#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (C) 2012-2015 ASTRON (Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy) # P.O. Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands # # This file is part of the LOFAR software suite. # The LOFAR software suite is free software: you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # The LOFAR software suite is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with the LOFAR software suite. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import os from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from lofar.sas.tmss.client.tmssbuslistener import * from lofar.sas.tmss.client.tmss_http_rest_client import TMSSsession from subprocess import call from lofar.common.cep4_utils import * from lofar.common.subprocess_utils import check_output_returning_strings class TMSSCopyServiceEventMessageHandler(TMSSEventMessageHandler): ''' ''' def __init__(self, tmss_client_credentials_id: str="TMSSClient"): super().__init__() self.tmss_client = TMSSsession.create_from_dbcreds_for_ldap(tmss_client_credentials_id) self._last_df_check_timestamp = datetime.min def start_handling(self): self.tmss_client.open() super().start_handling() def stop_handling(self): super().stop_handling() self.tmss_client.close() def before_receive_message(self): # use 1-sec event loop to poll queued subtasks (rate limited at 60sec) super().before_receive_message() if datetime.utcnow() - self._last_df_check_timestamp > timedelta(seconds=60): self._last_df_check_timestamp = datetime.utcnow() self.check_and_run_queued_copy_subtask_if_enough_disk_space() def onSubTaskStatusChanged(self, id: int, status:str): if status in ('scheduled', 'queued'): subtask = self.tmss_client.get_subtask(id) if subtask['subtask_type'] == 'copy': if status == 'scheduled': self.queue_copy_subtask(subtask) elif status == 'queued': self.run_copy_subtask_if_enough_disk_space(subtask) else: logger.info("skipping subtask id=%s status=%s type=%s", subtask['id'], subtask['state_value'], subtask['subtask_type']) def queue_copy_subtask(self, subtask): if subtask['subtask_type'] != 'copy': return if subtask['state_value'] != 'scheduled': return self.tmss_client.set_subtask_status(subtask['id'], 'queueing') self.tmss_client.set_subtask_status(subtask['id'], 'queued') def check_and_run_queued_copy_subtask_if_enough_disk_space(self): subtasks = self.tmss_client.get_subtasks(subtask_type='copy', state='queued') for subtask in subtasks: self.run_copy_subtask_if_enough_disk_space(subtask) def run_copy_subtask_if_enough_disk_space(self, subtask): if subtask['subtask_type'] != 'copy': return if subtask['state_value'] != 'queued': return try: # determine destination host and root_dir destination = subtask['specifications_doc']['destination'] dst_host = destination[:destination.find(':')] if ':' in destination else '' dst_root_dir = '/'+destination.replace(dst_host + ':', '').split('/')[1] # remove unneeded localhost to prevent unneeded ssh calls dst_host = dst_host.replace('localhost:','').replace('','') df_cmd = ['df', dst_root_dir] if dst_host: df_cmd = wrap_command_in_ssh_call(df_cmd, dst_host) logger.info("checking free disk space for copy-subtask id=%s, executing: %s", subtask['id'], ' '.join(df_cmd)) # run df cmd, and parse output for total free disk space df_result = check_output_returning_strings(df_cmd) df_result_line = df_result.splitlines()[-1] df_result_line_parts = df_result_line.split() df_bytes = int(df_result_line_parts[3]) input_dp_sizes = self.tmss_client.get_url_as_json_object(subtask['url'].rstrip('/')+'/input_dataproducts?fields=size') total_size = sum(x['size'] for x in input_dp_sizes) if df_bytes > total_size: logger.info("enough free disk space available for copy-subtask id=%s destination=%s df=%d needed=%d", subtask['id'], destination, df_bytes, total_size) # # clear previously set "not enough free disk space available" error_reason if set # if subtask.get('error_reason'): # self.tmss_client.do_request_and_get_result_as_string('PATCH', subtask['url'], {'error_reason': None}) # run it self.run_copy_subtask(subtask) else: msg = "not enough free disk space available to start copy-subtask id=%s df=%d needed=%d" % (subtask['id'], df_bytes, total_size) logger.warning(msg) # self.tmss_client.do_request_and_get_result_as_string('PATCH', subtask['url'], {'error_reason': msg}) except Exception as e: logger.exception(str(e)) # try to run it anyway, maybe it fails on not enough disk space. # if it fails while running, then it results in an error status, and the user can take appropriate action. self.run_copy_subtask(subtask) def run_copy_subtask(self, subtask): if subtask['subtask_type'] != 'copy': return if subtask['state_value'] != 'queued': return try: self.tmss_client.set_subtask_status(subtask['id'], 'starting') self.tmss_client.set_subtask_status(subtask['id'], 'started') # cache to reduced rest-calls # maps producer_id to tuple of producing subtask id and cluster name _cache = {} # cache to reduce (ssh) mkdir calls. Only create parent dirs once. _created_dir_cache = set() # ToDo: maybe parallelize this? Are multiple parallel rsync's faster? for input_dataproduct in self.tmss_client.get_subtask_input_dataproducts(subtask['id']): # fetch producing subtask id and cluster name for cache if needed if input_dataproduct['producer'] not in _cache: producer = self.tmss_client.get_url_as_json_object(input_dataproduct['producer']) filesystem = self.tmss_client.get_url_as_json_object(producer['filesystem']) cluster = self.tmss_client.get_url_as_json_object(filesystem['cluster']) _cache[input_dataproduct['producer']] = {'producing_subtask_id': producer['subtask_id'], 'cluster_name': cluster['name'] } if subtask['specifications_doc'].get('managed_output', False): output_dataproduct = self.tmss_client.get_subtask_transformed_output_dataproduct(subtask['id'], input_dataproduct['id']) output_dp_path = output_dataproduct['filepath'] else: output_dp_path = os.path.join(subtask['specifications_doc']['destination'].rstrip('/'), ('L' + str(_cache[input_dataproduct['producer']]['producing_subtask_id'])) if subtask['specifications_doc'].get('group_by_id', True) else '', input_dataproduct['filename']) # split in host & parent_dir_path dst_host = output_dp_path[:output_dp_path.find(':')] if ':' in output_dp_path else '' dst_parent_dir_path = output_dp_path.replace(dst_host + ':','').replace(input_dataproduct['filename'],'') # replace unneeded localhost to prevent under-the-hood ssh wrapping in rsync, and to prevent unneed ssh calls dst_host = dst_host.replace('localhost:','').replace('', '') dst_parent_dir_path = dst_parent_dir_path.replace('localhost:','').replace('','') if dst_parent_dir_path not in _created_dir_cache: # create dst_parent_dir_path directories if needed, prepend them to the cmd mkdir_cmd = ['mkdir', '-p', dst_parent_dir_path] if dst_host: mkdir_cmd = wrap_command_in_ssh_call(mkdir_cmd, dst_host) logger.info("creating parent destination dir if needed for copy-subtask id=%s, executing: %s",subtask['id'], ' '.join(mkdir_cmd)) if call(mkdir_cmd) == 0: _created_dir_cache.add(dst_parent_dir_path) else: msg = "could not create parent destination dir '%s' for copy-subtask id=%s" % (dst_parent_dir_path, subtask['id']) logger.error(msg) self.tmss_client.set_subtask_status(subtask['id'], 'error', error_reason=msg) return # prepare the actual copy command cmd = ['rsync', '-a', input_dataproduct['filepath'].rstrip('/'), dst_parent_dir_path] # wrap in cep4 ssh call if cep4 cluster_name = _cache[input_dataproduct['producer']]['cluster_name'] if cluster_name.lower() == 'cep4': cmd = wrap_command_in_cep4_available_node_with_lowest_load_ssh_call(cmd, via_head=True) logger.info("copying dataproduct id=%s for copy-subtask id=%s, executing: %s", input_dataproduct['id'], subtask['id'], ' '.join(cmd)) if call(cmd) == 0: logger.info("copied dataproduct id=%s for copy-subtask id=%s to '%s'", input_dataproduct['id'], subtask['id'], dst_parent_dir_path) else: msg = "could not copy dataproduct id=%s for copy-subtask id=%s to '%s'" % (input_dataproduct['id'], subtask['id'], dst_parent_dir_path) logger.error(msg) self.tmss_client.set_subtask_status(subtask['id'], 'error', error_reason=msg) return self.tmss_client.set_subtask_status(subtask['id'], 'finishing') self.tmss_client.set_subtask_status(subtask['id'], 'finished') except Exception as e: logger.error(e) self.tmss_client.set_subtask_status(subtask['id'], 'error', error_reason=str(e)) def create_copy_service(exchange: str=DEFAULT_BUSNAME, broker: str=DEFAULT_BROKER, tmss_client_credentials_id: str="TMSSClient"): return TMSSBusListener(handler_type=TMSSCopyServiceEventMessageHandler, handler_kwargs={'tmss_client_credentials_id': tmss_client_credentials_id}, exchange=exchange, broker=broker) def main(): # make sure we run in UTC timezone os.environ['TZ'] = 'UTC' logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s', level=logging.INFO) # Check the invocation arguments parser = OptionParser('%prog [options]', description='run the tmss_copy_service which runs the copy-pipeline for scheduled copy-subtasks') group = OptionGroup(parser, 'Messaging options') group.add_option('-b', '--broker', dest='broker', type='string', default=DEFAULT_BROKER, help='Address of the message broker, default: %default') group.add_option('-e', "--exchange", dest="exchange", type="string", default=DEFAULT_BUSNAME, help="exchange where the TMSS event messages are published. [default: %default]") parser.add_option_group(group) group = OptionGroup(parser, 'Django options') parser.add_option_group(group) group.add_option('-R', '--tmss_client_credentials_id', dest='tmss_client_credentials_id', type='string', default='TMSSClient', help='TMSS django REST API credentials name, default: %default') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # check TMSS is up and running via the client TMSSsession.check_connection_and_exit_on_error(options.tmss_client_credentials_id) from lofar.common.util import waitForInterrupt with create_copy_service(options.exchange, options.broker, options.tmss_client_credentials_id): waitForInterrupt() if __name__ == '__main__': main()