
-    ram_data_buf_miso => ram_diag_data_buf_miso,
-    reg_data_buf_mosi => reg_diag_data_buf_mosi, --FIXME address space is wrong (1 bit)
-    reg_data_buf_miso => reg_diag_data_buf_miso,
+    ram_data_buf_mosi => ram_diag_data_buf_input_mosi,
+    ram_data_buf_miso => ram_diag_data_buf_input_miso,
+    reg_data_buf_mosi => reg_diag_data_buf_input_mosi, --FIXME address space is wrong (1 bit)
+    reg_data_buf_miso => reg_diag_data_buf_input_miso,
     in_sync           => diag_data_buf_snk_in_arr(0).sync, 
     in_sosi_arr       => diag_data_buf_snk_in_arr
@@ -1025,7 +1029,7 @@ BEGIN
       g_complex             => TRUE,
       g_representation      => "SIGNED",      
-      g_lsb_w               => c_wpfb_out_dat_w-c_cor_in_dat_w,               
+      g_lsb_w               => c_wpfb_out_dat_significant_w-c_cor_in_dat_w,               
       g_lsb_round           => FALSE,           
       g_lsb_round_clip      => FALSE,      
       g_msb_clip            => FALSE,  
@@ -1187,26 +1191,33 @@ BEGIN
     g_udp_offload_nof_streams => 1,
     g_use_phy                 => c_use_phy,
     g_aux                     => c_unb1_board_aux,
-    g_dp_clk_use_pll          => TRUE 
+    g_dp_clk_use_pll          => TRUE,
+    g_xo_clk_use_pll          => TRUE
-    -- Clock an reset signals
+    -- Clock and reset signals
     cs_sim                   => cs_sim,
     xo_clk                   => xo_clk,
     xo_rst                   => xo_rst,
     xo_rst_n                 => xo_rst_n,
+    mm_clk_out               => mm_clk,
     mm_clk                   => mm_clk,
-    mm_locked                => mm_locked,
     mm_rst                   => mm_rst,
-    epcs_clk                 => '0',
+    mm_locked                => mm_locked,
+    mm_locked_out            => mm_locked,
+    epcs_clk                 => epcs_clk,
+    epcs_clk_out             => epcs_clk,
     dp_rst                   => dp_rst,
     dp_clk                   => dp_clk,
-    dp_pps                   => OPEN,
+    dp_pps                   => dp_pps,
     dp_rst_in                => dp_rst,
     dp_clk_in                => dp_clk,
+    cal_rec_clk              => cal_clk,    
     -- Toggle WDI
     pout_wdi                 => pout_wdi,
@@ -1231,7 +1242,8 @@ BEGIN
     reg_ppsh_miso            => reg_ppsh_miso,
     -- eth1g
-    eth1g_tse_clk            => eth1g_tse_clk,   -- 125 MHz from xo_clk PLL in SOPC system
+    eth1g_tse_clk_out        => eth1g_tse_clk,
+    eth1g_tse_clk            => eth1g_tse_clk,
     eth1g_mm_rst             => eth1g_mm_rst,
     eth1g_tse_mosi           => eth1g_tse_mosi,
     eth1g_tse_miso           => eth1g_tse_miso,
@@ -1240,7 +1252,8 @@ BEGIN
     eth1g_reg_interrupt      => eth1g_reg_interrupt,
     eth1g_ram_mosi           => eth1g_ram_mosi,
     eth1g_ram_miso           => eth1g_ram_miso,
-     -- eth1g UDP streaming ports
+    -- eth1g UDP streaming ports
     udp_tx_sosi_arr          => dp_offload_tx_src_out_arr,
     udp_tx_siso_arr          => dp_offload_tx_src_in_arr,
@@ -1267,88 +1280,80 @@ BEGIN
   -- MM master
-  u_mmm : ENTITY work.mmm_apertif_unb1_correlator
-    g_sim           => g_sim,
-    g_sim_unb_nr    => g_sim_unb_nr,
-    g_sim_node_nr   => g_sim_node_nr,
-    g_wpfb          => c_wpfb,
-    g_hdr_field_arr => c_apertif_udp_offload_hdr_field_arr
-   )
-  PORT MAP(  
-    xo_clk                         => xo_clk,       
-    xo_rst_n                       => xo_rst_n,     
-    xo_rst                         => xo_rst,       
-    mm_rst                         => mm_rst,
-    mm_clk                         => mm_clk,       
-    mm_locked                      => mm_locked,    
-    -- PIOs
-    pout_wdi                       => pout_wdi,
-    -- Manual WDI override
-    reg_wdi_mosi                   => reg_wdi_mosi,
-    reg_wdi_miso                   => reg_wdi_miso,
-    -- system_info
-    reg_unb_system_info_mosi       => reg_unb_system_info_mosi,
-    reg_unb_system_info_miso       => reg_unb_system_info_miso,
-    rom_unb_system_info_mosi       => rom_unb_system_info_mosi,
-    rom_unb_system_info_miso       => rom_unb_system_info_miso, 
-    -- UniBoard I2C sensors
-    reg_unb_sens_mosi              => reg_unb_sens_mosi,
-    reg_unb_sens_miso              => reg_unb_sens_miso, 
-    -- PPSH
-    reg_ppsh_mosi                  => reg_ppsh_mosi,
-    reg_ppsh_miso                  => reg_ppsh_miso, 
-    -- Block generator
-    reg_diag_bg_mosi               => reg_diag_bg_mosi,
-    reg_diag_bg_miso               => reg_diag_bg_miso,
+  u_mmm_apertif_unb1_correlator : ENTITY work.mmm_apertif_unb1_correlator
+    g_sim         => g_sim,
+    g_sim_unb_nr  => g_sim_unb_nr,
+    g_sim_node_nr => g_sim_node_nr
+  )
+    mm_clk                         =>  mm_clk,
+    mm_rst                         =>  mm_rst,
+    pout_wdi                       =>  pout_wdi,
+    reg_wdi_mosi                   =>  reg_wdi_mosi,
+    reg_wdi_miso                   =>  reg_wdi_miso,
+    reg_unb_system_info_mosi       =>  reg_unb_system_info_mosi,
+    reg_unb_system_info_miso       =>  reg_unb_system_info_miso,
+    rom_unb_system_info_mosi       =>  rom_unb_system_info_mosi,
+    rom_unb_system_info_miso       =>  rom_unb_system_info_miso,
+    reg_unb_sens_mosi              =>  reg_unb_sens_mosi,
+    reg_unb_sens_miso              =>  reg_unb_sens_miso,
+    reg_ppsh_mosi                  =>  reg_ppsh_mosi,
+    reg_ppsh_miso                  =>  reg_ppsh_miso,
+    eth1g_mm_rst                   =>  eth1g_mm_rst,
+    eth1g_reg_interrupt            =>  eth1g_reg_interrupt,
+    eth1g_ram_mosi                 =>  eth1g_ram_mosi,
+    eth1g_ram_miso                 =>  eth1g_ram_miso,
+    eth1g_reg_mosi                 =>  eth1g_reg_mosi,
+    eth1g_reg_miso                 =>  eth1g_reg_miso,
+    eth1g_tse_mosi                 =>  eth1g_tse_mosi,
+    eth1g_tse_miso                 =>  eth1g_tse_miso,
+    reg_diag_bg_input_mosi         =>  reg_diag_bg_input_mosi,
+    reg_diag_bg_input_miso         =>  reg_diag_bg_input_miso,
+    reg_diag_bg_mesh_mosi          =>  reg_diag_bg_mesh_mosi,
+    reg_diag_bg_mesh_miso          =>  reg_diag_bg_mesh_miso,
+    ram_diag_bg_mesh_mosi          =>  ram_diag_bg_mesh_mosi,
+    ram_diag_bg_mesh_miso          =>  ram_diag_bg_mesh_miso,
+    reg_diagnostics_mosi           =>  reg_diagnostics_mosi,
+    reg_diagnostics_miso           =>  reg_diagnostics_miso,
+    reg_tr_nonbonded_mosi          =>  reg_tr_nonbonded_mosi,
+    reg_tr_nonbonded_miso          =>  reg_tr_nonbonded_miso,
+    reg_diag_data_buf_input_mosi   =>  reg_diag_data_buf_input_mosi,
+    reg_diag_data_buf_input_miso   =>  reg_diag_data_buf_input_miso,
+    ram_diag_data_buf_input_mosi   =>  ram_diag_data_buf_input_mosi,
+    ram_diag_data_buf_input_miso   =>  ram_diag_data_buf_input_miso,
+    reg_diag_data_buf_mesh_mosi    =>  reg_diag_data_buf_mesh_mosi,
+    reg_diag_data_buf_mesh_miso    =>  reg_diag_data_buf_mesh_miso,
+    ram_diag_data_buf_mesh_mosi    =>  ram_diag_data_buf_mesh_mosi,
+    ram_diag_data_buf_mesh_miso    =>  ram_diag_data_buf_mesh_miso,
+    ram_fil_coefs_mosi             =>  ram_fil_coefs_mosi,
+    ram_fil_coefs_miso             =>  ram_fil_coefs_miso,
+    reg_mdio_0_mosi                =>  reg_mdio_0_mosi,
+    reg_mdio_0_miso                =>  reg_mdio_0_miso,
+    reg_mdio_1_mosi                =>  reg_mdio_1_mosi,
+    reg_mdio_1_miso                =>  reg_mdio_1_miso,
+    reg_mdio_2_mosi                =>  reg_mdio_2_mosi,
+    reg_mdio_2_miso                =>  reg_mdio_2_miso,
+    reg_dp_offload_rx_hdr_dat_mosi =>  reg_dp_offload_rx_hdr_dat_mosi,
+    reg_dp_offload_rx_hdr_dat_miso =>  reg_dp_offload_rx_hdr_dat_miso,
+    reg_dp_offload_tx_hdr_dat_mosi =>  reg_dp_offload_tx_hdr_dat_mosi,
+    reg_dp_offload_tx_hdr_dat_miso =>  reg_dp_offload_tx_hdr_dat_miso,
+    reg_tr_10gbe_mosi              =>  reg_tr_10gbe_mosi,
+    reg_tr_10gbe_miso              =>  reg_tr_10gbe_miso,
+    reg_tr_xaui_mosi               =>  reg_tr_xaui_mosi,
+    reg_tr_xaui_miso               =>  reg_tr_xaui_miso,
+    reg_bsn_monitor_mosi           =>  reg_bsn_monitor_mosi,
+    reg_bsn_monitor_miso           =>  reg_bsn_monitor_miso
+  );
-    -- 10 GbE
-    reg_tr_10GbE_mosi              => reg_tr_10GbE_mosi,
-    reg_tr_10GbE_miso              => reg_tr_10GbE_miso,
-    reg_tr_xaui_mosi               => reg_tr_xaui_mosi,
-    reg_tr_xaui_miso               => reg_tr_xaui_miso,
-    reg_mdio_mosi_arr              => reg_mdio_mosi_arr,
-    reg_mdio_miso_arr              => reg_mdio_miso_arr,
-    -- DP offload RX    
-    reg_dp_offload_rx_hdr_dat_mosi => reg_dp_offload_rx_hdr_dat_mosi,
-    reg_dp_offload_rx_hdr_dat_miso => reg_dp_offload_rx_hdr_dat_miso,
-    reg_bsn_monitor_mosi           => reg_bsn_monitor_mosi,
-    reg_bsn_monitor_miso           => reg_bsn_monitor_miso,
-    -- . Data buffers
-    reg_diag_data_buf_mosi         => reg_diag_data_buf_mosi,
-    reg_diag_data_buf_miso         => reg_diag_data_buf_miso,
-    ram_diag_data_buf_mosi         => ram_diag_data_buf_mosi,
-    ram_diag_data_buf_miso         => ram_diag_data_buf_miso,    
-    -- 1GbE visibility offload TX    
-    reg_dp_offload_tx_hdr_dat_mosi => reg_dp_offload_tx_hdr_dat_mosi,
-    reg_dp_offload_tx_hdr_dat_miso => reg_dp_offload_tx_hdr_dat_miso,
-    -- Filter coefficients
-    ram_fil_coefs_mosi             => ram_fil_coefs_mosi,
-    ram_fil_coefs_miso             => ram_fil_coefs_miso,
-    -- eth1g
-    eth1g_tse_clk                  => eth1g_tse_clk,
-    eth1g_mm_rst                   => eth1g_mm_rst,
-    eth1g_tse_mosi                 => eth1g_tse_mosi,
-    eth1g_tse_miso                 => eth1g_tse_miso,
-    eth1g_reg_mosi                 => eth1g_reg_mosi,
-    eth1g_reg_miso                 => eth1g_reg_miso,
-    eth1g_reg_interrupt            => eth1g_reg_interrupt,
-    eth1g_ram_mosi                 => eth1g_ram_mosi,
-    eth1g_ram_miso                 => eth1g_ram_miso
-  );
+  reg_mdio_mosi_arr(0) <= reg_mdio_0_mosi;
+  reg_mdio_mosi_arr(1) <= reg_mdio_1_mosi;
+  reg_mdio_mosi_arr(2) <= reg_mdio_2_mosi;
+  reg_mdio_0_miso <= reg_mdio_miso_arr(0);
+  reg_mdio_1_miso <= reg_mdio_miso_arr(1);
+  reg_mdio_2_miso <= reg_mdio_miso_arr(2);
 END str;